
The 9 worst types of Battlefield 1 player

Fenix Bazaar writes: Battlefield 1 is finally out in the wild, and if you haven’t yet invested in DICE’s blockbuster, best you get out and do it because it’s one of the best games of the year. The game takes the franchise to new heights, offering arguably the best campaign in the series as well as refreshing multiplayer that breaks away from the futuristic outings that currently plague the genre.

I’ve spent quite a bit of time with the game since before launch, having now clocked more than 24 hours in the multiplayer. Safe to say I’m enjoying it … a lot. Now, I don’t proclaim to be the best Battlefield player going around — quite the opposite — but I have found a comfort zone that allows me to best enjoy the game as I know DICE intended players to.

Unfortunately, the experience is sometimes hampered by players who just play for themselves, or don’t quite understand and grasp the concepts of certain mechanics, features and classes. Battlefield 1 can be a punishing game if you don’t play it the right way, and that punishment tends to hit hard for the rest of the player’s team.

So what sort of player do you not want to be out in the midst of the chaos? Here’s my list of the 9 worst types of Battlefield 1 player.

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pandehz2774d ago (Edited 2774d ago )

Love the Saving Private Ryan gifs.

Unfortunately this iteration of Battlefield seems to suffer from this kind of player issue. Even during the beta not one player dropped a medkit in my hours of play.

I think the community has changed a little since BF4.

''The squad that doesn’t play as a squad''

This is the most critical one i think.

pompombrum2774d ago

With everything out at the moment, I've yet been able to find the time to play it but if this is what it's like, that's very sad, hopefully Titanfall and COD will take away a lot of these players. I've been playing Battlefield since the original and find it immensely satisfying playing a supporting role, going around resupplying people, repairing vehicles, handing out med kits and revives, the run and gun kiddies of today's FPS generation don't understand what they're missing.

BlacKJesu52774d ago

I am a run n gun vet....been playing since 1942....I get top re supplies and kills thank you

oof462774d ago

I believe it's new players who don't know or ignore the resupply/heal/revive mechanics. I hate watching youtube clips of CoD players playing Battlefield cause they usually end with "...Yes! I got a positive K/D."

2774d ago
Tussin1872774d ago

No Tex, your team winning is the objective.

Utalkin2me2774d ago


No the game is based around score, other then team deathmatch. In any objective mode in BF1 it's all about score. SPM (score per minute) means more then KDR.

I have seen people go 11 and 21 and outscore a sniper that was 42 and 7. Due that person actually playing the objective and staying with his squad, such as squad spawning and completing the objectives the squad leader is giving. I would much rather have the 11 and 21 guy on my team then the 42 and 7 sniper.

2774d ago
WellyUK2773d ago

why is he getting disagrees? Having a positive k/d is a good thing on pretty much every mode... On CQ getting kills IS playing the objective as you get tickets for kills which funnily enough IS THE OBJECTIVE so at the end of the day if your killing more people than you are dying (Reducing how many tickets the enemy get from kills) that is NOTHING BUT A GOOD thing for your team.

Yes I realise some people camp but a good portion of people with good K/D don't and most of them will most likely carry your team but then again bad players like to think they are helping.

BF's most important stats are a combination of stats not just SPM... KD is important even if bad players dont want it to be, SPM is also very important but goes hand in hand with KD a lot of the time especially for players going HIGH kills. Then Kill per min is as well as at the end of the day the more people you kill quicker the more those enemies are in the spawn screen not getting tickets and not capping flags.

Utalkin2me2773d ago


Nobody said having a good KD is bad thing. It's just not needed in BF1 to be successful or shouldn't be focused on. Sure someone that is good at killing along with playing the objective support role will do very good and would be a huge asset. But SPM is more important in every game mode other then TDM. SPM is based of your overall performance far as kills, objective's, spotting, squad etc.

BTW, CQ doesnt have tickets. You're getting that confused with Rush. But again you make the comment of killing people reduces tickets. Well if im playing a medic if i revive my mate and throw a health pack. Im getting twice as many points then you did on your kill.

WellyUK2773d ago

You people realize that CQ was changed back to a system where KILLS count towards tickets but instead of it going down it goes up to 1000...

@Utalkin2me It may not count down but it counts up now, it was patched so kills and revives are more important than they were in the beta mainly because they f****d the mode up and changed it back. Once again I didn't say KD should be focused on but it shouldn't be frowned upon either. I also said that a group of stats combined is better to look at than just one which is true. But as you said and I agree with the SPM stat is the stand out stat but it's not the only one to take into account.

oof462773d ago

Let me expound on what I meant. A player does not play the objective, ignores taking out enemy vehicles, does not resupply/heal or revive teammates, sits in a far corner of the map and when their team loses they say, "Yay! I went 7 - 5!"
While K/D does have an effect on the outcome, this type of player has minimal impact on the match outcome.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2773d ago
aconnellan2774d ago

Medics have drastically improved since the beta - they were terrible, never dropped medkits, and didn't revive, but I've had nothing but good experiences with them in the full release.

Squads not playing as squads kills me though

Allsystemgamer2774d ago

The medics just simply want the guns. It's very annoying. When I play medic I spend more time reviving and dropping kits then shooting.

we4202773d ago

It's the opposite for me, I throw out health packs and hardly anyone takes them.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2773d ago
Stapleface2774d ago

Medic class who aren't actually being medics are the worst. They use the class for the primary weapons because they are so good. Don't revive, don't drop med kits.. You would think they would at least drop a kit for them selves..nope.

Servbot412774d ago (Edited 2774d ago )

To be fair on the revivals; the stupid medal requires you to get like 20 grenade launcher kills as a medic, and there is no impact grenades, so its a pain in the ass to get without getting shot from all angles once you fire one, so that's probably why a few medics don't have revival equipped. You basically have to get the drop on someone AND not have a teammate take the kill while waiting for the grenade to explode. Why they gave a grenade launcher, and then required you use it, on MEDIC is beyond me.

XMarkstheSpot2774d ago

I wish they would've switched the assault guns with the medic class. SMGs with really the only anti vehicle class sucks ass on bigger maps

Servbot412774d ago

Pretty much nobody plays their class. Everyone is just acting like every loadout is just an alternate way to play sniper without any gadgets.

Stapleface2774d ago

Basically. I just stick with my shotgun/AT mine/AT grenade/gas grenade build. Best assault class ever, IMO. IDK why anyone would want to sit back. Shotguns inside a gas cloud= super fun mayhem.

Majin-vegeta2774d ago

Lol that's the same load out I run.Have you tried War pigeons on St.Quentin??Best place for Shorty kills.For.some reason everyone tends to hide in the little windmill thing.

pandehz2774d ago (Edited 2774d ago )

Its also a map design thingy. A lot of times people are sniping with whatever they are carrying, even with a pistol.

The only times people are in close quarters is during a capture.

Gardenia2774d ago

Most of the time when in a squad nobody cares about others. But today I had a squad were the leader gave the order to capture the two objectives closest to the enemy base. Everyone in the squad knew what to do without communicating, dropping kits and ammo, sticking together, defending and attacking at the right moment. I really had the feeling for a moment we were war buddies. It makes the games much more fun, plus you get a shitload more points for it as well


Soldiers need to realize there are a BUNCH of non-battlefield veterans who are joining us in this fight, it will take time before they learn the values and prowess of their class and when they do, they will help aid in the victorious battle that is the war to end all wars! ;) but for real, they will catch on!

Servbot412774d ago

How-2-Medic: Drop a medkit near allies. Really, that's basically it. So many fail to grasp such a simple concept.

Psychotica2774d ago

Don't be in such a hurry to respawn, give someone a few seconds to revive you. That happens to me all the time, I run up to revive them but they quickly die.

Allsystemgamer2774d ago

It's probably because very few people are actually reviving. Or get revived while under fire just to die again. That happens are too often. I think we need the ability to accept a revive.

BozoLoco2774d ago

they should make some changes to that. ideas:

1. Players that kill medics within 2-3 seconds of reviving a teammate receive a point/XP penalty. In real war it's considered a war crime to knowingly fire on medics.
2. The revive "skull" doesn't appear above downed teammates if they're within a few feet of an enemy. That way you're not rushing to revive a teammate unknowingly walking straight into an ambush with camping enemies nearby. Will also stop players waiting to be revived when they know enemies are nearby.
3. Multiple revives within a short period offers incremental increase in points earned for the revive.

Allsystemgamer2773d ago


That all sounds great but too complicated for a simple revive mechanic.

Accepting the revive and the ability to move the camera for some awareness would probably work easier. Along with the xp bonus you mentioned.

lipton1012773d ago

I've found yesterday that when I revive people, they start to revive / chill on the respawn button.

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Xbox Series X: 20 FPS Boost Games With Lackluster Upgrades

Xbox Series X's FPS Boost is game-changing when it works and disappointing when it doesn't. While frame rates are often consistent, many titles make concerning sacrifices. This lost compiles 20 FPS Boost games that make major sacrifices, detailing their drawbacks.

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darthv721086d ago (Edited 1086d ago )

As someone with the Series S, it makes more of an impact there than on the X. From what i have seen, if the game already supported One X enhancements, then its best to just let it be on the Series X.

Darkwatchman1086d ago (Edited 1086d ago )

But there’s also 13 games that get FPS Boost on Series X that don’t get it on Series S and another number of game that have higher framerate targets with FPS Boost on Series X than Series S so it’s actually not that cut and dry. It’s pretty disappointing on both ends. The cases where it works as intended or as people may have initially thought it would turn out are too few.

XBManiac1085d ago

If you have Series S and you use backwards compatibility... it is not comparable to Series X. Series S runs vanilla Xbox One versions because of the lack of RAM to emulate Xbox One X ones, for example. Series X is far greater improvement on BC.

1086d ago Replies(3)
gamer78041086d ago (Edited 1086d ago )

Great to have options I’ve gone back to playing dragon age inquisition and it runs superbly. Good article though detailing differences.

DJStotty1085d ago (Edited 1085d ago )

Wow, these downplaying articles are rife this week in the lead up to E3.

Funny how it is only this week these articles are surfacing, even though we knew about Series X not running upgrades from Xbox One X BC games months ago. As per article :-

"If a game doesn't run at a stable performance level, the Microsoft backwards-compatibility team can't adjust game settings or resolution to best reach the target frame rate."

Well yeah, you can not change some other developers game code, only they can enhance their own game via next-gen patches.

There is even one now on how Gamepass for PC is "broken".

Wonder what we will see next? We have had Xbox not making any money on any console ever, gamepass for PC is broken, FPS boost has lackluster upgrades, xbox division is being ran in the red at a consistent loss, gamepass has never been profitable, all in the lead up to Xbox and Bethesda's E3 showing.

Funny times, roll on E3 for me, can't wait.

Darkwatchman1085d ago

The issue with games not running One X enhancements as not as simple as you state as again, the first 2 batches had games that worked with One X enhancements. Prey, UFC 4, and Skyrim ran with Xbox One X enhancements. Then in the final batch, we got Shadow of the Tomb Raider. The issue is the inconsistency.

Microsoft taking the “exploit” away that used to exist for still running with One X code in Fallout 4. That workaround got removed which is disappointing.

“We’ve known for months”

Before the last batch of 74 games, we only had 2-3 games that lost the enhancements? So it’s actually only been ONE month that we’ve seen how much of a dramatic cut many games have had to make.

Regardless, this article exists to compile each title’s rendering set-up with and without FPS Boost. I don’t get why people are always so personally insulted when something isn’t praised to high heavens. I LOVED replaying Prey with FPS Boost because I got the best of both worlds. Also loved replaying Shadow of The Tomb Raider. Any of the games on this list however?? Not so impressive.

DJStotty1085d ago (Edited 1085d ago )

"So it’s actually only been ONE month"


Since before launch - September 2020


March 2021

So yeah, it has been known for months, 3 to be precise

All in all, the title description of "lackluster upgrades" is just the series console using the Xbox One S version of the game without the One X enhancements, to achieve the FPS boost.

Says it all when the article needs a disclaimer saying they are essentially "making assumptions"

"While this list compiles information as accurately as possible, some assumptions will be made about dynamic resolution. It is assumed that with the sheer horsepower thrown at base Xbox One code, the dynamic resolution scaler will always hit its peak even with the boosted frame rate. If a bullet-point is book-ended by saying DRS can't be discounted, it's because we didn't have enough information to make a safe claim. "

Darkwatchman1085d ago (Edited 1085d ago )

What you’re highlighting are from the first 2 batches, which my comment already addressed. It was a VERY SMALL number of games that needed sacrifices so it was safe to assume they were outliers. Now with 97 games, 20 of them using Xbox One base code(and a large portion also just being games that never got enhanced to begin with so it’s not actually 77 enhanced One X titles that keep them), it’s a much larger issue than the first 2 batches indiciated. It wasn’t until the final batch in late April or early May, that we saw just how limited the feature is and just how limited Microsoft’s lack of user choice in letting us keep the enhancements is.

Also, that first link is irrelevant because that’s about Series S, a whole separate conversation. This article and conversation is about Series X. Also, at least the article is transparent when it is making an assumption rather than many game journalists that simply regurgitate PR speak as fact, spreading misinformation. When those games revert to base Xbox One code, it’s a fact that they’re going to be using the Xbox One resolution range for that title. The assumption is whether it locks to the top-end or if it drops below the max resolution the DRS was set at for base Xbox One. For many games, we have the data to safely say it’s running at the max resolution. For others, we don’t. It’s not like the article is just pulling resolutions out of its ass.

DJStotty1085d ago (Edited 1085d ago )

I simply said the following :-

"We knew about Series X not running Xbox One X versions of BC games months ago" - Fact, regardless of how you want to spin it about batches. 20 games (the ones in the list) run the Xbox One code, like you said, but as stated by the teams themselves, this is to enable FPS boost.

It is only an issue, for those that want the FPS boost, along with the One X enhancements, for the majority, they will take the sacrifice of resolution downgrades, to play at a higher framerate, if that is what they want.

Best explained by the article itself :-

"Unfortunately, FPS Boost has hard limits because no game code is being touched. If a game doesn't run at a stable performance level, the Microsoft backwards-compatibility team can't adjust game settings or resolution to best reach the target frame rate."

So what they are essentially saying, is they can not reprogram games they do not own, to enable the resolution to be stable, along with using FPS boost, so they have to use the base code, to enable the doubling of framerate.

If they started delving and dabbling in other games source code, they will have a mightily fine and hefty lawsuit coming there way.

This will only be addressed for the 20 games in question, via a developer patch. Expect these to be fixed in due course as and when.

But to label things as "lackluster upgrades" when there is only 1 upgrade involved FPS boost, is nothing short of fanboyish.

DJStotty1085d ago (Edited 1085d ago )

In short :-

All 20 games on the list, are running at Xbox One resolution with FPS boost enabled, instead of the Xbox One X enhanced versions resolution.

This is a known issue, even when running the same games through the BC program.

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Celebrate Armistice Day with These 4 World War I Games

This Armistice Day, take a few moments to revisit the early 20th-century war in a digital historical setting. The following games recreate elements of the Great War, immersing players in an experience that may help them appreciate the reality of the fight that cost more than 9 million lives.

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4 famous games that completely butchered history

Bárbara writes: "History-inspired games have been around for a while and I’m pretty sure every gamer has come across one or two in their lifetime. And while they can be incredibly fun to play, their historical accuracy is often pretty shaky. Don’t get me wrong, in recent years developers have started to work harder to get facts right, but we’re still far from reality. Today we will explore 4 big games that butchered the chapters of history they are based on."

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1380d ago
Sciurus_vulgaris1380d ago

EA tried to market Battlefield 1 as an epic WW1 period piece. It was really just a hybrid of stripped down Battlefield 4 and Star Wars Battlefront (2015) disguised as WW1 shooter.

KyRo1379d ago (Edited 1379d ago )

I'm not sure what it was you played but it certainly weren't BF1. The campaign showing the different periods of the war through the eyes of different soldiers was a good way to show the harsh reality of a WW. Was it groundbreaking? No, but it was a good effort.

It also played nothing like SW and added a whole heap of things to the BF formula to simply be called a reskin.

Sciurus_vulgaris1379d ago

The “harsh reality” of WW1 was not shown by BF1. There is mission where the player is wearing tank-like armour that is repeatedly stated as being near impervious to damage. Metal armour existed in WW1, but was quickly abandoned as it wasn’t effective against bullets or explosives. Or the other reality breaking mission we’re you play as a man with superhuman speed....

BF1 streamed down the guns mechanics making all weapons easier to use. Classes were marginalized and team-play was stripped down. BF1 focused on chaotic gameplay with no emphasis on strategy, just like Battlefront. Reduced gun skill , again just like Battlefront.

HyperMoused1380d ago

So you you are telling me historically you cant jump off a ten story building into hay and live.

Unknown_Gamer57941380d ago (Edited 1380d ago )

Indeed. Ezio actually died in ACII when he jumped off that tall building in Florence. If I recall correctly, that one was actually a cart with a pile of flower petals. Everything that happened after that was him in the afterlife envisioning where life would have taken him had he lived. Clearly the guy had a grim view on his future...

lonewolf101379d ago

I should of read this before I juuuuummmppee................. ............................... .....