
GameZone: Ubersoldier II Review

GameZone writes:

"You know, most fantasy, no matter how crazy, probably originated from something obscure that was indeed fact. Case in point, it has been well documented that Adolf Hitler was interested in the occult. Just based off this simple fact, we have had countless movies, books and even games that take this idea and go hog wild. Heck, the first Indiana Jones movie talks about Hitler's obsession with religious artifacts and the beginning of Hellboy talks about some of the sinister things Hitler was trying to do in order to gain power. And who could forget all that fun blowing away mutated Nazi's in the Wolfenstein games? And since I really like the idea of taking real historical events and then wrapping it in a shroud of fantasy, well, lets just say I wanted to review this game pretty badly."

Gameplay 6.2
Graphics 6.5
Sound 6.5
Difficulty Medium
Concept 6.9
Multiplayer 6
Overall 6.4

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Bundle Stars Releases FPS Bulletproof Bundle

The Bundle Stars are back with the FPS Bulletproof Bundle. This gets you SickBrick, Dead Effect, Dementium II HD, Ubersoldier II, Fancy Skulls, NecroVision and NecroVision Lost Company, Parkan II, Heavy Fire: Afghanistan, Axis Game factory’s AGFPRO v2, and AGFPRO’s drone kombat DLC.

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World 1-1: Ubersoldier II Review

World 1-1 writes: "Trolling around for another WW2 shooter, I discovered that Burut had created a sequel to Ubersoldier, the FPS that followed the current Wolfenstein formula of strange Nazi experiments and bizarre invention only backed by an incredibly buggy engine and quite possibly some of the worst voice acting ever put on disc. The good news is that the second one is something of an improvement.

The actual story behind the game is not what either the press materials or the back of the box actually tell you and forget looking for a manual…there isn't one aside from a text document on the disc. Still, with Wolfenstein's supposed release date nowhere in sight, taking on the Third Reich in a relatively unknown game seemed like it would make the waiting a little more bearable."

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Thestar: UberSoldier II review

Thestar Writes:

"Not without its flaws -- wounded bad guys get a little too wrapped up in their pre-scripted death-thro routines to actually bother with the dying bit, plus they can fire from behind crates and hop over them at will, but you can't... and oh yes, there are crates, many many crates, more crates than you can shake a hatchet at -- UberSoldier II manages enough compelling action that it's worth playing right though.

It's online multi-player component, meanwhile, certainly looks like it could offer some excellent generic shooter mayhem, but there is absolutely nobody playing it online, and that's probably because it's a rather obscure little budget title that not enough online multi-player types have discovered.

Still, at just 20 bucks, UberSoldier II is worth checking out despite its flaws, obscurity and flat-out derivativeness. "

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