
Outrage Over Mario Run's Asking Price Exposes Ignorance

Mario Run is out, and everyone’s talking about one thing….the fact you need to pay for it? In a shocking turn of events, a video released on the mobile platform costs money. There is, of course, a free trial that lets people have a taste of the game, but people want more. That’s pretty much … Continue reading Outrage Over Mario Run’s Asking Price Exposes Ignorance

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PixelGateUk2728d ago

The price point is fair given how fun the game is, least I think it is ^^

2728d ago Replies(8)
Duoma2727d ago

@kreisen ummmm shouldnt the correct term be "whales"

2727d ago
MRMagoo1232727d ago

it's def not mules that's all I know, mules are people that carry things like drugs

XanderZane2727d ago

I actually thought the game would be FREE as well. Then you would have to pay $5 to unlock more levels and content as you progress. I figured there would be about 100+ levels and after 25 levels you would need to pay $3-$5 for another 25. So to unlock all the levels it would be $10-$15 in the end, but you would pay as you go.

I definitely won't pay $15 for this game upfront. I'll try the demo and after completing that, I'll delete the game.

XanderZane2727d ago

Yeah really. I've never paid more then $10 for a IoS game up front. I need to play a game for awhile and be impressed before I shell out more money. The demo will have to blow me away for me to play $15 for the full game.

princejb1342727d ago

I would pay for the game but not for $9.99. I've bought many games before but those games are .99 to 2.99 which I find fair for a mobile game. After all Mario run is just another running game you play with one finger

Huguinho2727d ago (Edited 2727d ago )

A few days ago, nobody gave a sh+t for mobile games, they were criticized because they are not for "hardcore" gamers, hell, even some ppl here in n4g said they shouldnt be called "gamers"... my god... Now a Mario game appears and suddenly mobile gaming must be near perfection? And the 'hardcores' complaining because you have to pay for it? Really? how f+++ing toxic you ppl are, seriously. (Not meaning you pixel i wanted to clarify)

WiiU-Dude2726d ago

I agree. I was a little surprised it wasn't $4.99, but $9.99 is fair. Besides, who is to say more content won't come later.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2726d ago
Garethvk2728d ago

It does make you wonder if Nintendo gets it. When you are a distant third to your competition, you do not gouge your loyal fans.

rjason122727d ago (Edited 2727d ago )

So you gouge them by nickel and diming with micro transactions?

Haha, damn autocorrect.

Sm30002727d ago

*nickel........and I agree, one time fee>micro transactions 24/7/365

1Victor2727d ago (Edited 2727d ago )

Did any of you noticed the lawyering wall before you accept to play the game soon they're going to send you "email promo"and they can track you 24/7 if you don't disable the always on gps witch I don't understand why it needs gps for also you can't suit them in a class action suit that was a NO WAY for me.who here can tell me that later on I won't have adds in the game plus a always online mobile game of this type is ridiculous ,something like Pokémon go I understand but this NO WAAAAAY
I forgot to add I would had pay up to $10 for this game but for the reasons I said before I deleted it it's a fun game but NO WAY

Moonman2727d ago

How is Nintendo a distant third when they have had the overall most social popularity in 2016 from E3, to Pokémon Go, NES Mini, Pokemon Sun And Moon and now this. They may be "third" but "distant" is a stretch of the imagination. They are clearly not forgotten...lol.

DashArrivals2727d ago

Who is this Nintendo you speak of?

totallysane2727d ago

Oh yeah, look at all those franchises. Pokemon, pokemon, pokemon, pokemon, and pokemon. Can't exactly take E3 with that.

princejb1342727d ago

Distant third party? In my opinion Nintendo introduced gaming to society. Video games didn't get really popular until the Nintendo classic followed by Super Nintendo.

EverydayJoe2727d ago (Edited 2727d ago )

Wrong, the Atari 2600 was very popular long before the NES. Pacman introduced gaming to pop culture (Pacman fever) and I had the cartridge for it on the 2600 after spending many of my parents quarters.

MRMagoo1232727d ago

Nintendo 😂 ? you kids ...

princejb1342726d ago


Sorry but the Atari 2600 wasn't very popular
Yes it this release before the nes but gaming became popular with the nes

EverydayJoe2726d ago (Edited 2726d ago )

Come on, do a little research before statements like that.

"In 2007, the Atari 2600 was inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame, with 40 million units sold in its lifetime, and the youngest toy to be inducted."

Also Pac-Man sold 7 million copies on the 2600. Impressive even by today's standards with modern video game popularity.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2726d ago
blawren42727d ago

It's a fair price. Charging for a game isn't the problem. Out Mai be the solution to begin to undo the damage the free to play. Model has done too gaming.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2726d ago
Momo1182728d ago

pretty much what you expect from nintendo

SegaGamer2727d ago (Edited 2727d ago )

What, to charge money for their game ? i expect that from any company.

Hoffmann2727d ago

- to charge more than their competition does.

Nintendo still thinks they are better than the rest and ride on a high horse..or better said, they life in a bubble.

SegaGamer2727d ago

@Hoffmann. It's a mobile game, an area of gaming dominated by microtransactions. It's good to see a game where you can pay for everything up front. It's not THAT much money really.

rjason122727d ago

Obviously they are "better than the rest" when they're breaking records.

Cmv382727d ago

I guess sony and ms suck too.

XanderZane2727d ago

True. They are still charging $49.99 and $59.99 for their 1st party Wii U games, even though the console is pretty much dead.

Aloy-Boyfriend2728d ago (Edited 2728d ago )

$10 is too expensive for a mobile game. It is still pretty much nothing I get it, but still... Better games than this are cheaper. It makes you think... It is just Nintendo being smart knowing people will throw money at them because it is Mario. Expect every other Nintendo IP to cost the same too, and the stupid/conformist consumer will yet again eat it up and throw them money

BEASELY2727d ago

Yes, I did buy this game for $10, because it is Mario.

Is there something wrong with that?

Utalkin2me2727d ago (Edited 2727d ago )

Well you're the exact person that Nintendo is targeting. A game that is overpriced that requires a connection to even function.

rjason122727d ago

I expect it to cost more, cause it definitely has quality control, you won't see me buying it though.

Ark_2727d ago

It's quite usual. You sell your product for a steep price first. Then, when all "first adopters" bought it and sales decline, you reduce the price and have a new market of people, who are interested, but didn't want to invest that kind of money. Imo it would be stupid, if they wouldn't put a high price tag on it. It's "Mario" after all - a major brand. It's a licence to print money - same as "Star Wars" and so on ...

And after all - better a high, but fixed price, than (psychologically) tricking kids into microtransactions.

CocoaBrother2728d ago

In my opinion, $10 is a bit much; however, I'm glad there are no microtransactions. A phone game I play a good amount is Digimon: Heroes and, at least with its PVP section, those who spend money on Digimoney have a better chance of getting better Digimon. The game offers a $100 microtransaction which is also insane.

What I'm saying is I'd rather pay a set price and own the whole game then a free to play full of microtransactions and play-time 'cooldowns'

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Nerdmaster1165d ago

I really liked Mario Run's model. Pay once, unlock everything.
Unfortunately, people prefer to be whales, so Nintendo saw real money lies in microtransactions and gacha mechanics. So now I feel less and less excited for each new mobile game they announce.

1165d ago
BattleCat1164d ago

Paid positive propaganda article by Nintendo. That's the spirit :)


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1723d ago
AK911723d ago

No it's ruining Ninty as a brand just stick to Switch games.