
Infamous dev: PS3 can do 'everything you want'

Speaking to VideoGamer.com at Leipzig Games Convention 2008 Sucker Punch Game Director Nate Fox has revealed the studio's love of the PlayStation 3. Being the studio's first PS3 title after working on three Sly Cooper games for the PlayStation 2, Fox said that "it's great to have that much more detail in the world".

"You have a lot more characters running around, particle effects," he added. "Everything you want, more, more, more, the hardware can take it. I think you can see it. The graphic quality of the game is really, really strong."

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dro5725d ago (Edited 5725d ago )

after seeing mgs4/heavy rain im sure people knew that!!!! what we need is devs that do multiplat games to stop holding back the ps3 version bcuz of the 360,just imaging if games like cod4 were using the ps3 cell propley and they were not trying to make it look the same as the 360 version!!!
i really hope future games on the ps3 which are multiplat will make use of the system propley and not hold back some features bcuz of the 360, i alerday see FF13 not looking as good if it were a ps3 exclusive,u don't see multiplat games on the ds/psp looking the same so y the hell dose devs on consoles try to make it look the same when they know one console can achieve better graphics than the other if they use it propley.

TheHater5725d ago

I think every PS3 owners will want that. But it might not happen. I think developers care too much about trying to make each version equal instead of building the game around each system differently.

The Lazy One5725d ago

Because that would be ridiculously expensive.

Ju5725d ago

How is this ridiculous expensive ? It might cost more, I agree, but not "ridiculous" more. They just get away by not doing it. But I also think until now, there was no pressure to do so. More and more exclusives show more. Hopefully that'll put some pressure to multiplatforms. And then there is the political problem. Multiplatform developers will need support from both, Sony & MS. If they make one game look better they might risk loosing support for the other. Will take some time until someone tries it and others follow.

hunter215725d ago

thats what im always trying to say to everyone when some gamers will realize that, but you explained it well. kudos to you.

maggotmx5725d ago

its simple making the best they can be in each system may anger a couple of people who think "the other console's game looks better than mine" which may equal to less sales so the devs try to make it so that everyone gets pretty much the SAME experience to make most everyone happy

tordavis5725d ago

"what we need is devs that do multiplat games to stop holding back the ps3 version bcuz of the 360"

Give me two examples of proof of this.

HighDefinition5725d ago (Edited 5725d ago )

1. GTAIV is one which SAM HOUSER said "the 360 will hold the PS3 back"

2. Any exclusive PS3 looks WAAAAAYY better than EVERY 360 game....like Uncharted, Killzone2, MGS4, Heavy Rain and LBP.

3. 360 devs saying the 360 isn`t going to be able to do much more, Like EPIC, and Turn10 (i think, Forza`s makers)

I think that is PROOF enough.

Not being a "fanboy" these are the FACTS.

Time_Is_On_My_Side5725d ago

Final Fantasy XIII is said by the developers that they're going to fully utilize the PlayStation 3 for the game. So they're going to use the full 50GB according to them and will launch first in Japan then the North America version will come out with the XBOX 360 version. The XBOX 360 version is most likely going to be on six discs compared to the PlayStation 3 version.

I'm going to see how Prototype and Infamous stack up because Infamous is exclusive because of the memory on the disc / design of the game.

The Lazy One5725d ago

that was one example and 2 assumptions.

edit: also, it was a disk space limitation, not a power limitation.

@ other: It would be expensive because the platforms are so different. It's expensive enough to push each system to it's limits on it's own. Look at the budgets of those games you mentioned. Platform specific development would double. Compare that to making a single game that is easily portable to each system, where you get about the same sales with little cost.

CadDad5725d ago

In one sense I'd like to see every game take full advantage of the hardware, but in a more practical sense I would really like to see equality across multi-plat releases.

The reasoning behind it is simple. The games you buy are games you want to play. There are few things as disappointing as hearing that a game you bought wasn't the best "version" of the same game.

I've passed on games in the past that had lazy developers (madden 08) that didn't create an equal experience across platforms.

Either go exclusive and make it the best you can, or make them so close to equal across the platforms that there is no reason to buy one over the other. With all the games coming out and all the "versions" we're subjected to, it's really hard to keep up for an avid gamer like myself, but to a casual person it's enough to make a head spin.

Just my humble opinion.


Exorgasm5725d ago (Edited 5725d ago )

The thing is that the only things being held back by the competition are game length and overall limit of game data. The PS3 isn't better in the graphics department in any way.

You get better draw distance due to the use of AF or whatever smoothing/filtering process they're using instead of AA, that's a plus. You can also have a lot more going on on the screen at any given time at a smooth rate due to cells power, also pretty awesome.

But then there's the whole issue with all the games having terrible textures and looking smeared/vaseline on the camera from the filtering which totally kills the whole point of high definition gaming. What's the point of hd when all the crisp textures are smoothed together?

My PS3 is a beast and I admit it can do things my 360 will never be able to do without installs and multiple discs but i think you guys go a little overboard with your confidence in it and it's completely unrealistic.

3 disagrees and no replies.If you're going to disagree why don't you point out what I said wrong or provide some pictures where the PS3 puts out good texture quality?
Disagreeing because you don't like the truth just seems silly.

TheTwelve5725d ago

Totally agreed, Dro, especially about the third party games. But this won't happen until the PS3 install base is significantly larger than that of the 360's. Developers have to find reason to make sure that giving special benefits to the PS3 is worthwhile financially.

I personally think it's worth the risk, and that PS3 owners would gladly embrace such benefits. We're worth every cent of effort!


PiTCHBLaCK5725d ago

Well with DLC a factor, some versions
of a game are already better then others.

PS3 and the 360 are actually quite Different.
I Say they should make a multiplat game based
off of the Console, if the PS3 version takes longer
and cost more, simply jack the price of the game.

If a multiplat game came out but I know the PS3 version
may look better even have added content etc, I Wouldn't mind
forking over an extra $5 - $10, or even renting it!.

DarK-SilV5725d ago (Edited 5725d ago )

Tordavis as much I like you but I hate it when you say xbox360 can do everything Ps3 can do

Epic's Fergusson said Xbox 360 'Approaching Upper End' Of Visual Potential also "I still think there's room to grow" , there no fu#king huge deference between GEARS1 and 2 http://www.gamasutra.com/ph...

Now for Ps3, Naughty dogs said that they used 30% of PS3 power, now uncharted and MGS4 is better then GEAR, also Sucker Punch PS3 can do "everything you want", also read http://www.dasgamer.com/gue...
That's the deference between Ps3 and Xbox 360
If gears 2 used X360 MAX Potential then other games on Ps3 blow Gears out in every aspect (Graphics, physics, animation).

JoySticksFTW5725d ago (Edited 5725d ago )

especially after those earlier busted PS3 versions of multiplat games (Madden, the Orange Box).

The COD4 team helped other devs see the light and showed them the right way to develop multiplatform titles

Props to the Burn-out: Paradise team as well!


But yeah, each system has things that it does particulaly well. It's time that devs start having console-specific teams to encourage optimizing games for each console.

Ju5725d ago

I'd like to add one more thing to the "more expensive" argument. Well, SW is only 1/3rd of the development process (well, 1/4th if you'd add test as a separate entity). The rest is design and asset production (art). So, I am not sure if this will play too much into design. Yes, maybe, you might want to add feature right from the beginning in the design phase. This will increase costs. The second part is assets. I do not see a cost factor here. Maybe overall it might cost a bit more to produce more assets, but one platform being a subset of the others, its more removing what you can't use, instead of adding more (half empty/half full problem). And finally, SW. Engines need to be written for the specific platform anyhow. The architectures are so different, that you cannot simply port on to another. In parts yes, but you need the low level guys doing SMP or SPU work and SW architecture to begin with. Adding streaming to one will not be that much of a problem if done right from the start. And finally it will add some costs to the test cycles if content is different so test scripts need to be adjusted for each platform. But some platform specific testing is already there anyway. So, again, will it be more expensive ? I guess so. Ridiculously ? I doubt it. And in the worst case, just make 360 games cheaper. Done with it. But, no PS3 game was ever cheaper. Usually, I'd expect the costs involved in a port about 2/3 cheaper then the original game, because all design costs and asset production costs should have been covered already. But, still, each port costs the same. They simply roll over the costs from the original production.

pwnsause5725d ago

Torrance, Start thinking outside the box for once. No HDD on the 360 is holding back a lot of games that of course should of looked good. look how GTAIV streams on the 360 to its PS3 counterpart. thats one example that the 360 is holding games back.

uie4rhig5725d ago

i dunno what browser you use, but both Google Chrome and Firefox (Safari too?) have got built-in spell checkers.. if not there is always Office (Word to be precise) or otherwise the free version OpenOffice.org ...
coz i didn't understand much of it lol

The Lazy One5725d ago

of the four development costs (not manufacturing costs), those being software development, game design, art/asset creation, and QA, software development is the largest and most affected by porting. When you push each system, you're essentially doing 1.5 times the work in that area, and that's not taking into account having to redo some models/textures/lighting/effec ts that don't work on either console.

tordavis5725d ago

@DarkSilv - :)
I don't think the 360 can do everything the PS3 can. I've known since day 1 that the PS3 is a more powerful console.

@High Definition - You can't use exclusives in this argument. This is about multiplat titles. Sam Houser knows they could have done more with the Blu-Ray and the fact that the 360 was the lead platform is a good example of the 360 holding the PS3 back. But if you think about it, the PS3 version of GTAIV would have probably been in development for another 6-8 months to fully utilize the hardware. Also, if MS allowed forced HD installs on the 360, they could have spent more time on that version to get it up to the PS3 quality or close to it. Knowing that the 360 is almost at it's peak(it really isn't close to it's peak, it just needs a good dev to bust out the pixie dust)doesn't mean it's holding the PS3 back. So you gave me one good debatable example.

All I'm saying is this, people have been complaining that the 360 is gimping the PS3 but I haven't seen it. I think if developers can make the PS3 version look better then they should. It's only looks we are talking. Gameplay is a non issue right? COD4 had better textures on the PS3 therefore people said it was the better version. Gameplay however, is equal. Same with Burnout.

PS3 has been touted as the starter of the next generation. MS started it first, PS3 continued it and made it better. I think people are looking for reasons to say that the PS3 blows the 360 away. Fact of the matter is, it's not blowing it away. If MS and Sony were the only ones making games for each console, I'd say that it actually is blowing the 360 away. There are far too many 3rd party multiplatform titles that look and play the same on both systems to consider the PS3 the better platform. The gap is widening though. Killzone 2 IMHO is the first jaw dropping game that's a step above what we've seen on the 360. I still think it's hasn't fallen far from the COD4 tree though. Then there's Project Origin...(drool).

I just want to make one more statement for all gamers. The PS3 is newer hardware. Devs are still learning how to utilize it. It's a year younger than the 360. It SHOULD be producing better looking titles. Just equate this to Xbox 1 and PS2. PS2 had better selling titles, but the Xbox games looked better. Did this stop the PS2 from dominating worldwide? Nope. I say to each his own. While some of you here are busy with your F@nb0y agendas, I'll be playing titles on both the 360 and the PS3 and enjoying myself immensely. No producer, PR rep or F@nb0y can change that. I own MGS4 and I own Gears Of War. I have the best of both worlds at my finger tips.

HighDefinition5725d ago (Edited 5725d ago )

I hear ya, but............

The reason for that is, like GTAIV is 360 has mainly been the lead platform, but that`s changing. We`ll see in 2009 since alot of companies are using PS3 as the "lead".
The more the 360 continues to sell less than the PS3, will also influence them to step up the PS3 development.

Like I said we`ll see in 2009.

And as I said before exclusives MATTER the most and that`s where the PS3 seems to shine and there`s no DENYING that. To me that proves the PS3 can do more, so multiplat must be being affected by the 360 and more so DVD9.

5725d ago
DarK-SilV5725d ago (Edited 5725d ago )

Tordavis you won't see a difference on miltplat games because Dev Have to consider X360 weakness, that's why I don't use multiplatform games in my argument, that’s why I compare gears 2 to other Ps3 games, and Kill zone 2 is not the first jaw dropping game, GT5 and heavy rain is another example.
I'm going to say it again if gears 2 used X360 MAX Potential then other games on Ps3 blow Gears out in every aspect (Graphics, physics, animation)
Let me tell you, I have both consoles and I'm going to enjoy them both.,

Ju5725d ago

@The lazy one. Well, I agree. You just confirmed what I said, but rephrased it, didn't you? In ports the majority of work is the SW part, being 1/3 of the costs, and basically reducing the other 2 to zero, a port should be about 2/3 cheaper. That's what I said, no ?

Obviously, if you write an engine the first time on a new platform, this equation is not that trivial. But people will get the picture. Also the bit of more costs to touch up assets are also neglected here.

tordavis5725d ago

You guys make good points but I still don't see the point in comparing exclusives when debating that devs are holding the PS3 back with 360 development. With that argument you can only compare multiplat titles. Would GTAIV be better as an exclusive? Maybe. What about Bioshock? I don't think so. I think the developers idea was manifested exactly how they envisioned it. If I were a dev and could make the PS3 versions better every time, I would. Based on your argument, why would devs not use the full power of the PS3 in multiplat titles? Criterion did it, 2K Boston did it, Infinity Ward did it, so what's EA's excuse? What's Rockstars excuse? There are only a few devs that have matched what Epic pulled off on the 360. PS3 devs seem to put more time and effort into their titles and are getting more out of the system. I still think some of the exclusives on PS3 can be done on 360 with ease. Uncharted is one of them. And seriously, what's the point? Go where the good games are at.

DaTruth5725d ago (Edited 5725d ago )

Just want to point out that lots of multiplatform games on the original XBOX were better than the ps2 version. The problem is the XBOX fanboy. Making a game better on XBOX was no issue last gen because the ps-fanboy is not as rabid as the XBOX fanboy, having won (excuse me, destroyed) the last war the ps-fanboy is not insecure and expects a win again. The XBOX fanboy thought he could sway the ps-fanbase by putting the console down at every opportunity,even before it was on the market; in hopes of not losing on his investment like the last time when they discontinued the system putting his money to waste.

Definition of ps-fanboy: Someone who is so sick of hearing from XBOX fanboys that he has grown to literally hate the system and anyone who owns it. Thus, he does anything to make them feel the same pain.

RememberThe3575725d ago

With most of the multi-platform games coming out looking equal on both systems, the only thing we can compare are exclusives. Exclusives are supposed to bring out the best that the console has to offer. So if your going to compare what each console has to offer you should look at they're exclusive line up. That said, at the end of the day many of the years best games will be multi-platform so we can all enjoy them equally.

IPlayGames5724d ago

Sony & Microsoft should pay for multiplatform games to do things that can only be done on there system.

Keep the same core story and game macanics then make exclusive content for home/live, cell/RSX, 50gig Blu Ray/DLC.

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 5724d ago
thereapersson5725d ago

Everyone knows that exclusive titles are the true demonstration of a console's potential, and Sucker Punch are talented enough developers to prove that theory.

Deny it all you want, but Sony has some of the best first-party development studios out of any of the big 3 console makers.

Fishy Fingers5725d ago

Dude, Sony has far and away the best first-party developers.

Lucreto5725d ago

So true it helps with the amount of money that Sony pouring into its first party developers.

HighDefinition5725d ago

Has better 1st party Devs, than MS and Nintendo COMBINED, IMO.

I really is unreal.

littletad5725d ago

When Shadow of Colossus sprang into our lives. I only hope they show their next game soon.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5725d ago
Kratos Spartan5725d ago

The world's fastest supercomputer, nicknamed "RoadRunner," recently broke the petaflop barrier, which means it can perform over a quadrillion calculations per second. That's two times as many as the previous world's fastest supercomputer.

How did it manage to accomplish this feat? With the help of the technology at the heart of the PS3! The Roadrunner was built with parts that might be sitting in your study right now, including 6,948 dual-core AMD Opteron chips and 12,960 Cell engines (the ones inside your PS3). Roadrunners creators picked the PS3's Cell Processors because the technology calculates events in real time. Scientists will be using the Roadrunner to perform climate and nuclear weapon simulations, which just shows the raw power of PS3's technology. Just think what PS3 has in store for gamers a few years down the road

TheHater5725d ago

when will developers start using 80% of that power? I say another year

DavidMacDougall5725d ago

Wait till the naughty dog boys get there hands around uncharted 2

ITS OVER 9000!!!!!

Lucreto5725d ago


I say it will be another 2 years before that happens. Code gets refined and optimized over time.

Anyway I would be afraid to connect 5 or more cell processors together in case it creates some kind of independent intelligence like HAL.

Sir_Ken_Kutaragi5725d ago

Whoever created the PS3 is a F**KING GENIUS!!!;)

Whoever created the xBox 360...should be SH0T!!! ;-D

Harry1905725d ago

You created the PS3. Pride is a sin my son.

Anton Chigurh5725d ago (Edited 5725d ago )

If Infamous dev got enough talent , they can do anything they want

cell and blu alone are not enough

Talent >>------>>> cell and blu

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5725d ago
Shane Kim5725d ago

Bless the Gods that Sony's engineers are so brilliant that they can provide Director Nate Fox the tools he require to make the best games only avaible on PS3.

As for me, I'll just continue stealing exclusives for blow jobs ;) (wank).

Kratos Spartan5725d ago

"Everything you want, more, more, more, the hardware can take it."

Be careful with the Black Beast, you don't want to make it angry.

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The inFamous games deserve more love from Sony

The inFamous games are an important part of PlayStation history, but the series is in limbo and playing older entries isn't exactly easy.

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LucasRuinedChildhood85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

Would like remasters of 1 and 2. I enjoyed them much more than Second Son.

1 & 2 had more of an emphasis on climbing and the traversal requires a bit more effort in a good way. It was rewarding. Second Son made climbing mostly obsolete so they put little effort into it. The traversal was just great in inFamous 1 & 2. There's a reason Sunset Overdrive copied and improved upon the induction grind mechanic.

Reminds me of how I felt about the decline of parkour and the well designed tombs (basically Prince Of Persia levels) that we saw in the Assassin's Creed games.

The story and atmosphere were also much better in 1 & 2.

Electricity is just a brilliant superpower for an open world city. It perfectly fits just like webslinging does in New York and it has many applications.

Cacabunga85d ago

For sure.. one of my favorite Sony licenses

Shane Kim85d ago

Loved one and two. I actually liked the story as well.

Minute Man 72185d ago

The standalone DLC was a sweet

jznrpg85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

I enjoyed Second Son but it was too short. The first 2 were great though

-Foxtrot84d ago

Second Son was alright but didn't touch the first two games

It felt short and lacking in comparison

Also I really thought Reggie would have made a better protagonist, someone who is anti-conduit as much as him and ends up becoming one would have been interesting to see. I kind of enjoyed his character throughout the game as his development.

badz14984d ago

why is it right now, the thing I want the most from Sony is to release remasters of inFamous (1,2 & SS), KZ (1,2 & 3), Resistance (RFoM, 2 and 3) and Motorstorm (1,2 & 3)??

The_Hooligan84d ago

All great choices. I would like to add Warhawk/Starhawk to that. The multiplayer in Warhawk was amazing. I am surprised Sony hasn't looked into MAG either. That game was ahead of its time.

Maybe Sony should make an internal studio like Bluepoint games and all they do is remake/remaster these amazing games, even going back to PS1,PS2,PSP, Vita portfolio. And because of the recent articles suggesting cost cutting, budget issues and releasing more games on PC, they could do that with these remakes/remasters. Do a day one on PC and PS5. At the end of the day Sony or any other company is going to do what makes them the most money.

Kiryu199284d ago

Would love a remastered collection on PS5/PC

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 84d ago
kpgs85d ago

Wouldn't the onus be on the consumers? If they bought the Infamous games, then we'd have more games from that series.

KwietStorm_BLM85d ago

Infamous has sold millions of units. People have been asking for more. They aren't interested. Just like people have been asking for more Resistance or even a remaster collection, but insomniac isn't revisiting that either. Likely never getting a new sequel since they're a Marvel studio now.

LucasRuinedChildhood85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

No. Infamous was successful. But after a few entries (which are taking longer to make these days) a lot of Sony studios move on to new IPs. That's not a bad thing at all. They don't need to make inFamous games forever, just like we didn't need new Sly Cooper games forever.

But people would like to be able to easily play them on current hardware which is reasonable. Same for Killzone, Resistance, MGS4, etc. Good games shouldn't be trapped on old hardware. It's good that Bluepoint ported Uncharted 1-3.

kpgs84d ago

I'm not saying it wasn't successful. I enjoyed playing all 3 entries and DLC. But like you said, people move on, studios move on. But I don't think I've heard people asking for more Infamous in a long time.

Profchaos84d ago

The franchise was popular we got quite a few games but Suchet punch wanted to beach out I think that's why we got ghost of Tsushima over infamous 4

Tbh ghost is a fantastic game I'm not complaining about that but I'd love to see infamous handled by another team

jznrpg84d ago

Id take GoT2 over Infamous right now but after GoT2 or maybe 3 if they go trilogy I’d like a new Infamous.

badz14984d ago

that's the problem with Sony that puzzles me A LOT! they have studios specifically specialized in remastering and remaking old games for new gen hardware, but we are getting very few of them. SoTC, Uncharted collections, Demon's Souls Remake, TLoU Part 1...and?? that's it? why aren't they giving their old games new lease of life on the PS5 for the new generations of gamers to enjoy? they clearly have the expertise. for god sake, I can even accept lazy porting like Nintendo are doing for theirs if I have to.

FinalFantasyFanatic84d ago

There are a lot of games that consumers have been asking Playstation for, Playstation won't do it, so a lot of these developers have gone and made it themselves by any means possible such as Kickstarter (e.g. Armed Fantasia, Penny Blood, Ratatan, 100 Heroes, ect...). Developers have even asked if Sony could help them out with porting/remasters some of these older games for Playstation, they said no.

Crows9084d ago (Edited 84d ago )

Um...dude like you say that as if nobody bought them....the devs went on to do ghosts after 3 infamous games....3

People ask for new resistance and new infamous at every moment where it makes sense to mention it.

Having a remake of 1 and 2 would be very welcomed I'm sure.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 84d ago
chicken_in_the_corn85d ago

I would love to see a new game but a feel that would get a response similar to Saints Row.

TravsVoid85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

If they keep any of the characters from the previous games I think it would do fine unlike Saints Row which decided to replace fan favorites with less likable replacements. I wouldn't be surprised if that decision caused a majority of their buyers to be new to the series rather than returning players. I will say though, if Infamous Second Son or the first two Infamous games were remade I would be a day one buyer on PC.

ocelot0785d ago

Loved all 3 of them. I couldn't get on with the vampire spin off though. Wish they didn't move away from cole but I didn't mind the other character.

DefenderOfDoom285d ago

Loved 1 and 2 , would definitely love a new INFAMOUS single player campaign.

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Nixxes Software Can't Go Wrong With An Infamous Remaster

Nixxes' Remaster focus could set the stage to resurrect many obscure titles like the karma-centered, superpower-fueled sandbox of Infamous.

maniacmayhem301d ago

Infamous remaster? How about an Infamous re-Boot! This is one game that doesn't need a remaster, it needs either a proper equal of a reboot of the original. And since Sony is currently in development with Marvel, i can totally see them having guest marvel characters to appear in Cole's world.

BanginTunes300d ago

This is one of the worst things I have ever read

1Victor300d ago

I would prefer Warhawk or Starhawk ether or both will keep us fans happy for a looooooooong time

The_Hooligan300d ago

Warhawk would be awesome! So many good memories playing that game on PS3. They could do a massive 50v50 mode, battle royal with last Warhawk standing, classic 20v20 mode, so many options.

shinoff2183300d ago

I'd rather infamous. Sonys got enough online bs in the pipeline. No need to add more.

1Victor300d ago

@shinoff I disagree with you both of those games was extraordinarily fun to play just the satisfaction of transforming your plane into a bot and stomp a enemy then transform and fly off on Starhawk was a experience that hasn’t been replicated since.
The game was extremely valanced to the point you could go against a tank on foot and win with the ratchet or 1 shot a plane doing a massive attack with your tank. In Warhawk you could pick up half your team and fly them to a base and take it over but those are experiences you had to play to know how awesome those game was even YouTube videos don’t do justice to those game.
Anyways I’ll stop here or I’ll run out of words to post a wall text taking about those games

Christopher300d ago

Here's the thing, infamous and *hawk are such different games and with different audiences that Sony could... do both at the same time? Nixxes doesn't need to be involved in the shooter (that would be new for them I think since they usually do SP games) but someone else could and Nixxes could share support with development/engine needs.

shinoff2183299d ago


Ya know Christopher is right they are completly different games. Me personally I don't value online games I just don't care for them. Hell in another bubble I probably enjoy them. In this bubble nah I just prefer single player unless I'm playing Mario or Mario party with my girl and kids or something.

1Victor299d ago

@shin of course I know Chris is right but the games have to be approved first before assignment to a studio I didn’t mean this studio in particular making those game I meant the approval process and Sony harder push on MMO games.
I’m just one of the millions of players that loved those game and a top 800 word wide ranked on Starhawk and proud owner of its platinum trophy

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 299d ago
DankSinatra300d ago

A remaster would allow people who don't have access to a ps3 to experience the game since there's so many stuck on the ps3 that are exclusive to the console and Sony refuses to invest in backwards compatibility

darthv72300d ago

Who doesnt have access to a ps3? There were over 87m of them sold. They are cheap and easy to find. Just like wii and ps2.

shinoff2183300d ago

Or maybe it's just not ready yet, ps3 was a different kinda animal.

DankSinatra300d ago


Not everyone is willing to go out and buy a ps3 for a single game or a handful of games when they have a ps4 or a ps5. A port or remaster would actually help. Younger audiences who did not grow up with a ps3 would have exposure to these games that Sony has essentially left behind on the ps3 due to them not investing in backwards compatibility. If they would do backwards compatibility then we wouldn't need to shill out more money for the same games. Something I actually applaud microsoft for (the only thing they have done that's good).

zaanan300d ago

Agree, and PS3 is getting long in the tooth, so failure rates will be going up. I had to send my slim in for repair years ago.

shinoff2183299d ago

I had a couple extra dollars and came across I guy selling ps3s for 50. I bought all 4. Just felt it was a good deal. Now if I could find controllers. I swear I can't find any cheap controllers around me

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 299d ago
jeromeface300d ago

go back to marvel avengers, sounds like more your cup of tea

KwietStorm_BLM300d ago

You know what, now that I think about it.. yeah none of that makes any sense.

TheKingKratos299d ago (Edited 299d ago )

Lol 😂😂😂

Christopher300d ago

Yes to a reboot, absolutely no to Marvel characters in it.

maniacmayhem300d ago

*either a proper equal of a reboot of the original. *

Damn, there needs to be an extension on the Edit feature.

"Either a proper sequel or a reboot of the original"

And people aren't with Cole interacting with cameos from Marvel? Especially with Sony making Spider Man and Wolverine?

Why exactly would that be a bad idea? Especially with the multiverse being a huge deal and all.

Christopher300d ago

***Why exactly would that be a bad idea? Especially with the multiverse being a huge deal and all.***

There's enough Marvel. Let's not spread it everywhere and let other IPs be their own thing. Please.

neutralgamer1992300d ago

Infamous 1-2 collection would be amazing on current generation. God of War 1-2 and PSP games also playable on PS5 Yes please. And last but not least MGS4

There are so many great games which are on PS3. We need them to be remastered and released for current generation.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 299d ago
GoodGuy09301d ago

Idk why sony hasn't done remasters for 1+2 yet. Such great gems.

RaidenBlack301d ago

I'd like a Killzone 2 Remaster.
Keep the visuals style as is ... just improve the LoD and the resolution

ArchangelMike300d ago

Now that COD is in Microsofts back pocket, it's time for Sony to start investing in it's own 1st party shooters. I loved Killzone - even Shadowfall. But Yeah Killzone 2 was the high point of the Franchise.

ClayRules2012300d ago

Yes. KZ2 was the high point of the franchise and a strong, solid and just bloody fantastic shooter! Had so much fun those days with the game.

Neonridr300d ago (Edited 300d ago )

Shadowfall was my first introduction into the series as the PS4 was my first Sony console. Maybe compared to the others it was not great (personally I don't know), but I had a blast playing it and found it quite enjoyable. I'd love a Trilogy Remaster though so I could go back and enjoy the original 3 for the first time (with a new coat of paint + updated controls)

shinoff2183300d ago

Naw were good. There's plenty in the sea

zaanan300d ago

It’s about damn time for a Resistance trilogy remaster!

long-time-gamer300d ago

Most def the highest point of the franchise, the music, gameplay and story was awesome

ironmonkey300d ago

absolutely right! killzone has been quiet long enough since ps4 release date.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 300d ago
long-time-gamer300d ago

man id love a killzone 2 remaster, its one of my favorite games of all time, but who knows what shape that code in and where its at, prob wont happen under jim ryan though! you can keep your fingers crossed though and see what happens but GG is all about Horizon now

Vits301d ago

There is a lot of the PS3 era that I would love to see ported/remastered. But, unfortunately, they are probably not commercially viable and I have no idea who owns the rights currently. Stuff like Sire: Blood Curse, White Knight Chronicles, Tokyo Jungle, Folklore, etc.

Infamous on the other hand was never a series that I found good or interesting. Especially when compared with other contemporaries like Prototype. But, given how bare the subgenre is right now, I would dig a remaster.

BehindTheRows300d ago

Sony owns Siren. I can’t speak for the rest.

As for inFAMOUS vs Prototype, I feel the opposite. inFAMOUS mopped the floor with it, quality and gameplay. Just felt far more polished. That said, I enjoyed Prototype’s powers a little more.

Vits300d ago

Fair enough, I agree that the production values of inFamous were higher. But I found it to be a snore-fest.

darthv72300d ago

...no meed. Sony could add ps3 support to the 5 and then people can play loads of games already available. No streaming required. Rpcs3 could be adapted to run on the 5... it would solve so many problems.

Vits300d ago

No need, because they instead could do these two other things that they have shown no interest in doing? Sure.

Shane Kim300d ago

But then they couldnt charge you for remaster (even though I would love one for infamous) or charge you for PSN premium.

darthv72300d ago

It would be even funnier if the series x gets rpcs3 support and can play the ps3 games while ps5 still cannot (not without streaming them)

shinoff2183299d ago

Don't most people still have issues with rpcs3. It's not as stable as alot of emulators out there. From what I've read

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 299d ago
zaanan300d ago

My kids and I had a fun time in Tokyo Jungle!

long-time-gamer300d ago

prototype def was not on the same level as infamous far as gameplay or graphics

Pocahontas299d ago

It was legitimately bad game.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 299d ago
isarai301d ago

Infamous, Resistance, and killzine are so ripe for a remaster, I wish Sony would make it happen.

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Older PlayStation games that we'd love to see on the PlayStation 5

From Xfire: "For a company with a three-decade-long history in gaming, Sony has done a crappy job at preserving its legacy. "

Flawlessmic745d ago (Edited 745d ago )

All the mgs games, all the ape escapes, silent hill 1-4, croc 1 and 2, legend of dragoon, tekken 3,tenshu, bushido blade, vagrant story, okami, ico, crash bash, gt4.

Thats just off the top of my head that i would play immediately, still so many more though that id love.

Welshy745d ago

MGS, Silent Hill etc are no brainers, but you earned my thumbs up for our boi Croc. I talk about him all the time, it's an honour to find another man of culture.

Flawlessmic744d ago (Edited 744d ago )

Hahaha yea was one of my very first games i owned on ps1 as a child, great memories!!

Love to hear there other people out there that enjoyed the gem of a game that is croc 👌

RedDevils744d ago (Edited 744d ago )

Okami has HD version already. I want those Sly games though since PS3 and vita had it.

Flawlessmic744d ago

Yea sly would be cool, i never got into those so would be a good opportunity for me to do so.

But yea theres so many games in sony catalogue we coukd be here all day listing titles.

Hopefully we all get the ganes we are hoping for.

outsider1624745d ago

Tenchu 1 and 2
Socom 1 and 2
MGS 1-3

seanpitt23745d ago

RDR2 for me they can boost that up to 60fps with better graphic settings than last gen

Luc20745d ago

Folklore. It was such a unique and beautiful game. Great soundtrack. I still have my PS3 copy

The_Hooligan745d ago

YES please! Also I would love to see Warhawk come back. Such an awesome game.

moriarty1889745d ago

The Resistance and a killzone series for me.

Bigman4k745d ago (Edited 745d ago )

Infamous 1 & 2 probably will get remaster for PS5/4 at some point as for the others in that article idk

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