
GameSpy: Guitar Hero World Tour Preview

GameSpy writes: "Over the last few weeks, I've sat by helplessly as my fellow editors have attended Leipzig and PAX and gotten to do something I'd yet to: play Guitar Hero World Tour. Activision's answer to Rock Band is shipping with a more elaborate drum kit and a revamped guitar with a new slide bar, and this week marked the first time I -- and many other people in attendance at an Activision press event -- would actually get my hands on the new gear or take a good look at the game's setlist. Over the next week, we'll be revealing a great deal of info on the game, and that coverage kicks off today with some basic impressions.

The first big decision of the night, obviously, was what to play first. Drums? Guitar? Which songs? I eventually opted to try out guitar on Lenny Kravitz's "Are You Gonna Go My Way?" While the guitar's shape has changed (the series' licensing deal with Gibson has ended), the wireless controller still feels very similar to GH3's Les Paul, with some interesting tweaks. The strum bar is longer, and the "bridge" area is actually a large button you can rest your palm on and press to activate Star Power."

+New drum kit has a nice bouncy feel to it
+Guitar feels on par with the Les Paul

-We're still getting a feel for the kick pedal
-Vocals could use a little more visual feedback

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Top Five Discoveries in Gaming Soundtracks

Sometimes, gaming soundtracks can introduce players to bands and artists they've never heard of. This article is all about Matt's five favorites, thanks for gaming.

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Top Ten Video Game Adverts... Ever

Accompanied by Heidi Klum, Mr T, Robin Williams, and Jerry (who's suddenly a chicken), Dan takes a look at his favourite video gaming adverts of all time.

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Top 10 Celebrities Making Appearances Video Games

Unreality Mag writes: "It’s always fun to see something out of the ordinary when you’re playing a video game. Most times it comes in the forms of funny songs or a game glitch you didn’t expect. And sometimes the game will toss in a celebrity which might throw you off (meaning a good thing).

But here I wanted to focus on celebrities who appeared in games that weren’t so obvious. Games that didn’t really have a celebrity focus yet a celebrity appeared in that seemed almost random.

Here are 10 that I enjoyed the most."

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Moncole4488d ago

This lt fails for not having Burt F*cken Reynolds from Saints Row the Third

Unless I am blind and didn't see him