
Gears 4 is This Year's GOTY

Gears 4 is this year's GOTY, despite the fact that it is still relatively early in the year, and finally utilizes current-gen hardware to its fullest.

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guywazeldatatt2762d ago

Easily the best game I've played in years.

naruga2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

ok its a solid game (its a bit more fun than U4 as it s not hiding its identity and has more polished tps mechanics.....and lets be honest U4 also heavily relies on TPS shooting gameplay ) but its not Goty imo ...

SpaceRanger2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

"ok lets be honest U4 also heavily relies on TPS shooting gameplay"

You have it backwards. Uncharted 4 is clearly story before TPS. Gears of War has always been TPS before story. I think this is clear to everyone considering Gears as a game is generally focused more into the multiplayer aspect.

guywazeldatatt2762d ago

Uncharted 4 is incredibly overrated. Gears 4 has both gameplay and story and is a fuller experience.

SpaceRanger2762d ago


"Uncharted 4 is incredibly overrated. Gears 4 has both gameplay and story and is a fuller experience."

You forgot "imo".

S2Killinit2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

look at these guys they are so full of it, that the first thing they do is compare it to the game that ACTUALLY deserves to be GOTY, without anyone bringing UC4 up in the first place. I wonder what that means. I think they know.

The author on the other hand, is so confused that not only he thinks Gears is a GOTY but that we are still at the "beginning" of the year. I got news for you, its almost next year.

Gazondaily2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

Haven't played Gears yet but story wise, UC always hasay had it beat.

Gears' strong point is the mp really.

NukaCola2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

Hey Dark Link,

Bro nothing is more pathetic than when the[you] person who writes the article, Posts it to n4g then gets on here and then then defends it like a complete immature child. I'm glad that you enjoyed Gears of War 4. It is indeed a good-looking game and everyone knows that Gears of War is the king third person shooting controls. When comparing Gears to Uncharted you're really comparing two separate genres.

But if I can go ahead and retort all your rants, Gears of War is extremely linear cover Base shooting. Each Uncharted game expands the combat expands the gameplay expands the exploration story and more. Both Last of Us and Uncharted 4 15 to 18 hour single player experience unlike anything else. So if you want your opinion keep your opinion but you don't need to come here and cry and call it Community stupid because they don't agree that your beloved game is as great as you believe it is. I think Bugs Bunny lost in time is a better game than Mario 64. You want to argue that or you just want me to enjoy what I like and you can enjoy what you like?

81BX2762d ago

Clearly its his opinion. No need for barney style wording. As much as i love uncharted... Gears 4 is better, just so you dont confuse it with fact.... imo

Kingthrash3602762d ago

These opinion peices lol.
If you ask me forza h 3 deserves it more than gears...and gears is great.
When comparing to uncharted, uncharted just does so much more....
Vehicles, climbing, stealth, larger multi-path world... I mean much, much more was put into uncharted. I'm not saying this as opinion...I love both franchises and I've been very open with how I bought my xbo for gears and qb...but at the end of the day...factually uncharted just does much more....all while looking much better much bigger and at the same framerate.. and resolution. Both are technical master peices. ...both are system sellers.. but uncharted just does much more. Gears has a better mp but uncharted has a better sp....so they are close...but uncharted just does more than gears.

Armaggedon2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

You cant just say "in my opinion" for someone else. Besides, he is right, Uncharted 4 overrated. It is an amazingly well crafted game, easily 9 or higher; however, a lot of people place it on a pedestal and treat it as the undisputed champion of games. Games involve gameplay. The more advanced the gameplay is, the better the game. Uncharted is a heavyweight interactive movie to an extent, and its actual gameplay does not compare to a lot of other games. Amazing visuals, amazing and immersive story and set pieces, and some arguably challenging combat sections. But it is not the champion of games, but a champion of cinematic gaming experience. Is it better or worse than gears? Now that is somewhat a matter of opinion.

nix2762d ago

I mean how is 85% and 93% even suppose to be the same. If the games have been reviewed by let's say 100 publications, it's got a difference of 80 points already.

Uncharted 4 is clearly a winner here.

2600Thunder2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

My opinion as primarily a PC player is that while I agree that Gears was a great time, it just has not been part of my thoughts after finishing it - though perhaps not its focus. I do not think Gears and U4 are in the same genre to compare them, but who cares when everyone is arguing over GOTY right?

Uncharted 4 sat in my head for weeks after finishing it. It is a masterful work of gaming art to me and is my "Game of the Generation", and yes includes "the year" too. Witcher 3 is also a very very close second to this spot, but can't count that because we are talking GOTY. I was so attached to the characters and story, that I actually became a bit sad when U4 ended. It has been by far the best experience to date in gaming entertainment for my friends, family, and me. I did not stop hearing about U4 for a long time from them.

It is one game among a very select few for me where I felt it enriched my life from playing it and experiencing its artistry.

It is the TOTAL package. The thought provoking depth and creativity in a very original story, rich and complex character development, the level design, the gameplay, the high resolution texture artwork (my God, some of those buildings), and the use of the PS4 hardware has no rival and is above and beyond anything in terms of quality to date. It made me tear up a few times, and though it is a cover TPS, it does not feel or play at all like Gears or anything else. Just as devs took from Gears cover mechanic, some have taken from U4 and imitation is just a sign of its setting the bar. The first day of experiencing that game was like Christmas.

I never felt any part was tedious, the enemy AI was well designed, and the small little details during chases and shootouts and just the attention to detail in general were all fantastic. It had a great conclusion that gracefully ended the main story of Nate and friends, but also left it open to continue the IP forward - if they so desired. It was a "cinematic" experience done right, meaning it didn't feel like I was a passive observer or watch a CG movie covered in QTEs, but feel like I was an active participant helping to drive the story forward.

I have been dying to play it again, and I am waiting on my Pro to see if by some crazy chance Naughty Dog adds some support for 60fps. Doubtful, but damn it is worth the wait for me since I would love to play it again, but like this: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2762d ago
2762d ago Replies(5)
Overload2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

Uncharted vs Gears

Uncharted 1 (88)

Uncharted 2 (96)

Uncharted 3 (92)

Uncharted 4 (93)

Uncharted Collection (86)

Uncharted PS Vita (80)

Uncharted Series (28M sold, before Uncharted 4)

Gears 1 (94)

Gears 2 (93)

Gears 3 (91)

Gears Judgement (79)

Gears 4 (85)

Gears Ultimate (82)

Gears series (27M sold, before Gears 4)

With less games and no PC releases Uncharted managed to overtake Gears, which is pretty incredible. ND also made TLOU during this time.

Kaneki-Ken2762d ago

Don't forget Uncharted: Golden Abyss.

Overload2762d ago

Oops. Thanks. I added it.

thegamefox932762d ago

I love the uncharted series, especially uncharted 2 and 4. But LOU is the best naughty dog game...
Also lets not forget the amazing Jak and Crash series!

spicelicka2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

UC is amazing in single player, but Gears multiplayer is the best of any TPS, anyone who has played both will agree to this.

That being said, this article is nonsense, the guy hasn't even played the multiplayer.

andibandit2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

you forgot
Uncharted: Fight For Fortune (67)

Uncharted: Fortune Hunter(77)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2762d ago
Genuine-User2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

"Easily the best game I've played in years."

Sure, why not? It's your personal taste.

"Gears 4 has both gameplay and story and is a fuller experience."

Gameplay is good old Gears fine tuned for current-gen, and I'm really enjoying it. Story is sub par and dialogue between the characters range between cringeworthy to just plain old bad; how can it still be this bad after so many years.

"Uncharted 4 is incredibly overrated."

That's the type of attitude that shows clear subconscious bias. A game isn't overrated just because you didn't like it as much. Uncharted 4 is critically acclaimed for a reason.

sho0ok2762d ago

The dialogue is awesome in gears 4, don't know which game are you playing.

Also, the word 'cringe worthy' is stupid... No offense.

Kribwalker2762d ago

I would put Forza horizon 3 as my game of the year. It's brilliant, fun, huge and nearly endless with awesome graphics too

Genuine-User2762d ago

Sometimes I wish I was into racing games. Feels like I'm missing out by not playing Forza Horizon 3.

guywazeldatatt2762d ago

I'm not huge into racing games but Microsoft sent me Forza Horizon 3 and it was awesome. It's a great choice. Honestly, Microsoft has the best lineup of exclusives this fall/holiday season. Sony would be up there if they didn't delay their best game (Horizon)

Kribwalker2762d ago


Have you played the demo? I'm not normally a big racing fan either but this game is pretty amazing

SegaGamer2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

With you getting sent free games it's pretty much impossible for any of us to take anything you say seriously. Let's face it, if you don't kiss Microsoft's ass then you wouldn't be getting free games.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2762d ago
christocolus2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )


I'm enjoying it too. I started the campaign a few days back then went on to try the mp and its so good. Its a nice balance. So far I'll rate the campaigns this way.

Gears 1, Gears 3 and Gears 2. I am not done with Gears 4 but so far I'd place it between Gears 1 and 3

I've played horde mode for 6 hours straight today and its still so engaging. Its beautiful. The coalition have done a great job here. This game has longevity. I can see people playing this for a long long time.

guywazeldatatt2762d ago

My article was not meant to compare it to UC4 like so many here want to do, but honestly Metacritic doesn't mean crap because while Gears 4 is technically a step up from previous gears games, it won't get as high a score because it's a sequel.

Horde is amazing. The game just has so much variety and longevity and I always enjoy the Gears campaigns so it's not just MP.

sammarshall1022762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

Gears 4 is one of a kind and my GOTY for sure

@Badz149 No game is like Gears when it comes to multiplayer and the campaign how it all comes together

badz1492762d ago

seriously, how is it one of a kind when it's a sequel and in this case, it's pretty much the previous 3 games only with different characters?

no innovation whatsoever and is basically more of the same...not my word, but pretty much all the reviews are talking about!

one of a kind...LOL

Ashlen2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

It's good to know you based your opinion on an objective review and not complete and total bias. /s


Overload2762d ago

Well, well, well. Nice find.

leoms2762d ago

Ashlen with the bomb!!!

trooper_2762d ago

Wow, that's a pretty big bomb to drop.

Nice find.

BlakHavoc2762d ago

I remember this guy all too well lol. Darklink= n4gs greatest troll

Nathan_Hale532762d ago

This is why I never take DarkLink seriously. Ever since that RIDICULOUS article, I couldn't take him serious.

SegaGamer2762d ago

I read one of his comments above. He said he get's games for free from Microsoft. It seem's to me that if he doesn't blow smoke up Microsoft's asses then he doesn't get free games. He's basically the ultimate fanboy.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2762d ago
Red_Renegade2762d ago

musta missed a lot of games these last few years then.

XanderZane2762d ago

I'm sure you will get a lot of disagrees on this site. Yes, it's definitely a great game and should be on the list for GOTY. I'm sure UC4 & Forza Horizon 3 will be on the list as well.

YAO-BLING2762d ago

LMAO.. have you played uncharted 4?

XanderZane2761d ago (Edited 2761d ago )

I have, yes. I've played all the Uncharted games. It's a great game and will be on the GOTY list.

Uncharted 4 has also "been there and done that", but it still deserves to be on the GOTY list. FH3 is incredible. Definitely the best racing game this gen so far.

trooper_2762d ago

Don't agree.
This is clickbait at its finest. There's other games that should definitely be considered. Maybe in *YOUR* opinion it is.

Perjoss2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

Overwatch is goty for me (so far), followed closely in 2nd by Forza Horizon 3, this is the first car game I've ever considered for goty.

UCForce2762d ago

Like seriously, are you sure about that ?

DeeBeers2762d ago

Between gears, forza and Battlefield I see no point in choosing. All 3 are guaranteed supreme excellence and offer complimentary mp gaming experiences. Any one of them deserves the nod imo.

SegaGamer2762d ago

I'm not a fan of any of them. All 3 of them are been there done that games. I'm not a fan of shooters and i haven't enjoyed Forza since the 2nd one, and even then it was incredibly repetitive.

DeeBeers2762d ago

All games are been there done that. If you like shooting an racing online they are top notch.

maulberto32762d ago

Mine is coming, will love to say that as well, just a few more days.

notachance2762d ago

best game you've played in years? you're saying this is better than the witcher 3 then?

ookay MS PR team... maybe if you stopped at comparing this to UC4 it'd still make a liiitle bit more sense, but now.. lmao, can you see it? your site reputation go down the drain?

GamingIVfun2762d ago

Gears Of War 4 is a great game, probably the best Xbox One exclusive imo, but it's not game of the year. As it stands with the year not being over yet, I would say Uncharted 4 would be game of the year imo.

Year is not over yet, we have more game releases coming.

Tech52762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

Depends on which characters you gravitate towards. N4G obviously gravitated towards UC4.

Dark_Knightmare22762d ago

I think critics and gamers in general gravitated to uc 4 more considering their metascores

starchild2762d ago


The sample size is too small and the difference in average score between the two games isn't significant enough to draw those kinds of conclusions.

mark_parch2762d ago

as an overall package i think its more fun than uncharted ( horde is amazing ). but my game of the year so far is horizon 3

UCForce2762d ago

It doesn't matter. You are literally losing control of your fanboy, it exposing you and make your article look like irrelevant to the other. I'm serious, not joking here. In my previous comment, fanboy does exist in our body and mind, no matter how you want to get rid of it, it always stuck with you just like my, the only way if you don't want to be fanboy, you need to control. Similar to rage( not talk about the game ), you can't get rid of your anger, because it's part of human nature, you need to control it.

2762d ago Replies(1)
+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 2761d ago
Overload2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

Uncharted 4 is GOTY this year so far and has all the qualifications to make those sorts of claims.

Highest rated

and selling a ton

guywazeldatatt2762d ago

Gears is superior and has much tighter mechanics/gameplay

Overload2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

According to who? Notice how no one even compares Gears to Uncharted anymore in the media, when they were pitted against each other at the beginning.

Genuine-User2762d ago

Did you write the opinion piece?

Rimeskeem2762d ago

Except gears doesn't innovate. When you have the power of the new gen I expect innovation.

Kaneki-Ken2762d ago

Gears 4 Story was the second weakest of the franchise.

fromchildren2762d ago

If it is shooting mechanics you are referring to I would say Freedom Wars does it better with its sprinter control scheme. Like Gears of war, FW is more multiplayer focused and has quite a weak story.

If we are talking about game of the year for 2016...

Honestly I don't think even uncharted 4 can take the spot, none of the games release this year have strong narative and uncharted 4 is probably the closest we can get for that.

Well there is persona 5 but it won't be releasing in the west until next year.

It might be stupid but I think Battlefield 1 might bt GOTY because it has real good reception.

game4funz2762d ago


Okay..innovation. What is that exactly and what title I daresay can claim that. seriously "innovation" is that word gamers use like designers use "avant garde" completely ridiculous and without understanding the meaning of the word.

Sparta072762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

Nope.,, or should I say HELL NO! Uncharted beats Gears hands down, story, gameplay and graphics.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2762d ago
SpaceRanger2762d ago

I agree with you opinion and sound evidence! And with PS4 Pro coming soon as the most powerful console ever made, the graphical enhancements will only help the story and gameplay.

However, I'm keeping an eye out and waiting it out to play TLG before I make my own personal opinion on it.

CocoaBrother2762d ago

Instead of getting defensive about what one's opinion is on a his/her personal preference for game of the year may be, why not just play the games you constantly rave about?

XanderZane2762d ago


Both games could easy be nominated for GOTY. Gears 4 is selling like crazy as well. Forza Horizon 3 was best selling 1st party game for the month of October.

morganfell2762d ago

Sales do not matter but since you brought it up, realize that link is for this current point in time. Launch week. What about overall numbers? It hasn't cracked the top 100 for the year:


I think the game is technically well made. I also think it is a must buy. Unfortunately FOR ME (Its an IMO thing), Gears of War games rank story wise in the order they were released - 1, 2, 3, and 4. They are all that good now (2 required a lot of MP patching). That says something when even the 4th rated game in a series is a must buy. Yet I really would have preferred a complete game starring a very young Marcus Fenix and the fight against rebels and let that lead into Emergence Day. Hopefully with the next one.

Overload2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )


Gears being #18th after 3 days is not good. It never even made it to 1st, even on launch day. No Man's Sky was 1st for multiple days, so was Uncharted 4. Also, Forza Horizon 3 has almost dropped off the top 100 entirely. That link is not doing you any favors.

Forza Horizon 3 was the only 1st party title to launch in September aside from Recore, combined they sold 200K physical copies in the US. No Man's Sky did 500K in the US during it's launch.

"Forza Horizon 3, an open world racing video game developed by Playground Games, sold approximately 150k copies. This is not an impressive number as it was only on sale for 5 days (a few more if you count the Ultimate Edition). ReCore, the other Microsoft first party game apparently sold less than 50k copies at retail."


With that said I don't think Gears will bomb, but I don't think it will do as well as people expect, similar to how it reviewed. In which case they'll look to the leader boards. Lol.

Kiwi662762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

Why do you only talk about the 150k in 5 days ( just in the US) as though thats all it sold or doesn't the other countries where it also sold not matter

morganfell2762d ago

As I said above, sales do not equal enjoyment for a game. You can't play sales. For me, Recore is a must buy and I have enjoyed it. No Man's Sky sold more than Gears 4? How is the enjoyment factor there? I praised NMS at first. I enjoyed it. It just turned out that the thing I was waiting to see in the game never materialized. I didn't get one tenth of the enjoyment from NMS that I have had with Recore.

PistolsAtDawn2762d ago

UC4 was good, but wildly over-rated and simply benefits from several biased reviews that gave the game "benefits of the doubt" that no other games got...and in certain cases the other games even got knocked for doing what UC4 did. usually in terms of "staying true to the originals/not changing much"

Dark_Knightmare22762d ago

Surprise surprise you bringing up uc 4 once again in an article that has no relation to uc 4. You just did the same thing yesterday in a gears 4 article like did ND offend you or something because you go hard against them for no reason other than being a fanboy or hipster

2762d ago Replies(2)
ginsunuva2761d ago

I think it's my GOTY, but since when does Metacritic and Sales figures decide GOTY?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2761d ago
SpaceRanger2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

These guys are pretty bold to say that Halo has gone stale and that gears has taken over that spot. Not sure about that.

And there's way bigger story/gameplay driven contenders for GOTY in 2016. I don't see this as being the top.

TGGJustin2762d ago

Gears 4 won't be in the running from most places yet alone win. Review scores don't always matter but can't tell you the last time a game with a 84 average won over 90+ rated games like UC4 and Overwatch.

SpaceRanger2762d ago

Good point! And yeah I've been putting tons of time into overwatch.

I consider GOTY though as having the best single player gameplay and story. That's just me being a product of the N64 and PSone era with no multiplayer.

TGGJustin2762d ago

I agree SpaceRanger and usually it is story games that win GOTY from most places. That is why I don't think Overwatch will win more awards over Uncharted. Same with BF1 or any other shooter.

PistolsAtDawn2762d ago

You make a solid point, but it's just and odd example you came up with...cause after playing all those games....I feel Gears is the one that should be 90+ and the other 2 not so much...esp in the case of Overwatch...I returned that game the same day.

Fist4achin2762d ago

It's still a little early to call anything GOTY...

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5 Video Games That Should Have Been Shorter, and 5 That Should Have Been Longer

GB: "Nailing an experience's length is easier said and done, and one way or another, these games left a little to be desired on that front."

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Petebloodyonion463d ago

I always have a problem with games that should have been longer when lasting 8-10 hours.
Here's a question I ask all the time when ppl say that.
How many times have you replayed the story of a great game like Tlou2, GOW, Final Fantasy remake, GTA, Zelda, or any other 20 hours plus game? and usually, the answer varies between 0 and rarely 1.

So what's the point of having great 30 hours plus games if you will never replay them because of level, section, grinding dragging too long?

Lifexline463d ago (Edited 463d ago )

I agree I’m not sure how people find the time to play all these games. 20 plus hour games are great but for me 8 to 10 is the sweet spot. Those games take to long to finish specially when you have a backlog of games waiting to be played. Plus 20 plus hour games always have downtime and unnecessary side quests that can be boring too much fodder imo.

Being on your phone is one thing you can access websites like this everywhere on your phone or mobile gaming. But games you have to find the time to play them. Which is why I don’t understand why so many people want like ten games it seems In a month.

LucasRuinedChildhood463d ago (Edited 463d ago )

I think you're missing the point a bit.

A game can be 8-10 hours long and use that time really well, but it can also only start to get good far into the playthrough and leave the player feeling short-changed.

Hotline Miami is only 4-5 hours long but it's extremely well paced and time well spent. But if only got really good towards the end, I'd want it to be longer.

Stanjara463d ago

You just look at trophies and se that around 20% or less actually finish their games.

CrimsonWing69463d ago

I've replayed all those games except GTA and Breath of Wild because I can never finish them.

The Last of Us 2 i've replayed 4 times. God of War (2018) 2 times, Final Fantasy Remake 3 time (technically Intergrade twice since went on Steam and I wanted 100% achievements), and if we do want to bring in Zelda I've played Ocarina of Time probably 4 to 6 times a few times on N64, another time on 3DS, and twice on virtual console Wii and Wii U.

I am sure I'm not alone in replaying long games and honestly it's like I'm finished within a week or two and that with balancing responsibilities and a social life. Shorter games take even less time.

BrainSyphoned463d ago

Without mentioning Skyrim.. I've got two platinum trophies for Persona 5 and am playing it on game pass right now. Beat FF7R on normal twice and hard once and will play it again before the next one. Non story games- MHW I've made characters on PC/Xbox/PS with at least 600 hours on each platform. I don't care to play a mediocre games that are 8 hours long. The reason my backlog is so long isn't because that many good games are released each year it is because I replay the best ones over and over. Same deal with audio books. I've gone through book series multiple times every time a new one is coming out.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 463d ago
Soy463d ago

Disagree with Days Gone - yeah it took a while to really get going, but I appreciated it when I was done. Jumping right in at 4-5 hrs or whatever would've made the rest feel less impactful. RDR2 and Mankind Divided felt just right too, I wouldn't change them at all.

What needed less time was AC Valhalla. I was more than ready to be done with that by the time it was 2/3 over. Just too much useless stuff, and I hated the Asgard sections.


Ranking The Gears Of War Games From Worst To Best

The Gears of War series has been a consistent deliverer of quality for Xbox, but which games are the best?

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KicksnSnares689d ago

Gears of War is my favorite video game franchise, and the Locust is my all-time favorite faction.

My rank list:
1. Gears of War 2
2. Gears of War 3
3. Gears of War 1
4. Gears of War 4
5. Gears of War 5
6. Gears of War Judgment (No Locust in multiplayer was a disgrace)

ChasterMies687d ago

Agree 100% with this ranking. The campaign in Gears of War 2 is among the most fun campaigns ever made. It’s been downhill from there.

Zombieburger638687d ago

I’d say gears 2 and 3 are pretty even. I absolutely loved both of them.

darthv72688d ago

2 is still my favorite but 5 is also up there (for me). Then I'd say 1, 3, 4 and Judgement. Tactics isnt the same type of game, so it seems odd to rank it among TPS when its a strategy game. So I make that one all its own. Pretty fun game too.

Jericho1337688d ago

The first is and has always been the best one imo - the story, the levels, the set pieces, the soundtrack - as close to perfect as a campaign can get.

I’d say the series had been on a continual downhill slide until 5.

Om4ever687d ago

Naaaan ... 2 is the best by far

MadLad688d ago


I love the series as a whole, but 4 was pretty by the numbers, and Judgement was just ok.

LoveSpuds688d ago

I played them all since picking up a Series X about 7 months ago. Personally, I don't think time has been kind to the earlier games and they feel very slow and repetitive to play. Whilst the newer games may be prettier, they stick with the original gameplay mechanics too much in my view so as a whole series of titles, I think they are pretty average games.

Not to say they weren't fun and I have a lot of nostalgia for 1 and 2, I just think there are far better action games out there.

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Gears Of War: The Franchise For You

What's the best Gears of War game for players? Where to start? This guide should easily lend a hand.

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Old McGroin821d ago (Edited 821d ago )

It's brilliant but personally liked part one more. It's the only one that had a near horror movie vibe to it in parts, the atmosphere was amazing.

Also, the commercial for it was 🔥🔥🔥


Neonridr821d ago

Mad World was such a perfect song for that trailer. I loved part 1 too just because it was so fresh at the time. The series has been solid, but experiencing everything for the first time was pretty awesome.

ChasterMies821d ago

Gears of War 2 has one of the greatest campaigns of all time. Carmine, all that juice, fighting inside a giant worm, and riding monsters.

Knightofelemia822d ago

Gears 1 and 2 will always be my favorite Gears titles. The scene where Dom find his wife and then has to shoot her was an epic scene.

monkey602822d ago

I always found that scene laughably bad myself. Fantastic game though.

1 will always be my favourite. Most were great with the exception of 4 being okay and judgement being terrible.

They still have the most satisfying headshots from any multiplayer game around.

lucian229821d ago

Nah I laughed, the acting was soooooooooo bad

KicksnSnares822d ago

My favorite Gears game list
1. Gears 2
2. Gears 3
3. Gears 1
4. Gears 4
5. Gears 5
6. Gears Judgement

Gears Of War is my favorite video game franchise. I can’t imagine how Gears 6 will look in UE5 after watching Hellblade 2 gameplay trailer

RetroCaptainSteve822d ago

Or if they remake 2 and 3 with that engine.

KicksnSnares822d ago

There is a rumored Marcus Fenix collection (Gears 2 & 3 remake) in the works at the Coalition. Hopefully, it’s true, but I doubt it.

Profchaos822d ago

For me you can't beat gears 1 the original was so fresh and revolutionary at the time.
Then basically I'd rank it 2,3,5,4 and judgement

Viljong822d ago (Edited 822d ago )

One of the reasons why i got the series x. Been fan since the first game.

myfathersbastard822d ago

Played them all recently on gamepass. Great games. But my favorites gotta be gears tactics. Don’t know why. I just had a blast with it lol

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