
Watch Dogs 2 has a better open world than GTA V and Skyrim

I believe in what I say and I make the following statement with complete certainty: Watch Dogs 2 has the best open world ever. Better than Skyrim. Better than Grand Theft Auto V.

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Genuine-User2735d ago (Edited 2735d ago )

I can't say that just yet while comparing it to GTAV. And Skyrim isn't my thing, I found it really boring.

That said, Watch Dogs 2 is rich with detail and character interaction/conversation. Here's a small clip that I captureed on the Pro last night: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Ricegum2735d ago

That's too good!

"I'll give you a crazy hobo!"

Honestly though, you can hate Ubisoft for some of the rubbish they put out there at times, but Watch Dogs 2 is a very impressive game with such amazing detail.

Meltic2735d ago

Skyrim is the most played the game ever. That and fallout is huuuuge

mikeslemonade2735d ago

Nice. And I live in this city. Can't wait to play the free version on PC.

starchild2735d ago


Yeah way to screw over the developers who worked so hard making this game. Yet you can't wait to play it.

I play on PC and I buy all my games. To do otherwise wouldn't be right.

KillBill2735d ago

Just not seeing the same volume as GTA V though. The random events in GTA V are just so great. Not seeing the same type of interactivity in what I have seen from Watchdogs 2 yet.

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Aloy-Boyfriend2735d ago (Edited 2735d ago )

Don't be! No one does open world better than Rockstar. R* does open world where you can literally live in and explore after you beat the game. Others do Open world great, but once you beat the game there's no reason to stay in

I mean cmon guys! The first Watch Dogs was touted as GTA killer. How did that work out? As cute as this Open world is, it is still missing that R* magic. Thus it will never be better

Let's just stop comparing Underdogs to Juggernauts to sorta give the lesses games an edge. People just like to try to give popular stuff a hard time these days...

KosherNostra2735d ago

Please, tell me more about a game you've never played.

thepluggy2735d ago

GT5 had the worst map in the entire series..a massive mountain and lake that took up neatly half of it.lol

Sm30002735d ago

Damn bruh, how come u don't like R* so much

_-EDMIX-_2735d ago

Even as a huge rock star fan that owns the majority of their games I don't know if I would have great so that.

I would say Bethesda and now CD projekt Red sort of make the best open World Games in regards to all the interconnectivity you have with NPCs.

I like knowing that the characters that you meet live in the areas there, they eat there ,they work there ,their business and Community is in those locations in GTA it's not really the case..

When I randomly kill someone in GTA I don't believe that a quest line was removed or that a business has just lost its owner or anything like that.

Don't get me wrong I absolutely love the GTA franchise but a GTA game that had an open-world similar to the Elder Scroll series with easily be one of the greatest open world games ever made..

Ie I randomly robbed a shot and killed its owner now the shop is closed down or a family member takes over the shop.

That is something that actually happens in the Elder Scrolls series that is something that does not happen in Grand Theft Auto what would be absolutely amazing if it did.

Open world in regards to Features has very little to do with size and everything to do with what can I do and how can I interact with the world.

Dark_Knightmare22735d ago (Edited 2735d ago )

Yeah Rockstars worlds feel so lived in oh wait in gta 5 you can't even go in like 99 percent of the buildings lol. Seriously I love Rockstar open worlds especially rdr but I'm getting really tired of them barely having any buildings to go in when ubisoft,cdpr etc have almost every building able to be entered which makes the world feel more real and lived in.

Count_Bakula2735d ago

Rockstar's open world MATCHES their game is the thing too. Watch Dogs isn't the complete package because some hipster douche wreaking havok in streets, murdering hundreds doesn't make sense or fit. GTA is satire so it's accepted. You can suspend disbelief, of course, but that's where Watch Dogs fails in my opinion.

Starman692735d ago

Believe u me. Wd2 on pro kills gta5 console version. Goood game man!!

CrimzonRazor2735d ago

never liked gta, their sense of humor ruins their games

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Ashby_JC2735d ago

You also need to take into account that GTA 5 released 3 years ago!!!

So I would hope that newer games can beat it as far as immersion and such.

SirBradders2735d ago

True and factor in that it was made primarily of rather ps360 first you can't knock it.

Jon_Targaryen2735d ago (Edited 2735d ago )

Awesome point, it took other developers 3 years to do what R* did on last gen technology and the limitations that came with it.. Never thought of it that way...

showtimefolks2735d ago (Edited 2735d ago )

if that's the case than why is WD2 so boring

that's right it's ubi they use the same features in all their games

notachance2735d ago

better than witcher 3 really?

oasdada2734d ago

The moment I was riding a trail bike off road, hit a rock, got my bike flying off in an akward,unrealistic Nd buggy manner, hit the grass and saw sparks coming out and the bike making soind like it hit a bloody metal pavement.. it just took me out of it. Sometimes its the little things

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-Foxtrot2735d ago

The fact is both games still hold up compared to it and they are old games from years ago...hell last gen even.

Smitty20202735d ago

am replaying skyrim and still think it's amazing

The 10th Rider2735d ago (Edited 2735d ago )

I'm playing it really for the first time (on PC with graphics mods.) I've played it before at a friend's house, but I picked it up for myself for like $5 a few months back.

It felt kind of overrated. I mean I do get the appeal, and I'm still playing it, but I guess I'd say the only part that stands out as exceptional is the world and just how much is in it. Outside of that, combat is okay, not bad but not great. Graphics are eh. The story is, at best, alright. The interface is atrocious on PC (thankfully mods fix that easily.) There's very little in the individual components that's really standout. The thing that makes it great is how the pieces come together to make an addictive game with massive amounts of content. . . However, I don't think it deserves a pass on the meh parts if the game.

A2X_2735d ago

People make some damn stupid comparisons these days. I understand comparing Watch dog's 2 open world to GTA V but Skyrim? Skyrim's world has a very different feeling, no modern citys, cars etc. Not even comparable.

You could definitely compare Skyrim to Fallout 4 or Witcher 3 but comparing it to GTA and Watch dogs is pretty dumb.

kevnb2735d ago

even then morrowind had the best world, too bad a lot of the rough edges will keep many people from playing.

TheFirstClassic2735d ago (Edited 2735d ago )

Morrowind wasn't as big but was definitely the best. It was so densley packed with things to discover, and all the locations felt varied, something I can't say about current open worlds. Anyone with a pc should give the morrowind graphics overhaul a go, it makes the game much easier to get into.

sullynathan2735d ago (Edited 2735d ago )

morrowind had a shit world with poor open world elements and is overrated to hell. Gothic 2 and GTA Vice City did open world back then far better. Morrowind is a classic example of rose tinted glasses covering the shit that the game had.

Allsystemgamer2735d ago

If they modernized Morrowind...I'd lose my mind.

Loved that game. The combat was silly but it's lore and amount of mission variety, weapon types armors...insane for the time.

Princess_Pilfer2735d ago


It really doesn't. It's not that morrowind is perfect and some things (like NPCs who stand stock still behind a counter 24/7) show their age, but it is a very good open world. It's not a sandbox or an "open" world that effectively level gates most of itself to control progression (so if that's what you're looking for then you're looking in the wrong place) but that doesn't somehow make it bad. It's more hub-based where at any given time your quests and exploration center around a hub-area (usually a city or town) and you range farther and farther away from those places as you get to know the lay of the land, then it sends you to a new area to repeat this process until evenually the main quest says "we've spend the last 30 hours teaching you how to navigate this world using landmarks, memory and written directions and now we're sending you to the middle of nowhere and asking you to put those skills to good use."

sullynathan2735d ago

Morrowind is a sandbox like the TES games before and after it. It just isn't as good as people think it is.

Bigpappy2735d ago (Edited 2735d ago )

Yeah. I used to go to work and talk about things I did in MORROWIND like it was real life.
@sullynathan: If you are comparing Morrowind to GTA, you complete played it wrong, didn't play Morrowind or maybe did a speed run. You had to live in that world. You had to find your way using the compass, no lines showing you the way; You had to train in your chosen fighting style to be effective (that's why many of you could never hit a darn thing with your big swords); You needed to capture souls to do enchantments and pay to travel; Money was very important and you needed to work, kill or steal to get some; There was no auto-leveling to match NPC or weapons. You had to get the right training or you die on the spot if you couldn't avoid a powerful NPC. You were genuinely scared to go in to certain areas, and you avoided many NPC until you were well trained and equipped.
None of that is relevant to GTA and there is a lot more I didn't get into.

sullynathan2735d ago

@Bigpappy Guess what also had all that with reactive AI and an actual great world too? Gothic fucking 1& 2. Gothic 1 & 2 didn't have the shit combat of morrowind either.

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spicelicka2735d ago

Not to mention it was released 6 years ago on last gen platforms.

ps360s2734d ago

that's so true...

Not sure why people mention R or GTA5 or Skyrim

Just play the damn games and enjoy them!

never knew this kind of fanboys/girls existed!

I see how some comments are so ridiculous...

what is out now and are good, is worth playing...past games are past (good or bad)

I never compare, I just play any games that are good and enjoy them

Tankbusta402735d ago

I doubt it, nice cry for attention with an edgy title though

SilverDemon2735d ago

Haven't bought watch dogs2 yet but the original's world felt for alive than gta5
People were rapping, car accident happens and people would get out and start fighting, random thefts happens, you can see couples fighting and much more

I don't remember anything happens to the NPCs in gta5

starrman19852735d ago

I read "DC movies are more enjoyable than Marvel ones" and that immediately made his opinion invalid to me.

mochachino2735d ago

The Chistian Bale batman movies were pretty good and the first one is generally regarded as one of the best movies in the last 20 years.

starrman19852735d ago

I don't consider them true DC movies (because they're good...)

kevnb2735d ago

Christopher Nolan directed those movies, and they actually gave him some control!

The 10th Rider2735d ago

It's too bad the trilogy ended with such a low note. Otherwise it could have gone down as one of the top movie trilogies for its era.

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lipton1012735d ago

Avengers were awful. Captain America and Days of future past were the only good marvel movies. As far as D.C. Films, TDK trilogy immediately invalidates your opinion, TDK is one of the best films ever made, not just superhero movie.

Not to mention Watchmen which was absolutely stunning. Even Man of Steel had more going for it than the 2 dimensional marvel movies. I can comfortably say that Marvel has better TV shows vs D.C. though. Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and daredevil beat the hell out of Gotham and Flash

The 10th Rider2735d ago (Edited 2735d ago )

I agree marvel movies are two dimensional. I honestly can't sit through them anymore, but I can understand why others find them enjoyable. They make good popcorn flicks. However when it comes to DC, one or two good outliers doesn't excuse the absolutely unbearable rest of DC's cinematic universe. I'm so done with super hero movies until someone gives us something unique. Wonder Woman looks interesting, but it'll probably just be more of the same so I'm not getting my hopes up.

CrimzonRazor2735d ago

watchmen was pure trash worst movie of all time

starrman19852735d ago

So we have TDK trilogy, they are amazing but also happened before the whole Marvel vs DC crap so I don't really count them! Then we have....

Superman Returns
Green Lantern
Man of Steel (I quite enjoyed that)
Suicide Squad

I think if someone paid me to sit through the majority of them I'd decline!

Marvel might be comical flicks, but they're great fun and some of the Captain America films have a more serious note too, they have their bad ones but noway near train wrecks that some of DC's have achieved!

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Epic Games Faces $1.2 Million Fine Over "Unfair Practices," Plans to Fight Back

Epic Games is facing a $1.2 million fine by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets over "unfair practices" in the Fortnite shop.

Sciurus_vulgaris11h ago

It might be cheaper to simply pay the fine. Fighting said fine could cost millions due to court and lawyer fees. Fortnite generates well over a 100 million in each month, so Epic has plenty of cash.

franwex3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

But if they did pay it, then they are basically admitting that they did something they weren’t supposed to be doing. If they fight it, they may win and continue to have a sense of urgency for their micro transactions thus making more money long term.


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OtterX3h ago

Yeaaa... no. It's cool to say that you got it running as a bragging right, but this is completely unusable. I like how he hits the screen while trying to type! X'D


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BlackDoomAx16h ago

Too bad for the best fps there is atm...

Sgt_Slaughter9h ago

The market for games like this is too over saturated to make a dent in other established games' player counts. Trying to start all over with a whole new multiplayer meta and grinding to get better is not feasible when there's already a ton of similar games that have come out before it.