
Hello, Neighbor Is A Stealth Horror Game That Pits You Against Some Very Smart A.I.

OnlySP: Hello, Neighbor is an upcoming Stealth based Horror Game from the people over at Dynamic Pixels, creators of My Om Nom, Goal Defense, and several others. Hello, Neighbor marks the developer’s first fully fledged PC game that is not on Mobile Platforms.

Valenka2800d ago

Not really new. The game was announced a long time ago and I'm pretty sure it failed as a Kickstarter campaign, despite how awesome it looks.


Hello Engineer out now exclusively on Google Stadia

Hello Engineer, a new Google Stadia exclusive game, was released today. This new game is situated in the same world as the award-winning title Hello Neighbor, which is why we recognize a character from another of Tiny Build Riga’s past titles, both in look and mentality.

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Welshy947d ago

I feel bad for any dev roped into Stadia exclusives. Say what you like about PS/XB/PC exclusives, but at least they are all mainstream platforms where you can play 90% of releases, Stadia just doesn't have that and these potentially great games are going to a platform to die.

Jin_Sakai947d ago

Agreed. Anything exclusive to the platform I’ll never play. Such a wasted opportunity considering they could’ve been on PS5 and Series consoles and done much better.

coolbeans947d ago

I get the feeling all of these are timed exclusives though.

Hikoran947d ago

So you've never played any PC game that's not on console? Or never played a console game that's not on PC too? I think some people say things for impact.......

Chocoburger946d ago

I agree and its unfortunate for these devs that possess no foresight. One of the best Stadia exclusive games is Gylt, and I've completed it four times and its a game I know could be a multi-million seller if ported to traditional platforms.

I had a free Stadia subscription and honestly, I had a good time with it (wired ethernet connection), the only thing is that you can not use the internet connection for anything else simultaneously, which is lame.

If you ever get a chance to play Gylt, whether Stadia or otherwise, give it a try.

Knightofelemia947d ago

This exclusive still won't help the sinking ship named Stadia.

Cackocacho947d ago

"... exclusively on Google Stadia."

So, you have chosen death.

jeromeface947d ago

looks like literally no one will be playing this one...


Hello Neighbor Creeps onto Stadia Today

Despite a pretty lackluster launch, Google’s  Stadia service is still hanging in there. The service added another game today: Hello Neighbor. This means Stadia-based stealth enthusiasts can now jump in and try to uncover what exactly is going on in their neighbor’s basement.

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Humble Choice August: Vampyr, Call of Cthulhu, Wargroove, and more

This month’s Humble Choice features twelve games. The headliners for June are Vampyr, Call of Cthulhu, Wargroove, and Hello Neighbor Collection. New games are added to Humble Choice on the first Friday of every month.

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RazzerRedux1393d ago

Best subscription in gaming. Every game is yours....forever.

Petebloodyonion1391d ago

Hey for once we both agree on something :)
But I have to say that Humble quality went down in the past month (They said they would never repackage a game and they provide Hellblade Setsuya 2 times in the same months, Jurrasic Parc and Xcom UFo and last month was pretty bleh.
But can't complain about this month all games available (I'm a classic subscriber) and the choice is interesting.

Skuletor1391d ago

Yeah, I had to double check when Hellblade was given twice but overall I've bulked my Steam library up with some quality titles and stuff I'll probably never play too, still worth it overall.

1391d ago
Father__Merrin1391d ago

this month is quite good ive had mine paused the last 3 months. with there was a different game to hello niebour but overall good month i wanted vampyr

Relientk771391d ago

Vampyr is underrated. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

TheVigilanteCode1391d ago

A mediocre month tbh.

Will see the next month's early reveals before renewing.

Teflon021391d ago

Garbage month for me. But I'll still take the games lol. I still got 45 to redeem that I've been to lazy to redeem lol