
Pokémon GO Plus Review: Something you would find at the bottom of a cereal box | finder

Can't wait to get a Pokémon Plus on your wrist? It'll cost you fifty dollars and a few broken bones if you want it to fit.

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SlappingOysters2808d ago

That is woeful. How hard is it to include an adult sized strap in a $50 product.

TheUndertaker852808d ago (Edited 2808d ago )

Easy. It's not made for an adult. They'd rather it be the $50 device that kids ask for.

They also make a larger profit by including a child strap. Look for a $10-$20 adult strap sold separately in 2017.

reaper6022808d ago

I cant believe that at one point people on ebay were spending $200 for these things


Pokemon Go Refunds: Niantic Settlement Offers No Direct Payouts

A recent lawsuit against Pokemon Go maker Niantic claims the company made it difficult for minors to get refunds for in-app purchases. This could be relevant if your child under 18 spent real money on the game between July 2016 and the present.

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Pokémon GO players rally against Niantic after poor customer service

After the release of the horrid avatar update, Pokémon GO fans are trying to get items refunded. This has led to some getting threats of being banned.

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Pokémon GO avatar update has fans demanding it be taken back

The avatar update for Pokémon GO has officially been rolled out and fans are not happy about it. Some are demanding refunds for previously purchased clothing.

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