
Valkyria Revolution Is Coming West

Sega today announced that Valkyria Revolution, announced earlier in Japan as “Valkyria: Azure Revolution,” will release in the west physically the PlayStation 4and Xbox One and digitally on the PlayStation Vita in Q2 2017.

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TheColbertinator2730d ago

So at last Valkyria is coming to Xbox. This is a great occasion for all.

dead_pixels2730d ago

That really surprised me as well. I'm glad more people will be able to experience the latest entry in what I feel is one of Sega's finest series.

2730d ago
dead_pixels2730d ago

Of course I realize that, but I'm not so daft as to write a game off before I've played it.

2729d ago
dead_pixels2729d ago (Edited 2729d ago )

Reading comprehension indeed. The game is Valkyria Revolution, the latest entry in the Valkyria series. It doesn't matter if it doesn't follow the conventions of its predecessors - it's still very much an entry in the series in the same way Final Fantasy XV is a Final Fantasy title despite being profoundly removed from previous games in the franchise both thematically and mechanically.

Franchises evolve and change. How acknowledging the game for exactly what it is would throw anyone off is beyond me.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2729d ago
christocolus2730d ago (Edited 2730d ago )

I'm actually surprised to see Sega bringing this over to Xbox One. Nice



_-EDMIX-_2730d ago

Agreed I'm surprised to see SEGA bringing this to Xbox as well as other games to the West I hope this new Venture works out for them because they're normally pretty conservative on their releases of platforms and regions.

I trust that Sega has ran all the numbers and feels confident about this release not only to the west but on the Xbox one simply because they've been extremely conservative and careful on their releases

rainslacker2729d ago (Edited 2729d ago )

Same. But if it helps the sales then I'm all for it. I'd love to see better support for the Valkyria series. Sega has been all over the place with it and it's gotten rather annoying keeping up, even if you own all the pertinent consoles. I'd love to see Sega actually release more games in the series....maybe taking it back to it's more SRPG roots on the next installment.:)

Still holding out hope for a VC2 and VC3 HD remaster for PS4 after VC:R came out.

2730d ago Replies(2)
_-EDMIX-_2730d ago

Nice, that's really surprising considering SEGA has been pretty conservative.

I hope all of this works out for them. I want to see more entries of this game series

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2729d ago
derkasan2730d ago

Glad it's making the jump. It'd be great to see VC3 localized too.

dead_pixels2730d ago

I've been waiting ages, man. I know there's an English patch out there, but I don't feel like going through all of the trouble. I'd rather play it on original hardware without jumping through hoops.

DA_SHREDDER2730d ago

Not as long as I have been waiting for a sequel to skies of Arcadia 2 💔

_-EDMIX-_2730d ago

I would love for Sega to bring over all the other portable games to console and PC.

I don't think it would cost them that much in regards to porting them and I think they might be able to get a respectable return if anything those alone would market the series at a really reasonable cost.

XXanderXX2730d ago

Very cool and great move for Sega & the Xbox crowed that enjoy these types of games. To those in charge be mindful of the Xbox group you cant just expect them to all jump at this game after having been ignored for some time

bluefox7552730d ago (Edited 2730d ago )

I think the reason they're ignored is because Jrpgs generally don't do that well on Xbox consoles.

XXanderXX2730d ago (Edited 2729d ago )

Again due to studios not giving the Xbox fan base a decent chance, time to experience the game properly .
The minutes sale are not huge they just dismiss the base and forgo them for the next game, but then expect them to just rush out to buy a game that has been absent on the platform for some time.
Sorry but that's not going to win them any kind of sales numbers .

_-EDMIX-_2730d ago

Yes, to be fair some at least sold pretty good like blue dragon and Lost Odyssey still sold extremely well because most Japanese RPGs do not move near a million units and both of those got pretty close.

I personally feel it had more to do with not enough effort by Microsoft as a publisher to bring in those type of games especially knowing that their system already wasn't appealing to that market I believe if they for a long time or always nurturing this install base it would be pretty even on both platforms.

rainslacker2729d ago (Edited 2729d ago )

PS home console gamers have kind of been ignored with this series as well. Series has been all over the place, so took some effort to actually play the series.

This game would be a good starting point to jump in though, since it's not very reliant on knowing the prior games.

bluefox7552730d ago

This is cool, though I'm still kinda bummed that they moved away from the turn based strategy of the first game.

_-EDMIX-_2730d ago

Well to be fair this is subtitled it's not really called valkyria Chronicles 4.

Jimkahn2729d ago

My problem with people who keep saying its a spin off is that its like "Hey you know Half-Life that next game you've wanted for so long? Well we're Bringing it Back, but were calling this Half-Life:Fishing, a game where you can fish for hours in the half life universe!!".

If they were still making valkyria chronicles games i wouldn't care about a spin-off but one console release, then the sequel on psp, then a never localised psp 3rd one(thank the guys for the fan translation patch) it irk's me. 8 years still no full console release sequel.

2729d ago
_-EDMIX-_2729d ago

@jim- well I don't disagree with you in regards to how you feel about not having a direct sequel to the third valkyria Chronicles but that's sort of irrelevant to the point of this game being a spin-off and not really a direct sequel to valkyria Chronicles

@Gr- I have no clue what you're talking about this is still part of The valkyria Chronicles series it's simply not a direct sequel...

Sooooo I don't know lol

I'm not entirely sure why you're trying to argue about semantics lol

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