
Remedy Hints At Future Games With Longer Playtimes, Live-Action To Play A Role

While Quantum Break seems to have satisfied Microsoft's expectations, it has driven developer Remedy Entertainment to take a step back.

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-Foxtrot2790d ago

First they ditch single player for co-op and now they want to continue with live action which is what really killed Quantum Break as they wasted so many resources on it instead of the actual gameplay.

Have these guys lost it or something? It's like they are trying to please a publisher enough for them to get them on board.

TheEvilResident19972789d ago

Yeah I'm so sick of co op it better be optional because I'm not buying that trash.

rainslacker2788d ago (Edited 2788d ago )

I wouldn't mind the live action if was interesting, but games that use pre-rendered or in engine graphics can achieve so much more both visually and emotionally than the lame B-grade(being kind) production values we saw in QB.

Hopefully they'll learn about flow a bit better, and learn that when you have a story based game, interspersing that story throughout the game in smaller scenes which drive the narrative constantly, you will make a much more engaging game. I suffered through the QB cut scenes, because I felt it was probably prudent, but at no time were they anywhere near as impressive as even a mid-tier lower budget JRPG with the most basic of graphics. Removing a player from the game for 20 odd minutes is OK once in a great while when that cut scene is packed with great story of action so the time passes quickly, but not as a core game mechanic for relaying the story.

QB lacking story aside, compare it to any game which has a similarly lacking story, and see it's story elements presented more fluidly in game, or through shorter cut scenes which work with the actual events that are being played, and not just some story synopsis to act as an epilogue or prologue to a chapter, and the one with shorter, more impressive cut scenes, regardless of how they're made, will win out every time.

Remedy hoping to do more live action just makes me think they want to be a movie studio....and we all remember what happened to Final Fantasy when SE decided it wanted to be a movie studio.

Majister-Ludi2788d ago

That's your opinion I have enjoyed every game by remedy and will look forward to any future releases. They are one of my favorite devs and always make unique titles.

2789d ago
Youngindy212789d ago

I didn't really mind the live-action in QB, I just felt that the live-action scenes were too long. Most gamers don't want to stop playing a game in between acts to watch a 20 minute live action video. Perhaps shorter videos in the future. They were pretty well made though.

2789d ago Replies(3)
lastking952789d ago (Edited 2789d ago )

My sentiments exactly, they were good but too long.

MasterCornholio2789d ago

I don't believe people want more live action.

vulsker2789d ago

I actually really like what they did with Quantum Break, but I do get why most didn't. They would need to cut down the scene times or give options to view other ways.

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Nintendo confirms its commitment to physical games

In an era dominated by digital downloads and streaming services, the importance of physical media in gaming remains a topic of discussion.

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Chocoburger18h ago

Of course, Nintendo has always preferred physical sales, especially since they skew to a younger audience, and kids want games for their birthdays and holidays. They go to the store and pick the game they want.

Since the Wii they have always been the last major publisher to support modern tech or concepts, and they will be the last to support physical if it ever goes away. Which I hope it doesn't.

darthv723h ago

Nintendo just likes sales in general. If they can sell digital more, they would because the 2nd hand market they do not get a cut of. For me, i tend to buy more physical switch games than I do other platforms. I do have my fair share of digital deals from the eshop though. Especially if its something that i have a sealed physical copy of and dont want to reduce its value.

Cacabunga3h ago

Then I know for sure who I will be supporting

neutralgamer19924h ago

OK, but you need better format where these games could actually fit instead of half of the game being in physical form and all I have being on a digital code or have to download

Hofstaderman4h ago

The one caveat with cartridges. If the leaks are true the internal storage stands at 256gb plus SD card support too.

franwex40m ago

You could have a 256gb card and a 10gb card. Publishers will simply use the 10gb one and make you download the rest.

Inverno3h ago

There are cards that can fit all of a game but those cost more, and publishers are cheap. It's weird cause with how much the switch has sold and how long it's been on the market the costs to manufacture these cards should've been much lower by now. It's a publisher issue cause there has only been very few exceptions on PS and Xbox, rest of the industry would rather force a download despite Blu-ray being cheap.

shinoff21832h ago

Your right. It's definitely a publisher issue. From my time collecting that's what I've come across. Just always remember


Tell you everything you need to know about releases.

Flakegriffin31m ago

Pretty sure most, if not all, of Nintendo first party titles are all on cartridge. It’s the third parties.

ActualWhiteMan3h ago

Yeah it artificially retains the high prices for their software. Hence Pirates will always have their day with them.

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Hypercharge Unboxed Dev Saddened By Claims It'll Be 'Dead' Without Xbox Game Pass

One of the big Xbox releases heading our way in May 2024 is the long-awaited Hypercharge Unboxed, which is finally bringing its "first and third-person shooter action figure game" to Xbox consoles on Friday, May 31st.

Sadly, ahead of launch, the game's official Twitter (or "X") account has been highlighting the "trolls" who are claiming that because it's not launching on Game Pass, Hypercharge Unboxed is already set up for failure on Xbox.

helicoptergirl15h ago

It's horrible what people will say, but the truth might be harsh. There is a good chance it might not do well on Xbox if it's not on GamePass. There is a strong possibility that is the case. We'll see.

When it launches on Playstation in the future you can rest assured it will sell much better. The devs have confirmed it's coming to Playstation in the future.

"It is built in the Unreal Engine 4. The game was released on the Nintendo eShop on January 31, 2020 and on Steam on April 27, 2020. The development of Hypercharge: Unboxed for the Xbox platform was officially announced on July 16, 2022, with the developers also confirming future support for the PlayStation."

ZeekQuattro14h ago

I remember having this on my radar years ago for the Switch but never pulled the trigger on it. Crazy it's still not on PlayStation yet.

northpaws5h ago

And that's the problem of GamePass.

JEECE5h ago

Unfortunately once people are conditioned to expect to get something as part of a subscription they already pay for, they are unlikely to buy it a la carte. Some games, including this one, now look like "Gamepass Games" to a huge chunk of the Xbox audience. Maybe this game will buck that trend, and I wish them luck, but I'd imagine they'll have a rough go trying to sell this game on Xbox.

shinoff21834h ago

Hopefully their game not selling on Xbox doesn't stop them from bringing it to ps. I can't imagine why a developer would go Xbox first if their not on gamepass. Good luck to them though.

JEECE4h ago

Yeah I can't figure that out either. I mean I understand why you go there first if you get a Gamepass payday, but if you are just trying to sell copies it doesn't make sense. Fewer users overall, and a smaller percentage of those users are willing to buy indie games a la carte.

Jingsing2h ago

Yeah, I can't understand it either unless there is some deep routed fan-boyism from the developer, which isn't very clever if you are trying to make a living. Fatshark is a perfect example of a developer sending their games to die on Xbox and they kept doing it.

Jingsing2h ago

British guy saying Xbox is his dream console doesn't really sit right does it. 5 generations of PlayStation in the UK and you haven't figured out what console is going to make you the most money. That is the mistake you've made.


Epic Games Faces $1.2 Million Fine Over "Unfair Practices," Plans to Fight Back

Epic Games is facing a $1.2 million fine by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets over "unfair practices" in the Fortnite shop.

Sciurus_vulgaris21h ago

It might be cheaper to simply pay the fine. Fighting said fine could cost millions due to court and lawyer fees. Fortnite generates well over a 100 million in each month, so Epic has plenty of cash.

franwex14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

But if they did pay it, then they are basically admitting that they did something they weren’t supposed to be doing. If they fight it, they may win and continue to have a sense of urgency for their micro transactions thus making more money long term.

Goodguy016h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Meaning more suits to follow from others if they don't fight as well.

Not a fan of Epic nor fortnite and their micro transactions. But the game is heavily supported and is free to play, all store items are completely cosmetic.

12h ago
Furesis9h ago

I'd fight back too. These are kinda meaningless reasons to fine someone like really for THAT. It's like they just wanted to make money or something.