
Multiplayer games will not run at a faster frame rate on PS4 Pro

Multiplayer framerate performance across the PS4 base model, PS4 Slim, and PS4 Pro will be the same according to Christian Gyrling, lead programmer at Naughty Dog. PS4 Pro multiplayer visuals may be enhanced in other forms besides framerate. Single player games unaffected by this restriction.

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ninjazfistz2812d ago

Honestly I am proud of Sony for this. It really helps preserve the idea of what gaming on a console is. Buy a PS4 and it just plays online evenly against all other Playstation 4 units until the generation is over.

Playstation 4 and the WiiU might be the last generation of console offering a level playing field online. The Xbox seems to be making moves similar to PC, mobile, and Steam Machine gaming where the competitive experience can be influenced by having newer hardware.

PlayableGamez-2811d ago

So whats the point of the PS4 pro if your not going to take advantage of the hardware?

Randostar2811d ago

It said MP games. The new tomb raider game has three different Visual modes, so why wouldn't Sonys first party devs be doing the same thing?

PlayableGamez-2811d ago (Edited 2811d ago )

Well why MP games? Because of fairness? that is not a good reason...

kraenk122811d ago (Edited 2811d ago )

It would be an unfair advantage. You're sad.

S2Killinit2811d ago (Edited 2811d ago )

It will be the same with scorpio and any future console claiming to "share" one ecosystem with its predecessors.

Do you really wanna see a bunch of people running circles around you in Multiplayer because they see you before you even see them?

Fanboy much? or just stupid?

BlackTar1872811d ago

PlayableGamez-4m ago
Well why MP games? Because of fairness? that is not a good reason...

^^^^^^^^^WHAT? Kidding?

PlayableGamez-2811d ago (Edited 2811d ago )

Why not allowed the gamers to make that decision?
You guys are just damage controlling at this point.. Excusing sony for making decisions for you... Why not sony implement a method for PS4 players to make a decision if they want to player with pro players instead of capping the pro players... Because it's not fair for the pro players... One ecosystem I agree with...but let the consumers choose their experience including in MP...

This is why PC is the best option..

fr0sty2811d ago (Edited 2811d ago )

Why not let the players choose whether or not they have an unfair advantage? Because it ruins the experience for the players who do not get to choose. Suddenly those who can't afford to fork out another $400 for the new system cannot win MP matches because half the people in the game are running the game at double the frame rate.

However, because the vast majority of online titles on PS4 run at 60fps when in MP, this is a non-issue.

XtraTrstrL2811d ago

The whole idea of how the PS4 Pro is gonna operate, it wasn't gonna be fully taken advantage of in the first place. That's one thing that turned me off from it from the gate. It's just for better textures in some cases, higher resolution and hopefully higher/more steady fps. It's not gonna be for bigger/broader worlds with better AI/etc. The only way it could fully be taken advantage of, is if they end up having exclusives for it, where devs could dive in and push it to it's limits.

LexHazard792811d ago

Yes its multiplayer, they said no one will have a competitive edge over the other.

PlayableGamez-2811d ago

Do you guys not hear whats coming out of your posts?.. You want lower frames because SONY says that you have to have lower frames... Nobody is truly balanced!! having higher frames will not make you a better player.. just more efficient... Just like the elite controller on the Xbox One...

PlayableGamez-2811d ago

Look at you corporate slaves who want to fork out another 400 dollars for having the same experience...

You guys are the ones who are sad...

I am arguing for you to have a better expeirence and you guys are arguing against it? And I am the sad one!! HAHHAHA

TheUndertaker852811d ago (Edited 2811d ago )

@fr0sty: Uncharted 4 doesn't even offer 60fps for multiplayer. Killzone Shadow Fall doesn't run at a locked 60. Battlefield titles don't hit 60. All signs point to Gran Turismo Sport not being locked to 60.

There are PLENTY of examples out there of games on PS4 not hitting or being locked to 60fps.

I swear every time I see a comment from you it's more misinformation.

Games on PC have allowed huge variances for some time now. TVs at the start of last gen didn't offer 60fps as a standard yet some people had 60+ while others were at 30.

Aenea2811d ago

The framerate CAP can't be different. ie. they can't be capped at 30fps on the PS4 and at 60fps on the Pro for MP games.

But, it is of course perfectly fine when the same game suddenly runs in 1080p instead of 900p (like Battlefront or Battlefield 1) and never dips below 60fps while the PS4 version might have frame drops...

It might even be able to render at 1800p@60fps and upscale to 2160p so you have an even sharper image while still maintaining the same frame rate!

fr0sty2811d ago

@undertaker, Uncharted 4 MP runs at 60fps 900p.


As for KZSF, it was a launch title for crying out loud. I can forgive a few frames dropped in MP considering the rushed development cycle, etc. It hits 60fps most of the time. Not enough drops for me to cry about PS4 Pro not making them better. Besides, it was a mediocre game to begin with, and I don't bother playing it anymore.

81BX2811d ago

Whats sad is having this powerful machine that you paid for then limiting it because of a less powerful machine. Can any pc gamers tell me if this happens with pc mp? I get the idea of fairness but why pay for a stronger machine? To push single player?

TheUndertaker852810d ago

@Aenea: That is actually contradictory of what is stated in this story.

"But if you're playing multiplayer games, it will be the same playing field. Base PS4 users, PS4 Pro users, you're still running the same frame rate. Yes, you're running at a higher resolution, you might be seeing it in HDR, but overall it's a level playing field. We're not benefiting the PS4 Pro users and skewing the community."

Resolution may be different. FPS will be the same for multiplayer.

StoneyYoshi2810d ago

"Nobody is truly balanced!! having higher frames will not make you a better player.. just more efficient... Just like the elite controller on the Xbox One..."

You have a point. But if you don't understand how much of a difference doubling your frame rate in a multiplayer game doesn't make you better at it stop wasting your time debating about it on here. Saying higher frame rates only make you more efficient and not better is just asinine. Efficiency always leads to being better. I experienced this myself back when i was playing COD 4 on my parents PC back when i didn't have a PS3 yet. The PC had a shitty GPU in it and even on low the game ran around 30-40 fps. Then once i learned about all of the commands to change even more visual effects in the command prompt in game to help improve the games performance, i started running like 65-75 fps on average and after i made those changes there was a substantial difference in how i performed!

A more recent example would be on R6:siege i used to run the high res texture pack and my game was running locked at 30 fps maxed out. I turned that off and went to 80-90 fps on average and now once again there was a substantial difference on how i performed, and being quick with your shots is very important in that game.

ILL ALSO ADD THAT I HAVE ALL 4 SONY CONSOLES AND A GAMING PC so don't even bother calling me some PC elitist or anything like that. I love both platforms!

Death2810d ago

Nerfing the Pro sounds idiotic. PC has been handling multiplayer long before consoles have and hardware has never been restricted to keep things "fair". Your internet speed, controller lag and screen lag play a much larger part and none of those are restricted. Why limit FPS for those that spend the money upgrading? It might be fair to PS4 gamers, but it's not fair to the ones buying new consoles.

As for the comparison to Scorpio, I hope Microsoft isn't as stupid. With cross play, console gamers already go up against PC gamers with more powerful systems and no restrictions. The last thing Scorpio players need is to be nerfed.

Aenea2810d ago


Nope, it's exactly what I said! Can have higher resolutions!

Having less frame drops is not something they can do anything about, only happens when the PS4 can't keep up with everything that needs to be rendered, they are not going to add code to a game to emulate that behaviour, would be nonsense, in fact, would still not behave the same. So no (or less) frame drops is totally acceptable.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 2810d ago
slate912811d ago

Majority of my gaming is online. If this restriction exists on scorpio then that will seriously make me second-guess getting it. This wont really effect me getting a psP because games with nice campaigns and story, things that sony is known for, wont be restricted.

NotoriousWhiz2811d ago

I'm not mostly an online gamer, but I would like increased frame rate. Without that, there is no way I'm buying a P4P nor Scorpio. Personally, I'm content with the graphics as they are. Unless they have some unique gaming experiences, I'll just stick with my vanilla PS4 and vanilla X1.

2811d ago
KwietStorm_BLM2811d ago

Higher frame rates, which let's be realistic about, it's sad that frame rate is even still a discussion in 2016, doesn't make you a better player. It just runs the game the way it should in the first place. This whole generation has been nothing but smoke and mirrors. Ironically with the way Sony and Microsoft have been trying to faux mirror PC gaming, it's pushing me further and further to going back to PC full time. The only good thing about this for me is the slim chance that there will be a closer look at frame rates overall, basic PS4 included.

sAVAge_bEaST2810d ago

Exactly, Frame rate buff is totally unfair for MP. Draw Distance will be unfair though..

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2810d ago
yarbie10002812d ago

This is so silly. That's the one feature i'd be interested in.

TwoForce2812d ago

Then you want player to get beat down by high player ? Wow, you are very cocky.

crazychris41242812d ago (Edited 2812d ago )

it's been like this for ages on PC and it isn't an issue. You have people that can barely play the game on low settings at 20-30fps and you have people playing at 1440p144fps or 4k60fps or even VR is some titles. Games play out just fine and besides Pro players have an advantage when playing 4K HDR since its easier to see enemies.

ninjazfistz2812d ago


The whole concept of PC is freedom and no restrictions. Until New 3ds or Xbox One S we haven't seen online consoles feature upgraded performance. I agree with you however that there will still be an advantage but not a huge one (hdr, resolution, textures, etc.)

PlayableGamez-2811d ago

@Crazychris4124 you are wrong about HDR... HDR increases input lag which puts you at a disadvantage...

KwietStorm_BLM2811d ago

You've got to at least attempt to make sense if you're gonna argue his point.

StoneyYoshi2810d ago


If you think HDR really puts you at that much of a disadvantage then how come having a lower FPS compared to another player not come into effect like you were talking about earlier in the comments section? When your game runs at a lower frame rate if you compare physical actions compared to whats on screen in slow motion you can see that there is always a form of input lag the lower the FPS the more pronounced the input lag is. soooo basically what you are saying here now goes against what you were trying to prove earlier.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2810d ago
ninjazfistz2812d ago (Edited 2812d ago )

If you are okay with a mouse and keyboard for competing, I can easily recommend a high end PC. If not, maybe Xbox but I don't know for sure if they will allow framerate advantages per title or across the board. http://wccftech.com/xbox-sc...

Sparta072811d ago

Phil said the same thing about Scorpio.. No frame rate difference between Scorpio and Xbox .
Are you still disappointed?

freshslicepizza2810d ago

did you say that was a great decision when they said it?

FITgamer2811d ago (Edited 2811d ago )

That's what PC is for.

PhucSeeker2810d ago

Bloodborne 60fps is no more i guess. Shame! Until Dawn 30fps would be a good replacement for me tho.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2810d ago
2pacalypsenow2812d ago

Good, makes it equal for everyone

Eonjay2811d ago

Thank you. Its just that simple.

Death2810d ago

Bullshit. Connection speeds are not the same for everyone. Don't tell me locking down framerate is the great equalizer.

Redx1652810d ago

So a guy who bought the more powerful hardware deserves to have a lesser experience?

Goldby2810d ago

Nobecause instead of the power being used to bump up the frames , it wpuld be used for other thibgs, resolution is just one of the options that would be available tocthem

thana1082810d ago

If sony wanted that then why release the Pro? Ffs

jobboy2811d ago

better framerate is not allowed, but a steadier or more consistent performance is it possible?

Randostar2811d ago

More consistent frame rates will happen to all games that you play on the console. The gpu is twice as powerful, so games that are 60fpstill but have dips will run way more stable on the pro without a update.

jobboy2811d ago

do you have a link? i honestly don't want to play a sub 60fps bf1

Eonjay2811d ago

@jobboy if was stated several times and you can here it on won for the live chats from after the announcement on their youtube page

Aenea2811d ago

Yes, that is of course going to happen, also higher resolutions and better AA and other effects...

iTechHeads2810d ago

Better frame-rate IS allowed, in co-op or single-player games. Jus not in competitive games.
Considering competitive games are already 60FPS though, it doesn't matter. You can't go higher than 60FPS on console.

PlayableGamez-2811d ago

Yet again Sony making decisions for the consumers...

Gaming_Cousin2811d ago

Ummmm who else makes decisions for Playstation if it isn't Sony?

LexHazard792811d ago

According to some Playstation calls its own shots. So maybe Sony doesn't decide.

KwietStorm_BLM2811d ago

I don't know, perhaps yourself? lol my god.. Are we meant to just take whatever these corporations feed us, no questions asked?

BlackTar1872811d ago

lol at being so bad at MP you need a competitive advantage to win. I bet you have a device that let's you use Keyboard and Mouse on consoles and think you're actually good compared to players with controllers?

PlayableGamez-2811d ago

Nobody is the same... Take in consideration input method, TV/Monitor and internet connection.. Nobody is balance...
It's all about skill...,

Sparta072811d ago

You do know that Microsoft is doing the same thing. No frame rate difference between Scorpio and Xbox . Just so you know.

FITgamer2811d ago

Microsoft said they won't allow it either so...

Goldby2810d ago

So doea that mean you chose to name halo 5, quantum break and forza as the greatest games in the history of xbox? Cuz there has to be at least one game from 360 era thats better than Quantum Break. Alan Wake comes to mind

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2810d ago
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IGN Entertainment acquires Eurogamer, GI, VG247, Rock Paper Shotgun and more

IGN Entertainment has acquired the Gamer Network family of digital brands for an undisclosed sum. As a result of the acquisition, some redundancies have been made across the UK-based organisation.

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darthv728h ago

Well this can only mean one thing... more job layoffs even in the publication industry.

Jin_Sakai6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

“Layoffs occuring“

Yep. IGN now has a monopoly in the gaming media.

“As a result of the acquisition, some redundancies have been made across the UK-based organisation.”

“Gamer Network's publications are GamesIndustry.biz, Eurogamer (including six local language editions), Rock Paper Shotgun, VG247 and Dicebreaker. The business also holds shares in Outside Xbox, Digital Foundry and Hookshot (which operates Nintendolife, PushSquare, PureXbox and Time Extension).”

“IGN Entertainment is the division of Ziff Davis that includes IGN, MapGenie, HowLongToBeat, and Humble Bundle. It has acquired the websites from PAX and New York Comic-Con organiser ReedPop, which initially bought the Gamer Network business in 2018.“

Jingsing5h ago

When say IGN you mean Microsoft's chief propagandist.

-Foxtrot5h ago

All this means is a collective hive mind when reporting the news

They’ll discuss with each other how to handle topics and what kind of headlines to go with so they can fire round after round of whatever point they want to make

And the sad thing is over the many years even to the old GameGate days they love making gamers look bad as a collective. Anything for a hit piece.

victorMaje4h ago

Narrative control. I don’t like this at all.
Independent reviewers will be more important than ever.

JEECE1h ago

"They’ll discuss with each other how to handle topics and what kind of headlines to go with so they can fire round after round of whatever point they want to make."

You say this like it will be a new thing that they didn't already do.

OtterX4h ago

Yea, I had actually just seen today on Linkedin that a GamesIndustry.biz guy was talking about being laid off. I didn't read all of his post, but I bet it's because of this. That's a shame to hear. :\

Petebloodyonion6h ago

Probably Microsoft's fault!
They surely gave IGN the idea.
What's next IGN Pass?

But joke aside let's hope that this makes the news better compared to some of IGN branches

Jingsing5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Microsoft and IGN work quite closely so it isn't a stretch to say this is a move to control the gaming press to get everyone singing from the Microsoft hymn sheet. Not a good look at all. It is transparent stuff like this which is backfiring in Microsoft's face. First they want control of all the games now the media.

crazyCoconuts5h ago

While there's obviously a desire to preserve add revenue and early access to review copies, I doubt there's the level of conspiracy here that you imply. I mean there's no direct link between MS and IGN right?

Petebloodyonion4h ago

You're probably right!!!!
Here's MS evil plan
1) Make sure that Hellblade 2 receives inflated reviews.
2) Fire all the ppl across UK who gave Starfield the justified 6/10 reviews
3) Make sure that Game industry.biz stops giving Sony's president a tribute to spew their lies and have them talk to Sarah Bonds and Todd Howard only.
4) Control the majority of players for the GOTY award so MS wins from now on.

PPL needs to know about this!

Jingsing4h ago

@crazyCoconuts The world has moved on from "direct links" as companies were easily caught doing that. These days corporations can merely operate as a cartel through shared mutual interest which is not strictly kosher either but is also more difficult to prove. It's the fundamental flaw with big corporations in the US economy today and no one in power is addressing it.

Lightning773h ago

Is there proof to anything you're saying?

I've never heard of anything like this or is this N4G once again make believing stuff outta thin air again?

crazyCoconuts2h ago

@jing if you have proof then I stand corrected.
Otherwise it seems like more conspiratorial thinking to explain what could otherwise be explained by natural forces of market economies.
Don't get me wrong, I believe there is bias all over and unsavory influences. I just don't think it's all centrally planned by evil villains in a smoke-filled room

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2h ago
shinoff218333m ago(Edited 33m ago)

I mean news did come out the same day hellblade did.


Christopher5h ago

Oh boy! If we've learned one thing about recent news, corporate shrinkage of an industry via buyouts from those at top only leads to good things for employees and consumers!

Aloymetal5h ago

IGN and Eurogamer...A match made in heaven!!

thesoftware7304h ago

Yes, good credible websites, I agree, it is a good match.

IGN is one of the most trusted gaming sites, weather you like it or not, but I know because they don't fit the N4G goofiness bubble, they can't be good.

shinoff218328m ago

I left ign years ago. Used to be on the ign forums all the time. I left there and found here. Not sure if you remember but this place used to be pretty bad for Sony fans. 360 was king for a few years. Anyone I don't quite remember but ign changed. Whatever the fk it was it seemed for the worse.

Lexreborn25h ago

Ummmm not sure that’s a good thing that all these review sites are under the same umbrella. There’s no guarantee that they will maintain a non-bias opinion not paid for by the highest bidder.

MrNinosan5h ago

They haven't been non-bias since GamePass was crowned "best service in gaming".

Amplitude2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

You can go much farther back than that. Never forget the Kane and Lynch 2 review drama

Edit: wait that was GameSpot. Still though - don't trust these websites for anything. Find YouTubers like who's opinions you agree with and watch them instead. GaminylGames, Minimme, Digital Foundry, GMan, whatever. All better than these ad-filled "reviews" from people who are forced to play games and score with an arbitrary number

MrNinosan1h ago

Digital Foundry has lost my trust ever since they got that MS money, but other than that, I'm with you.

If I'm on the fence of a game, I wait till the reviewers that share my taste has given their opinion.

Charal5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Ouch, that does not sounds good for Eurogamer.
With so much of the industry media that will more or less follow the same editorial line, it will be harder and harder to distinguish PR from actual journalism in a couple of years.

Thinking about it, may it explain their review score for Hellblade 2?

Christopher5h ago

***harder and harder to distinguish PR from actual journalism in a couple of years. ***

The age of gaming advertorials.

Petebloodyonion5h ago

You're right all of this is just to promote Hellblade 2 and inflate the score.
Also the why cuts are indeed coming to Eurogamer and other UK branches because they only gave Starfield an average score.

Jingsing4h ago

Shed the non US assets that are not favorable to Xbox keep the US assets that are. Microsoft are going to deliver crap and they are going to tell you their crap is good and you are going to buy it. That seems to be the strategy. At this point I just want them out of gaming as they are operating like cancer.

victorMaje4h ago

Exactly right. No more journalists. Just 1 take regurgitated & paraphrased down the chain. Smh.

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QubicGames' "20 for 20 Anniversary Bundle" is now available for PC via Steam

"To celebrate its 20th anniversary, QubicGames is bringing a curated collection of its top titles on Steam. As a launch gift to players, there is even a "20 for 20 - Anniversary Bundle" that will be heavily discounted to allow gamers to purchase their favorite titles at irresistible prices. Players who purchase the entire bundle at once will pay less than $20!" - QubicGames.


Microsoft to Add Copilot AI to Video Games

Microsoft recently revealed its plans to incorporate Copilot directly into video games, with Minecraft being the first showcased example.

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Fishy Fingers1d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

F*** AI

"Hey Copilot, what's a good meme to prove I dislike AI".... https://giphy.com/clips/sou...

Einhander19721d 2h ago

Two trillion dollar company that just can't wait to put as many people possible out of work as fast as possible.

It feels like every single thing they do is making gaming worse and destroying the industry.

1d 2h ago
1d 2h ago
1d 1h ago
darthv725h ago

....you know it takes people to program the AI.... right? It isnt like it is sentient. We haven't reach skynet level of situation or anywhere close to the matrix just yet.

That's next Thursday.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5h ago
CaptainFaisal15h ago

Why all the hate? Im actually excited about this! Always wanted this kind of immersion, and an AI companion with me all the time helping me out knowing the status of my skills/inventory/progress and giving me tips on the best approach or how to craft something specific is game changing for the industry.

Hate all you want about AI, but this is just the start and I can see the potential already. You wont be complaining in the next 5-10 years about this, but rather complain if a game hasn’t implemented it.

MrDead14h ago

Yes we can't wait for the work of others to be used without the need to pay them so that MS can profit even more from the people they fire.

I_am_Batman14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

There is no chance I'd ever use something like this, especially if it's not part of the core game design, but a layer on top of it. It's way too much handholding. Many games already feel like busy work, because they don't let the player figure things out on their own. Having a real-time interactive guide defeats the purpose of playing the game in the first place in my opinion.

If this were to become the standard like you predict, we'll see more and more video games get away with bad design, because people will just be used to ask for help from the AI companion anyway.

Number1TailzFan14h ago

Well Nintendo don't need this with some of their games these days, with invincible characters, items, easy bosses etc.. they do the hand holding built in

helicoptergirl14h ago

Takes "hand holding" in games to a whole new level.

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