
Nier: Automata Could Be The PS4's Most Curious Exclusive

Nier: Automata could just be the most unique exclusive coming to the market in some time. The recently released demo acts as a selection box of various gameplay styles and nods towards other genres. Developer Platinum Games are no stranger to this sort of thing. Their modern classic Bayonetta revels in old school concepts, set … Continue reading Nier: Automata Could Be The PS4’s Most Curious Exclusive

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SaveFerris2723d ago

Isn't this also heading to PC?

PixelGateUk2723d ago

Aye ps4 and PC, oddly not Xbox one...yet anyway

343_Guilty_Spark2722d ago

Insider told me it's coming to XB1

nitus102722d ago (Edited 2722d ago )

It does make business sense to make the game for the PC as well since the developer (Platinum Games) or distributor (Square Enix) does not have to pay Microsoft unless Microsoft had a hand in creating the game or is the distributor. If the game was developed for the XB1 as well then Microsoft would get a cut of all game sales.

Of course, game sales on the PS4 means that Sony gets a cut but with over 50 million consoles sold that still means the developer and distributor would still get a good bit of revenue even if they only had 5% sales.

As for the game coming to the XB1, it is possible but the XB1 is doing abysmally in Japan which may influence the developer not to develop for the XB1 even though the XB1 is doing reasonably well in the US and the UK.

BTW. Platinum Games is making the game "Scaleboud" which is an XB1 and MS Windows exclusive, however Microsoft is the distributor and I would not be surprised if they paid to have the game developed as well since some people are now calling the game a "Bro shooter/RPG". 😉

Edito2722d ago

Xbox one has scalebound PS4 has Nier the thing is, Nier is 100% Japanese game true to the Japanese gamers taste which coincide with what we want a traditional Japanese game with modern design very well executed.

Rangerman12082722d ago (Edited 2722d ago )

If the game comes to the XBO then I'll be a tad bit disappointed. Is nice that Xbox Nier fans get to play it but I was really expecting the game to be Platnium Games' first PS4 exclusive. I mean, XBO gets Scalebound and Wiiu gets Bayonetta 2, and I'll be pretty damn pissed if Grandblue Fantasy will be the only Platnium Games' PS4 exclusive (especially since it possibly might not come to the west which is BS). Although, Scalebound is owned by Microsoft, and Bayonetta by Nintendo so we just have to wait until Sony decides to partner up with Platnium Games.

Nu2722d ago

I also saw it could one day come to XOne

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2722d ago
2723d ago Replies(1)
Gaming_Cousin2723d ago

PC version doesn't have a release date so we don't know when its coming. PS4 version it is

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2722d ago
BlakHavoc2723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

Played the demo about 5 times lol, the combos you can chain together are insane. Switching between weapon sets are super fun and I cant get over them implementing stick shooter mechanics, I thought it put the game over the top for me. Cant wait for this!

PixelGateUk2723d ago

I was surprised how smoothly the styles flow together

BlakHavoc2723d ago

For sure. Platinum games has something special if the rest of the game is anything like the demo. Imagine how fun it will be once you unlock more weapons and have them at your disposal.

PixelGateUk2723d ago

to their credit, they did similar things with Bayonetta, just not as often. I'm excited for Automata

FallenAngel19842723d ago

It's not exclusive it's also coming to PC

PixelGateUk2723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

the post is about the ps4 demo, there's no pc demo or even release date at the moment, heck knows i wish there was a pc demo lol

Errorist762723d ago

Then why don't you change the click baity and clearly wrong headline and subtext?!

Chug2723d ago

Yeah, only Xbox games are allowed to be called exclusives when they're also on PC :)

FallenAngel19842723d ago

It still doesn't negate the fact that this game isn't going to be a PS4 exclusive

PixelGateUk2723d ago

did you read the title or the whole post? it does mention there's no pc demo or release date.

Errorist762723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

Then *** change your false facts in the headline etc and stop evading it damnit. Goddamn unprofessional wannabe journalists these days.

PixelGateUk2723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )


God damn* don't take the Lord's name in vain you heathen. Also, Quantum Break, Forza, Gears 4 all labelled as exclusive, yet no tears spilt upon them being on PC too. Bioshock, Mass Effect, Halo...all of which called 'exclusives' upon original release, all of which came out on PC too. :)

Errorist762723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

Doesn't make it less wrong. The right term is console exclusive. Or Microsoft exclusive in case of the games you mentioned.

Like I said, people should at least try to be a professional journalist.

Gaming_Cousin2723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

Gonna have to agree with Errorist here (Except for his stupid language). It isn't an exclusive. If you looked up the word "exclusive" then it clearly means the exclusion of other platforms unless you add context like console + timed exclusive.

PixelGateUK clearly doesn't know what the word exclusive means

Errorist762723d ago

Oh you Americans are so funny...get all worked up by some normal swear words. I forgot it's not allowed in your media... I apologise.

rocketpanda2723d ago

You seem to have a chip on your shoulder about the ps4 exclusives. Where were you when Gears was an exclusive, oh wait it is on the PC too. I guess you never heard about console exclusivity that Sony and MS uses to boost sales of their hardware.

Yes PC players will get a chance to play it at some point too, great more gamers can play a platinum game, fantastic. But that doesn't negate the fact that you're a bit of a twat.

FallenAngel19842723d ago

@ Pixel

I don't need to read the post to know the headline is incorrect.

@ rocket

You seem to be an emotional unstable douche who can't handle basic facts. This isn't a console war thing this is just common sense. A "console exclusive" isn't an exclusive for any console hardware distributor.?If you can't handle a simple definition then there's no point in arguing with a simpleton such as yourself

Edito2722d ago

If you can't play it on any other game console then my friend it's a console exclusive you simple can't argue with that.

Gaming_Cousin2722d ago


American? Try Norwegian. Nice way to stereotype... fool

FallenAngel19842722d ago

@ Edito

Console exclusive =\= 100% exclusive

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2722d ago
PhoenixUp2723d ago

@ Pixel

That doesn't mean a PC version of this game does not exist. Until Square Enix comes out and says that version is cancelled, you can't say Nier Automata is a PS4 exclusive.

PixelGateUk2723d ago

Where did i say it didn't exist lol?

PhoenixUp2723d ago

You're saying that because there's not a PC demo or release date yet that the game can still be considered a PS4 exclusive as if a PC version will not exist

PixelGateUk2723d ago

No, no i'm not. I simply said there's no demo, or release date stated for the PC version as of yet, and the post in talking about the ps4 demo. Heck ''An exclusive that could become a real asset to those seeking something different, offering something you can't find on other consoles.'' is the part i took away from the post itself

Unless, of course, you class a pc as a console. I mean the post could have just lied and talked like it was a based on the pc version i guess

bluefox7552723d ago

Well, if we use that logic, we have to concede that a certain other console has no exclusives, and that's just mean.

Kaneki-Ken2723d ago

It is exclusive but Console exclusive. Console exclusive count as an exclusive or you going to be ignorant instead.

BizarroUltraman2723d ago

If Xbox One games dont count, then neither will this game. Don't give them a break guys this is not exclusive!

Elda2723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

As of now it's a PS4 gaming console exclusive.If it lands on another gaming console such as XBO or the Nintendo then it's no longer a gaming console exclusive.

toddybad2723d ago

Console gamers aren't interested in PC. If it is only available on one console then to us it is an exclusive. If only PC gamers cared as little about consoles.

Gaming_Cousin2723d ago

Thanks for speaking for me... I guess I'm not a console gamer since I like PC.

Errorist762723d ago

Console gamers aren't interested in gaming on PC...

Never heard so much BS in my life!

Real gamers game on all platforms! At least on the ones that aren't redundant like X1/PC.

nitus102722d ago

You are quite right the game is also slated for the PC as well and as "PixelGateUk" stated there is no release date for the PC while the PS4 release is slated for the 23rd Feb 2017 (approx 2 months away from now) although it is aways possible that the date could be deferred.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2722d ago
phoenixwing2723d ago

I played the demo recently and have got to say I'm sold on the game.

sullynathan2723d ago

Game was pretty awesome, I'm actually looking forward to it more than NiOh and God of war 4 because it isn't trying to be cinematic like the latter

ClayRules20122723d ago (Edited 2722d ago )

I respect your opinion.

Having said that, there's nothing wrong with cinematic games like God of War. Games that succeed at cinematic game experiences are wonderful "in my opinion"

No, I don't believe that to be a problem. Many people "Not all" but many, have stated how for them, the series had gotten stale & boring. I remember my friends mentioning God of War Acension was it for them, they didn't like it, it felt old & been there done that. I felt the same way.

I understand some people may not be up for the new and fresh direction the series is taking "Sounds like your not happy about it" correct me if I'm wrong?

The new direction is very much needed, and I believe Sony Santa Monica know what they're doing. Rather take risks, and fail "Although I believe they won't fail with this game" then make, essentially, the same old game.

No hate intended bud =)

sullynathan2723d ago

Is it not a problem when a relatively fast hack and slash action game (God of war) is trying to be a slow paced Tlou clone?

UCForce2722d ago

The new God of War is a soft reboot. If you didn't know what soft reboot is, here : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/...

Movefasta19932723d ago

how is nioh trying to be cinematic ?

sullynathan2723d ago

"because it isn't trying to be cinematic like the latter"
God of war 4 not Nioh

UCForce2722d ago

God of War on PS4 is directed by Cory Barlog. If you don't know who he is, he was director of God of War 2 which one of my favorite game. So I trust him.

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Yoko Taro Passes Respect; Says Stellar Blade Is "Much Better" Than Nier: Automata

Stellar Blade's creative director, Hyung Tae Kim, has also claimed that the game is deeply inspired by Nier: Automata.

shadowhaxor55d ago

I feel like Yoko is downgrading Automata because he has expressed multiple times he'd like to revisit the universe, but Squenix hasn't been keen about it. We know he loves 2B and would love to take her out for another spin, so maybe this is how he gets the company to think about it.

gold_drake55d ago

u do realise that Square made Nier a franchise after Automata right?

Taro is downplaying it cause hes not a snob like most of the directors that think their games are gods gifts to the human race.

he said the same thing when being interviewed during the development of Automata too, that he couldnt have done it without the devs.

hes just a humble guy rly.

shadowhaxor55d ago

I mean, Neir existed before Automata with both OG Niers and Drakenguard. I don't count NieR Replicant, since it's a remake of the OG games. Sure, we have Reincarnation, which is still stuck on mobile devices (quite a damned shame). I just remember Taro saying he'd love to revisit Automata if Square Enix lets him. I do recall there was supposed to be a sequel to Automata, but it wasn't confirmed and I'd imagine it was just for Reincarnation.

Enjoy Taro, he seems like a cool guy, who loves the ladies and is humble. But damn, don't put down one of your masterpieces.

Cacabunga55d ago (Edited 55d ago )

I really liked Automata and cannot wait for Stellar Blade

isarai55d ago

I get he's giving them some credit, but i strongly disagree based on the demo. I honestly don't think any aspect of it feels good, it's not bad, it's just kinda ok but definitely a little jank. Also the souls like formula it is adopting does not help it imo. I was looking forward to this for years, now im just kinda let down honestly 🫤

fsfsxii52d ago

Its not a souls like, its a dmc-ish game with rpg elements. Any game with a third person camera and a sword is souls like to these buffoons

H955d ago

Man exputer can you stop putting words like that after someone's name, i read Yoko Taro Passes and just went blank

Snookies1255d ago

Same... Awful way to word that title's beginning.

exputers54d ago

Whoops. Sorry to startle you.

H954d ago

It's alright brother, maybe I am just slow

Hereandthere55d ago

Thats because Sony had a heavy hand in funding and developing this game.

purple10155d ago

They sent in XDEV one of their traveling support studios to Korea to lend a hand if I’m not mistaken, Sony pulled out the big guns to help this studio

jwillj2k455d ago

(From the demo) Stellar has better direction in terms of stage layout if you like that ninja gaiden type feel. Nier is more polished by far.

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Stellar Blade X NieR: Yoko Taro and Hyung-Tae Kim on How Their Blockbusters Inspire One Another

IGN: "We talk to Yoko Taro and Hyung-Tae Kim about the ways that Stellar Blade is inspired by NieR: Automata, comparisons between EVE and 2B, and much more."


NieR: Automata Sequel Has Been Teased By Series Creator

A sequel to Square Enix and Platinum Games' action role-playing game, NieR: Automata, has been teased by series creator Yoko Taro.

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CrimsonWing69106d ago

Is Square’s ethics department gonna insert themselves into this one?

CrimsonWing69105d ago

They weren’t around “last time.”

isarai106d ago

Yoko Taro doesn't play that sh!t

105d ago
Dirty_Lemons106d ago

If it can be done right then amazing, yes please. Yoko Taro seems to change it up each time so I'm curious what a 'sequel' really means.

blackblades106d ago

Either way hope he learns and give her more outfits like Stella got.

vTuro24105d ago

On a sidenote assuming this is indeed Nier 3 then I kinda wonder if Yoko Taro will stick to his guns of creating new characters and stories each time, or if he'll continue with 2B & co due to their skyrocketing in popularity. I guess he'll probably do whatever Squeenix pays him to do lol, but I'm hoping for the former. 2B and her gang got a decent enough conclusion (especially for a Yoko game) and I feel like continuing their story would ruin it.

vTuro24105d ago

Actually, now that I think about it, a new Nier game would technically be Nier 4 since the gacha Reincarnation was declared as the sequel to Automata and is therefore Nier 3.

Dirty_Lemons105d ago

Oh man, that game was a slog. Graphics and music were excellent though, and it's nice directly strongly to Automata.

Red3f1ned105d ago (Edited 105d ago )

Tifa is a good sign. There's at least some hope, lads.
Just maybe they'll leave things alone.

Plus, like people are saying - Taro don't play that sh*t.