
Paper Mario is where Nintendo shows off its stellar writing

AVclub: " Paper Mario: Color Splash, the latest in Nintendo’s line of crafty Mario role-playing games, was released today. Zack Handlen reported back with his review earlier in the week. He praised the game’s look and writing, but couldn’t get over the repetitive, shallow battle system. Down in the comments, TheSingingBrakeman thinks this represents Nintendo determining the series’ greatest strength—clever, legitimately funny writing—and putting its best foot forward: "

SilverClock2783d ago (Edited 2783d ago )

I played this game for about a day before returning it to Gamefly. The writing is the only thing I liked about the game. Gone are the details in the environment in favor of a more simplistic "creative" style. I honestly preferred the graphics of the original Paper Mario for the N64. I wish I was exaggerating. Some people like it but I am definitely not one of those people. I do love creative art styles (Wind Waker) (Okami) but this just came off as lazy to me.
But I could look past that if they just nailed the gameplay. But they didn't. They should just remake TTYD, because clearly they will never make a game that good again.

blawren42782d ago

At least you tried it. I can respect that

SilverClock2782d ago

Yea I mean I want to like it because I am a fan of the series but alas it is not the only series letting me down lately.

Servbot412782d ago

Yeah I don't get the love for it either. I'm sitting here asking "did they even play the same game I did?" The writing is top notch and it looks fine (on par with the other games), but that can't carry the entire game to 8's and 9's, and the rest of the game is a horrid slogfest.

blawren42782d ago

Thats just gaming. And movies and restaurants and music. Sometimes you don't agree. Reviews I've read have all been pretty honest about what to expect. I, for one an totally enjoying the light hearted game. Worrying odds cool, graphics are good, music it's amazing. Battle system doesn't bother me at all. I need games like this from time to time


Paper Mario: Color Splash Is Great, Actually

Following up a disappointing game in the final days of the Wii U was a tough job but somebody had to do it.

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Positivelypositive 1472d ago

Super Paper Mario is by far my favorite. The sticker stuff they came out with after was a terrible way to go. Super has an amazing fun story with humor beyond any other mario game before it. I loved the platforming style WAY more than turn based mechanics that pause the games progress and make it much longer than needed. The sticker idea was the worst thing the series ever did. I bought a 3ds to play it and I wish I had never bought the console.


Top 10 Best Paper Mario Bosses, Ranked

Tony writes: "Paper Mario has given us so many memorable bosses, trying to pick the top 10 is quite the challenge! They're good dogs, Brent."

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1473d ago

6 Franchises Nintendo Needs to Resurrect on Switch

The Punished Backlog's David Silbert writes:

"Nintendo is widely known for its deep, eclectic well of beloved franchises. From The Legend of Zelda to Wrecking Crew, there’s no library in gaming as rich in history or as popular among fans.

2019 is shaping up to be a banner year for Nintendo, with representatives from Mario, Fire Emblem, Zelda, and Pokémon all gracing the Switch platform before the year’s end. At the same time, there are still plenty of Nintendo franchises that lie dormant this generation, in desperate need of the “Switch treatment.”

While there are plenty of legendary series worthy of a revival, here are six in particular I would absolutely kill to see on Switch in the near future."

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BlackIceJoe1794d ago

A new Golden Sun and Mother would be great, but I wish I wasn't the only one that wants a new StarTropics.

1789d ago