
How Super Mario Run screws up mobile monetization

VentureBeat: "I’m not sure that Nintendo’s much heralded free-to-start (F2S) monetization model was worth the wait. It was a year-and-a-half ago that it was first touted, with Nintendo CEO, Satoru Iwata’s famous statement that indicated Nintendo would not be hunting for whales."

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Gamble202719d ago

The most frustrating part of it for me is not being able to share the in-app purchase on family sharing. If I'm paying $10, for a game requiring always-online, I should at least be able to share that with my wife and kids.

MrMoe2719d ago

Buying stuff before informing yourself? It's your own fault! Are you a zombie that must buy games, stuff ect or do you have a brain? No offense

ninsigma2719d ago

He never said he wasn't informed when he bought it.

Elimin82719d ago (Edited 2719d ago )

Don't blame you one bit but you really can dl it on other devices. It says $9.99 but it asks you if you wanna dl it for free again. Unless they changed it. Just make sure it's downloaded from the same account that made the purchase.

Deadpooled2719d ago

I think the biggest problem is not that the game is 'pay once for the full experience' (which is imo how all games should be) but how much the game costs and it requiring always online connection. £7.99 is a heck of a lot for a runner that more or less plays itself, and being always online is not user friendly for those who live in bad connection areas or travel on the tube etc. I think the sweet spot for the game is £2.99 max (about $4), the game is well made with a lot of replayability relating to the number of worlds, the pink/purple/black challenges, various characters to unlock, killing more enemies gives more coins, the kingdom builder, toad rally which is a great mode, and beating your friends on coins per level/number of toads and toad colour etc.

Hotabang2719d ago

didnt know ppl like microtransactions now :/
i like paying once and getting the entire game. and honestly it feels like a proper game not just another "mobile game"

DiscoMan2719d ago

The mobile market seems to enjoy microtransactions from what I see.

slavish02719d ago (Edited 2719d ago )

Why not allow both? Buy it or do micro but Nintendos usually behind the times

_LarZen_2719d ago

Just shows how fucked up the mobile game industry is when people want micro transactions over a one time purchase. And complains about the asking price that is pocket change.

luckytrouble2719d ago

1. The game is barely an hour long if you really push it. Kingdom building yields no actual reward which makes Toad Rally a relatively worthless mode, which effectively killed replay value in the main game. The entire experience is an interconnected failure.

2. $10 is a lot for a mobile game for a lot of people. The most I've spent on plenty of games that offered WAAAAAAYYY more content is a dollar or two to remove ads. That has built the idea that a game should be either only a couple of dollars for a full experience, or with microtransactions simply offering faster progression rather than locking progression behind a paywall. The mobile market is a different place, and you can disagree with the basic ideas of the mobile pricing model as much as you want as long as you recognize why it is so desirable and successful.

3. What is with this misconception that the only way to design a mobile game is to make it unwinnable without microtransactions? You can fully enjoy hundreds of free to play mobile titles that include microtransactions without spending a dime if you don't mind slower progression. Just about the only mobile games that are truly pay to win are competitive titles that use microtransactions to offer boosts in PVP experiences. I have yet to spend a penny in games like Temple Run or Temple Run 2, and the presence of available microtransactions have just made my accomplishments I've achieved for free all the more worthwhile.

Hotabang2718d ago

U almost had it... But then u compared a proper game to temple run XD

luckytrouble2718d ago

Eh, I expected disagrees when I walked in and saw this was effectively an anti-mobile circlejerk. It's abundantly clear most of the people who commented have absolutely no idea how or why the mobile gaming market functions as it does when considering the volume of games and distribution of content. And comparing Super Mario Run and Temple Run is very appropriate. If you want a comparison that makes Super Mario Run look even worse, just look at the Rayman titles. Very similar games with more content for a smaller pricetag.

I enjoy being intelligent and not just jumping to Nintendo's defense out of pure ignorance.

TuxedoMoon2719d ago

What's this? A major company releasing a full game on a mobile device with no microtransactions in sight?
What were they thinking? This game should have been free to play and littered with microtransactions, because you know, I'd rather spend $400 on a stupid little game than $10 up front. <- Sarcasm

And it's because of people like this why we have microtransactions in games. They support it, so companies sees it as a good thing even though in most cases it's shady.

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Nerdmaster1165d ago

I really liked Mario Run's model. Pay once, unlock everything.
Unfortunately, people prefer to be whales, so Nintendo saw real money lies in microtransactions and gacha mechanics. So now I feel less and less excited for each new mobile game they announce.

1164d ago
BattleCat1164d ago

Paid positive propaganda article by Nintendo. That's the spirit :)


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1723d ago
AK911723d ago

No it's ruining Ninty as a brand just stick to Switch games.