
Donald Trump is Totally King Radovid From The Witcher 3

I think it’s fair to say that Donald Trump would also call the first lady of Temeria a pig, then blame the whole thing on Billy Bush.

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Momo1182761d ago

king radovid is crazy and xenophobic but he is actually quite smart to be honest. can't really say that about trump since he's a fucking idiot.

Mr-Dude2761d ago

That is true, although I don't trust Clinton either.

Bahamut2761d ago

Of course not, but which president have you ever trusted? She's at least in the general field of qualification, whereas Trump has no experience whatsoever. He's a joke.

Erik73572761d ago (Edited 2761d ago )

Rather have at least a capable and smart person who I politically disagree with than a dumb ass.

nowitzki20042761d ago


I agree. I would rather have an experienced politician as president instead of someone who just woke up one day and decided to see if he could do it. I dont trust any politician and dont vote,. But I would rather Hillary talk to Putin instead of Trump lol. Trump and Putin argument might not end so well for both countries with the way Trump speaks.

hells_supernova2760d ago

It frustrates me to no end that AMerica had a real shot at good change with Bernie and they dropped the ball now they have the two worst candidates in the history of the world.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2760d ago
CaptainObvious8782761d ago (Edited 2761d ago )

I guess I'm a little different from a lot of the other people here that want to watch the world burn.

I'd rather a guy with no experience than a criminal with a laundry list of criminal behavior including corruption, incompetence leading to the deaths of good men and harassing sexual assault and rape victims.

I guess I'm just weird like that.

But it honestly worries me how many people here are supporting Hilary. Perhaps you should start consuming your news from sources other than the establishment media.

GortJester2761d ago

Yep exactly. 25 years of experience in corruption.. no thanks... smarter than Clinton? Show me some facts to back that up.

EverydayJoe2761d ago

News outlets link Breitbart? Alex Jones and infowars? Hahahaha Pulitzer winners? Maybe the Pulitzer prize for Fiction.

kneon2761d ago

Almost everything she's been accused of has either been debunked or has no evidence. Sure the email server was dumb, but not criminal.

The republicans have spent over $100 million of your money investigating the Clintons and they have yet to find anything. You've got access to all their taxes and donation info for the Clinton foundation, nothing there. Sure they get paid a lot to speak, but so do other former presidents and high ranked government officials.

And Benghazi wasn't Clinton's fault, the republicans pissed away more money on that one and found nothing. But of course they never investigated the dozen+ attacks on embassies and consulates during Bush's presidency, even though over 60 people were killed.

bafa2761d ago (Edited 2761d ago )

The email server thing was dumb? Really? Classified and top secret information on an unsecured server is no biggie? I don't see how you can think that. I think that shows how she can't be trusted.

And i bet you think all the emails that are being leaked is dumb too right?
Also on Benghazi you're ok with her lying to the families and America about the terrorist attack?

I'm really starting to think some people really want bad things to happen in the world.

Edit: and i guess you didn't hear about Bill Inc. Right ?

hells_supernova2760d ago

This is true vote against the establishment and corruption although I doubt Trump would take away that corruption

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2760d ago
NecoTehSergal2761d ago

He's still smarter than incompetent Killary Clinton, 30 years of Secretary of State, what did she do that helped America? Except enriched her own pockets and fuck shit up lol

Germany72761d ago (Edited 2761d ago )

Another article pushing the liberal agenda, lol.
Donald Trump will be the next POTUS, a criminal can't be president.
If you vote for crooked Hillary or any other useless candidate like Gary Johnson, you can't complain about games being banned.

mixelon2761d ago

"A criminal can't be president" *suggests likely criminal candidate while ignoring a laundry list of past criminal activity of other POTUS.* Clearly criminals can be presidents, and Trump would legally be one tenfold already - he just has a way of paying people to shut up and go away.

Games being banned? lol.

mopground2761d ago

its likely to be somewhat true with clinton, she has blamed games for real life violence

ravinash2761d ago

Problem with Trump is he lives and dies by the blame game.
So once he removes all the gun controls and find that violence does not go down, how long do you think it'll take before he starts aiming at other easy targets like gaming?

Patrick2760d ago

Ravinash, it's the states with the most gun laws that have the worst crime. The few places where they require everyone with the mental capacity to own a gun have the lowest crime. I wonder why that is. If your a criminal wanting to rob a place, but when you go in you see that everyone in there is carrying a gun, unless your stupid, you're going to keep walking. The Only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.

sullynathan2761d ago

Trump won't be president, you should wake up in real life.

ravinash2761d ago

I really hope your right, but never just assume that everyone else is going to vote your way.

nowitzki20042761d ago

"Any man with 2 hands has a fighting chance" - James Ellsworth

Goldby2761d ago


may be a chance, but based on the size of his hands, a very very very very very very small change

Germany72761d ago

Newly discovered emails are being under investigation by FBI.
You were saying...?

sullynathan2760d ago

and? FBI will investigate emails again and Clinton will apologize, not go to jail and become president. Does anyone honestly believe she will be in jail? You've been drinking too much Koolaid.
Once she becomes president, remember this comment.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2760d ago
kraenk122761d ago (Edited 2761d ago )

What a hilarious and ignorant post. Trump publicly stated he avoided taxes...He will never be president. You Americans surely aren't THAT stupid.

MetalGearsofWar2761d ago

Arent Europeans having a crisis they themselves created?

kneon2761d ago

Stupidity knows no bounds

ger23962761d ago (Edited 2761d ago )

Well, we did elect Obama twice. So yea, they might be that stupid. Besides if hillary is elected, she will want America to be like Europe with open borders. How's that working out?
@ kraenk12, here you go sport.

SeanScythe2761d ago

That's not a crime it's using the laws of this country. Maybe learn that what he did wasn't illegal before posting something you know nothing about. Hillary Lied before congress under oath. That is a crime. She's also allowed people without classified clearance to view classified information. She lied about not having Classified documents on her personal server which the FBI proved she lied about.

kraenk122761d ago (Edited 2761d ago )


You guys will miss Obama...he was the smartest and best president you had since decades. (Forgot about Bush Jr..so yeah, point taken..,Americans ARE stupid) No matter who becomes the next POTUS he/she will make you regret condemning Obama rather sooner than later.

Btw who tells you stupid things like the stuff with open borders?! Did you hear that at a Trump rally?!

DaleCooper2761d ago (Edited 2761d ago )

Who wouldn't take a tax deduction when one is available? Does anyone want to pay more in taxes than they have to?!

Goldby2761d ago


tax credits and benifts are fine, but when you position yourself and work the system by losing liek a 1billion dollars in the casino market to get that tax benifit it is kinda sad.

At casinos, house always wins.... except if it s a trump casino. than no body wins.

bafa2761d ago (Edited 2761d ago )

Who tells us stupid things like open borders? Uhh Hillary does to a Brazilian bank. Here's her quote

"My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere."

Please do your homework and don't believe everything the liberal media tells you.. It's not like she has journalist on her payroll..oh wait she does...

Germany72761d ago

Europe is falling apart thanks to EU, at least UK is saved because of Brexit.
Donald Trump will not let this happen in USA.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2761d ago
Kyosuke_Sanada2761d ago

-exasperated sigh-

Here we go again........

TheVigilanteCode2761d ago


Watch the trump cucks getting triggered in no time.

SquidBuck2761d ago

I'm voting for Trump :P Hillary seems worse to me, but that's just my opinion.

ravinash2761d ago (Edited 2761d ago )

Hillary is no angel and is pretty entrenched into the political system, I'll give you that.
The problem I have with trump is he seems to be running for his own gains rather than the good of the country.
He avoided taxes and then blame the government saying they make it possible.
He's been quoted saying he lives for revenge, so he's obviously vindictive.
In his business he has cheated contractors for his own benefit, so he obviously does not look out for the average hard worker.
It all leads to a pattern of someone who puts him self first and looks for any excuse for any of his short comings.

Deadpooled2761d ago

'My opponent is a liar and cannot be trusted'

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Source Code For The Witcher 3 & Cyberpunk 2077 Has Allegedly Been Compromised

Source code for CD Projekt's action role-playing games The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 have allegedly been compromised.

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just_looken29d ago

Well they are using unreal engine now thanks to there work culture and horrific job on making cyberpunk so for the future no impact.

But it will be interesting to see what mods will be made


just_looken28d ago

7 disagrees shows how many look at one dlc that had a rip off fight from ghost in the shell and goes wow what a goat team i love cdpr while ignoring that they only made 2 games that were good witcher 2/3 in 20yrs.

But its a new world we want a criminal that support's legal murder as president/support shoplifting love toxic work environments and have a mass casualty event every other day.

GhostMirror28d ago

I’ll admit I didn’t play it at launch, but Cyberpunk 2077 is a really good game now.

And who the hell knows what you’re even going on about in your second paragraph here.

EazyC29d ago

Wait a min...I swear to god CP2077's source code got leaked before. CDPR needs to stop using "password123" for all their accounts 😅

just_looken28d ago

Na its hundreds ex employees no doubt just getting there revenge.

Profchaos28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

This is the same leak the threat actors have been trying to sell the source code after cd project didn't pay the ransom.

They didn't manage to sell the source code to any company largely because it would be unethical for say EA to buy it so the threat actors failed to find a buyer.

After they failed to make any money they went through with their threat of simply giving it away.


The 7 Best Western RPGs: Immersive Adventures

RPGs are often huge, sprawling endeavours. With limited playtime, we have to choose wisely, so here's the best western RPGs available today.

SimpleSlave45d ago

"I started playing games yesterday" the List... Meh!

How about a few RPGs that deserve some love instead?
1 - Alpha Protocol - Now on GOG
2 - else Heart.Break()
3 - Shadowrun Trilogy
4 - Wasteland 2
5 - UnderRail
6 - Tyranny
7 - Torment: Tides of Numenera

And for a bonus game that flew under the radar:
8 - Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

DustMan45d ago

Loved Alpha Protocol in all it's glorious jank. Great game.

SimpleSlave44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

Not only glorious jank, but the idea that the story can completely change depending on what you do, or say, or side with, makes it one of the most forward thinking games ever. The amount of story permutation is the equivalent of a Hitman level but in Story Form. And it wasn't just that the story changed, no, it was that you met completely new characters, or missed them, depending on your choices. Made Mass Effect feel static in comparison.

Alpha Protocol was absolutely glorious, indeed. And it was, and still is, more Next Gen than most anything out there these days. In this regard at least.



The Witcher 4 Won't Be "Witcher 3 in New Clothing," CDPR Adding New Gameplay Elements and Mechanics

CDPR says that players shouldn't expect The Witcher 4 to be "Witcher 3 in new clothing," as the studio is adding new gameplay elements in it.

anast48d ago

Improve the combat and you got an instant classic.

sagapo48d ago

What’s wrong with the combat?

anast48d ago

Nothing for when it was made. It's time to upgrade.

sagapo47d ago

disagrees for asking a question, nice...

Flawlessmic48d ago

Dragons dogma 2 style combat, would be dope.

Friendlygamer47d ago

It played like a bootleg ac game. It was pretty poor even back when it released

anast47d ago

I didn't think it was as bad as the semi QT AC games.

Friendlygamer47d ago

At least ac had some cinematic flair to hide how braindead it was

bionicstar48d ago

They should have a party system with turn based combat

monkey60248d ago

People will riot!

I'd love it but people will riot

LordoftheCritics47d ago

CDPR will lose like 99% of its audience.

It could be a fun experiment for the internet's shits and giggles.