
Oculus Rift And HTC Vive On Decline, Steam Study Finds

Oculus Rift and HTC Vive headsets decline with Steam users, recent survey finds, with virtual reality headsets owned by under 1% of all Steam users.

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GrimmyReaper2796d ago

It's almost like people don't wanna pay for a second PC.

VR is cool tech, it really is but let's be honest. The games out right now don't warrant a purchase and the people buying into VR now are kinda the guinea pig for VR. I mean, the buzz is now Project Morpheus while OR and HTC Vive are barely even mentioned anymore.

Many reviewers I follow on YouTube made one or two video's about the VR helmet they got and 1 game.

Doesn't really warrant a purchase IMO

Neonridr2796d ago

Well Steam is a bad platform to measure sales of Oculus considering they have their own storefront and front end that people can utilize and purchase from, so I would be wary about using any of this data. You are right that the early purchases were the early adopters, much like PSVR. Don't think that there are going to be 10 million PSVR users out of the gate, I would be surprised if 1 million people buy it from launch. These aren't cheap toys, they require a larger investment.

I still love my Rift and I know that when Touch launches there will be another mini explosion as there is a ton of software releasing to accompany it.

Sony has to ensure that the software is there, and it can't all be tech demos and short experiences. The question will be how much software will come post launch of the PSVR and how long we have to wait between releases.

kfk2795d ago

"Sony has to ensure that the software is there, and it can't all be tech demos and short experiences. The question will be how much software will come post launch of the PSVR and how long we have to wait between releases."

Which has nothing to do with Sony, as that's the exact same issue and question that PC VR is facing. There hasn't been a single landmark VR title yet, and they've had months of release window advantage over PSVR.

kneon2796d ago

The problem is there just aren't that many PCs capable of running VR, so the potential audience is limited. But that will improve over the next few years as even budget cards will be powerful enough for VR.

tee_bag2422796d ago

$200 AMD 480 can run VR. It's never been cheaper or easier actually. A lot of people I know are waiting for gen 2 VR and at least a 1440p display

S2Killinit2796d ago

What the heck is a gen2 VR?

kneon2796d ago


Sure it's only $200, but it's yet another $200 on top of the already expensive price of the rest of the VR gear, and that's assuming your PC doesn't need any other upgrades. It's just too expensive for most people right now given there are no blockbuster games to draw people in.

donthate2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )


gen2 VR is the one that hopefully doesn't' make you sick or have to "grow" VR legs. lmao.

PS VR is going to be the platform that you are most likely to get sick from next to mobile.

Timesplitter142796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

It's not the VR itself that makes you sick. It's the bad VR game design. The games that make people sick right now will always make you sick regardless of how much the hardware improves. The sickness is caused by the fact that you think you are moving but your body doesn't feel any acceleration. Better displays and better head tracking cannot fix this. The only thing that can fix it is new positional tracking systems like the one Vive has. But then again, it's limited to a very small area

So basically, VR games can never allow any movement except teleportation or actual body-tracked movement. This is what most VR devs have figured out by now, and that's why so many VR games are stationary shooters. (look it up, there are dozens of GDC/SIGGRAPH talks on this, by people from Oculus, Sony and Valve)

And yes, since PSVR has the least amount of positional tracking of all 3 headsets, it's the one that's most likely to make you sick. I can't even imagine VR being worth it if you don't have positional tracking. It's where all the magic is

Neonridr2796d ago

@kneon - you make valid points, but you have to assume that a PC gamer already has a semi-decent rig that probably doesn't need to be built from the ground up. Possibly a better GPU or CPU could suffice.

@Timesplitter14 - you are absolutely right. PSVR is definitely going to have to utilize teleportation as best as it can to avoid the sickness. Playing games like Dreadhalls and Adr1ft on my Rift threw me for a loop the first few times. The crazy thing is if it looks real enough your brain tricks your body into feeling the movement... until your body smartens up and realizes that you aren't in fact moving anywhere.

@S2Killinit - the next generation of VR. Most likely with 4K screens inside to help eliminate the SDE.

kraenk122796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )


No idea why you got the disagrees but you're exactly right. People are waiting for the tech to develop fully which is what Sony is going to offer them first. Consumer friendly and thoroughly developed hardware with enough software to play with.

There is not much sense in being an early adopter on such a new tech, except if you don't have to care for the financial part.

Technological problems like the sickness thing will soon be eliminated by experience resulting in better fitting game design and hardware, like Samsung's Entrim4D headphones for example are going to eliminate this problem completely.

It's wise to wait a little atm. And start with NEO and PSVR from a consumer perspective.

Gaming4Life19812795d ago


Sorry but thats not true that many people dont have computers capable of running vr. Vr is just not worth it as of now since their are no aaa vr games and consumers know that better versions of these devices will come out next year. The samsung gear vr already has its new model which is a pointless upgrade if you own the first gear vr.

kneon2795d ago


Just 6 months ago, NVidia's own estimate was that there were only about 15 million VR capable PCs in the world. That has certainly gone up quite a bit since then, but still, the vast majority of PCs require upgrades in order to run VR.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2795d ago
brianunfried2796d ago

If you have a smartphone with a decent size screen you can get into VR for almost nothing. I bought some cheap VR glasses for my phone off eBay for $10 and it's pretty awesome. Don't expect it to be as good as one of the big three, but it with give you a taste of what's possible.

TheCommentator2796d ago

The point of the article is that the USE of VR headsets is on the decline though.

Perhaps, as you suggest, the games that are out right now aren't very appealing, meaning that people who own VR are waiting for the next release they may be interested in. To add to that, it may also be that the reality of VR isn't as good as people imagine for practical, everyday use. Good to demo for a while? Sure, if you don't get sick from it like some people do, which is another contributing factor of declining use to consider. Is it good for every day, or long periods of gameplay in one sitting though? I believe that they will be too fatiguing for that purpose, due in part to their size and being first gen hardware technology.

As GPUs get stronger, as VR iterates itself and becomes faster with better capabilities, and as feedback comes back from practical use of the technology, VR will still have a good chance to gain traction as a mainstream entertainment medium. It'll be interesting to see what happens though, because by that time it could be too late, assuming that 1st gen VR hardware ends up being too gimmicky for most people like motion controls or 3DTV were.

One other thing: PSVR has nothing to do with the USE of VR on Steam, although it's plausable for it to lower of the sales of VR devices for PC.

Neonridr2796d ago

TheCommentator - again, Steam has no way of tracking Rift usage when a large chunk of people utilize the Oculus Home App (myself included). I only buy stuff on Steam if I need the larger multiplayer component for games that use Steamworks for MP hosting (Project Cars for example). Otherwise I would rather launch it directly from the Home app and have one less service running in the background. Prices on Home have been shown to be very, very close to Steam.

CrazedFiend2794d ago

Project Morpheus isn't really mentioned anymore either.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2794d ago
King_Lothric2796d ago

Time for PSVR to step in and make VR mainstream.

donthate2796d ago

Or finally prove VR is a fad?

Kosic2796d ago

I always say it when people look at ps vr to be the platform to bring in the vr craze.
I was super excited for the vr world. Thinking of a gear vr for months and months to experience a premium vr experience without ordering a development kit.

Tried minecraft vr on it, it's an amazing experience. But the few times I've used it I've felt dizzy and sick for a while after. My gear vr sits in a draw and is only used to show off vr to friends.

There's going to be a lot of people who experience the same thing and they've just dropped a small fortune onto a ps vr pre order.

Vr for me is a dying fad now as I can't experience it to its fullest.

fr0sty2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

Kosic, gear VR isn't a solid VR platform due to low frame rates. That is why you are feeling dizzy. A smartphone wasn't made for VR. PSVR upscales all content, regardless of frame rate, to 120fps, and at least 60-90fps is required, with 90 being the recommended target.

Hater, guess we'll find out?

ILostMyMind2796d ago

You received dislikes, but you're right. If PSVR is a success all VR devices will have a chance. If PSVR fails then all VR devices will fail.

DeadlyOreo2796d ago

He received disagrees because he can't play VR on his Xbox One. We see him trolling, now all he can do is hope it fails.

Timesplitter142796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

While framerate probably contributes a lot to the dizzy effect, it's not the only cause. I've played several VR games at very high framerates and still got the dizzy effect.

Basically; it's because of the movement. Games where you can move your character are out of the question for VR (unless your view is actually detached from the character). That's why there are so many stationary VR shooters

And since no amount of hardware improvement can actually make you feel real acceleration as if you were moving in real life, this problem will never be solved. This is part of why I think VR can never become anywhere as big as regular games. It limits game design way too much

Lsbb2796d ago

Live up to your user name kid

PeaSFor2796d ago


hating, as usual.

kraenk122796d ago

Oh come on Rookie stop the negativity.

kraenk122796d ago

You can call VR a fad as much as you want to but it won't change its rise. People are simply waiting for the tech to develop fully which is what Sony is going to offer them first. Consumer friendly and thoroughly developed hardware with enough software to play with.

There is not much sense in being an early adopter on such a new tech, except if you don't have to care for the financial part.

Technological problems like the sickness thing will soon be eliminated by experience resulting in better fitting game design and hardware, like Samsung's Entrim4D headphones for example are going to eliminate this problem completely.

It's wise to wait a little atm. And start with NEO and PSVR from a consumer perspective.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2796d ago
Mystogan2796d ago

Do you even know what mainstream is? It wont be mainstream if its only on PS4 lol.

Ragthorn2795d ago

I personally just want the VR experience to be more accessible for others. I want it to be expanded and improved upon for the coming years because it is getting there! Hopefully the PSVR adds this little push to the VR scene.

maybelovehate2796d ago

Needs better content. Chronos is the only ""good"" game out for VR and it is fairly short. The best VR experience I have actually had is Diablo 3 using VorpX but that is far from perfect since the game wasn't designed with VR in mind so the menus etc are hard to get setup correctly. Plus no controller support on PC is a bummer.

dumahim2796d ago

Project Cars in VR looks pretty good so far. VR is perfect for racing too.

maybelovehate2796d ago

If you have a strong stomach : )

kneon2796d ago


You'll get used to it if you keep trying. Most people can learn to use VR for hours without any problems

donthate2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )


The solution is to learn to get over VR sickness over time?

That is going to go over well with consumers. The same group that felt 3D was too uncomfortable. lmao.

I like VR and on PC with a 1070 (yeah baby!) and Oculus Rift, but I ain't delusional about it.

Neonridr2796d ago

@donthate - like sailors who get sea sick, the only way to get over it is to continue to sail.

VR has to be taken in batches. You play until you feel sick, then you stop. You do not press through or you can cause an adverse reaction to VR everytime you put the headset on. Take it a little bit at a time until you feel comfortable for long sessions with no dizziness.

maybelovehate2796d ago

@kneon: I have hundreds of hours logged with Oculus. But anything with locomotion still gets me pretty good. Some of my friends can play FPS etc with no issue so I think a lot of it just depends on the person. I am very jealous of you guys that can handle it!

andibandit2795d ago (Edited 2794d ago )


pretty sure those sailors had a need or got paid.

Point is, it's a hard sell if you are one of those persons. They are more likely to just sell off their VR stuff.

Segata2790d ago

But it's not a good game

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2790d ago
Neonridr2796d ago

Edge of Nowhere was pretty solid for me. But I am a huge fan of movies like The Thing and Lovecraftian horror.

When Touch launches there will be a new injection of VR titles for the Rift.

kraenk122796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

Edge of Nowhere?! Eve Valkyrie?!

maybelovehate2796d ago

Edge of Nowhere was disappointing to me. The camera used was odd for VR and it was extremely short. Eve Valkyrie makes me sick. Chronos and Diablo III are the only VR experiences I have loved. At least as far as full games go. Pinball FX is brilliant.

Neonridr2796d ago (Edited 2796d ago )

@maybelovehate - try Blazerush. Cheap and fun as heck. If you liked games like RC Pro AM on the NES or Rock N' Roll racing on the SNES then this game would be right up your alley. Plus it works online for MP which is a nice bonus.

Psychotica2796d ago

I had a lot of fun when I bought my HTC Vive at the start of Summer, but I have hardly used it over the past month or so because of the lack of good full games. Every time a new game comes out that would be good in VR it's the same old response from the developers, "we are considering it".

PeaSFor2796d ago

thats why im going with the psvr on gen1, we all know(even the haters) that Sony has best position to convince devs AND has inhouse studios to creates amazing stuff.

M-M2795d ago (Edited 2795d ago )

Same here. I was actually developing a game for it but decided to stop due a decline of interest(along the lines of this study). I don't think it's a fad, but I think it's just a little to early for it. Sony seems to be taking the right approach by at the moment.

MilkMan2796d ago

LOL. Who the fuq thought this nonsense was the next thing?
Oh, same folks that thought 3D was the next thing.
The real next thing will be cloud computing and sharing.

kraenk122796d ago

You're gonna be sorry soon.

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Limited Run Games’ 3DO Releases Appear to Have a Major Problem

Two 3DO games recently reissued by Limited Run Games, Plumbers Don't Wear Ties and D, appear to have a major problem, according to customers.

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DaleCooper9h ago

D was a great, atmospheric horror game. It was worth the rental back in the day. Also, Limited Run Games sucks.

darthv729h ago

LRG are just glorified overpriced reproductions.... and now they can't even get that last part right. I make better repros using my own stack of CD-R.

mastershredder8h ago

Just don’t. 3DO games were the worst. Imagine paying premium prices for a dog-crap version of a game. The era of barely trying or understanding their own tech and charging asinine prices… 3DN0. It’s best that you don’t admit that you had one of these.

Popsicle6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

The 3DO was ahead of its time and one of the first to enter the 32 bit console space. Yes FMV games are awful, but at the time there was a real thirst for games to look like movies. Removing the FMV games the 3DO had Gex, a solid Myst port, and was often the best place to play non-SNK (best on NEO GEO) near arcade perfect arcade ports. Their downfall was poor marketing and a high price point for a time when consoles were considered to be kids toys.

It was certainly superior to the “64 bit” Jaguar, which was falsely advertised as stronger hardware and had one of the worst console controllers in history.

CrimsonWing696h ago

Limited Run Games makes me sick. The prices they ask are ridiculous and then the whole burning discs instead of pressing them is pretty disgusting. This is a company that takes their customers for a ride and demands extortion level prices for a product, like we’re talking 2x to 3x more than MSRP.


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Save the quarters and blast everything to oblivion at home!

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Hasbro's $1 billion bet on internal game development

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