
What’s next for BioWare after Dragon Age Inquisition?

The franchise is planning on creating Mass Effect 4, but keeping in mind not to use the same template from their highly successful game Dragon Age | TechnoAisle

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MatrixxGT2792d ago

I'll be sad if they do not continue the dragon age franchise. I would be really happy if Origins was BC on X1.

fenome2791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

Origins was my favorite one. I preordered Inquisition (digitally for some reason) and just kind of lost interest after a while. They created a really cool world though, I think it was more the combat that didn't really didn't keep me hooked.

Honestly I'm not sure what it was, after a while I just put it down and never picked it back up again. Might have to boot it back up one of these days and see if I can get back into it.

Sam Fisher2791d ago

You hit it on the nail with that comment, same happened to me but it was more story for me, like i really wanted to know about the hero of the first game than this whole story.

But going on to the subject i hope next is kotor, we need a starwars rpg made right, if you make a shooter you are playing a mass effect game and if you make a melee char its like playing dragon age, best of both worlds really

fenome2791d ago


I've never played Kotor, but heard nothing but good things about it. I think I've been missing out.

I'm honestly surprised that most star war games are subpar because everything is already setup. Cool aliens and alien planets gunfights, melee combat, super powers, space combat, the list goes on. If someone could just focus something down on it, it could be amazing.

I liked the old Battlefront games even though they were cheesy, they seemed like really good stepping stones until they turned it into another FPS.

I feel the same way about The Hobbit (Lord of the Rings) it's an amazing world that deserves to be explored but nobody can seem to get it right. Shadow of Mordor was a nice fresh take on it, but honestly they could've just made that one their own fresh IP. War of the North was also decent, but once again they couldve just made their own IP out of that. It would be nice to have the world to explore and actually follow the path from bags end to mordor.

Sam Fisher2791d ago

If you have a smart phone you should check out the original kotor, if you like how the first dragon age played, it came from that, i mean bare in mind that game is like i don't know like 10 yrs old or something but its got a great story

letsgopal2791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

"I'll be sad if they do not continue the dragon age franchise"
Who says they won't? They recently asked people if they would like playing a spinoff DA Tactics styled game. (And they mentioned it wouldn't affect the main series) DA4 is pretty much confirmed. DA and Mass effect are two completely different (besides dialogue system) franchises, so I'm not surprised they aren't using it as a "template". Just dafuq is this article.

MatrixxGT2791d ago

Nothing told me they wouldn't continue it. Sorry, I'm a fan of the series.

pompombrum2792d ago

EA have both Bioware and the Star Wars license.. what's next should really be a no brainer, a new Star Wars rpg.. not some watered down MMO but a proper KOTOR sequel or probably a completely new Star Wars series but really it's simple, Bioware + Star Wars = $$$$$$ and isn't that what EA care about at the end of the day?

RpgSama2792d ago

YES PLEASE!!!, A new KOTOR would be amazing, I don't care if it's someway alike to the Mass Effect franchise, just do an honest to God KOTOR sequel that's and RPG, it's going to sell like crazy and there just nothing like the mythology of Star Wars to build a Role Playing Game around.

The 10th Rider2791d ago

Yeah, I'm hoping they have the team behind Inquisition working on a new KOTOR that incorperates a lot of the lessons they learned making Dragon Age. I just replayed both, and they're both good, but KOTOR is a little lacking tactically.

CorndogBurglar2791d ago

Its interesting its like that too.

KOTOR may be lacking tactically, yet Inquisition's tactical camera and inability to queue multiple commands to characters makes it a frustrating ordeal. You either just control one character and let the others do their thing, or you pause the game literally every 2 seconds to continue issuing commands to your characters.

KOTOR handled the mechanics of controlling a party perfectly. Pause the game, queue multiple commands to each character, unpause and watch it unfold. If something looks like it might be going south, pause again and reissue orders.

This is something Inquisition was severely lacking.

The 10th Rider2791d ago

That's a great way off putting it. Kotor is a but restricting because your options are limited. Your characters can be reduced to basically force users, melee fighters, or ranged characters. You don't really have many abilities to set up "plays", so to speak. You were also limited to just three characters. In Dragon Age you could pause, set up abilities that work well together, then let it play itself out. The lack of an ability que was really frustrating though.

Shubhendu_Singh2791d ago

EA has the SW license for 10 years. That is, from 2014 to 2024.

We can expect full focus on SW games till 2024 because even EA doesn't know if they can renew the license after those ten years. So making battlefront biennial, and having Visceral and Amy Heming team work on 2 other SW projects. Then having (I think) Criterion/Ghost game work on an SW project too.

Before SW license took place Bioware had announced they were working on ME:A and one other mysterious game. I very much doubt that game is SW or Dragon Age related though - just a hunch.

thatguyhayat2792d ago

A new jade Empire. Time that game saw light again

Sam Fisher2791d ago

Hell yea I remember that on the original xbox

Shubhendu_Singh2791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

I have heard so much about that game, I am almost ashamed to confess I have never played it.
Is it on PC ?

edit: holy hell. This game was published by Microsoft AND Valve AND 2K. wtf ?
Regional publishing ?

Movefasta19932791d ago

Before I had a gaming PC, I had a weak laptop and I played and finished jade empire.great game

TheColbertinator2792d ago

Since CDPR is working on cyberpunk perhaps Bioware can do Steampunk.

Summons752792d ago

We will see. If they can actually keep their promises for once with ME:A then they have a chance at redeeming themselves but so far they have burned us for 3 games and gotten away with lies. They need to step up or they will find gamers won't be so easy to give another chance.

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Profchaos932d ago

The quality of these free games has been awesome. Before anyone says they are not free I was already giving Amazon $6 a month for prime shipping and video this isn't why I pay for my subscription

Teflon02932d ago

Still technically paying for it, even if it wasn't your intent. They've been giving out games with Twitch prime, they just changed the name. It's the same sub as that was. If you weren't aware, great. But you're paying for it.

That being said, I don't personally care. For me as long as you're willing to pay that for 1 service and get more. I personally take it as free. Like prime video, music though the prime version is trash, and all the Twitch benefits are all free to me because I didn't care about those when I got it. Just comes with it.

Only noted because that's technically wrong as a defense to that argument, whether I'm on yourside with the initial statement lol

mkis007932d ago

It's free to anyone who has already been paying. IDK why people need to split hairs.

TinkerNation932d ago

How does Prime Gaming work? Do you keep the games, or is it only as long as you have Prime?

Germaximus932d ago

lol Nice distraction from how they're now charging people to increase viewership. It's "just an option." /wink lol