
Call of Duty VR: Jackal Assault Preview – Now You Have a Reason To Buy PlayStation VR | COG

COG writes: We get our hands on Activision's Jackal Assault, a Call of Duty PlayStation VR experience coming to PlayStation 4 later this year.

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ji32002832d ago (Edited 2832d ago )

THESE ARE MY TOP 7 features that convinced to get PSVR...

(1) Cinema mode is a killer feature with 3 levels of zoom allowing to watch everything on PSVR. You got a VIRTUAL IMAX GIGANTIC SCREEN MODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(2) You can play ANY existing ps4 games and Netflix movies with virtual IMAX theater screen SIZE for the price of 40 inch tv.

(3) Move controllers are optional and NOT a REQUIREMENT!! (sony clearly confirmed!!). We can use Dualshock controller on ANY VR games so you can sit and play on your couch after hard day at work.

(4) No visible pixel screen because sony uses special "RGB" per pixel OLED screen.

(5) VR spherical lenses can help block the lights from the screen ( I owned oculus dk2 vr headset and i noticed my eyes dries quicker using iPhone than oculus dk2)

(6)The design of it and it works with glasses.

(7) 50 games this year and more than 230 games currently working on it and its keep increasing!!!!!

Future pay per view for UFC LIVE events in VR, NFL sports,boxing,Live concerts,Vacation relaxation touring in VR and unlimited possibilities!!! NO WONDER FACEBOOK AND GOOGLE IS INVESTING BILLIONS OF DOLLAR MAKING VR CONTENS RIGHT NOW.

gamerswin242832d ago

Your forgetting something really important. It is said that the psvr audio surround sound is top of the line and better than the competition.

cd12832d ago (Edited 2832d ago )

The audio output is something Sony need to clarify, everyone I've seen using PSVR so far has been using a headset. Is it compatible with surround sound AV receiver setups? My Onkyo currently decodes the audio for my Station but I understand PSVR audio is controlled by the box. I cant find a definite answer on the Internets.

Kinger89382832d ago

ive not used one myself, but its one of those things i need to some how try before i buy. Screen resolution/clarity is a big thing for me and i cant help but imagine the power used to run games in VR may impact negatively on visual fidelity.

2832d ago Replies(1)
gamerswin242832d ago (Edited 2832d ago )

You must have not played too many psvr games orvdemos. Heist, Rigs and Valkyrie all feel awesome on psvr. That cockpit sensation you felt is definitely present in Eve Valkyrie so I'm kinda wondering what PSVR games you played prior saying they all felt like tech demos and going on about the cockpit view in this game as if its a first lol.

Thanks for the preview though.

Eonjay2832d ago

This isn't the only reason to buy VR. Its simply another reason.

FPS_D3TH2832d ago

Lol there's so many better cockpit like experiences coming to PSVR that I'm wondering if the author actually cares about VR or if it's just more call of duty that they actually care about.


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Garethvk76d ago

I can finally play Half Life Alyx.

mariopasta76d ago

I can finally watch pron, I mean watch pronouns be pronounced in PC VR games that were previously not available on Playstation.

crazyCoconuts76d ago

be careful not to sprain your... tongue pronouncing those pronouns

Profchaos76d ago

I'm excited for that to plus I can try fallout 4 VR always wanted to play that

crazyCoconuts76d ago

I was lucky and held off on 4 until I played it in VR. It really is pretty awesome - you'll love it.

DaReapa76d ago

The icing on the cake would be if Sony / Valve allow for a Steam Link app much like it is for the Quest 3. Likely wishful thinking, though.