
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2: How Different is it From the First Game? | The Koalition

Gary Swaby at The Koalition writes: Earlier this year it was revealed that Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 was incoming, and it would be released this very year. I wasn’t surprised by the fact that there would be a sequel as the first game sold pretty well; but I was surprised that the sequel would be coming this year, as it’s still so soon after the first. Typically it takes around 2 years to develop a quality sequel; judging by that it’s easy to assume that Xenoverse 2 had a fast development cycle.

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Romudeth2800d ago

I like DBZ but I don't get these games lol

WildArmed2800d ago (Edited 2800d ago )

They are more RPG than fighting games. It was a weird mix. I was EXTREMELY disappointed in the game when I started Xenoverse, coming from badukai HD remaster, this was pretty disappointing in terms of combat fluidity.

I still pushed through it since I liked the scenarios etc in the game. By the mid-way point, I really started liking the game.. not as a figther, but as an RPG. I've build some pretty crazy characters (pure melee, super kamahameha spammers, spirit sword vegeto etc) which I've really enjoyed. Mix in the crazy amount of funny scenarios the game has (story and free missions wise) + co-op which is pretty fun too.

I ended up treating the game more like how I treat monster hunter games, farm them mats and skills and have a blast... with that said, I'm disappointed they do not seem to improve on the combat system in X2 -- this may end up with me holding back on buying the game like I did with xenoverse. I picked up xenoverse+seasonpass for 12$ thanks to one of hte PSN sales, and I'll likely do the same w/ X2 at this rate.

With that said, if you are a fan of DBZ, also check out DBZ Fusions (on 3DS)

BlacKJesu52800d ago

What s not to get....build a character with skills....

SwiffEpics2800d ago

I never played that one. I hear it was good.

TWB2799d ago (Edited 2799d ago )

Tenkaichi 3 had less content than Tenkaichi 2)(short story mode, and no leveling/RPG elements of 2), but all the moves were much more polished, character count was upped to the max, graphics were made the best in a BT game. The combo system was also very slightly touched, since Tenkaichi 2 was so block focused, Tenkaichi 3 improved guard breaking abilities and added more ways to counter, and even break out of enemy combos. If you felt like you simply couldnt stop the enemy from pulling mad combos, you could double tap L1 to release a shockwave that consumed half of your HP bar, and since usually tuned up characters had 6-9 bars, it wasnt a massive tradeoff. A good combo could take 1 and a half bars away from you.

Tenkaichi 2 and 3 are also possibly some of the fastest Dragonball games out there. Your standard dash is like 1.5x faster than Dragon Dash in Xenoverse, and the Dragon Dash in Tenkaichi 2/3 is like 3x faster. Tenkaichi 3 even added a Hyper Dash that trippled your Dragon Dash speed and directed you behind your enemy instead of coming straight forward, but it consumed huge amounts of Ki.

On top of that, you could so easily move around and cancel the dashes for better mobility.

If you have played Raging Blast, the speed and mobility are the biggest differences in gameplay mechanisms between it, and Tenkaichi 2/3. I would even say that the blast effects were much better.

So yeah, it was an awesome game. People are really split on the combat, since some say it was just square mashing, and some say the fighting system was too complex. I say, I would prefer even deeper combo functionality.

Found this video with a quick search, and I think it shows all the cool stuff pretty well.

CorndogBurglar2800d ago (Edited 2800d ago )


Tenkaichi 2 and 3 are the only dbz games that actually felt like you were fighting in dbz.

They also got the powering up and transformations down perfectly, unlike Xeno where you transformations were just basically temporary power ups. The dqsh system was also a mess in Xeno.

Why can't they just make a new one of those? Copy the fight system exactly.

JeremyJames2800d ago

too bad "Ultimate Tenkaichi" on ps3 was the worst dbz game i ever played

ZeekQuattro2800d ago

I agree but I'll add Raging Blast 2 which minus the lack of a story was like a spiritual successor to Tenkaichi 3 and a step in the right direction. Its a shame it never received a 3rd entry instead Ultimate Tenkaichi was made. I don't think Tenkaichi 3 will be be topped in DBZ fighting games as it seems like the studios just don't care anymore or the budget for the games has been cut in such a way that it leaves little room for growth. DBZ T3 have virtually everyone I wanted in the DB universe and even some that I didn't know I wanted. It was/is just that good. The game just had some much fan service with the huge roster and even some of the color swaps. I remember SSJ4 Gogeta having the fan created SSJ5 look and one of the SSJ Goku's having his less detailed character model available. The show was notorious for animation changes between the different episodes and it was funny to see them put it in the game as an alt. Plus it was one of the few games that allowed you to have that bug planet Vegeta sayian armor color. The blue and green one. lol I like that one.

TWB2799d ago

Tenkaichi style game could even work decently in a multiplayer environment. Tenkaichi Tag Team was 2vs2 and it worked pretty well. Some stuff would probably need refining and the combat system could use some more extra depth or few changes, but I think it could work out great.

SegaGamer2800d ago

Me too, Budokai Tenkaichi 2 and 3 were Dragon Ball games at their peak. You also had every character at launch back then and didn't have to pay extra for the rest of them. Some of the characters from the Tenkaichi days were sold as DLC with Xenoverse, it's BS.

Servbot412800d ago

Can someone tell me if it still requires you to basically complete singleplayer to unlock missions in multiplayer? I hate that crap in games.

JeremyJames2800d ago

nah man.
you can only play splitscreen in the world tournament.

Kokyu2800d ago

I was very disappionted with my purchase of the first game I would have much preferred the DBZ online that Korea, Japan and Taiwan are enjoying.

rbailey2800d ago

I may actually pick this up this time around. We shall see lol

SwiffEpics2800d ago

I'll buy it for you if you pull an all-nighter with me :)

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I Believe It's Time For Bandai To Move On From Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

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ZeekQuattro211d ago

I've been saying this for years. The newcontent is drip fed over years whenever a new movie is out since the Super Anime is over.

gold_drake211d ago

moving on ..

maybe a reboot would be nice.

Daeloki210d ago

I honestly think it's time to collectively as a society move on from Dragon Ball completely. Don't get me wrong, it will always be my childhood favourite, but like it's been some overdone lately. All recent DB games have been thinned out overmilked content and just... we don't need more DB anymore, it's enough, let the whole series retire.


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