
Ghost Recon Wildlands Is The Open-World Game To Beat In 2017

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands is the open-world game to beat in 2017, even with challengers like Horizon: Zero Dawn and The Legend of Zelda competing.

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Palitera2800d ago

Nah, it is Ubisoft, therefore it will be a AC-like world with ultra repetitive mission design.
So-so game guaranteed.

Goldby2800d ago

only Ubisoft open world game im lookign forward to is Steep. cant really fuck up a snowboarding game... unles your robomondo lol

SCW19822800d ago

Big disagree to your disagree. FarCry series, Watchdogs series, Assassins Creed series, the Crew, the Division, see the pattern?

_-EDMIX-_2800d ago

This team didn't do AC though...

Why would you compare the design to 2 different genres from 2 different teams based on a publisher?

Palitera2800d ago

Ubisoft is not only a publisher. The open-world games done by them all have the same structure they have shown in AC2. It got old after a dozen games.

SCW19822800d ago (Edited 2800d ago )

Because the company UBISOFT has used the same "iconic" copy and paste open world design philosophy across all of their published open world games up to this point, I hope this one is different.

mochachino2800d ago (Edited 2800d ago )

People still irrationally hating on Ubisoft? They do make a number of good games and probably create more new AAA IPs than most other major developers.

Palitera2800d ago

Quite rationally, since their big franchises share the same main design.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2800d ago
ironcrow23862800d ago

Im pretty sure mafia 3 will have something to say about that...and with any luck watch dogs 2 😀

2800d ago
2800d ago Replies(1)
OoglyBoogly2800d ago

I doubt it. While Mafia 3 might be a decent game in its own right it's definitely a departure from the previous installments in a lot of ways. I know that being the Mafia fan I am I have no interest in the direction the franchise has taken.

Watch Dogs 2 looks like a nice upgrade from the first in terms of level design and game mechanics but the protagonist and his friends seem like people I couldn't put up with for a few minutes, let alone a whole game.

SCW19822800d ago

Just curious what it is about Mafia 3 that turns you off? I feel like it is finally hopefully fulfilling the potential the series has had but has not been fully realized up to this point.

pompombrum2800d ago

Highly unlikely.. as much as I enjoy Ubisoft games, none of their open world games have really captivated me in the same way as say Witcher 3, GTA 5, Skyrim did etc. Not to take anything away from Wildlands as it's looking like a day one purchase for me but Ubi's open world games just lack the soul that the heavy hitters have.

_-EDMIX-_2800d ago

I mean...none of which are even the same genre.

My sister plays the GTA series and actually beats them before I do upon release and I'm pretty sure she wouldn't care for Skyrim, or Witcher 3.

Sorry but not all Open world games are the same and some huge genre so I don't even get the comparison.

Ubisoft isn't 1 team, its made up of several different teams. Thats like saying EA's open world games or EA's shooters...

Battlefield is not like Titan Fall...just because EA publishes both titles, doesn't really mean jack. 1 team didn't make BOTH GAMES!

THIS is a huge issue in the community as many gamers are uneducated on the process of game design and assume a publisher, is 1 person or 1 team etc.

I once heard someone say an issue in The Division was like another issue in Assassins Creed and believed they had to do with the same thing.....never mind that the game is made by a different team? lolz

If I buy the team that makes COD and the team that makes BF and I'm ubisoft, suddenly those games are now alike or "lack the soul"?

Stop judging games by publishers bud.

lockedongamer12800d ago

I don't care honestly. I've had enough of these modern shooter games. I'd like a grand RPG or something with an interesting story behind it.

DJustinUNCHAIND2800d ago

So then...buy one? There's plenty to choose from.

noksucow732800d ago

This game does look impressive. Hopefully it doesn't get dialed down too much before release. At least on the Scorpio and Pro they should be able to keep it cranked up.

Goldby2800d ago

already has been downgraded from original reveal

zerocarnage2800d ago

Oh don't be silly, there's no need to downgrade games with the new consoles coming out. You people always talk about downgrades, yet you don't think about the way the footage was recorded and on what device. Until there is proof from Ubisoft about a downgrade I choose not to Believe a ton of bull crappers. A lot of your sole purposes when you talk about titles this way is to try and put others off certain titles through spouting absoloue rubbish, you all tried it with division, give up already cue we all know how well that silt and it continues to sell well.

Psychotica2800d ago

I thought the new video that came out a few days ago looked better than the E3 reveal.

Goldby2800d ago


I can post more.

Its nothing to due with me not wanting pwople to play it. I could care lesswhat others spend their money on. I was just stating they have already downgraded the graphics.

This aint no tinfoil hat moment

OoglyBoogly2800d ago

Go check some of the newer game play vids. This game quickly went from one I couldn't wait for to one that looks like a dumbed down Ghost Recon with 2012 graphics.

Yeah, it's already taken a major blow.

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Deathdeliverer580d ago

This should hold everyone off until the next big release. I love me some reward points! [sarcasm]

JBplusVB580d ago

Gamepass has changed everything. Phil, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for Gamepass. I just bought 50 years worth of subscription and I'm so happy.

CBaoth579d ago

Riiight! Thanks to GP I've discovered hundreds of indie fillers I would've never known about otherwise. Best part: team Xbox has discovered how great walking sims and interactive movies really are! And EA Play? Love me some 4 year old sports games!! Why sub up though? Just let MS auto renew that incredible $14.99 a month value. It's so easy!!

JBplusVB579d ago

Gamepass is just so amazing. Adding EA play to it brought the service to a whole nother level. Phil Spencer has the brightest mind in gaming. By far.....


Ghost Recon Wildlands Suffering From Server & Connection Issues for More Than a Week

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