
TNA Impact: Is it Worth the Hype?

BR writes: "The idea for TNA's first video game, Impact, spawned in 2005, after they signed a multi-year agreement with Midway Games. Since then, many TNA fans have been waiting patiently for its release, and finally, Impact is available to the public. Impact is definitely something different from the Smackdown series. This is TNA's first game, so I'll try not to judge it too harshly."

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MK_Red5749d ago

WTF!? What hype? I hear or see no hype whatsoever. As for the game, I think all wrestling games are stupid and haven't chaged since the early days of PS2.

Ric Flair5749d ago

Hell No !!

Wooooooooooooooooooooo !!!

Zydake5749d ago (Edited 5749d ago )

I agree with Ric long live Ric Flair

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o ooooooooo

Jamegohanssj55749d ago

What's funny is how I heard the next one is already being worked on. It's slated for a release next year. Prepare for double failurezzzz!


barom5749d ago

I wouldn't be so quick to call it a failure. If you read the reviews all of them says the gameplay is solid (better than SvR even) and the only problem is the lack of features. Which they'll be able to work on for the next one.


Looking back at 10 years of… TNA Impact!

James writes: "The wrestling portion of the video game market has been dominated by WWE (formerly WWF) for years now, fighting off their biggest rivals WCW in the process. There was another who tried to dethrone the leading brand in the late 2000s though, when Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA) took their popularity to the next level with the release of a wrestling game. Ten years after the release of TNA Impact!, it’s time to look back at whether it was a success. Did TNA Impact! whip up a storm in the world of gaming like a hurricane coming through to leave a lasting legacy, or was it more of a failed attempt at cashing in on the rapidly growing promotion?"

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TNA Still Interested In Making Another Video Game

TNA Wrestling President Dixie Carter has revealed the company is still interested in making another video game.

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-EvoAnubis-3964d ago

Apparently the last one didn't suck quite enough; they KNOW they can do a crappier one than that.

3964d ago
BillytheBarbarian3964d ago

I'd love to see someone bring back the N64 Aki Engine. TNA or even a generic wrestling game to make the WWE games step up their game. It's been basically the same for this generation.

MizTv3964d ago

Those game are the best wrestling games ever!!!
My favorite are NoMercy and WCW vs nWo revenge

princeofthabay3964d ago

At least TNA gets a competent dev to make their game.

R_aVe_N3964d ago

wow that WWE 13 image is just plain horrid for a 2012 game. wtf happened there lol

sephiroth4203964d ago

indeed, is that picture really from wwe 13? also i thought the physics in the tna game were pretty good, the characters moved and reacted to things alot better than any smackdown game, hopefully they can just fix the wrestling mechanics and make a good one next time round.

sGIBMBR3964d ago

Lol, WWE 13 no where near looks that bad! That is either not WWE 13 or a shoddy created wrestler.

Not saying WWE 13 looks good, just not that bad > http://d1vr6n66ssr06c.cloud...

BillytheBarbarian3964d ago

Reminds me of Madden 13. All the players look...wrong. Then you look at a supposed Jerry Rice after a superbowl win and it's just some guy that could have just as easily been Arsenio Hall.

APF 2k8 made in 2007: Jerry Rice

Madden 13: Jerry Rice


It's laughable but sad because Football and wrestling games have been stale since 2007.

nevin13964d ago

I never played the original game.

sGIBMBR3964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

A new TNA game would be fantastic, the in ring action in TNA is much faster and fluid than anything I've seen in WWE. Especially the X Division stuff!


Time for a new TNA Impact Wrestling video game

Recently on a TNA post show Jeremy Borash stated that TNA was working on a new Ipad video game while Kurt Angle also stated the same on his twitter account so WrestlingGamer.com decided to discuss on why TNA should come out with preferably a console game and ways they could improve on their previous console release.

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kingofgames86u4332d ago

Why make another TNA gay game the first one sucks that the Spongebob game was way better