
Forza Horizon 3 Car Costs Over £80 In Real Money

Forza Horizon 3 costs between £40 and £60 – it isn’t a free to play game that needs microtransactions to be viable. It’s a triple-A title with a loyal following.

Despite that, Forza Horizon 3 has launched optional microtransactions for cars and upgrades, giving those who pay the option to bypass earning anything and, y’know, bypassing the whole game, basically. And the cars are EXPENSIVE!

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nX2724d ago (Edited 2722d ago )

That's not enough, just like it's stupid to not vote for your next president. We have to complain about this stuff, it's simply not okay... microtransactions in 40$+ games should, IF ANYTHING, be donated to children or people in need. Everything else is just unnecessarily greedy, especially from a company like Microsoft that literally shits money.

You guys have no idea how things in the real world work...

Gazondaily2723d ago

It's optional but it's still not on. It puts a bit of a damper on a stellar racing series.

XXanderXX2723d ago

Not okay for who cause am okay with it and know its there if I ever want to use it , don't try to short change those that like this concept cause you don't like it or don't agree .

XMarkstheSpot2723d ago

@nx I don't see how not buying is not enough. If no one buys these things, then developers would probably stop putting them in because no one buys them, which imo is better then whining on a random website as if thatll stop anything. Like XanderZane said below. vote with your wallet.

2724d ago Replies(10)
FreeSpeech692723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

I agree, don't buy the game.
@Mrveryodd why would they stop selling the extras if they make even a few bucks on it? Only way these devs/publishers will get the message if you don't buy the game at all. Sorry either boycott or don't complain. Personally saving me a bunch of money by boycotting all microtransaction infested trash.

rocketpanda2723d ago

No....not simple. My simple for a simple minded person like you. Maybe you also fall under that excuse that games cost so much money, so adding microtransactions into full priced AAA games is ok.

The only time microtransactions might be acceptable is if they are skins that offer no advantages in-game, only visually. Yes, don't buy it and don't support or encourage terrible practices like this. This isn't even dlc, it is microtransactions in-game.

BizarroUltraman2723d ago

So I dont get it, are you mad at Microsoft or the gamers who use it?
The way I look at it, micro transactions are there because the casuals keep buying them. True gamers grind it out, the only time I might buy dlc is if I like the game and it adds hours more to my gameplay. But to cry about things you dont even need to buy is just crybaby shit.....
Like some others have been saying, dont buy the game. If you guys dont like mt, play games that dont have it. Good luck with that.

Artemidorus2723d ago

That's right keep uping the charge more and more, force it so only the rich can buy it all.

Millennial theory strikes again.

Errorist762723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

I wonder if you're really older than 35, you who is frequently whining about millenials. And if you are...what is you problem? Feeling old?!

XanderZane2723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

It's so easy just to buy or earn the cars in the game, I don't know why anyone would waste money actually buying the cars with real money. They didn't have this in FH2. The season pass is really all you need.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2723d ago
Eonjay2724d ago

Thats insane. I'm old enough to remember when all content could be unlocked simply by playing. And yet, I have friends who spend more than that on mobile games... There is a South Park episode about this behavior and how publishers take advantage of it. They literally (all of them) withhold content to target people who are impaired in such a way that they get caught up in micro (well macro in this case) transactions.

ApocalypseShadow2724d ago (Edited 2724d ago )

I agree. I miss those days of unlocks, cheat codes and hidden items. Games just had more for less money. Which is why I go back and play the old games. It was more fun and less profit. Now, it's more profit and more profit for investors on top of that with gouging left and right. Turn 10 is not the only guilty one but it is getting ridiculous for gamers.

Just last night, my lady's son asked me if he should get a gold edition game or ultimate and what was the difference.I was like "I don't know."" I don't buy that type of stuff."it's stupid all these versions on the digital stores.

So I had to go online and look at the difference just to help him out. I hate micro transactions, season passes, dlc, etc. But my refusal to buy this stuff hasn't stopped those around me from buying it. So I had to help him make the right choice with his money.

I miss the era of 80s and 90s games. The golden age for gamers. It's now the golden age for publishers and investors.

badz1492723d ago

SNES mini for $60 woohoo! 30 games


I remember when PGR game out with DLC and it was like £8 or £6 or something like that and it had like 3 or 4 extra tracks and new cars, new modes etc.

that is when the word Micro actually meant something.

G20WLY2723d ago

Sadly, now it means greed.

TC7312723d ago

The Canadian Devil...Beelzeboot.

Good-Smurf2723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

Gran Turismo series pretty much play to earn,technically still to this day.
Gotta love the value that series always have.
Missed the days when you have 500-750 cars and not a single real extra penny spent on the game.

FreeSpeech692723d ago

nah Gran Turismo also Microtransactions everywhere now. At least it's only released once every 5 years or so, quality is high enough to almost warrant it.

MRMagoo1232723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

old enough 😂 that was not that long ago you make it sound ages. I would love those days back but it won't happen because these companies know they can do it now........unfortunately though , bringing it up usually gets you called a fanboy or an idiot. it's too late to change it I feel though because the millennials and younger gamers don't mind being taken for a ride and being ripped off

XXanderXX2723d ago (Edited 2722d ago )

Don't forget people were not that demanding , technology was a bit slow , few studios & Publishers which meant less competition and gaming was still in its infancy.

Ravenor2723d ago

Games were also developed by 5-30 people. I don't like microtransactions either, but if you can't tell the scale of production is different between a modern video game and something developed on the N64. I really don't know what to tell you.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2723d ago
Overload2724d ago

They seem to like springing microtransactions on this series.

badz1492723d ago

how many hours on average needed to get 500 in-game credits?

BizarroUltraman2723d ago

500 credits takes a few minutes...you get more than that actually.

Fishy Fingers2723d ago

It's harder to think of AAA games that DONT offer micro transactions at this point. Let's not demonise one example.

DarkOcelet2723d ago

FFXV doesn't have micro transactions.

Fishy Fingers2723d ago

Yes I was being somewhat dramatic but the point I was attempting to make is that they have become the norm.

BizarroUltraman2723d ago

Thats not hard, I think we can all name a game without micro transactions.

Vhampir2723d ago

Devs ran out of time to even finish the game properly, but it still has a season pass.

On topic, it's a 10mil credit car. Keep in mind you can AFK farm credits in this game. They aren't outright selling it for 80 pounds.

Goldby2723d ago

ya instead Dark ocelot we have an unfinished story that we need to buy the seasons pass to experience.

At least FH3 is complete at launch

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2723d ago
Errorist762723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

They definitely learned from the Forza 5 debacle....and waited with introducing this crap AFTER the scores were in...

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Forza Horizon Games Ranked from Worst to Best

BLG writes: "When the Forza Horizon games franchise launched in 2012, it was an enjoyable spin-off of the highly successful simulation racer. A decade later, the Horizon series has overtaken Forza Motorsport series as one of, if not the, premiere driving video games of all time."

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SinisterMister703d ago

Don't think there's literally a "worst" Forza game man. Microsoft just makes these too damn good.

MaximusPrime_702d ago

Microsoft didn't develop (make) Forza, Playground Games did.

Microsoft simply published it.

SinisterMister702d ago

Ah okay. Thanks for the correction mate!

MadLad702d ago

I see no difference being they've only ever made games for Microsoft on Microsoft's dime for the entirety of their existence as a developer.

Godmars290702d ago

The amount of MTs and repeated attempts at rivalry towards Gran Turismo.

darthv72702d ago

@god, i think you are confusing motorsport with horizon. MS is compared to GT, Horizon isnt.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 702d ago
MadLad702d ago


Care to explain how that has anything to do with anything here?

DOMination-702d ago

lol.. pedantic much? ^ PG and the Forza IP are owned by Microsoft.

FH5 may be a technical marvel but it's been a buggy mess since launch and PG seem intent to add new content without ever bothering to fix anything. Many of which were bugs that were also in FH4.

FH2 (still good but the structure was messed up - too much emphasis on grinding "roadtrips" which was tedious)

jznrpg702d ago (Edited 702d ago )

They didn’t buy Playground until 2018 or 2019 I forget which year but it hasn’t been that long . The first Forza came out in 2005 . So most of the games were published by MS at the time but they didn’t own PlayGround. MS doesn’t make good studios in general , they buy them .

DOMination-702d ago

When Sony buys a studio after working with them for a couple of games, people on here call it an "organic purchase". MS & Playground made three very good games, based on an existing IP using an engine made by Turn 10 before purchasing them. But it is still pedantic. Shall we say that Sony didn't make The Last of Us? Or that they don't "own" the first 12 Ratchet & Clank games because they only purchase Insomniac a few years back? We all know what they meant.

Anyway, Forza Motorsport has always been developed by Turn 10. Which Microsoft built from the ground up. So when you refer to games from 2005, your point about only buying studios is completely wrong.

darthv72702d ago

You left out a FH2, there were two versions. The one made for XBO by playground and the one made for 360 by sumo digital. There are enough differences to warrant each one being on its own.

monkey602702d ago

FH3 is my favourite by a long shot. I got surprisingly bored of FH5 quick enough unfortunately so that's down the bottom of my list

sammarshall102702d ago

Yeah I think this series peaked with Forza Horizon 3

Orbilator702d ago

I really dont care for any of the horizons. Hate having to do what I'm told. Forza 7 was the same, I didn't want to do anything other than race cars. But it made me drive lorries!!!..

Technically they all good games but I want the next Forza to be a proper car racer, all the trucks etc can be put under an arcade racing section which I never have to go into.

MrBaskerville701d ago

The mandatory gimmick races are a bit of a bad habit in FM games, atleast since 5. Also dislike the heavy amount of unskipable cutscenes and dialouge in FM5 and perhaps 7.

Azraeia702d ago

Tbh I found FH3 to actually be my favourite and the one I played the most.

The one I got bored of very quickly was 4. Wasn't a fan of the seasons and driving round England was boring cause its where I live. Got very old quick.

glennhkboy702d ago

I still think 2 (Xbox One version) is my personal best. Driving an Italian supercars on an Italian highway just feel so "right"!!!!! "2" make me understand why Italian make those supercars.

I don't know why so many do not like 4. I like the seasonal change & dramatic weather change. 5 seems to dial the weather change way way down that the weather seldom change (Is the real Mexico really has such a perfect weather all the time?).

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How the Sophisticated Sky Capturing Brings the Forza Horizon Franchise to Life

KeenGamer: "The advanced sky capturing gives the Forza Horizon franchise a natural and realistic feeling. Yet, it's a long process from capturing to complete in-game sky. It's a technology that was introduced during the development of Forza Horizon 3, which provided more beauty and were widely praised by players."

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iplay1up21061d ago (Edited 1061d ago )

Forza 4 looks really great now that Series updates have been applied. In Forza 5 Microsoft uses photo technology throughout the entire game. The volcano setting in Mexico looks amazing!

Lightning771061d ago

All this sky tech will no doubt make its way into the new Fable.

Rimeskeem1061d ago

Da Cloud jokes coming in 3...2....

Sol4ris1060d ago

Incredible looking game, and it's not even powered by the next iteration of the ForzaTech engine which is still developed by Turn10.
Time to flex that 12TF.

VariantAEC1054d ago

Maybe that's why it looks so meh to me.

1060d ago
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Forza Horizon 3 Is Officially Being Delisted

The Playground Games team announced earlier today on Twitter and the Forza forums that 2016’s Forza Horizon 3 will be racing off into the sunset on September 27th, 2020. As they’ve done with previous installments in the series, Forza Horizon 3 will be on sale until it reaches “end of life” status on the 27th at which time the game and all of its DLC will be removed from digital stores.

TheEnigma3131392d ago

This is why I buy physical when I can. I remember losing MvC2 on PS3 because Disney bought the license and I couldn't download it anymore.

porkChop1392d ago

You can still download these games. You just can't buy them anymore.

CobraKai1392d ago

That’s one of the issues about digital games. Those who never got to buy these games will be out of luck unless a physical copy exists.

porkChop1392d ago

I agree. The problem is the music companies are greedy and want game publishers to sign new contracts. It should be that music licenses for a game last forever for that specific game. That would prevent most games from being delisted.

darthv721392d ago

I buy physical as well but keep in mind its not just the game that is effected but also the dlc. And this is nothing new for this series. Each previous iteration has been delisted about 4 years after release. So each year is another one to remove. This year it is FH3, last was FM6, the one prior was FH2 and before that it was FM5. Next year will be FM7 and the year after will be FH4.

dumahim1392d ago

I think they'll keep FM7 and FH4 up longer since we might not get another Forza game until 2022.


You can still download owned digital stuff you just can't buy them because license deals.

Skuletor1392d ago

I can download the Marvel vs Capcom: Origins demo on PS3 since I downloaded it before the delisting but can't upgrade to the full version.

Razmiran1392d ago

I bought the full version and can still access it, maybe you should talk to customer support?

Skuletor1392d ago

No, I mean I only downloaded the demo before the delisting so I can still download the demo only, I can't pay to upgrade to the full version

tombfan1392d ago

Also, there's Horizon 4, when was the last time you played the 3rd one?

Teflon021392d ago

Yet I can download it right now. Maybe look in your download list. Sucks looking on ps3. But it's there 100%, just like TMNT reshelled was there still for me for the period it was delisted and Scott Pilgrim is still there for me

itsmebryan1392d ago

What are you talking about if you have the day you still have it . It's just not available from the digital store. Smh

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1392d ago
TeamIcoFan1392d ago

All digital is the future everyone.
Get used to never truly owning your games ever again.

MadLad1392d ago

You still have access if you purchased the game. So, no, that statement isn't correct. If it is something you purchased, you own it. Not saying it CAN'T happen, but I've only seen it happen in the mobile phone market, where you cant access content you previously purchased, personally.

JonTheGod1392d ago

I own P.T. It might not have cost anything but I added it to my basket, went through the checkout, purchased a £0.00 costing game.

They removed that from the store and I can no longer download it.

MadLad1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )


And? Do you know how many promotional demos have been lost to time? There's a giant difference between losing access to promotional material, of which you did not pay for, and losing access to a game you purchased outright.

Name a game that you purchased outright on a known storefront, of which you were restricted from accessing after the fact. Outside of online only games whose servers were taken down. Mainly a console thing, considering there are normally workarounds on PC.

MadLad1392d ago (Edited 1392d ago )


And? Do you know how many promotional demos have been lost to time? There's a giant difference between losing access to promotional material, of which you did not pay for, and losing access to a game you purchased outright.

Name a game that you purchased outright on a known storefront, of which you were restricted from accessing after the fact. Outside of online only games whose servers were taken down. Mainly a console thing, considering there are normally workarounds on PC.

abstractel1392d ago

Problem is it's only a matter of time before you can't download purchased games. Backing up to a harddrive is players best bet to keep all their content. Hopefully this will be possible on the PS5/XBXS

1392d ago
dumahim1392d ago

It has happened with music more often than you'd think. I think there's been a movie service or two that has shut down as well. So sure, while they're still up and running, you can still download your purchases, but if they close up shop, then it's gone.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1392d ago
waderae1392d ago

You used to at least own a "licence" to play the game

With Sub services, Gamepass/PS now etc... you dont even have a licence for the game anymore.

KwietStorm_BLM1392d ago

Looks at all my digital music and movies stored on my disks and NAS. I wish I owned all this stuff that I own.

gamer78041392d ago

I used to have a big problem with digital, but as I got older I realized everything is just on loan to me anyways so now I buy physical if it’s something I really want too hold on to but 90% of the time it’s Digital for me.

bouzebbal1392d ago

Or your money.. They want to do the same with cash

Terry_B1392d ago

Incorrect statement. This is just the equal situation to a game not being available as new in a store anymore.

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1392d ago
Terry_B1392d ago

Thankls for sharing, bought the ultimate editon for 23 euro. First time since years I bought something from that store. Sucks they never got it to Steam

ChunkyHD1391d ago

Why wouldn't they continue offering the game at a reduced rate, like old games on steam? Silly decision.

Elit3Nick1391d ago

It has to do with the car and music licenses expiring