
Robots Are Slowly Becoming Gaming's Zombies

Zombies have been the go-to fodder enemy in games for years but that is slowly changing. Robots are taking over and that's not necessarily a good thing.

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EdMcGlone2787d ago

Robots are more interesting to me than zombies at least since you can be more creative with Robots. but overuse is always bad

crazychris41242787d ago

Yea Im still not sure how I feel about the robots in Gears 4. I did only get the chance to play 20 waves of horde and a handful of multiplayer so maybe the campaign introduces them in a way that its cool.

UCForce2787d ago (Edited 2787d ago )

Kinda be honest with myself here. I love Robot a lot. But you are right about that.

PlayableGamez-2787d ago

There is a good reason why there are robots in Gears.

crazychris41242787d ago

Don't spoil it. Didn't start campaign because I wanted to do coop with my friend. Finally had the time to figure out how to trick the game to run split screen on 2 monitors. Problem with that is you get black bars on the side and during cutscenes the bottom half of 1 screen and the top half of the other play the cutscene so you have no clue what's going on.


Clown_Syndr0me2787d ago

I've noticed this and I'm not really into it. Im not that big on sci fi.

senorfartcushion2787d ago

Welll no....if they were slowly becoming zombies, no one would care because time is what seperates something trite from something fresh

peewee110162787d ago

When was robots a big thing??? I have yet to play one that i decent. Thats why i am waiting for Horizon for ps4

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