
ZTGD | Exile’s End (PS4) Review

Justin spends far too much time looking for a gun in his latest review.


Exile's End Review - PS4 | KeenGamer

Exile's End is indie developer Magnetic Realms' homage to the CRT-monitor classics of the Amiga, and a follow-up to their first title Inescapable. While Inescapable garnered rough reviews due to it's linear nature and lackluster graphics, Exile's End boasts art design by staff from Secret of Mana and Mother 3, a soundtrack by NES legend Keiji Yamagishi (Ninja Gaiden, TecmoBowl), and gorgeously pixelated cut-scenes by OPUS (Half-Minute Hero). If that's not reason enough to grab your gamepad, than nothing is!

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2633d ago

Exile's End review - ChristCenteredGamer.com

Exile's End was programmed entirely by one man, Matt Fielding, with some art and music assistance by Japanese veterans, including creators from games like Ninja Gaiden NES, Secret of Mana, and other early greats. It was his intention to make this game as an homage to early 1990s classics like Flashback and Another World. When launching this game for the first time, it is immediately obvious that it could have easily lived among games from that era.

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Review: Exile’s End – PS4/Vita | Pure PlayStation

Pure PlayStation: XSEED Games brought Exile’s End to PlayStation Network on the 25th of October for PS4 and Vita. Originally developed by Matt Fielding in collaboration with other Tokyo-based developers and backed by Japanese publisher Marvelous Inc, the sci-fi metroidvania is a port of the PC original that released via Steam. We’ve solved the mysteries of its extra-terrestrial conspiracy story to bring you our review.

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