
PlayStation 4 Pro Is Set to Provide the Best Graphics in Gaming This Holiday

PS4 Pro is the gaming platform that graphics enthusiasts should have in 2016, being the only one with both 4K & HDR support at the moment. PC has 4K but lacks HDR, Xbox One S has HDR but lacks 4K.

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Garethvk2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

It is a good value but we (as in my family and staff) will wait.

Eonjay2795d ago

Garth, you sound like Smegal from LoTR lol. We are not ruled by a single will.
You will wait.

Garethvk2795d ago

We as in me, my wife, son, and staff.

Babadook72795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

I sure won't 'wait'. I paid a mere $150 to upgrade. Canadian dollars. (Sold the day 1 PS4) That's worth it for what I will get out of it over the next two years.

Kribwalker2795d ago

It's funny it says Xbox one does HDR but not 4K, well the Xbox one S and the PS4 Pro both upscale 4K, so technically that is incorrect

thexmanone2795d ago

I know right. People are so confused.

Davidgr22795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

Xbox One S does not run games in 4k or any resolution higher than 1080p. PS4 will run games in native 4k such as Fallout 4,Elder Scrolls,Last of us, and Skyrim. Other games will be at least 2k (1440p) upscaled to 4k. Way better than mostly upscaled 900p to 4k on X1 S.

MasterCornholio2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

But what are they upscaling from?

Plus the PS4 Pro supports native 4K in some games.


"Lol, get out of your dream world. Fallout 4? No. "

Got a link for that?


"After the work is complete on Skyrim, we’ll be updating Fallout 4 for both mods and PS4 Pro. We expect Fallout 4 to take advantage of the PS4 Pro in 4k along with enhanced lighting and graphics features."

"Only INDIE games are gonna run on 4K, all other current gen games will be upscaled from 900p I think."

Actually 1080P is the minimum resolution on PS4 Pro.


TheOptimist2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

Lol, get out of your dream world. Fallout 4? No. Skyrim and The Last of Us I can agree because they are last gen games and their remasters are just cash grabs, just like God of War 3 remaster. Only INDIE games are gonna run on 4K, all other current gen games will be upscaled from 900p I think.

Aenea2795d ago

So if I modify my Atari 2600 with an upscaler to 4k it's the same then, right?

Or might there be something different? Hmmmm

Goldby2795d ago


Only indie. You make that sound like its a curse

Kingthrash3602795d ago

Xbox one does not do hdr.....relax.
Xbox one s does....and your 4k tv upscales 4k for you no matter what system you are using.
The difference here is WHAT YOU ARE UPSCALING FROM...smh
720p upscaled to 4k looks trash....but 1080p from 4k looks good.
The pro however will upscale from 1440p and will have options like running games at a higher frame rate And such. So please get your facts right...you can upscale 420p to 4k...what matters is what you are UPSCALING from.

S2Killinit2795d ago

Wait so the xbox S thats is weaker than the standard PS4 is as capable as the PS4 Pro which is more than 3 times the power?

XanderZane2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

True, but the PS4 Pro will be able to do some older last gen game in Native 4K. Most of the PS4 Pro new games will be upscaled to 4K using checkboard format upscaling. Still, they will most likely run and look better on the PS4 Pro due to the 4,2TF and overclocked processor. The fact that the XB1 S can even upscale games to 4K and still run smoothly is a miracle in itself. I'll probably just wait and get the Scorpio so I can play all the older XB1 games in Native 4K with HDR10 support.

Most of the XB1 S games that will be upscaled will be 1080P. FH3, Gears 4, Fallout 4, Destiny, Forza 6, Halo 5, Halo: MCC, The Crew, Witcher 3, etc.. There won't be many that are 720P.

raztad2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

To people dismissing the authors opinion:

wccftech is a reputed site that does know a thing or two about PCs. The author clearly knows what he is talking about.

First and foremost author is aware the PRO is doing "reconstructed 4k" in most cases:

"While in most cases this might not be enough to deliver native 3840*2160 4K (though there are already exceptions, such as The Elder Scrolls Online), it will likely translate into base resolutions that are close enough to be almost indistinguishable, such as 1800P (3200*1800)."

Then as PC titles lack support for HDR, and PRO is the only system having both (HDR+4k). Author expects the best looking games this holiday will be on the PRO. Simple logic.

Unspoken2795d ago

Hmmm, we'll pass on the Temple Run HDR.

PC with 4K Ultra settings at 60fps will produce a much better picture, not reconstructed upscaled medium settings at 30 fps in HDR. Who in their right might would believe HDR added to last gen graphics would "provide the best looking graphics"

Looks like MS beat Sony to a better picture quality with Xbox games on Windows.

Author must have been paid or maybe hitting the pipe too hard.

game4funz2795d ago

That is true... Which makes the whole point of the article mute.

shiva12795d ago

No it cant be. Xbox cannot and will not do 4k this gen. Period.....


These pundits are never wrong. Pro is "best" this "holiday" in """gaming" "". Accept that. Xbox one is generation behind to ps4 and 2 gens for slim and 4 gens behind Pro.

daynnight3652795d ago

Pls stop with the xb1S being capable of doing 4k noise. It upscale from 720p/1080p, which isn't a big deal. It's essentially the same as the 4k tv's up scaling the picture.

Kribwalker2795d ago

So if upscaling from 1080 or 1440p to 4K is almost discernible how was 900p-1080p such a huge deal? Even so far as people saying it would give them headaches.....


It was the easiest way of saying the PS4 pro upscale is three times better than te xbox one s.

Ju2794d ago (Edited 2794d ago )

Please...are XBox user really in such denial? The XBOs does upscale the same way the original does, or the slim or the standard PS4 does. Or any 4K TV for that matter. HDR on the XBOs is the same HDR that any PS4 can produce - before it hits a 4K TV. The OneS does not magically render 4K just because it's HDR. HDR is not bound to resolution at all, its a per pixel encoding standard. Pro is 2.5x any of the current consoles. Get over it. This holiday season there is no other console out, which will render in higher res or quality than the PS4Pro will.

Kribwalker2794d ago


"Xbox One S has HDR but lacks 4K." is what the article description states. Native 4K yes. But most of the PS4 Pro games are also not native 4K. That is where the problem is. Of course the upscaleing won't be as good with a less powerful system, but it is pretty great according to digital foundry and other sources. But the PS4 pro also upscales to 4K. So you can't say one doesn't do 4K but one does when they are both upscaling

King_Lothric2794d ago (Edited 2794d ago )

You are wrong. There are already many games confirmed to run at native 4k on PS4 Pro and Skyrim Remastered is one of them.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 2794d ago
C-H-E-F2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

Exactly, like @Eonjay said, YOU will wait, you sound like these ridiculous authors around here talking about "WE" want this in this game, or WE want this in this hardware entity like no... that's an opinion of yours, that's an option of yours, that's an action you will take on your own.

PSN_ZeroOnyx2795d ago

He has also forbidden his "staff" to buy a PS4 Pro.

BLizardXD2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

"PS4 Pro is the gaming platform that graphics enthusiasts should have in 2016, being the only one with both 4K & HDR support at the moment."

"being the only one with both 4K & HDR support at the moment."

PC has actually being the only platform for true 4k, and factually it's going to be that way for a while longer.

Aenea2795d ago

But not HDR tho which your quoted sentence does include...

TheOptimist2795d ago (Edited 2794d ago )

The most moronic part, GRAPHICS ENTHUSIASTS. Those who are graphics enthusiasts or in fact any kind of enthusiasts, prefer a PC.

@Everyone below
Ha, just tell me the number of players into E-sports who play on the console side vs the number of people who play on PC. E-sports and that is just one sector.

Also as I have said above Half Life 2 did HDR, which is almost a decade old, and if graphics were to determine a gamer, then Crysis is the best looking game ever and their players would have been hardcore.

S2Killinit2795d ago

Please do tell. So i must be a freakin unicorn.

XanderZane2795d ago

PC doesn't do HDR. Maybe you completely missed that point. They did use the word "BOTH" you know.

Ju2794d ago (Edited 2794d ago )

You mean, the 2% of PCs which can render native 4K? How many of you actually have 4K monitors? And why???? There will always be a bigger fish, of course. And if money does not matter one could built a super computer which is always faster than the one before.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2794d ago
ShadowKnight2795d ago

I'm more excited for Sony first party games and the reason why I bought a PS4

StormLegend2795d ago

You can but i'm not! I'll be enjoying these games in 4K or even 1080p with high settings.

showtimefolks2795d ago


we?you speak for us now?

Xavy2795d ago

We? Speak for u self, Pro Day one

JohnCB982795d ago ShowReplies(3)
Garethvk2795d ago

Very simple math. Few shows are beoadcast in 4K so why pay for a set and console just to play games when the best games for 4K resolution have not been released yet. Post Super Bowl will see even cheaper 4K sets and more 4K games.

HallowedSoul12795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

Edit *** I'm planning on upgrading my launch ps4 for the pro next year with an lg e6 4k/hdr oled tv, would buy the pro at launch but the tv i have now is garbage refuse to play any ps4 exclusives on it until i get oled. waiting for nvidia volta gpu with hbm2 so ps4 pro will be my only way to play somwhat 4k until late 2017/early 2018. im excited for 4k havent even seen it on pc. my dream with volta 16gb hbm2 is to be able to play 4k with AA maxed @40-60fps just because i can/could. you'd think you could with 16gb of 1tb/sec memory bandwidth it wouldnt be hard right? also note im not going to play 4k on pc with a television will be getting that 4k ips gsync acer predator monitor.

2795d ago Replies(3)
lxeasy2795d ago

PC has the best graphics this holiday.

XanderZane2795d ago

I will be waiting as well. I will definitely have a PS4 Pro sometime next year though, but I'm in no rush to get it now because 1) I don't have a 4K HDR10 UHDTV at the moment, 2) I don't have the money for neither. So I gotta wait. I wouldn't even waste a dime on the PS4 Slim. Go straight for the Pro.

Errorist762795d ago

It's going to be funny when you correct this statement in a month or two.

BrettAwesome2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

Wow...you have slaves who can't buy their own stuff?

BullyMangler2794d ago

name me one ps4 exclusive, that will age well, in these times of "reaLism". .


+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2794d ago
Chris_Wray2795d ago

In console gaming that is! But fair play to Sony, are releasing at the right time to grab the Xmas Prezzie sales!

Imp0ssibl32795d ago

The article points out that it's even superior to PC because of HDR. Though I have never seen HDR myself, so I'm withholding judgment on this for now.

KaiPow2795d ago

Same. I was to get a 4K desktop monitor but I'll hold off until HDR ones come out (at a reasonable price).

I'll still get a Pro day one for the 1080p enhancements, that's for sure.

Allsystemgamer2795d ago

If you want to see HDR just go to a store like Best Buy and demo the 4K tvs.

Better than PC? No lol. You can just hook a PC to an HDR display.

crazychris41242795d ago

Samsung releasing Quantum Dot monitors this year, they start at $500 for 24", $1K for 34" ultrawide. Just need MS to release HDR support for Windows

TheOptimist2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

If you want to see what HDR is, go play Half Life 2: Lost Coast. HDR has existed since 2008 and Valve made it so that any monitor could support it (If you hear the dialogues in the game properly). So HDR is just a gimmick and a way to sell Sony 4K HDR TVs.

Also HDR is not very costing, even an Inte HD 4000 (One of the lowest end video cards) was able to give a stable FPS at a resolution of 1366X768 on my crappy laptop. I'm sure my GTX 1070 will crush it as well

Deadpooled2795d ago


"So HDR is just a gimmick and a way to sell Sony 4K HDR TVs. "

So is UHD Blu Ray a gimmick, but we don't see you mentioning that in the same vein.

cd12795d ago


HDR is no gimmick, if you owned a HDR TV you'd understand.

Yohshida2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

PC has HDR on games for years.... Arma 3 from 2013 even has HDR

Kingthrash3602795d ago

I just bought a sony xbr930 trillion display top of the line hdr tv....I gotta say....from what I've seen.....even deus ex on ps4 (recently patched to run hdr) look alot better....nothing over the top drastic but you can definitely see much more detail and colors pop to unseen levels. I'll also add I've played batman on hdr...even though it's not supported and it looks like a totally different game...and runs much smoother for some reason. So hdr is something that will make a difference. My roommate just got a xbo s and we hooked checked out forza h3....again drastic differances from the non hrd visuals.
I see why sony are pushing hdr so hard....1 to sell sony tvs and 2 because it can truly change how games look

TankCrossing2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

Sadface at the PC gamers making themselves look silly.

-No, HDR in Half life 2 is not the same thing at all.
-Yes, you can hook a PC up to a HDR TV and get a GPU that supports HDR. But there are practically no games that actually support it. Not even Gears 4 or Forza Horizon 3, which support it on XBox.

Having said that, this website claiming that HDR trumps the native resolution, AA, textures, framerates, shadowing, lighting, ambient oclusion, particle effects, and every other advantage a PC has is just stupid clickbait nonsense.

starchild2795d ago

Recent generation PC graphics cards do fully support HDR.

2795d ago
NatureOfLogic_2795d ago

HDR does not make consoles games look better than PC.

nitus102795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )


I did some searches for monitors with HDR and so far nothing: https://www.cnet.com/au/new... so I like yourself I can wait, since I am not that keen on replacing my 55" HDTV with a UHD (with HDR) TV since for me to appreciate one in my living room I would have to consider one at least 65" or larger which won't be cheap.

Errorist762795d ago

Great way TheOptimist to show you clearly don't understand a thing about what is going on.

boing12795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

HDR has bigger impact than 4k IMO.

FamilyGuy2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

HDR is amazing, it's almost as big a jump as seeing an HD movie for the first time. It's like a new level of vibrant or extra detail through vibrancy? There are samples here for people with 4k HDR capable tvs http://demo-uhd3d.com/categ...

What's stopping PCs or PC games from having HDR support? This is the first time I'm hearing about this. That's pretty crazy.

FlyingFoxy2795d ago

Yea that's one thing it will have, tho I'm not sure about HDR anyways. Apparently it adds a lot of input lag. You might want to read this cuz it provides good info https://forum.pcmonitors.in...

I'm not sure I'd want 4K tho. 1440p 144hz would have much better 'connectedness' feel through the controls, and through much smoother frame rates. There really is a large difference in smoothness even comparing like 60hz and 60fps to 80-100fps on a high refresh screen. Been using 1080p 120hz for over 4 years now and i prob won't go back to a 60hz screen even if it is 4k, frame rates are just not there yet with high end GPU's. That's why most console games will be locked at 30fps.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2795d ago
DEEBO2795d ago

I iust want it for the PSVR.

I seen the jump in graphics from the 2600 to the nes,Super nes,playstation,64 and so on but what i haven't seen is a game were I'm in the world looking around.
This Thursday will bring something i never tried before.

I'm getting the pro but it's more about VR then HDR.

Yohshida2795d ago

Go try google cardboard. If you like it, go buy PSVR. But please try it first.

DEEBO2795d ago

I know what you are saying but i just have a feeling that vr is going to be the next big thing.

Fingers cross i don't get sick and if i do i will just sale it.

S2Killinit2795d ago

I've tried PSVR and its awesome, like, really, awesome.

Errorist762795d ago

Lol you call yourself Videogamelab gut fail to recognise the basic fundamentals?! Way to go.

mogwaii2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

Vr is fun but without fully fleshed out games the novelty wares off fast.
I too am getting psvr but with some trepidation and hope that it will succeed and bring better games.

Markusb332795d ago

It's early days and reviews are good. It's very comfortable and lots of fun. It needs support and lots of it. So long as Sony continue to push games out on vr it will do fine. Even ign rate quite a few psvr games at 9.0. Also the trade In deals for the pro are very good I think it will be a busy time for Sony. Be great if they do vr games as part of ps plus !

nitus102795d ago

If you are in the market for a PS4 then IMHO the PS4pro s the better value for the money even if you don't have a UHD TV with HDR10. You are only looking at $100 USD differential over the PS4slim. You also get a 1TB disk and the machine is over twice the graphics performance (4.2Tflops) of the PS4 (1.8Tflops).

If you want the PS4pro when it comes out I think the only way to be sure is to pre-order and while I dislike pre-ordering this is one time it will be necessary unless you (like me) are willing to wait.

As for the PSVR I take it you have tried it since IMHO this is really important. If you are happy with it, you will most likely have to preorder although if you haven't you will most likely have to wait till the next shipment.

DEEBO2795d ago

I haven't tried the ps vr but i got both the pro and the ps vr preordered at gamestop.

I was trying to tell the guy that vr is something new compared to better looking graphics.
Coming from 8bit to 2016 consoles,all seen was better graphics but i never sat inside a tank,or a super sports car inside the game and that's what you get with VR.

ccgr2795d ago

Not sure if its worth upgrading from the PS4 though

sk8ofmnd2795d ago

I sold my ps4 when gamestop was offering 200 cash. So in that respect i paid 200 to get almost three years of gaming. That alone makes the ps4pro worth the asking price for what you get.

Brotard2795d ago

That's one thing that most gamers just don't get. They don't seem to realize that they have already had 3 years of PS4 and that has a price like anything. It is mitigated by trade ins

starchild2795d ago

I can probably only get like $150 to $175 for my launch version PS4. So that means I will have spent around $650 to game on the PS4 this generation. That's more than I've spent on my PC this generation.

MCTJim2795d ago

From what we have seen, its not really worth the upgrade as of yet. Maybe later titles will warrant the purchase. Tomb Raider is not much of a difference to upgrade. I am sure the new hardware will sell quite well since its coming out for the Christmas holiday as all new devices do during this time.

sk8ofmnd2795d ago

But what if all games going forward had a pro mode? Wpuld that be enough to warrant its value? I believe a majority of the 40 million vanilla ps4 owners will upgrade. # Ps 4 life!

MCTJim2795d ago

they may or may not, this owner at the present time is not going to upgrade as of yet.

Omnislashver362795d ago

I'm only buying it because I currently have no console, and Square-Enix games seem to have some decent upgrades.

However if I already owned one and was going by other game's upgrades, I wouldn't buy one. Most games look mostly the same.

BossBattle2795d ago

I doubt a majority of them will upgrade. It's not worth it and most people will know that.

Yohshida2795d ago

I can't see ppl really going to upgrade for that small boost. But we never know, maybe ppl really love it. The comparison Videos we saw so far aren't really anything to get excited for.

Markusb332795d ago

All ps4 games from October do have a pro mode it's a condition Sony are requiring devs to include.
For the trade in value the upgrade is good. Just think the trade in price of the console will only go down and not up. If you are happy with the current ps4 no worries as it works great and still plays psvr.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2795d ago
ILostMyMind2795d ago

You saw it in 4k and HDR personally?

MCTJim2795d ago

No just the Tomb Raider video

Markusb332795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

This is what I am trying to tell people. If you view the ps4 pro videos in 4k there is a major difference. If you are unsure go to a game store who have demo units around launch with a 4k tv. My local store is getting one and psvr both items needs to be tried and not just viewed on a 1080 screen or youtube.

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PS5 Livestreams Are No Longer Speaking to the Fans Who Built the Brand

The problem for PlayStation right now – through a heady combination of its own adjusted marketing plans, the aftermath of the pandemic, and never-ending development cycles – is that it feels like it’s abandoned the kinds of software that fans have always valued most.

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-Foxtrot16h ago

My issue with the announcements over the past 2 years or so is that now these "big" announcements they hint at or whatever end up being just PC ports.

For most of their core audience, the people watching, we've played them, a PC announcement being made into a big thing and counting as one of their major announcements means f*** all to most of us. Also you have to think if they didn't have them then first party wise they don't have much else.

So now it's split between PC ports (God of War Ragnarök), live service shit (Concord) and the first party games we actually do want (Astrobot).

CrashMania15h ago

Yeah they really should leave the PC announcements to blog posts, most of the audience watching are PlayStation console players, not PC players.

Eonjay1h ago

I'm not sure I understand the stance. They surely want to sell their games no matter what platform they are on. Also leaving out PC port announcements isn't gonna magically make more PS5 announcements.

CrimsonWing693h ago(Edited 3h ago)

This particularly was a bad showcase in my opinion. Derivative Souls-like (which in all honesty I will check out because I like the genre, but I couldn’t tell you the names of the games without looking it up or how they’re different from one another), Concord, a mid Silent Hill 2 Remake. I’m not really into platformers so Astrobot didn’t stick to me. The only thing that got me hyped was Monster Hunter: Wilds.

Truth be told though, most of these showcases are ass anyways. I’m struggling to think of one that was firing on all cylinders like the good ol’ E3 conference announcements.

The shift to GaaS is absolute sh*t and for them to think that’s the game to make the focus shows just gives me little hope for the future of gaming, especially the state that the industry is in.

I wish they’d have shown Wolverine or something that would’ve been a “holy sh*t” moment… but nope.

ravens521h ago

Ballad of Antara and Where Winds Meet. They both look dope to me 🤷🏽. N If Concord is on PS+ then I'll take it. It wasn't as bad as people are making it out to be.

isarai11h ago

This gen just sucks, period. More PS4 games have come out than PS5 exclusives, and we're almost 4yrs in. Then this unwanted GAAS push which is completely tone deaf, and not what their fanbase wanted. Feel like im just watching a childhood friend kill themselves with an addiction.

purple1016h ago

the gas is in ADDITION, to all their other games, thats why they brought more studios,

so the old ones can continue doing what they do best.

Yi-Long3h ago(Edited 2h ago)

The argument 'GAAS is in addition to what we already had' kinda goes out of the window when we can see very clearly a lack of SP offline games, Sony killing studios and IPs left, right and center, and pushing 'always online' in games that never had it and don't need it (Gran Turismo).

You can clearly tell that earlier generations offered far more in terms of diversity/variety of genres, be it Everybody's Golf, Driveclub/Motorstorm, LittleBigPlanet, Modnation Racers, Jak & Daxter, Gravity Rush, Ico, Sly Cooper, Locoroco, Tearaway, whatever.

It feels like they killed off anything that wasn't going to sell massive numbers but did offer something fresh and original and were just 'fun'.

shinoff21832h ago

Imagine if some of those new studios were working on single player games. Sony would have it locked. Instead we get trash.

MrBaskerville4h ago

Though, do note that since summer last year, more and more games have been current gen only. Lots of smaller titles, but of bigger stuff there's Baldurs Gate 3, Alan Wake 2, Rise of the Ronin, Dragons Dogma 2, FFRebirth and so on. Being on ps4 only, means you will be missing out on a lot of releases both major and minor.

anast25m ago

Roughly 5 PS5 exclusives have come out, this is a similar drop rate than PS4.

Profchaos6h ago

Yeah this 9th generation has been the biggest let down out of every console generation I've experienced since the 8 bit era.

For the first time in near 30 years I feel like Sony has completely abandoned the fanbase that got them to where they are. We see GAAS being shoved down our throats and fun replaced by lootboxes and milking us. This isn't the Sony experience I ever wanted

if I wanted to be exploited I'd play a mobile game

I find the modern line up though just lacks innovation which earlier generation games had in spades we only get what is going to sell big numbers even if the games a single player games it's likely so by the book I feel like I've played it before.

I think the PS2 was likely the golden era for experimental game design everything since that has been game design by bored room

MrBaskerville4h ago

Atleast I think they've pivoted back to singleplayer stuff. But it will take a while. I think they will announce some big game next year, like Ghost Of Tsushima 2 or something. Notice how they showed us Concord and Astro Bot a few months before release. I think the time of knowing what's on the horizon is over.

shinoff21832h ago

Although the lack of 1st party ps5 games only is there. I'm still having a blast. Much more then the ps3 generation.

Storm232h ago

Not me I mean I am having fun, but the PS3 generation was my favorite ever, by far, and man do I miss those times...

rippermcrip1h ago

Care to list all the "Sony" GAAS games with all the loot boxes and milking? Aside from Destiny (which already was like that when they bought it), what are you referring to?

lellkay3h ago

I love my PS5, but these state of plays are 100% not delivering.

VersusDMC3h ago

Granblue relink
FF7 Rebirth
Helldivers 2
Rise of the ronin
Stellar blade
Astro bot
Silent hill 2

How is this years list not mostly games that a playstation fan would like?

Armyofdarkness2h ago

Great games all, except Rise of the Ronin! It sucks!

FACTUAL evidence2h ago

Sony fans usually just type list out in abundance to make it look good, no matter how crappy. I used to literally laugh out loud back in the ps3 days when people will type out long list of exclusives, and add “Afrika” and also “the last guardian” and “the agent”. Lol The last guardian didn’t even see that generation, and sony fans are still waiting for the agent.

TL;DR ignore the sony list, they just like to name games only on their console no matter the status.

InUrFoxHole30m ago

@Factual evidence
We're eating over here. Keep your fake concern for Sony over there. We're just waiting for the showcase

thesoftware7302h ago

Versus, I know you have to defend to the end, but dont be dense.

If you read the comments, you can see that people are talking about Sony's first-party output, past innovation, and its usually high-level game output. You posted a list of 3 games that are not out yet: 2 mid games, one Gaas, and 2 paid-for 3rd party exclusives. I do not hate your list, but that is not what people here are talking about.

VersusDMC2h ago

I am replying to the article.

i"s that it feels like it’s abandoned the kinds of software that fans have always valued most."

Sony is making deals for mostly single player games just as it always has.

And the argument that only games made by studios that Sony owns matter is beyond brain dead and i just look at all the games released on a console that isn't on the competitions.

Profchaos2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

The only game on that list that interests me is astro bot and I'm a PS fan since it's inception. Let be honest there's not a lot of amazing games on that list maybe astro bot and helldivers

FF another rpg in a long running franchise selling less and less each entry
Helldivers 2 a fun live service game I got a few hours of enjoyment with friends
Rise of Ronin may aswell play ghost of Tsushima
Stellar blade yeah ok you have to admit this one is beyond niche
Concord amazing cutscenes lackluster Game
Astro bot day 1 I'm so there
Silent hill 2 verdict is still out on this one.
Granblue ok I take stellar blade being niche back granblue I've never heard of

The games your listing here are not all that great outside of astro bot and helldivers.

This is the bare minimum release schedule as far as exclusives I'd expect similar on switch and Xbox really.

VersusDMC2h ago

You'd expect similar on xbox and switch but you aren't getting it. Without looking into it i just think hellblade 2, princess peach and paper mario is the only console exclusives that the competition has released and are selling less than the "niche" games on the playstation side.

Profchaos2h ago

Actually I thought paper Mario sold quite well peach however yeah that was a flop on the switch side of things they kind of have an excuse it's the end of life for that system but they are still getting new games of a good quality.

Yeah Xbox I don't own a Xbox I don't want one especially with their recent flip flopping and basically killing of the brand but there's a good chance they have a new Doom game this year and I've been a room fan since the first game.

hiroyukisanada1h ago

@VersusDMC yes, I own the first four on that list and I have had an absolute blast with them. For those who play a variety of games, they really are fantastic with over 100 hours of gameplay for each title. Granted, only one is a true "blockbuster" like a traditional first party Sony game. Which is Rebirth.
Sounds like the people complaining only want that, which is fine, I guess. Their loss by not choosing all the games on that list 😂
Silent Hill is looking a little rough and not my cup of my tea, but the rest of that list is excellent.

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The Status of Every PlayStation Franchise

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Skuletor2d ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde2d ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast2d ago

Which ones should they utilize more?

BehindTheRows2d ago

Indeed. We hear this “underutilized” talk as if every old franchise should have a comeback or reboot.

I_am_Batman2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

When new IPs start looking like Concord, you can't blame people for wanting another Resistance or Killzone instead.

anast2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

J&D and Resistance are good ones. As much as I love these, though, I'm not sure they would payoff without an enormous marketing push. Younger gamers today do not have taste and the older gamers that would appreciate these might not be enough. But yeah, I would day 1 Resistance.

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Hotpot2d ago

Well that’s just the consequence of consistently producing new IPs isn’t it. Not all studios can be or want to be like polyphony digital who made gran turismo all the time.

Abear212d ago

Here lies The Infamous Series; once a shining beacon of free flying, lighting bolt sniping, and wire riding amazing gameplay, it has been laid to rest and be forgotten for what seems like forever despite being loved by millions. Plot next to Wipeout across from NBA Jam.

Lightning771d 23h ago

Still baffling they cancelled Twisted Metal, Factions 2 and Spider-Man Multiverse LS game but thought Concord looked good enough.

Chocoburger1d 22h ago

Ape Escape, Parappa / Lammy, Gravity Rush, good times. Always hoping for them to make a return, or at least similar type games, such as the newly-announced Astro Bot, but one game isn't enough. Bring back the joyfulness of the 90's era of gaming.

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