
Worst…Collector's Edition…Ever

No physical game, no soundtrack, and no art book... and you want $70?!

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badattitude3d2795d ago

It's actually a pretty great collector's edition if you think about it.

Deluxe 12" figure

Metal Card with game code on it (better than just a simple pamphlet with the game code)

And if you're a prime member it's 20% off so it's only $55

DarkHeroZX2795d ago

I pre-ordered the PC and PS4 versions.

KiwiViper852795d ago

"Shut up and take my rings" haha

dumahim2795d ago

I'm not even a fan of Sonic and I like it. Was mildly tempted to pick one up last week when a co-worker mentioned it.

RosweeSon2794d ago

Yeah it's one of the best in recent times real fan service. shame they don't give you the digital code save you opening the package.

Kidmyst2794d ago

I pre-Ordered Sonic too on Amazon, the figure with the startup sound would be a great addition to my game room. I prefer physical discs though and bummed on that but since the Amazon discount makes it more reasonable for having digital only. I always thought the Tron Evolution Collections edition when it first came out was a rip off for what you got.

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shinoff21832795d ago (Edited 2716d ago )

Its straight BS there is no physical disc. Sega can keep this. Going for nostalgia without
a disc is kinda dumb.

SegaGamer2795d ago

It's a digital game, of course there isn't going to be a disc with it.

Hoffmann2795d ago

Physical copies of a game are damn overrated. We don't have 2005 anymore.

Pancit_Canton2795d ago

They need to stop calling it Collector's Edition, if they are not going to include physical copy of the game. It defeats the purpose of having a collectors edition. The same goes for putting digital only soundtrack instead of an actual disc.

Hoffmann2795d ago

As I mentioned..we don't have 2005 anymore.

InMyOpinion2794d ago

@Hoffmann - You can't re-sell a digital game, that's why I favor physical copies. Was pretty happy being able to sell No Man's Sky after I got bored with it, for example.

Darkwatchman2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

What was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of every PS3, Xbox 360, DS, psp, 3ds, vita, and PS4 game I have bought physically over the past 10+ years

2794d ago
Hoffmann2795d ago

2.5 here since 3 years. Feels good to life in one of the bigger cities in Germany ;)

2pacalypsenow2795d ago

Wait 2.6 mbps? And that's good?

Hotabang2794d ago

100mb here, still shitty ping though XD
I like this edition but i dont like not having a physical copy, i also feel bad for people without any proper access to internet (like my cousin, his mom wont get a good net) it really sucks and dont get me started about day 1 patches

2pacalypsenow2795d ago

You cant collect a digital copy

Hoffmann2795d ago

Sure you can. Just like you can collect movies..funny cat photos and music in digital form. You think we will still use something like disc in 10 or 15 years?

It is a medium of yesterday, just like video tapes, dvd's and in some years even blurays!

sypher2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

The music industry is the biggest download-centric industry in the world with even less of a reason to have discs. Guess what? Go into a store and you'll find a ton of the latest music albums lining store shelves, because people buy them.

As long as people buy it, there will remain physical media, even if the companies don't like it (as they make much better markup on digital) if they ever stopped, it leaves the market open for a competitior to swoop in and take that marketshare.

Ravenor2795d ago

Lending and borrowing games from friends is pretty overrated. I also really like my digital games on the shelf, they're conversation pieces really.

LamerTamer2795d ago (Edited 2794d ago )

Owning your own games is overrated too. I like knowing that some big company could decide at any time that they don't want me having the content, then rip it from me. That happens all the time from license expiration (music) and sometimes lawsuits result in a game being pulled. Then you just have time, these games won't be online forever. I like paying full price for an extended rental. They own my money but why should I want to own my game?

(LOL at disagrees, sarcasm is lost on some)

LamerTamer2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

So you like having big corporations be the gatekeeper for "your" stuff. I don't, I don't want to ask permission from some third party online company to use, move, load my stuff. I will laugh when eventually the games are pulled from the servers and you no longer have any access to them, then bitch about it. Content is pulled/stripped from digital files online all of the time (licensing time outs etc).

With A disc I can re-install on any console at any time in minutes, not hours, and not have to sign in to anything or ask anyone permission to do it. Have fun with your DRM.

Hoffmann2794d ago

I have fun with owning every game on GoG. Without any drwm. And I have around 25 TB HDD space here and more than enough for my PS3 and 4 games either, have all files here.

LamerTamer2794d ago


That is great for PC users, Console users don't have that option. It is either disc, or digital download with DRM. You can't back up games on console and HDDs don't last forever.

deafdani2794d ago

Not to mention that going all digital makes hard drive space a real issue.

Pekka2794d ago

But as a collectors edition this is completely worthless without physical game and soundtrack. And, no, you can't collect digital games. And neither can you collect digital movies, music etc. You can buy them but that isn't collecting unless you can re-sell them. And if you can't re-sell what you have bought, you don't own them. Most digital movies, music etc can only be called as long-time rentals.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2794d ago
bit-crusherrrr2795d ago

I think it looks cool, i'm just annoyed its not coming out in Europe :( might have to import it.

lnfiniteLoop2794d ago

thats what I did... just for the sonic standing on the Genesis (Megadrive (which I still have my original machine))

bit-crusherrrr2794d ago

Same, I just wanna hear it say Sega :) Mine is sat in a box under the bed, still going strong though sometimes you need to give the power cord a wiggle to make it work.

admiralvic2795d ago

" The way I see it, we're paying an extra $50 for some refurbished E3 and PAX giveaways that Sega had laying around."

I'd seriously love to go to the conventions/places this person supposedly goes and gets 12" figures of beloved characters and such. I mean, when I went to E3 and saw Sega I got a Jet Grind Radio lanyard and some buttons, so they were really holding out on me!

Seriously though, I don't see the issue here.

"Maybe a history of Sonic booklet "

There is already an amazing book that does it and I don't think any booklet in a collectors edition like this would ever be that great. It would probably be like 30 pages, tell you the absolute basics and be more of a novelty item than anything else, like the booklet in the Kirby collection is a joke next to the Hyrule Historia.

"A soundtrack is a must"

I personally hate when people include OSTs. I know some people listen to them and others don't, but they've always struck me as filler. Items where someone said they wanted a $120 OST, so marketing made some quick filler items to raise the cost.

"Maybe in addition to a physical copy of the game it could come with an actual, playable Genesis cartridge that contains a few simplified levels?"

I wouldn't even want to know the costs and probably frustration some people would have at not being able to play it.

Anyway, I get that you might not care for it, but it's a decent CE.

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The 7 Best Sonic the Hedgehog Games: Racing through Time

Sonic the Hedgehog has a long and turbulent history in videogames, but which are the best games featuring the blue bur?

Rebel_Scum100d ago

Generations over Mania? Please… Generations doesnt have any new ideas in the levels/bosses.

Also a top 7 of Sonic games shouldn’t have any 3D crap and contain at least one of the 8-bit titles.

Sonic CD getting snubbed is weird. Number 1 is definitely interchangable between Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

Snookies12100d ago

Nothing wrong with putting Generations over Mania. Generations had a lot more to it. Mania was just a bit too short, despite how amazing it was. They're both top-tier Sonic games though.

Profchaos100d ago (Edited 100d ago )

I don't think mania was to short given 1,2,3, knuckles were between 1 and 3 hours long.

Mania was 5 hours roughly

However i say the originals feel more repayable because they are so short

Profchaos100d ago (Edited 100d ago )

The 8 bit games were pretty bad overall do you mean the 16 bit ones

Rebel_Scum100d ago

Nope. Sonic 1 & 2 on the master system were great. Dont confuse these with the game gear versions either.

Profchaos100d ago

Top 7 for me
7 cd
6 mania
5 Frontiers
4 sonic 3
3 sonic 1
2 sonic and knuckles
1 sonic 2

persona4chie100d ago

Sometimes I feel like the Sonic Advanced games just didn’t exist with how much it’s always forgotten 😭

Chocoburger98d ago

Even as a Sonic fan, I didn't really care for those games, and getting the Chaos Emeralds were freakin' horrible. Even with an emulator and save states, I didn't have the desire to try. I also didn't like most of the levels or bosses either. Unfortunately, DiMPs aren't good at making Sonic games.


PlayStation 4 Emulator RPCSX Can Now Run Sonic Mania At 45 FPS

RPCSX, the newly announced PS4 emulator made by the wonderful people behind RPCS3, was shown running Sonic Mania at a whopping 45 FPS.

Vits278d ago

Really cool, hopefully, they can advance with this emulator pretty quickly. Their work with the RPCS3 was amazing given how notoriously hard that console architecture is.

walken7278d ago

Correction: it runs the intro screen and then turns into a green mess. Still cool progress, but who approves this garbage with click-bait titles?

Profchaos278d ago (Edited 278d ago )

Interesting watching this advance it might take a few more years but the community will be very thankful in the end after all Sony may have given us full PS4 backwards compatibility in the ps5 but they still haven't given us 60 fps patches and modes for a number of popular games like bloodborne.
I can however see Sony taking a stance against this emulator unlike rpcs3 which was emulating the PS3 as the PS3 was off store shelves and many games had no legal purchase route given psn doesn't have then entire PS3 library available. PS4 is quite different

Abear21277d ago (Edited 277d ago )

Own this from PS Plus. How ironic people spend their precious time, hours of their life they will never get back, trying to get games to run on hardware it’s not intended to when they could easily play it another way. For free no less. Every day things get more odd.


Why the Separation Between Modern and Classic Sonic is a Double-Edged Sword

The divide between both iterations of Sonic is now reaching spin-off territory, and the way Sega is handling it is both a blessing and a curse.

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