
Hands On With Driveclub VR For PlayStation VR - Do You Even Game Bro?

Josh goes hands on with Driveclub VR at EB Expo

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Death2797d ago

IMO one of the best examples of VR and a title that has me very interested in getting PSVR.

G20WLY2797d ago (Edited 2797d ago )

All reports have been great for this one. Imagine playing this with a wheel and seat rig - sheer awesome gaming!

EDIT: @below, I see what you did there! ;^)

Death2797d ago

That is what I call VR. :)

k2d2796d ago

@goldby: Wouldn't that mess up the headtracking?

Goldby2796d ago


Probably until some mad scientist named Quanz calibrates the shit out of it

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2796d ago
Artemidorus2797d ago

Driving and flying sims would be great for VR.

Maybe a boxing game by EA would be good too.

InTheZoneAC2797d ago

that's about it really, and of course your first person horror games. I just feel this VR movement is being rushed and forced without understanding that it works really well for SOME games, but not all games. Seems like people just want VR to be the end all, but that's stupid.

Barricade2797d ago

Gaming is only one of the applications VR can be used for. It'll be big for watching live concerts and events. It's not rushed, years and years of r&d went into this, and it'll only get better when the next gen of VR headsets will release.

I agree some genres will be better suited for VR than others. But I think it depends on the devs how they will integratie VR support. It's an entire new way of experiencing games.

Have you tried it yourself yet? Because I have, more than once, and it litterally blew my mind. This feels like the next step in gaming to me.

Nitrowolf22797d ago

It early.

Nintendo rushed VR with their virtual boy (if you can call that vr) and that left a scare for many.

VR is still early, but we've reached a point where we can get it started and start building it's fpundations

2797d ago
OB1Biker2797d ago

'that's about it really'
Not at all. There r many more that would work well in VR

Wallstreet372797d ago

Rushed? Do you know how long VR has been around? I remember paying 5 dollars early 90s to get in a vr rig at the mall. On top of that Sony have had their hands in vr r@d for yearsssss! This is far from rushed. Sony is the first console company to bring real (true) vr to consoles and not that virtual boy bs that all professional agree was only vr in name. I commend Sony on setting the foundation and bcus of them Other consoles companies have decided to go head in on VR too.

Someone has to really do it first and Sony are showing why they are the hardware Kings! I can't wait.

iceman062796d ago

I agree that it isn't for ALL games. But, there are many genres that can be altered to provide a great VR experience. I watched a demo of a mini-golf game on the Vive and I immediately wanted to play. There was a zombie FPS as well that looked fun. In the end, it's new tech. It's like the Atari of VR. It will get better and cheaper as it grows. The games are meant to be the Trojan Horse for other things like VR concerts, VR travel, VR sporting events, maybe even VR movie watching. Outside of gaming, it's already making some strides in medicine, engineering, and even sports. (several NCAA and NFL teams are using it as a means for the QB to make pre-snap reads and adjustments to defenses)
IMO, it's not being rushed. It's just that people have such high expectations of the tech so early on. Think of this as the first smartphone. It's not the fastest. Maybe not even the prettiest. But, it does things that couldn't be done before. It isn't meant to replace traditional gaming. It's meant to give you an alternate experience.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2796d ago
Angeljuice2797d ago

I've been waiting for a PS4 boxing game to be announced since before the PS4 launched. Good luck on that front.

DriveClub VR is the one title I shall be envious of (can't get a PSVR just yet).

Deadpooled2797d ago (Edited 2797d ago )

26 quid at base.com


5 Top Tips To Help Improve PSVR Tracking

The original PSVR has a great catalogue of games, but keeping the set-up working well can be a pain.

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Humanity - Gameplay Series Part 1: Action-Puzzle Basics

Join us as we take you through the basic gameplay of Humanity, an action-puzzle game where you control a glowing Shiba Inu. You place commands on the ground for a giant marching horde of people to follow. Make them turn, jump, float through the air, swim, climb, etc., all to reach the goal (or goals) in each stage.

Silver_ShadoWolf395d ago

I guess the only question here is… why does this exist?


Humanity available Day 1 as a PlayStation Plus Game Catalog title, out May 16

Move over “International Pickle Day,” May 16 has a new number one claim to fame: it’s the launch day for Humanity!

Better yet, it’ll be available on Day 1 as part of the PlayStation Plus Game Catalog’s May lineup, available at no additional cost to PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium members.

Whether you own a PS5 or PS4, are a PS VR2 or PS VR or TV-only gamer, want to craft your own levels or just sit back and enjoy some action-platforming and puzzle-strategizing, this year May 16 is going to mean more than just “National Piercing Day.”

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masterfox409d ago

finally!, being waiting for this game since its announcement some years ago, so many objects on screen using physics running at 60 fps is always mesmerizing to see.

SullysCigar409d ago

Played the demo on PSVR2 - it's trippy as hell!

Knushwood Butt409d ago (Edited 409d ago )

Awesome. I had this on my PS wishlist and was going to buy it Day 1. Seen as I have Extra, now I don't need to!
PSVR2 support too.

Abnor_Mal409d ago

Platformers are not really my thing, but I guess I can try it out on PlusExtra. In VR2 to boot.

fsfsxii409d ago

Finally! been badgering the devs on twitter for awhile now. Demo put me in a trance and i loved it.