
After half an hour with The Last Guardian, I'm concerned - Polygon

Team Ico's long-awaited return could struggle to win over modern gamers

Neonridr2797d ago

Well there stuff isn't for everyone. I have no doubt that the game will be beautifully crafted and probably will resonate a lot with some gamers. But the content isn't for me.

Overload2797d ago

It sounds like their main problem was the way it controls, which sounds very similar to Shadow Of The Colossus. This game sounds like a mix of ICO and SOTC overall.

The previews for SOTC were very similar to the previews so far for the Last Guardian, realising the beauty but being concerned for the outcome based on control issues and SOTC turned out amazing. TLG has had a more troubled development obviously, but I'm confident that it will turn out well for fans of the series. I am interested to see how it reviews though and how much it's delays and troubled development will be mentioned during the process or if they just accept it for what it is.

DeadlyOreo2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

Also you've got to bear in mind that they'really probably only concerned because they're Polygon and they have to live up to their expectations of hating everything Sony related. Polygon are a joke.

PoSTedUP2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

@deadly- I literally came here to comment "of course you are, you're polygon".

The game plays like an ico game, that's what we want. Why would one be concerned when a game has all of the core elements in which made the past games great?

Timesplitter142796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

Controls in SOTC were great. Your character felt very physical and dynamic, which was extremely important for the overall coherence of the game's design and mechanics. A 100% responsive unstoppable-force type of character controller like Quake 3's wouldn't have felt right in this game. It would've clashed with the climbing/grabbing mechanics and such

I think TLG's biggest problem is that it's too much like Ico. After the excitement, freedom, uniqueness and sense of adventure SotC provided, it feels disappointing to go back to what seems to be a straightforward puzzle game. It doesn't let you express yourself through its gameplay like SotC did.

I can already imagine myself playing TLG and thinking "man I wish I was chasing a freakin huge flying serpent through the desert while standing up on my trusty horse like a circus acrobat, about to make an epic jump onto its wings with cool-as-hell orchestral music playing in the background". The most beautiful thing, to me, about SotC's design is that these situations were entirely your doing. None of it were cutscenes or on-rails gameplay segments that were pre-arranged by designers

Lamboomington2796d ago


You and the rest of the n4g PS circlejerk are a joke.

Absolutely brilliant. Don't consider anything the author says, just say "Muh just bcoz you are polygon and you hate Playstation"

I'm not surprised though, it's what I see here every single time an anticipated PS exclusive gets an article like this, or even a low score. I'm not saying XBOX fanboys don't do the same. No one can accept an article like this about a game they like the look of.

PoSTedUP2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

@lamb. We don't have to care for what the author has to say, it's polygon.<-- Do you get it now? That's the reputation they gave themselves if you've been around for a while you would know this. They're gonna get thrashed forever no matter what.

bouzebbal2796d ago

Haha polygoats worried about a PS exclusive..

KOIMOJO2796d ago

I feel like everyone just has to have the most generic modern control scheme or people freak out. I go back and play older games all the time and I think one of the funnest parts is actually learning weird controls for a game and then to become proficient with them. Playing through Resident Evil 4 for the first time and I went from "huh, these are the controls everyone talks about, to hey this is pretty badass actually" lol.

sk8ofmnd2796d ago

Agreed, but its almost like if so many things are amazing a somewhat mediocre controls does not hinder an otherwise 10 rated game.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2796d ago
Aceman182796d ago

Hey poly who gives a sh*t if your concerned.

2796d ago
therealsasquatch2796d ago

(Hey poly who gives a sh*t if your concerned)
I remember people saying that about no man's sky and look how that turned out...

Genuine-User2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

Sorry Polygon but you're not in a position to talk about camera issues after the Doom fiasco :p

I can't help but laugh at the situation

On a serious note, I hope they improve the camera and controls before launch for the wider audience.

justsomeoffdude2796d ago

Wow!! this is bad.. I've always suspected that these "reviewers" either don't actually play the games as intended or are just not gamers at all!

Sunny_D2796d ago

For Pete sake's, Polygon lost any fucking credibility (I'm sure they lost it way before it) when they gave Gone Home GOTY for 2013.

LemyAtom2795d ago

Up vote for you. Hadn't seen this. Seriously I rarely play FPS's but I'm better than that! Timesplitters was my first FPS with dual stick control/aiming. I played better than that even when I was trying to get used to the controls. Whoever "played" it clearly has zero credibility or hand eye coordination. I play tutorials and smart phone shooters better than that, even though the latter is touch screen controlled 😂

Fullmetalevolust2796d ago

Agreed, I think there's a dedicated audience for the game and we have been waiting for it and we will overlooks some of the less refined mechanics because a great story, or the attempt to, is in progress.
from the previews I've read, none of them seem game breaking and they are putting last touches before it's final release. I am confident that I will enjoy it.

Shubhendu_Singh2795d ago

LOL at people downvoting you just for saying "the content is not for me"

Kurdishcurse2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

oh look, some desperate, immature and small minded ps4 fanboys disliked your comment because they have a problem with reality. shocking to see this behavior in n4g!! shocking i say!!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2795d ago
Aloy-Boyfriend2797d ago (Edited 2797d ago )

"My 30 minutes of hands-on time with The Last Guardian was not bad, exactly. The game looks beautiful, its environments are stunning, and its puzzles are clever and satisfying, often with multiple layers to figure out. There's a core gameplay loop around solving a puzzle to get to a new room, then figuring out how to get your bird-dog friend to follow. That loop is strong, and it helps reinforce the relationship between the protagonist and the pet."

So the core gameplay is good and does its job according to him. Nice! That is all I care about really.


Aloy-Boyfriend2797d ago (Edited 2797d ago )

"It feels awkward as hell when it comes to actually controlling the main character. The protagonist doesn't walk so much as he lurches in whichever direction you've pushed the analog stick. Much of the demo focuses on platforming, but his jumps have a stickiness to them, a sense of inaccuracy that could be played up as realistic weightiness in the right game but just feels frustrating here."

"...feels like a PS2 game."

I played SotC on PS3 when it got remastered for the 1st time, which is something I regret not doing when it originally came out since it was so good, and that was my exact feeling: stiffness, innacuaty when jumping and inputs. But the game suddenly grew on me and those fustrations became part of the experience and challenge. For example, the climbing in SotC may be frustrating compared to Uncharted, but that is what made climbing giants so good and challenging. You don't just press X to climb up, you have to hold R1 and watch for the stamina... People like me who started playing Demon Souls can relate to this. DS was such a divise game because it felt outdated and too punishing (checkpoints not being like modern games's autosaves), but once you learned and coped with those frustrations they became part of the experince

To most people in this gen it will feel outdated, but for Team Ico fans and more old school gamers they will feel challenging. This guys on the preview seems to be frustrated it is not as responsive as modern games. That's his only issue and that is understandable.

What concerns me is that the trolling and the reception may be only based on this instead of the game doing its thing.

game4funz2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

Sounds like an excuse. Controls should feel responsive and not frustrating. If you said you eventually overlook that because the game is good then I get that. Killzone 2 had a heavy realistic weight to a characters movement which was realistic and responsive. Same goes here with the controls... The character could move clumsily or whatever but as long as it's responsive and well done then it's fine.

I don't think it's good if you're holding onto something and you suddenly let go of it or fall off... Unless of course a game mechanic like stamina made that happen.

The controls and mechanics will be good or bad. Outdated shouldn't matter much since I think we can all agree older games had good responsive controls too.

I think you may be confusing game mechanics that make the game difficult.... Like dark souls... And then game mechanics that need more fine tuning and are glitchy like shadow of the colossus.

BTW I like sotc very much. It's awesome and in no way am I downplaying the game....its just this sounds to be me like the whole Bethesda glitches a plenty but it's okay attitude.

I want this game to be good. And besides other previews are saying similar things.

fanboysmackdown2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

Replying to your own post, you are a genius!

rezzah2795d ago


You are a genius!

Godmars2902797d ago (Edited 2797d ago )

You're Polygon: your opinion is worthless...

Hell, I question if you even played the game much less played it competently.

Vames2796d ago

IGN feels the same way. Kotaku is also concerned.

Hoffmann2796d ago

IGN? That's the site that gave God Hand a 3/10 right? And Kotaku? Were they ever relevant? I mean..they are the same bunch of ..."Modern gamers" than the Polygon guys, right?

Sm00thNinja2796d ago

@Hoffman let's be honest if every site on earth were concerned you'd have a reason to hate all of them

OB1Biker2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

I have more 'faith' in Polygon than IGN that says it all. At least Polygon seem more predictable ;)
That said Im sure its the type of game that cant please everyone.

Gazondaily2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

Lol all reviewers are the problem #illuminati #reptilian #remember3/11

Majister-Ludi2796d ago

So who is a reliable source then Hoff because it sure as shit isn't you.

pcz2796d ago

there is a reason why the game has been in development hell for damn near a DECADE.

There is something fundamentally wrong with this game

2796d ago
gigoran2796d ago

kotaku is concerned?
oh wait you're being serious
let me laugh even louder

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2796d ago
Vames2796d ago


Most previews so far haven't been showering the game with praise. Let's all go out and say they have something against Sony, and let's also talk about games they gave bad reviews that you think should have gotten a good review. At the end of the day, the game from the previews isn't looking so good after 10-years of wait.

UCForce2796d ago

Well, I agree with you. But let's just wait the game release, it is important that the game going to be different in final release date.

OC_MurphysLaw2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

Phil Kollar was the author / journalist... He has also worked at Game Informer and from what I can see, he is not a Sony hater by any stretch. He gave high praise to his hands on with Gravity Rush 2 for PS4 btw.

Godmars2902796d ago

Its not about being biased towards whichever hardware, rather the review site when it's credibility has come into question.

Hell, when the site first began. By both a big payout from a major console maker and a declared statement pretty much saying social/political bias will effect how subjects are covered over any other factor.

Paytaa2797d ago

SoTC and Ico weren't aimed at mass market. Neither is TLG. It has it's own niche and the reason why TLG is a lot bigger is because of how long it's been in development. I expect disappointment from people who have never played a Team Ico game expecting some revolutionary modern gaming experience. Games like this preserve the old fashioned art type of games that were heavily present in the PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube days. Game looks great and definitely something I plan on buying.

Bluemaster772796d ago

So you're saying they're making a game for the hell of it? These companies burn resources to get a return on investment.

Red_Renegade2796d ago

how did you get that out of what he said?

Paytaa2796d ago

Where did I say that? All I am aaying is that The Last Guardian isn't targeted towards every gamer, not even close. It fills a niche not occupied by many games today.

TLG will do fine sales wise for sure. Shadow of the Colossus has it's legacy to back it up, not the money it made. The Last Guardian will probably do the same albeit more popular than Ico or SoTC.

trooper_2796d ago

Reread what he just said please.

Relientk772797d ago

Yippee more anti-Sony stuff from Polygon. Every. Single. Day.

Stay classy Polygon

Bluemaster772796d ago

I don't understand how this is "anti-sony" though its releasing exclusively on the system I fail to see how you conflate the two entities, being sony and the developer of this game.

Moving on, the concern is with how the game controls, which for obvious reasons is important. Would you rather Journalists gloss over these facts or would you rather them be brought to light so (potentially) the developer can make improvements.

morganfell2796d ago

No, we would rather journalists start previewing and reviewing games for the target demographic instead of for themselves. It is too bad most gamers are so young they cannot remember when writers crafted articles with the central purpose being to inform the audience rather than beat their own ego filled chest and drone on about what matters to them.

gangsta_red2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

What you have to understand is that folks here want to read nothing but praise for a game that they are interested in. No one wants to read actual concerns, worries or possible issues that a highly anticipated game may have that these authors have ACTUALLY played.

Instead, these people who have NEVER played the game would rather attach some sort of hidden conspiracy of these reviewers being against Sony or as Morganfell thinks, a reviewer should like the genre of game they are reviewing instead of giving an honest opinion of it from their standpoint. As if he knows this person's interests on a personal level.


"...than beat their own ego filled chest and drone on about what matters to them."

So you rather they lie and tell you want you want to hear in order to fill your self inflated self worth to justify this game you're interested in?

Lamboomington2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

Sad. You people find some way to do this for every remotely negative article/review of a popular or anticipated PS exclusive. Just sad to see. Even worse when you realize this kind of opinion is the most popular on the n4g comments section. This isn't exclusive to PS ofcourse, happens for all popular games. I guess it's just a result of more PS players on the site + a large % of people being fanboys in general.

Maybe actually address the points the author made ? No. It doesn't matter if the article made sense, or if the points were good points or not (which is what you should be discussing). Just "Hurr Durr polygon hate PS hurr so invalid durr"

Relientk772796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

Give me links to 5 positive Sony/Playstation game articles from Polygon.

Go ahead I'll wait

jmac532796d ago

@Relientk77 Looks like you are still waiting.

gangsta_red2796d ago


All you have to do is compare the scores of all Sony games to their MS games they have reviewed. They have consistently rated Sony games higher. For a site that supposedly hates Sony they sure do praise their games.

Can you give 5 positive articles from Polygon for Nintendo or MS? Would it even matter or change your mind?

trooper_2796d ago

This isn't about positivity. It's about being objectional. Show me articles where Polygon has ever written an objectional review.

Go on.

starchild2796d ago


The word "objectionable" refers to something offensive or unpleasant that causes people to be offended. You guys get offended by Polygon all the time, so I'm pretty sure that's not the word you meant to use. You probably meant to say "objective".

The thing is, though, reviews are not objective, they are fundamentally subjective. For example, I thought Quantum Break was a great game and so did many other reviewers, but there were also some reviewers that didn't like it. So who's right? What is the objective truth? I can point out many qualities that from my point of view seem objectively good, but another person might not see things the same way.

I think people like you and morganfell don't have a problem with reviewers applying their subjective preferences when it comes to harshly criticizing a Microsoft exclusive, you just can't stand it when it leads reviewers to have a negative opinion about a Sony exclusive.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2796d ago
Majister-Ludi2796d ago

Yup unless every article sucks sonys dick they must be biased as hell. How dare they have an opinion different then yours. We should Lynch them.

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Christopher154d ago

I've played 15, and I wouldn't consider any of those underrated TBH. Some of them are pretty high rated.

banger88154d ago

That's amazing, Gamingbolt actually put all 15 games on the same page.

shinoff2183153d ago

I. Not seeing anything on that list underrated. I never played concrete genie, the ASTRO vr,and one other but I forgot the name already. Nothing on there was underrated at all imo.

persona4chie152d ago

There’s only 4 of those games I never played, and no most of those aren’t underrated.

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The Last Guardian Is One of Gaming’s Most Beautiful Depictions of Friendship

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NeedleEye837d ago

Technical issues aside, this is easily one of my favorite games from last gen.

ClayRules2012837d ago (Edited 837d ago )

I couldn’t agree more. I’ll never forget the emotional experience I had with this game. After waiting all those years, and than to finally play it. It was a visual beauty, along with offering a story/friendship between the 2 characters that was unique and unforgettable. Far surpassed my expectations. A masterpiece!

Technical issues aside, never have I played anything quite like it!

Magog837d ago

I enjoyed the game but it started out too simple and easy. If the entire game was as intense and challenging as the last 20% it would have been a 10/10 experience.

EvertonFC837d ago

Great game, so underrated. One of my favourites and top 20 games of all time

Phoenix76837d ago

I managed to grab the collectors edition for £40 about a year after it released. Was an enjoyable game, but I had just finished Shadow of the colossus, and whilst I enjoyed it, it was not as good when compared.

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Trilithon1111d ago

unique classic with a high quality sound track