
I Miss Buying Microtransactions

Jason Stettner of Gamerheadquarters writes; "Microtransactions are not something everyone likes, but when used properly for cosmetic purposes or side bonuses that don't directly influence gameplay I find them fine. What I don't like is that they've evolved into"

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PhoenixUp2695d ago

I miss cheat codes, which have been replaced by microtransactions

Kingthrash3602695d ago


If you miss paying microtransactions, then you are part of the problem.

Gaming_Cousin2694d ago

Seems like the author started gaming since Call of Duty

2694d ago
PlayableGamez-2694d ago (Edited 2694d ago )

^^^^^^This dude said less of a rip off hahahahaha

Kingthrash3602694d ago

Any MT is a problem.
What I miss is cheat codes, and earning things. Like for example fighting games would give you more characters for beating tge game with certain characters or beating the game in a certain time frame for getting perfects or whatever. you would have to earn the extras instead of paying for them with in-game currency or real currency that's just BS. I remember Tekken where you would beat the game with Nina to get Anna, beat the game with King to get armor king, and it's things like that that made that game Ultra replayable instead of having to buy these things. Back then You had to earn them but now you can just buy your way through and you didn't do anything. ...it takes away from the experience

BongSmack2694d ago

PlayableGamez- Actually, they said "much less of a ripoff" (the word much was in there AND there was no space between the word rip and the word off). Seriously, where is your head, man?

DragonKnight2694d ago

When I saw the title, I was hoping for the word "satire" to appear in at least the description.

But this guy is serious....

Can 2016 end already and hopefully take such nonsense with it?

indysurfn2694d ago (Edited 2694d ago )

This is directed at the article

Part of the problem.....

Back in the olden days we "couldn't " pay for micro transactions. Are you having trouble giving your money away after paying for a game? Don't despair! We have douch bags just like you. See look here for some examples:

I miss paying 1.5 to 4 dollars to get my money out of a bank machine. Back in the olden days, we couldn't give them our money,....to give us our money.

I Miss paying a parking meter to park on tax built public streets, back in the old days we didn't have any meters to take our money. (we had to go find a beggar!)

Thank you lardy for the micro transactions to charge us some more for the game we already paid for.

Yeah they are part of the problem....Not to mention a wanting fool. Along with being super stupid!

Now THIS is your brain on anti drugs, drugs!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2694d ago
fenome2694d ago

Exactly. I also miss just unlocking these kind of things through playing the game.

rynodigital2694d ago

I tried hooking up my Game Genie to my PS4 but I don't think I have the right cables

Goldeneye0072694d ago

Dude, all you need to do is replace the 72-pin connector, get Galoob's adapter, and you'll be good.

elkaki1232694d ago (Edited 2694d ago )

I miss gameshark, discovering things like the secret level on goldeneye was awesome

BongSmack2694d ago

microtransactions let you clip through walls?

rynodigital2694d ago

Apparently you don't even need microtransactions to experience this in mafia 3

game4funz2694d ago

I miss unlockables and cheat codes.

Media-Man2693d ago

Cheat codes, in game secrets, achievements rewards. Those were the golden days of gaming.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2693d ago
guyman2695d ago (Edited 2695d ago )

Are you an idiot?

Ark_2694d ago

If it's his honest opinion - propably.
If his purpose was to generate traffic - he didn't do that bad.

UCForce2695d ago (Edited 2694d ago )

Are you seriously that retarded ? No one freaking like microtransactions. People know microtransactions is very unhealthy to consumers.

Edit : @Nitrowolf2 I agree with you. The Last of Us MP went crazy on that thing. But it reduced it down in Uncharted 4 MP.

NotanotherReboot2695d ago

Some devs take it too far. like Naughty Dog in Last of us and UC4 multiplayer

UCForce2695d ago (Edited 2694d ago )

Oh really ? Gears of War 4 dev are also do the same thing. Not just them. Microsoft and Sony do the same thing. See I know you have huge problems with Sony. And I know you going to hurt someone sooner than later. Uncharted 4 microtransactions are not something that I like, but they aren't that huge like the original TLOU was. More importantly, you will blame someone way too much and then let the sneaky one get away. So yeah, you are lack of it.

Edit : @Frinker Even I don't like microtransactions in UC 4. But they are far less worse than the original TLOU MP was.

UCForce2695d ago (Edited 2694d ago )

Gears of War 4 dev handle microtransactions are way too far. You should blame them, but you didn't. I can see why you are switching side, so you don't want to blame MS, do you ? You tries to make solutions, but you always blame someone else.

Edit : @Frinker The Last of Us Part II will do similar thing like UC 4 multiplayer. So it's not gonna be like the original TLOU MP was. You can get weapon by earning relic and these relic earn faster by completing daily challenges. More importantly, Naughty Dog confirmed that you won't get duplicate stuff in Uncharted 4 MP.

Edit #2: @Frinker The original TLOU multiplayer was pay to win which buying weapon. Uncharted 4 MP have same like this, but it wasn't that close like that. You can get these weapons by earning relic. Earning relic faster by completing daily challenges and survival mode. And you can get these weapon faster by doing those. So I think TLOU Part II multiplayer will do similar things like UC 4 multiplayer did.

Edit #3: There is no rare,legendary or neither epic variation in Uncharted 4. So those stuff that you get are bunch of normal cosmetic and basic weapon. Other multiplayer games use the loot system,but often time you get duplicates thing because the variant. Like I said, I don't like microtransactions, but I just hope developers don't go too far with it.

NotanotherReboot2695d ago

I didnt play gears 4 mp much but Last of us turned pay to win with shotguns and other op weapons. Im really not looking forward to last of us 2's multiplayer if they do this again.

Nitrowolf22695d ago (Edited 2695d ago )

I havent spent a single dime in uncharted though other than the season pass, you can literally get all the items just by playing. They reward you points to buy crates. It really doesnt take that long to unlock all the cosmetics

Lastbof us sure, they went really crazy on that but they learned with uc4. Im sure part 2 will be the same like uc4 in terms of how microtransaction are handled ehich i am fine

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2695d ago
NotanotherReboot2695d ago

Where did ND say this about Last of Us 2?

2694d ago Replies(1)
game4funz2694d ago

No one is saying gears micros didn't go to far.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2694d ago
Kashima2695d ago

i don't buy microtransactions even for free 2 play games.

SilverDemon2694d ago

I wish if games like warfarame have some kind of subscription that allows me to get the stuff that can only be bought with Microtransaction from playing the game
(60$ per year??)

InMyOpinion2694d ago

I don't usually but I might for Let it die because it's so freaking awesome.

MatrixxGT2694d ago

Bingo. Voting with the wallet. I can say the same. Never ever have I spent a single cent on any micro transaction. If I can't unlock it by playing then the developer didn't mean for me to get it.

Lennoxb632695d ago

I don't buy MTs. But I understand what they're for. They're made for the gamers who don't have hours and hours on end to grind for certain items. So paying for it is a shortcut. Not to mention that game development is crazy expensive nowadays. So it's either this, or $100 games.

If you have time on the weekends, some devs throw double XP/token days.

Errorist762694d ago (Edited 2694d ago )

It's pure monetarisation...but you do have a point...games ARE cheaper than ever and more expensive to produce.

I really miss cheat codes in games instead.

Servbot412694d ago (Edited 2694d ago )

They also reach an audience multiple times bigger than earlier generations, so the whole "well games cost more to make now" argument falls flat on its face.

toddybad2694d ago (Edited 2694d ago )

The idea of players having to grind for hours and hours only became a 'thing' so that devs could use that excuse for microtransactions.

You used to get fair reward for fair effort without having to pay.

Unfortunately people like you have fallen for this BS.

Lennoxb632694d ago

I haven't fallen for anything. Like I said, I don't buy them. Grinding was always a thing in video games that required some type of leveling up. Some games still give fair reward for fair effort. But since you have tunnel vision on this whole MT thing, you're calling every game with them bad. Some of the best games this generation have them you know.

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Master Chief Became More Than A Machine In 343's Halo

In Halo 4, 5, and Infinite, Master Chief became a more nuanced, human character.

In spite of the Halo series’ struggles, 343 deserves praise for adding nuance and characterisation to the ever-beating heart of Halo - The Master Chief. Playing through Infinite, it's abundantly clear that the events of the current and previous trilogies have irrevocably changed the iconic hero. He’s no longer the ‘blank slate’ that was previously presented by Bungie. He’s a fatigued, damaged and fallible protagonist, and one who is meandering through currents of grief, while reveling in his newfound agency. Giving the Chief a compelling and meaningful voice was no small feat, and 343 should be proud of that victory.

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kingnick425d ago

This article completely misses part of the appeal of the original iteration of character in the original game trilogy. It was the Chief and Cortana vs an entire alien collective. The blank slate Bungie displayed in their games was genius, he was an mysterious hero a wide audience could identify with because he wasn't as clearly defined as most characters.

The books added a lot of lore and backstory but most Halo players just want a fun game with exposition that doesn't get in the way of gameplay, it's why the Cortana level in Halo 3 was derided.

Not every character has to be a damaged soyboy, a soldier has to suck it up and do his duty.

BandarHub424d ago

A lot of people give the 343 version of Master Chief a lot of slack.
But Fundamentally he is still the same character, he just has a couple more dialogues. He has not changed in terms of attitude.
"Not every character has to be a damaged soyboy, a soldier has to suck it up and do his duty."
And that's what he has done at the end of the day, he did his duty. Watch his partner die, and was ready to destroy the weapon in Halo infinite....he is still the same soilder that everyone remembers

Halo Infintes one was a nice balance between both.

slate91424d ago

Chief and the halo franchise became a joke under 343

Sciurus_vulgaris424d ago

The 343i Master Chief has is based on the books. However, in Halo 4-Infinite, the Master Chief overtime become. gradually becomes more willing to show some emotion.

Obscure_Observer424d ago

"However, in Halo 4-Infinite, the Master Chief overtime become. gradually becomes more willing to show some emotion."

Which is awesome! I love how Master Chief become more John and less soldier.

Sciurus_vulgaris424d ago

I didn’t even notice my typos,lol


5 Video Games That Should Have Been Shorter, and 5 That Should Have Been Longer

GB: "Nailing an experience's length is easier said and done, and one way or another, these games left a little to be desired on that front."

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Petebloodyonion467d ago

I always have a problem with games that should have been longer when lasting 8-10 hours.
Here's a question I ask all the time when ppl say that.
How many times have you replayed the story of a great game like Tlou2, GOW, Final Fantasy remake, GTA, Zelda, or any other 20 hours plus game? and usually, the answer varies between 0 and rarely 1.

So what's the point of having great 30 hours plus games if you will never replay them because of level, section, grinding dragging too long?

Lifexline466d ago (Edited 466d ago )

I agree I’m not sure how people find the time to play all these games. 20 plus hour games are great but for me 8 to 10 is the sweet spot. Those games take to long to finish specially when you have a backlog of games waiting to be played. Plus 20 plus hour games always have downtime and unnecessary side quests that can be boring too much fodder imo.

Being on your phone is one thing you can access websites like this everywhere on your phone or mobile gaming. But games you have to find the time to play them. Which is why I don’t understand why so many people want like ten games it seems In a month.

LucasRuinedChildhood466d ago (Edited 466d ago )

I think you're missing the point a bit.

A game can be 8-10 hours long and use that time really well, but it can also only start to get good far into the playthrough and leave the player feeling short-changed.

Hotline Miami is only 4-5 hours long but it's extremely well paced and time well spent. But if only got really good towards the end, I'd want it to be longer.

Stanjara466d ago

You just look at trophies and se that around 20% or less actually finish their games.

CrimsonWing69466d ago

I've replayed all those games except GTA and Breath of Wild because I can never finish them.

The Last of Us 2 i've replayed 4 times. God of War (2018) 2 times, Final Fantasy Remake 3 time (technically Intergrade twice since went on Steam and I wanted 100% achievements), and if we do want to bring in Zelda I've played Ocarina of Time probably 4 to 6 times a few times on N64, another time on 3DS, and twice on virtual console Wii and Wii U.

I am sure I'm not alone in replaying long games and honestly it's like I'm finished within a week or two and that with balancing responsibilities and a social life. Shorter games take even less time.

BrainSyphoned466d ago

Without mentioning Skyrim.. I've got two platinum trophies for Persona 5 and am playing it on game pass right now. Beat FF7R on normal twice and hard once and will play it again before the next one. Non story games- MHW I've made characters on PC/Xbox/PS with at least 600 hours on each platform. I don't care to play a mediocre games that are 8 hours long. The reason my backlog is so long isn't because that many good games are released each year it is because I replay the best ones over and over. Same deal with audio books. I've gone through book series multiple times every time a new one is coming out.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 466d ago
Soy466d ago

Disagree with Days Gone - yeah it took a while to really get going, but I appreciated it when I was done. Jumping right in at 4-5 hrs or whatever would've made the rest feel less impactful. RDR2 and Mankind Divided felt just right too, I wouldn't change them at all.

What needed less time was AC Valhalla. I was more than ready to be done with that by the time it was 2/3 over. Just too much useless stuff, and I hated the Asgard sections.


GameStop Kicks Off Four Pre-Owned Games For $20 Sale

Daily Video Game writes: "GameStop is running a new pre-owned game sale on over 1000 pre-owned games that offers four pre-owned ($9.99 or less) games for $20 across multiple gaming platforms right now, including PS3 and Xbox 360!"

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roadkillers665d ago

I mean, the deal is alright… Unfortunately for me the Serious S doesn’t have a disk drive and unfortunately for Gamestop a lot of those games are on or have been on Gamepass/PSNow.

Sgt_Slaughter665d ago

Given the nature of backwards compatibility on new systems, this is a great sale in case you missed out on some gems from last gen.

Mandingo2020665d ago

Most of the games on Xbox are on game pass. The Switch games in this sale are trash c'mon farming simulator that's laughable. The PS4 games should be cheaper. I can't wait for the GameStop going out of business liquidation sale.

neutralgamer1992665d ago

Seriously man I don't get the hate on GS and I guess you want even less options and give more control to the publishers

And you want thousands of people to lose their jobs because you don't like a company. One thing I have noticed is how most who hate on GS haven't shopped at the actual stores in years. Many who hate on GS have also done so listening to others negative stories or experiences. People on YT want clicks and hating on GS is the cool thing

SurgicalMenace665d ago

It's not people's hate that would lose people's jobs, it's the shady business practices of the company. So what you're saying is that because people work there individuals should just support what they don't want to? Sound advice; Hitler too had supporters, employees, and advocates but people go around hating him too. They only hate because of other people's bad stories or experiences; they only spoke bad about him because they wanted attention. It's been decades; lets give his way another go. With your logic anything could be made to sound good.🤷🏾‍♂️

neutralgamer1992665d ago


Seriously you used Hitler as an example to say company has shady practices

You don't have to shop at GS there are many other retailers. I shop there and vast majority of my experiences have been positive and most of the employees are super nice

SurgicalMenace664d ago

Just having some fun, bro.🤣🤣

Mandingo2020664d ago

There are other places to work besides GS. Plus, their benefits are trash so why not work somewhere else?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 664d ago
REDGUM665d ago

And none of those game you speak of you actually own as they are digital not physical & would cost more than $20 as the subscription costs more than that.

Mandingo2020664d ago (Edited 664d ago )

You know you can get game pass ultimate codes for the low on cdkeys or g2a right? You don't need to have a subscription 😂. GS is trash and I'd rather support the mom and pop game store here instead.

BlackTar187665d ago

Why are you people so full of hate? GameStop gives people jobs and provides a physical appearance to see things in the flesh and not just some soulless online experience.

Mandingo2020664d ago

You can get physical at mom and pop game stores plus you can get it online. GS is trash

neutralgamer1992664d ago

Because Mom and Pop shops cost two to three times more for the same product Angie the answer

BlackTar187664d ago (Edited 664d ago )

Mom and pop stores cost more and have even harder time competing against the internet. Also lie to me and tell you have a couple mom and pop stores near you selling games then lie and tell me you shop there.

IanTH665d ago

These sales, while potentially great, really struggle to be valuable given you can't easily parse what games are in stock. You can't just say "only show what is online & what are in my nearby stores". Probably 60-75% of these games in these massive lists are out of stock for shipping, and out of stock locally. It makes it a chore to find anything you'd want, much less 4 of them, much less enough if you wanted to get to a free shipping tier. It's a bummer.

665d ago Replies(1)