
VR headsets 'could lead to eye disease and vomiting epidemic'

Virtual reality headsets like the PSVR could cause long-term eye damage, specialists claim

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Aloy-Boyfriend2780d ago (Edited 2780d ago )


We've heard this myth before about Video games, like the 3DS back when it launched. Excessive play have its risk, but that's about it. Everyone should be responsible and take breaks

Abash2780d ago

These specialists are just as well versed in fear mongering as much as their field of work

uptownsoul2780d ago (Edited 2780d ago )

This article is HILARIOUS...

1st) The title specifically suggests that Sony's VR device (as opposed to other VR devices) will lead to eye problems...But in the article the doctor talks about VR in general, not Sony's device specifically.

2nd) This quote right here I found the most funny of all since this is the complaint doctors have been making about video games since Atari, OG NES & ColecoVision (suggesting that video game players (or in this case VR users) won't get out of the house): "With VR, we're going to potentially see more and more people suffering from a lack of exposure to daylight"

UPDATE: Current title: "PSVR headsets 'could lead to eye disease and vomiting epidemic" still suggests PlayStation's VR headset (and not other VR headsets) could lead to eye disease & vomiting epidemic --

Easy fix...Title should say "VR headsets could lead to eye disease and vomiting epidemic" ...in other words, take Sony and PS out of the title since the article is talking about ALL VR headsets

Charybdis2780d ago (Edited 2780d ago )

The headline is a way to exagerated. Just don't put VR devices on anyone under the age of 13. If you are experiencing eye problems it might not be VR related just remember this as I am pretty sure some people, at a certain period in time, will claim it is. At this point there are no points indicating that vr is worse for your eyes than looking at a screen.

yeahokwhatever2780d ago

arent those same scientists telling us to stay away from sun exposure? gtfo. we've got more polar bears than we've had in decades, and billions of tons more ice, we didnt run out of oil, we found more than we can ever use, we didnt go into global cooling, etc. fear mongering at its worst.

kneon2780d ago


Where do you get your fake facts?


And the only reason polar bear populations haven't collapsed is the reduction or elimination of hunting in most areas. As for oil, we're not finding "easy" oil anymore, it requires advanced techniques to extract now.

yeahokwhatever2780d ago (Edited 2780d ago )

I get all my "fake facts" from historical documentation readily available to everyone. Perhaps you're just not old enough to have read the BS that plagued the science textbooks of the 80 and 90s. One can only assume similar assertions are still being produced. Funny how you can understand the concept of click-bait on a website, but somehow think that publishers and researchers don't to the same shit.

TheCommentator2780d ago

Kneon, you forgot to mention Global Cooling. WTF is that?

morganfell2780d ago (Edited 2780d ago )

Only Sony? People that like VR had better stop and think. PSVR is it for VR for now. VR did not take off with any previous hardware introduction. It is fine and good to be an Oculus, Gear VR, or HTC Vive supporter. I have an Oculus DK2 on my desk. But if PSVR fails then VR fails. This is the last chance to get VR up and running in the broad mainstream. Failure to do so will relegate it to a niche product. I look back at all the moronic remarks from Palmer Luckey attacking PSVR and I see an idiot standing in one end of the boat shooting holes in the other end. Dumb, just dumb.

Eonjay2780d ago (Edited 2779d ago )

I'm so excited. I have been waiting fot this day for long. The final effort to stop Sony! Look at them go! And in just 3 hours! These trolls are so lazy!

Lol someone brought up the word 'facts'! They are on a roll.

They are saying its a disease exclusive to PSVR!

Guys, the rift and gear vr has been out for a very long time. But now, two weeks before PSVR release we get this? Come on now.

ji32002780d ago

I remember i read article back in 2006 that using a Nintendo motion controller causes chance of heart attack. Its all stupid speculation. I can make my own statement such as having a girlfriend causes chance of depression and buying a new car causes chance of fatal death accident. I been using Oculus early prototype version since 2013 and i spent several thousand hours on it without any problem. Oculus prototype sold over 200,000 units and not even a single article said their eye sight got worse or side effect. Facebook ,Apple ,Google , Sony is not stupid to invest tons money if VR is dangerous product

donthate2780d ago

and so it starts! Now we just need videos of soccer mom's getting sick, or somebody child and it will kill VR.

2600Thunder2779d ago (Edited 2779d ago )


Spoiler Alert - It is safe.

bouzebbal2779d ago

the extremes are never good, whether using VR or sitting staring at nothing for hours.
moderation is key.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2779d ago
Neonridr2780d ago

in all fairness, exposing your eyes to a screen that close to your face can't exactly be "good" for your eyesight. That being said, VR hasn't really been studied in depth to determine long-term effects from using these devices.

The sickness part I can agree with. There are going to be tons of PS4 users talking about VR sickness, much like us Rift and Vive owners were experiencing earlier this year. Not everyone is prone to it, of course, but it definitely is a real thing.

Aloy-Boyfriend2780d ago

And it will go away in no time. That may the first VR experience.

I got a 3DS at launch and the 3D without glasses was a bit nauseating and eye straining, but I got used to it and play it full 3D

It happens.

Neonridr2780d ago

@XiKurapikaKurta - it definitely will go away with use, but it isn't something that might make you sick the first time and then the second time you are perfectly fine. If it affects you, usually it takes several uses in order for your body to get over it. Liken it to sea sickness, doubtful you cure it after one boat ride.

Rimeskeem2780d ago

In a way, this is just like modern medicine. We don't know the long term effects but we have simulators to help us out.

rainslacker2780d ago (Edited 2780d ago )

Exposing your face to a screen at any close distance can cause eye problems. Like one's computer screen, phone screen, TV screen across the room, etc. Biggest problem. Eye strain, caused by the eye constantly trying to focus on a single spot for too long. This is particularly true with computer screens or in gaming, which is why not playing in dark rooms, or taking breaks is a good idea, otherwise it can cause headaches or dry eyes. Headaches go away when one takes breaks, dry eyes are remidied by taking breaks and not playing in darkened rooms.

Moral of the story....take breaks....like it's been recommended we do for decades now. I know when I started taking this advice, my problems with dry eyes, and headaches while playing games vanished.

And of course there will be tons of stories talking about VR sickness. Media loves to make any new exciting thing into a negative. Wonder if they'll actually be objective and tell people how to avoid it, or the real reasons it happens, or that it is generally temporary while one gets used to it. Or I wonder if they'll make it into something to try and sabotage the entire premise so they can fear monger out some clicks or views for their BS.

VR isn't like sea sickness. The reasons for it are different. Seasickness is caused by an actual imbalance on the pressure within the inner ear canals that cause humans to be able to stand up right. VR sickness is a mental state, where the brain needs to adjust to what it thinks should happen, but it doesn't happen. With VR, the vast majority of people can, and likely will, get over it after a few uses as the brain adapts.

Pandamobile2780d ago

I'm not a biologist or optometrist, but I'd wager that VR is actually better for your eyes than staring at a monitor. Having your eyes at a constant focus of 3 feet in front of your face fatigues the muscles in your eyes. In VR your eyes are actually seeing stuff in 3D, so your eyes have a more variable focal range.

I think the eye disease they mention is from people sharing VR headsets. If you've got pink eye, pls don't use anyone's VR kit.

extermin8or2779d ago

"can't exactly be good" what research are you basing that ob? Specifically vr related? What you think Sony, Facebook and valve and Google and Samsung have all pumped billions into VR tech and none of them conducted and commissioned independent studies on effects? I'm sure if you do a search through medical journals there will be many studies and clearlt for them to press ahead the negatives effected a tiny minority of people. There's also a reason most vr experiences are going to be focused on short experiences rather than full length games...

Neonridr2779d ago

@extermin8or - VR hasn't been around long enough in its current form to determine any long term effects associated with it. I was not claiming to be a doctor or anything. I am merely referring to the simple fact that having a screen that close to your face in which your eyes are constantly focusing and refocusing can lead to eye fatigue and strain. In the long run, who knows what could end up happening.

Garethvk2779d ago

There is a devicebcalled relief band that works well.

Neonridr2779d ago

@Garethvk - yeah, or ginger pills help some people too.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2779d ago
Genuine-User2780d ago (Edited 2780d ago )

The title is pure clickbait. The leading eye surgeon cited in this story doesn't mention the PSVR even once. He is talking about the negative effects of virtual reality, regardless of platform.

For some unknown reason, Mirror has singled out the PlayStation VR platform in their title and the article.

G20WLY2780d ago (Edited 2780d ago )

The Mirror spouts lots of anti-PS BS lately and N4G laps it up. You watch, when MS finally gets VR - and they will - these articles will fail to draw attention. Believe it or not, our opticians and eye surgeons know a thing or two about EYES and the effects of screens on them. This is not the first foray into VR and it's not the first scaremongering article on the subject...

How many blind PC owners do we know about that over-used their Rift dev kits? Allow me to tell you: none. :^)

Also, a word of warning: videogames WILL make you fat. We're all fat, right??! Lol, it's all bollocks, just be sensible folks!

2780d ago
S2Killinit2780d ago

Specialists are paid to say whatever a party in a litigation wants them to say. These guys are no different.

Neonridr2780d ago

like in the old days when *some* doctors would say that smoking was perfectly fine XD

2780d ago
rainslacker2780d ago

I think a lot of them just say stuff without putting any research into it. They make assumptions. Those assumptions may have some merit due to their understanding of the physiology of the human body(or eyes in this case), but it's pure assumption to say that it will cause these kinds of problems. Most of the fad diets we've seen the past 20 years actually fall into this category, then go away once actual research proves they're more harmful than beneficial.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2780d ago
SniperControl2780d ago

Been using my DK2 for over two years, while it made me feel sick at the start, that soon subsided, I spend literally hours in VR doing full races on Project CARS, my eyes are perfectly fine.

Neonridr2780d ago

who knows.. in 10 years time you might have bottle cap thick glasses :P

yeah I was a little disorientated when I first got my CV1, but that passed pretty quickly. I too can spend hours in VR and feel fine (at least with the titles I currently play).

stuna12780d ago

Well I guess the Vive and Occulus causes the eyeballs to fall completely out!?

Christopher2780d ago

Epidemic? That word doesn't fit here.

G20WLY2780d ago

I agree. So, as someone who has the power, take the word out of the title. Why mislead and dissuade potential purchases by the very consumers that make N4G thrive as a business?

If N4G policy is in the way, consider that this article is 'Lame' until there is actually a shred of evidence of it causing harm. After all, I'm pretty sure we're not all fat and pasty despite the still-prevalent media stereotype of a gamer, right?

Christopher2780d ago

Because it's an official quote. I would be changing what is said, which isn't what presenting news is about. I can disagree with it, but I am not about changing what others say.

G20WLY2780d ago

I totally accept that, Christopher, but this is the definition of FUD and while N4G doesn't (and shouldn't) 'change' the news, it should, in my opinion, be it's duty to report with careful consideration and avoid perpetuating misinformation with an obvious agenda, regardless the outlet.

You'll no doubt be aware that The Mirror is a terrible tabloid in the UK.

rainslacker2780d ago (Edited 2780d ago )

Parents used to tell me sitting too close to the TV would make me go blind. They said other things will make me go blind too....but that wouldn't be appropriate to talk about here.

All my life, I have probably sat too close to the TV, and done other things which supposedly would make me go blind. While I have poor eyesight(runs in the family), I am not blind.

Neonridr2779d ago

what are these other things you speak of.... ?


Ron_Danger2779d ago



MasterCornholio2779d ago


Squeezing an eggplant into a monkeys eyes can make it go blind.

Erik73572780d ago

This is gonna suck so bad for gaming,this is kinect all over again.

IamTylerDurden12780d ago

I love the propaganda articles sitting atop N4G atm. This is a joke.

G20WLY2780d ago (Edited 2780d ago )

N4G is officially fucked. Just take a look at my chat with Christopher above. Now, I know the job isn't always easy, but not "changing news" doesn't mean he can't be careful to ensure it is in fact news and not just FUD before he allows it on he website HE is responsible for on a day-to-day basis.

Sadly, with no better explanation offered, I can only conclude that the temptation of letting the comment section run and getting an article drawing attention is too tempting for the short term financial gain to give a crap about the moral aspects. If you kill this product, you effectively kill VR and remove future revenue potential from N4G, not to mention the jobs disappearing from the industry. Are they THAT desperate for the hits?

If MS pulled their finger out and realised the potential of VR when everybody else did, we wouldn't have to suffer these sorts of claims, everyone would just play nicely and we'd just get the occasional 'gamers are killers' style articles from trash outlets that everyone would just ignore. No VR for MS means people jump on these articles to try to ruin it for everyone else. The tabloids know it and so, apparently, does N$G...

AnubisG2779d ago (Edited 2779d ago )

Before you dismiss this as "bullshit" just think about it a bit.

This is so close to your eye that it is possible that it can damage it. I asked a sony representative at one of the VR demonstrations about what kind of test has Sony done regarding the effects the VR headset has on eyes and mental health. She said that there have been no tests done by Sony.

In Psyhology Today there is an article on the effects of VR. In it they state that even developers are worried about it. They have a statement from Guerrila games as well saying that they are also worried about violent games especially shooter that is why they are toning down their VR game so it's not as violent.

In the article they also detail that they are able to help people with PTSD using VR technology because what VR does is tricks your brain into thinking that it is in another reality.

It's pretty interesting but we can't just dismiss this as total bullshit. We should be aware that this is an untested technology that penetrates our brains in ways no videogame has ever done before.

Personally, I'm worried about the mental health effects of VR.

BossBattle2779d ago (Edited 2779d ago )

This is not bullshit. You're in denial. Don't let your fanboyism lead you to be reading in braille. People who've already tried VR regularly have said it has serious side effects. You act like you've never heard it before. Dizziness, disorientation, nausia, loss of sight, etc.

feraldrgn2779d ago

I wouldn't say it would lead to what's in the title, but having a screen right infront of your face emitting blue light will definitely damage your eyesight over time, just like sitting close to a tv or monitor for long enough will damage your eyesight.
It's the risk of the technology, not just VR.

vegasgamerdawg2779d ago (Edited 2779d ago )

Hey N4G, anyway to delete these fanBOy's that think they're Dr.s? This is dangerous, people that have no ideal WTF they're talking about spreading vicious Nonsense could be dangerous to others. I usually just pick on these ignorant children, but I can't stand by and let this go. THERE IS ABSOLUTE EVIDENCE IT CAN DAMAGE YOUR EYES AND CAUSE NAUSEA. NO EXCUSE FOR THIS IGNORANCE. Seriously people, this is dangerous, look at the agrees. How many of you agreeing have a PHD? I read the article, they've credible and reasonable evidence. Don't let this go. The stupidity on N4G is all fun and games until it's possible to hurt others. I know for a fact that it makes me sick...FACT!

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2779d ago
ArchangelMike2780d ago

So much bullshit... for how many years has the sky been falling now? Anyone surprised that it hasn't hit the ground yet?

yarbie10002780d ago

What's your medical degree in?

ArchangelMike2780d ago

Do you need a medical degree to know that the sky isn't falling? Well, I have a Masters Degree in common sense. That good enough for ya?

sourav932780d ago (Edited 2780d ago )

Well, as a graduate of Medical Science, specialising in Neurotrauma, Neurophysiology and Neuropharmacology, I can safely say that this article, is bullshit. You're welcome.

Red_Renegade2780d ago

people with medical degrees said lots of things that weren't right. sometimes, it just takes common sense.

2600Thunder2779d ago (Edited 2779d ago )


Years of all day long, daily use and nothing has alarmed these researchers except its positive neurological effects. I underwent tests for combat-related PTSD therapy and it was incredible - though my PTSD was "mild". I understand that this is related to the condition of the eyes - and they may not be MDs - but they would be considered "smart" relative to the rest of the population given their disciplines and levels of achievement in academia. It would "seem" logical to assume that they would investigate any symptoms experienced by them or their subjects.

Though, just my conjecture and could be wrong, so our eyes may all fall out in a year in a puddle of our half dissolved lunch.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2779d ago
uth112780d ago

I agree, we'll see a new wave of verbal vomit from so called gaming media, and our eyes will burn seeing it all

DragonDDark2780d ago

I've been sick by this disease for years now. No cure was found yet.

2779d ago
rainslacker2780d ago

I have to admit, I do feel a bit nauseous. I blame PSVR. /s

DreadGara2780d ago

It will be an exclusive PS eye disease, Just PSVRdont ladies and gentlemen.

This headline has some fear about PSVR launch. Anyone can tell about that.
The closer it will get, the worser it will be..

I am talking about the release date not the eye / device destination 😉

xDealtwithIt2780d ago

Agreed, I mean we all know that staring and being to close to a television set is bad for your eyes and now you have a screen attached to your face. Of course this can't be good for you and I know these companies will put warning labels of 15 minutes or less should be played but who is going to listen to that?

It's a shame that this study from specialist will be ignored due to people's preference and over defensive nature for a certain company and I am sure once again these folks will place blame on the consumer once these problems start to become a bigger issue. That is if VR even takes off, as of right now it doesn't seem to be making an impact.

UCForce2780d ago

It's about health issues. I seen some people play VR and most of them don't get sick, but some other do. For example, video game doesn't cause violence, but it's healthy issue we need to take care of.

monkeyDzoro2780d ago

:Well, it's not "Sony's VR", it's all VR headset used for gaming

travestyj2780d ago

It is a myth that sitting to close to the TV damages your eyes.


rainslacker2780d ago (Edited 2780d ago )

I assume this was sarcasm? The old wives tale that we'd go blind by sitting too close to the TV? I used to do that, because I had a hard time seeing it due to poor vision. I didn't get poor vision by sitting too close to the TV...it was genetic.

We sit closer to our computer screens than we do to TV's. Eye strain is a problem, and some posit it is one of the reasons that leads to myopia. Whether the screen is 1-2 feet from our face, or 1-2 inches isn't likely to cause any difference in vision problems.

Who's going to listen to it? I suppose the people that are worried about it. Believe it or not though, taking breaks from a screen does indeed lead to less eye strain, but eye strain, and poor vision are two very different things.

This wasn't a study from a specialist, it was an assumption posited by a specialist. Studies about the effects of sitting to close to the screen show that it doesn't cause poor vision. But it can lead to more eye strain. So, are we to just take the assumption of a specialist, or go based on the studies that have been used to try and prove, or disprove, that sitting too close to the TV causes poor vision, which have all found that one's distance to the TV has no measurable correlation to one's vision?

Eye strain itself happens when playing games on a traditional TV or computer or even just using a computer to peruse these forums. It's caused by the way the eyes focus on a screen, and it's constant attempt to stay focused on a singular spot. It has nothing to do with the distance to the screen, or the screen itself. This information is also studied and documented, and not based on what your mother used to tell you so you'd not block the TV with your head.

Aloy-Boyfriend2780d ago

No no, we are just not stupid to believe every BS regardless of corporation.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2780d ago
Cyb3r2780d ago

I remember back in the NES days there were stories that people would get epilepsy from playing videogames. Even on the Commodore64 there were warnings of getting epilepsy on the Chucky Egg game loading screen. Although it is true that people born with epilepsy might get seizures from playing videogames there was never any proof that people who don't have the condition will get it from playing games. Ive been gaming for 26 years and never got a seizure yet. But now that VR is the next big thing in gaming I see that history is repeating its self with similar warnings.

rainslacker2780d ago

That was cause for concern that it could happen to those that were pre-disposed to it in some way....even if they wouldn't have a seizure under any other circumstance. One of those wierd brain things that isn't completely understood.

The media blew it out of proportion back then, and I'm sure this will be blown out of proportion if VR takes off, because the media loves a good story that will scare people. Heck, look at the whole vaccinations scare of recent years. Or the cell phones cause brain tumors. Or how about Cell phone use at a gas station could cause a fire? Standing close to the microwave is bad for you. Video games cause violence. And I could go on. All things that gain traction, and people continue to believe, even if they are debunked, because the media never really does much to get into the debunking portion of it, because the sensationalism of the scare is much more profitable.

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bunt-custardly29d ago

Good, silence the naysayers who talk bollocks.

Tacoboto29d ago

The context in the article is kinda like the discussion of MAU metrics. Manipulation of figures to get it to say what you want it to.

I.e. "The proportion is shrinking, but there are more players so it's actually not shrinking!"

Crows9029d ago

That's not like mau metrics ....

If there's 20,000 players and only 10% use it and then there's a jump to 40,000 and 10% are using still using it then....there's been an increase because 10% of 40k is higher than 20k.

That's an actual number increase of people using it. That's growth.

Tacoboto29d ago

MAU is used to reference engagement or growth in a game. The conversation is muddied because people want to talk about sales instead of player count. How is this not like that?

Growth can mean and be two different things. Growth of quantity, or growth of proportion. People in finance and accounting will never look at 2% in one instant and look at 2% at a later instant and say "Hey look, growth!" That's a joke, to be frank. The 2% is more than the earlier 2% but that 98% remainder also grew.

Eonjay29d ago

Which is why Sony is putting PSVR 2 on it.

Abnor_Mal29d ago

I wish Sony would have given upgrades to many of their PSVR games for their VR2 system. Unfortunately for me their pcvr movement is not doing me any favors, hopefully there’s some kind of trickle down effect.

Eonjay29d ago

Sony would only be able to Patch its own games. Devs would have to go back and create their own patches. To be frank, whats gonna stop this from happening is money. Are they willing to pay to have a developer create the patch, QA to test...

Abnor_Mal29d ago

@Eonjay totally agree with what you said about third party devs and the cost, Q&A etc, but Sony could have updated Astrobot, The Persistance, Blood and Truth, and Farpoint. Have a few in-house devs work on DriveClub vr, and pay for an update for Rush of Blood and maybe a Shadow of the Colossus VR. I would love to play Borderlands VR on PSVR2.

shinoff218329d ago

Sure Sony mightve been able to help but reality is most of those titles were from 3rd parties.

ApocalypseShadow29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

What he's saying is that Sony should have lead by example. Instead, they haven't done shit bringing them forward and expected 3rd parties to do it themselves in bringing their own games. If Sony's not going to do it, why should they?

It's like when they lead by example in the creation of their games. Or lead by example when they make their hardware.

Hate to say it, but for PS VR 2, they are lagging big time. GT is nice. But if you're tired of sims, then there's just Horizon. I'd rather have Blood and Truth remastered at that level or a sequel than what they currently released. No chance of that though as they killed London Studios. Another bullshit move they made. About as bad as killing Evolution Studios to keep GT as their only racing game. I like Sony's platform. But I'm not buying their headset if they're not going to put in the effort like they do with flat games.

shinoff218329d ago

Exactly. I almost bought vr2 but it's the games missing. Sure that horizon might be dope but I'd prefer the full horizon, or last of us, Spiderman, something. Pay some 3rd party devs. I was hoping to get that fallout 4 but that's not happening now lol

shinoff218329d ago

Vr is dope. Idk know why people wanna hate. It's definitely a dope next step. Even if it's a sidestep. I really wish more developers would throw down. Imagine a last of us with vr, or a final fantasy game, all kinds of stuff. It would be incredible.

bunt-custardly29d ago

Praydog's FREE UEVR mod is working wonders for the PC VR community.