
Carnival Games VR Review - Mindless Family Fun | COG

COG says: Developer Cat Daddy Games brings back from the dead Carnival Games which was originally released on the Wii. We play it on the PSVR, unfortunately.

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Amazon July Mid-Month Digital Blowout Sale On PS4/X1/PSV/PS3/PC

A shopping bonanza is always fun and exciting. Isn’t it? And, when a mega shopping event is specifically organized for the gaming enthusiasts, then it comes even more compelling. Well, Amazon.com has now launched the great Amazon Digital Sale where you are entitled to receive huge discounts on a wide variety of games that are compatible with the most popular home video gaming consoles including PS4, PS3, PS Vita, Xbox One and PC.

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PlayStation VR Party: The Best Games for a Fun Night with Friends

Got a PlayStation VR but don’t know which videogames to impress your friends with? Check these out.

C-H-E-F2631d ago

tbh, i don't like people using my VR lmao. I just know there's people in my life that OD on everything and I know the VR is fragile, so guess what I don't let them use it, actually alot of them don't even know I have one shooooot lOl. It's better this way... lOl because if it breaks because of me I can live with it, if it breaks because of them, I can live without them lOl.


Carnival Games VR Gameplay Video

Here is some gameplay of me playing Carnival Games VR on the PSVR. The Move controller needed a charge so it was played left handed.

PixelGateUk2745d ago

think the video is messed up ^^