
Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy on PS4 Looks Shiny and Nostalgic in Plenty of Gameplay

If you want to check out some really spiffy gameplay of Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy, that will be released next year for PS4, you have come to the right place.

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DarkOcelet2739d ago

I gotta say i was very skeptical on how Vicarious Visions will handle Crash but it seems like they are very passionate about the franchise.

I am so glad the game looks similar to the original especially Crash's design. Day 1!

naruga2738d ago (Edited 2738d ago )

...:( Day No-1....

DarkOcelet2738d ago (Edited 2738d ago )

If you are saddened that those are the games we are going to get then there is always the old titles available if you want to play those. I play the First Crash trilogy and RE trilogy almost on a yearly basis just to remind myself how amazing those games are but still hopeful that the devs listen to us and in my opinion, i think Capcom is doing that with RE 7 and Vicarious Vision with this amazing looking Remaster.

I really hope you consider changing you view on both Crash and Resident Evil VII Naruga. Because honestly both looks like they are trying to appeal to the old school fans and actually go back to the roots of what made those games great.

naruga2738d ago (Edited 2738d ago )

@ Dark ocelet i do that also (play on a yearly basis the originals ) but you said the wrong word now man ...seriously you compare RE7 to old ones?....come on probaly you haven t played the old ones or you first played them recently ....its like comparing final fantasy 7 wiht chocobo racing no relation at all just the same world ....but with the difference in that case that both games were quality titles...now with RE7 and originals it s like shit vs diamonds

DarkOcelet2738d ago

I have played every single Resident Evil game ever made btw and I played Resident Evil 1 when I was five year old and now am 22.

What I meant was talking about the whole atmosphere and puzzles which were sorely lacking in the latest games. And add to the fact that the scarcity to ammo is back and enemies don't come in hordes anymore.

I get it, you are pissed because it's first person but if it was third person or with fixed cam angles, your reaction would have been different am sure. I hate first person as much as you do but like I said. Just give them a chance, it might turn out to be one of the best resident evil games you have ever played.

Rebel_Scum2738d ago

I hope its still early days in development from what we've seen so far. The colours shown in the first crash level seem too bright and cartoony in a bad way.

kraenk122738d ago (Edited 2738d ago )

It looks perfect actually imho. Especially given the fact the original game looked incredibly cartoony as well.

Rebel_Scum2738d ago

One example, look at the ruins. Too clean and don't look aged. It's not right.

343_Guilty_Spark2738d ago

Can we get Crash Team Racing too?


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Killa781309d ago

They're all phenomenal tbh but Persona 5 took my heart...

1308d ago