
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 VR's Tasteless Sexual Assault Mode Promotes Rape Culture

COG writes - Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 VR has a mode that actively allows players to sexually assault characters. This makes us feel some sort of way, and it's not good.

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2821d ago
XanderZane2820d ago

You need a cold shower. This game already sucks and this just makes it worse as it's sending the wrong message to adolescent boys. If boys do this in a game and think it's fine, what's to say they won't try it in school as well. Teenage boys are already sexually charged to begin with. They don't need a sappy game like this to rile they up even more. Tecmo/Koei just has bad taste in some of the games they make.

novcze2820d ago Show
Allsystemgamer2820d ago

Well I guess boys shouldn't play violent games then because they'll go around trying to kill their friends in school eh?

XanderZane2820d ago (Edited 2819d ago )

Dude, watch the news for a change. That has already happened many, many, many times. That's why violent shooting games are rated "M-Mature" for adults. Hopefully this mode will only be in the Japan version. Their country is know for having this stuff in many of their games.

I'm not saying sensor violent games. I love SouthPark actually. I own the game and will get the sequel. I'm saying keep the violent games away from teenage kids. Keep or soft porn like games in Japan or put them in porn shops. They don't need to be in Gamestop or Best Buy.

More then you do.

My daughter is only 6. Don't think she's ready to have kids just yet. Sounds like your not either. Graduate first kid.

My parents passed away a lot time ago. They didn't fail me at all. They must have failed you as you like to play imaginary porn games. lol!! The real thing is better dude.

Freedom of speech.

FreeSpeech692820d ago

"Whaa whaa censor the game", you are the reason why media like this is popular. Look at southpark would have never been successful if people didn't cry about it. SJW ironically defeat themselves.

Hotabang2820d ago

japan is one of the safest countries in the world, where as new york alone is .....

Harkins17212820d ago

Know the difference between a game and reality maybe?

2820d ago
Kyizen2820d ago

Games are an escape from reality so you can experience worlds and things you cant nornally. If you cant seperate gaming from real life you have bigger problems and your parents failed you.

jambola2820d ago

"this game already sucks" your opinion, "and this just makes it worse" again, your opinion
"what's to say they won't try it in school as well." well how about the fact that violent games sell millions yet millions of people aren't randomly shooting people?, please, give me something to show that people playing this game will make them do it in real life

dumahim2820d ago

"If boys do this in a game and think it's fine, what's to say they won't try it in school as well. "
Apply that to anything you do in videogames. Killing people, drugs, bad driving, etc.. How is this any different?

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2820d ago
Lynx02072820d ago

Recently in Poland A. Sapkowski (author of "The Witcher") told he don't know many players, because he meets only with inteligent people. Now, reading comments like these, and seeing people who claim sexual assault in game is ok and funny, I fully understand what he meant. Probably that is the reason I don't know many players personally either. Most "real" players are pathetic and it makes me really sad.

P_Bomb2820d ago

Real in what sense? Thing is there are bad books, bad movies, bad shows, bad songs, bad drugs, bad art, bad versions of everything. Not just games. Sapkowski ain't exactly writing text books and theorems.

hells_supernova2820d ago

Also he is 68 not exactly the gaming age...

BentheTurtle2820d ago

I agree with Sapkowski and you, Lynx. It makes me sad that something like this exists, but it makes me even sadder that this many people nihilisticly defend it.

Virtual porn is not the same thing as virtual sexual assault. The girls behavior indicates sexual assault.

Porn has already created unrealistic views about what women want in a sexual relationship. This is even worse.

donthate2820d ago

My problem with content like this isn't the content itself, no more than say violence or even say racist content. The issue is that people learn from this, and believe this is proper behavior. That is okay, when it is not.

2818d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2818d ago
TheCommentator2821d ago

Let me put it this way.

The developers made a game mode specifically so you could touch the girls, which is cool in my book. They then programmed the girls specifically to have adverse reactions to you groping them, which becomes rape by definition. Therefore, the creators intentionally created a 3D VR-based rape simulator. Does that sound right to you? Why didn't they just make the girls enjoy it instead?

I don't know, it just seems really wrong to me and I don't support a game like this. If it's your thing though, go for it.

Servbot412821d ago Show
rainslacker2821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

Uhhh..except if you play the game the way it's meant to be played, they actually do want you to touch them and they aren't exactly shy about making it known. It doesn't stop there, and from that point, the relationship tends to continue and....I guess I'll say mature....as you continue through the process of building your relationship with them until the eventual ending that makes up a specific character pursual arc.

Want to know how easy it is to tell if they want you in the game? Beyond the obvious dialogue and body language which could lead up to such events, there's an in game "satisfaction" and "closeness" rating.

Also, it's worth mentioning, that not all the girls act this way. It's just a personality trait of some of the girls to react this way when you push the relationship further. They do the same in the normal game, without the touching, or at least where that physical stuff is more implied than actually placed into a VR environment.

It's pretty silly, but it isn't something that is meant as promoting rape, nor is it done in a way that actually allows you do do such things without consequence should you not actually be at a point in the relationship with a girl that such things may be appropriate to attempt.

Also, I think you need to learn the definition of rape. The only physical interaction in this game is touching, and it's implied in the regular game, and simulated in the VR version, but the reactions are essentially the same. At no point does any rape take place. At most, it's sexual assault, and if you actually try that, there are consequences in the game itself.

The game is silly. It is not a rape simulator, nor is it in any way trying to say it's OK to accost a woman because you feel like it. It's a dumbed down dating sim which has the most cursory of mechanics for intra-personal relationships. If someone comes away from this game thinking it's anything more than fan service, they are just idiots.....kind of like the author of this article.

FreeSpeech692821d ago

It's a video game, GTA you can randomly kill people. It's been like that forever. Stop crying, stop acting like you are entitled to censorship. By crying you are making games like this more popular. Literally DOAX2 failed like a decade ago because nobody cared. Now you SJWs cry about everything and make games like this popular. IT'S YOUR FAULT.

Lonnie182821d ago

Their not real dude, go take your blood-pressure meds and sit down...

mkis0072821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

You could try to use that same logic to say GTA promotes murder... I get what you are saying, but it is a video game and people who play them need to be able to separate real life from fantasy. You really can't say that this game promotes rape culture unless you truly believe GTA promotes murder.

Muzikguy2821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

If the girls want it, it's not rape. "Can't rape the willing". Also, this is only a game. Nowhere is it saying "hey go rape these women!"

Sexual assault and rape aren't the same. I think this article has a bad take on rape. We shouldn't be calling it a "culture". That would insinuate that it's accepted

Does porn promote rape? How about bondage scenarios? What if 2 people are in love and sleep together, does that promote rape? I think we are grasping at straws here to try and say something is bad when there's really no problem. The people that the game is marketed towards should know what rape is. This game doesn't promote it at all

notachance2821d ago

go back here after you take down the entire porn industry, ok?

2821d ago
TWB2821d ago Show
trooper_2821d ago

You got all of this from a videogame?

2821d ago
Goldby2820d ago

or maybe they created realistic reactions to unneccesary or inaproriate actions. for all we know if you touch her hair she may like it, just becuase people automatically go for the milk jugs doesn't mean they perposly made a rape game.

Tell me how are all the game that promote mass murders going?
wait.. there aren't any yet there are tons of violent games where the people beg not to be shot...

Cant have double standards.

to clarify, these games definitly aren't my cup of tea, and as you put, if someone is into these games, all the power to you, and hopefully the people who do buy this game, know and understand it is just a game

JunMei2820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

Actually, in Japanese culture, meaning in the case of sexual activity is often interpreted though tone. It's considered shameful in Japanese culture for a girl to like sex, so for that reasons, women are conditioned to always say no and bad when someone is initiating sexual activity. No still means no in Japanese culture, but the tone of those words determines the true meaning. It's very complex, but these girls aren't using the "no" that actually means no. I know what that sounds like from a western perspective, but it really is a very different culture.

People weren't even really allowed to date until the 1960s. If a boy liked a girl, he'd have to ask her father for permission to marry his daughter.

A short firm,"dame" or "iada" means no. A long exaggerated one means, "I know I shouldn't like this but..." In the Japanese language the intent is to convey as much meaning with as few words as possible. In Japanese, even the subject of the sentence is also usually omitted. Saying everything you want to say to someone is also considered disrespectful, because it implies that the person you are talking to can't figure out what you really mean. In other words, meaning is derived from a lot more than the words we here. A lot is left unsaid for cultural reasons.

This is the professional opinion of a person who double majored in linguistics and Japanese. I know it's hard to think about a concept like this, since if you directly translate the words, the actions seem nefarious, but a lot is lost in translation when you just translate the words.

s45gr322820d ago

Please tell me is on PC

TheCommentator2820d ago

Rain, I know a lot of that already, which is why I said, "Why didn't they JUST make the girls enjoy it instead?" Itagaki created the series becaue he LOVED women, not because he violated them, right?. It just seems weird that you can make girls uncomfortable by groping them. It makes me uncomfotable, actually.

Free Speech, I said I don't support a game like this, but play it if you want to. Ergo, no censorship. Ironically, I support free speech, but not you in this instance. Reading comprehension. Did I wake up 500 years in the future? Do plants now crave electrolytes? Anyways...

Thanks, Goldby. You get what I'm saying, because to give people the choice to play it is the only way to ensure free speech. I choose, like you, not to support it because I know a woman who's been raped. You're right, though, it's funny that our society is more tolerant of violence than sex and that games like this are shunned so much more than games like GTA, Gears, or GOW.

Jun Mei, you are a gem. Thank you for taking the time to really create a sense of understanding as to why the girls would behave like that. When put into proper context, it doesn't really sound like abuse at all, but a form of flirtation based on the tone of the conversation. Fascinating stuff!

It was my intent when I posted to play Devil's advocate, and I did mistakenly call it a "rape simulator" when it is, by definition a sexual assault simulator (Thanks for the correction, guys). Jun Mei-san taught me a lot about Japanese culture in his post, things that make calling it an "assault simulator" a bit out of line from a cultural perspective. Rain interjected a lot of valid points around the context of the situations as well. Painted in that light, it doesn't seem nearly as wrong as the author makes it appear to be. Funny thing, propoganda. That said, the ambiguity surrounding the context of the situations, if it caused confusion for me who loves gaming, will certainly cause SJW's to have a field day with this one. I just hope DOAX doesn't get censored again because of this since freedom of speech is more important than the content being discussed in this thread.

Ultimately, I'm not sure why so many of you here are raking me over the coals over things I didn't say, but I believe this game has a right to exist, without censorship, for anybody who wants to play it. That gives me the choice not to support it with a purchase. I've always defend freedom of speech, and my comment history backs that up because I expressed outrage that DOAX was censored from the West in the first place.

Hotabang2820d ago

if they did what you were saying, you would then complain that they dont react like girls would react and it would promote rape culture, you just want to say that no matter what and thats fine, go ahead and say it, but dont expect everyone to agree

Loktai2820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

touching in itself isn't a sex act. yes it's borderline because you're doing it for sexual thrills, but touching a person who doesn't like it is at most assault, it can become sexual assault .... but when most people refer to rape it involves forcing a sexual act or inflicting a sexual act such as touching the sexual organs or touching with your sexual organs. if you grope the girls it's wrong but the girls aren't depicted as being chased. in Japan it would be considered really whoring of the girls seemed to not mind.... watch an anime or something and you'll see the same.

crying rape on a game where the girls are playing hard to get but take no actions to prevent further touching, and not running screaming or raising their voice to scold you even belittles the really truly offensive things out there and just like crying wolf, it desensitizes people to claims of "rape culture".

this isn't even half as bad as the shit that's out there... choose your battles or you end up overshadowing the cause and coming off as a bunch of whiners

SweatyFlorida2820d ago

You must have literally not played any japanese game, where, on touch screens, allow you to rub the screen and have the exact same reactions for girls (probably even men), especially girls which look underage. 2D art, 3D, both. Not exclusive to being in japanese only, I've played android games with full english text that has the exact same thing. Attack on moe for example, which gradually strips clothes of girls by reaching a certain threshold of rubbing them, and they have "negative" reactions and moaning sounds when rubbed. I'm not even talking about hentai games, which some DO have actual rape sequences/scenes. I'm talking games that never show anything past bra's/panties, or have any sex scenes.

This is not abnormal. Weird, for sure (but commonplace for japanese), but nothing insane to cause such an outrage for this game specifically, compared to killing games which are aplenty and normally accepted, and imo, far worse than slight reactions to being touched. Would the game not be bad if they had "positive" reactions to being touched? Is the reaction alone what constitutes the difference of the severity of these girls, no wait, 3D virtual girls being touched? As others have said, touching them to harass them is not the objective the game portrays, thus does NOT "promote Rape". Also just because this is a VR game doesn't make it any different from other games which also have the same features, which there are a lot of, and they sell to their niche fine and are not banned in anyway, and have been since touch or motion gaming's been a thing.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 2820d ago
blackblades2821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

Yeah who cares it's not in america anyways. Also the article sucks, it's not the only game out there like that so why complain about now.

meka26112821d ago

Nothing anyone says changes the fact that the Japanese are messed in the head. It's because they are so sexually repressed over there that they do this. Hell in Japan most people don't show affection in public, which includes holding hands, because they get embarrassed. This is what happens when repress natural human tendancies.

Qrphe2820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

The Japanese being "sexually repressed" is an opinion. That they have WAY less sexual assault PER CAPITA than the US is a fact, which pretty much debunks you.

meka26112820d ago

Not an opinion. Look up how relationships work in Japan.

SugarSoSweet2820d ago

agreed, the only thing I will say though is as long as it's in their Country it's their rules....

FreeSpeech692820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

Yeah totally Japan sucks, but the Middle East is amazing SMH. Japan is one of the best countries in the world, does it have issues? Sure but I think there are much worse countries to put the focus of criticism at like countries that literally enslave women.

Hotabang2820d ago

holding hands to you is natural, to others its not, dont impose your stuff on others please. Last i heard repressed "natural human tendancies" leads to crime, please compare crime in japan with crime in usa

meka26112820d ago

Quit being so butt hurt. I actually like Japan, going to be going there. Doesn't change the fact that when it comes to sex and relationships they aren't open at all about it. For God's sake they make games that are just about raping. And of course the middle east is worse, but do they make video games? And crime is lower in Japan because they place family honor above all else. To commit a crime dishonors the family name. I personally don't care what people play, to each their own. I was just pointing out why things like this come out of Japan.

LastCenturyRob2820d ago

The only thing that is "messed up" is that you bring forward an opinion that has no factual reality and assume it is a statistical fact...which it is not.

DragonKnight2820d ago

'The Japanese being "sexually repressed" is an opinion. "

Actually it's a fact, and it's a fact that is destroying them and their birthrates. That and the stupidly extreme emphasis on work.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2820d ago
_-EDMIX-_2821d ago

Wtf? If true they need to overly sensor the crap out of this game.

I don't think I can condone companies coming out and essentially romanticizing sexual assault

_-EDMIX-_2821d ago

@rain- good.. this is why you're here rain!

If it was what the article was suggesting I just couldn't stand by such a thing that is wrong on so many levels.

Allsystemgamer2820d ago

Yet you're perfectly ok with random murder in games like GTA.

A bit hypocritical on the morality standpoint don't ya think?

_-EDMIX-_2820d ago

@All- who said I was? lol

For all you know I against all of it lolz.

DragonKnight2820d ago

'For all you know I against all of it lolz."

You're not. If you were, you wouldn't feel the need to make a pointless sentence like that.

frostypants2821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

I'm pretty anti-SJW...start whining about needing freaking "trigger warnings" and I'll be the first to start the dog pile...but even I think this is pretty bad. It's a mainstream game, and for something like this to be in it is kind of messed up. Why the hell does a volleyball game...even one with hot women...have something that could even be INTERPRETED as a sexual assault simulator? Why even go there? Sure, they have a right to put it there, but we have a right to mock it. And I'm sure plenty of people will, and do care.

mrbojingles2820d ago

Every woman that has ever been raped? You know that happens like every 2 minutes? Or to like 1/3 of US women?

meka26112820d ago

Lol where you pull that stat from?

Lynx02072820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

Only inteligent people who understand how powerful medium are video games and how important it is for the video game industry to grow up, I guess.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2820d ago
filchron2821d ago

VR and holographic porn WILL be a part of the future as long as MEN and capitalism exist in the future. #dealwithit

Digital_Anomaly2821d ago

Porn is one thing but this is another. I love porn, won't even try to deny it! That being said, the idea of promoting a mode that allows sexual assault while a character actually states they don't like it? Not sure I can support that.

warriors_132821d ago

basically every japanese porn is like this. girl starts off saying "no, stop it" etc. half way through she just gives up and accepts it.

Princess_Pilfer2821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

If people understand the difference between fantasy and reality then it doesn't matter.

I like rape fantasies. (Where I'm the victim.) I'm not encouraging someone actually raping me, even if I decided to film it and put in on the internet or something. That would be beyond horrifying. i like the *fantasy* where I get to feel like I have no control even though I signed up for it and could stop it at a moments notice. The same reason people like horror games, but sexy. It's fun because the guy chasing you with a chainsaw isn't real and the scare is harmless. It stops being fun real quick when it's real.

It's not different in reverse. Reasonable people with actual empathy like the *fantasy,* precisely because it's not real and there are no consequences for them or anyone else.

chobit_A5HL3Y2821d ago

you don't have to support it because it's not meant for anywhere other than japan. this kind of thing is common and accepted there. anyone who knows anything about japanese culture knows this.

DragonKnight2821d ago

@Digital_Anomaly: If all you did was submit an article you found, then ignore this. But if you actually wrote this then I have some shocking news for you.

There is no such thing as a rape culture. Unless you are an extremist from a certain ideology.

There is no way anyone can say, with any intellectual honesty, that in a world with laws, criminal, civil, and social, against rape that rape is normalized and/or even celebrated.

Exploring themes is not a promotion of those themes, it is merely the allowance of the exploration of said themes.

Find a law that, by intent, supports and promotes rape and we'll agree.

Find a comedian who, after telling a rape joke, actually would support rape publicly, and we'll agree.

But instead what we have is this...

"It goes so far as allowing the player to virtually ‘touch’ the characters while they verbally protest and quite frankly, look downright uncomfortable."

Excuse me, I thought we were talking about sexual assault, not gross hyperbole about digital facsimiles of human females. Oh no, you can fake touch a fake woman who is faking that she doesn't like it. Oh the horror, oh the humanity. #YesAllVirtualWomen, #JapanLovesMisogyny, #RapeCultureNoJutsu

Dixiedevil2821d ago

Are you trying to say that Japanese culture is wrong? Should another people's culture be made illegal just because it makes you uncomfortable? Why are you so racist? Pearl Harbor was a long time ago. Get over it Mr. Racist.

CaptainObvious8782821d ago

@Forum Pirate

You're on of those people with internalised misogyny /s

wolokowoh2821d ago

You don't have to. Some men/women have rape fantasies they play out with their spouse. Bondage and S&M are things that happen. It's weird, definitely not the norm, but you have to respect those people enough to say do whatever you want. In this case it's the fictional character that adds that extra bit of weird to it but who the hell cares? It's not real. As long as people don't go out and become actual rapists, then they're not hurting anyone.

DarXyde2821d ago

Forum Pirate,

If people understand the difference, it doesn't matter...? You have higher hopes for people than I do, I'll say that. I think Team Ninja is rolling the dice with this one. Gender-neutral bathrooms were a conservative nightmare because creeps could claim to identify as the opposite sex. It's a fair criticism because people like that do exist. Likewise, a sexual assault mode with VR is likely to summon Jack Thompson and lawyers like him from their proverbial graves because of an opportunist who "genuinely thought" that it was appropriated. Now, yes, Japan does have stuff like this...but Japan is highly unorthodox when compared to America. I've been there several times. And even then, it's surprisingly niche. More common than uncommon, but less common than common.

I think you'll have the responsible players and then you'll have the aforementioned creeps. I also think we have a ways to go before we as a society are mature enough to take this sort of thing and keep it in the context of gaming entirely. Violence in a game is one thing because it is, perhaps, more immersive. I think an immersive sexual assault mode might be pushing it.

I'm expecting disagrees, but that's perfectly fine.

Just don't take the context lightly...like they did with Harambe's life...

...no, but seriously, just game responsibly.

DafunkyRebel2821d ago

You obviously never watched hentai or read Doujins have you? Shit is 90 percent gangrape preggo hentais

Princess_Pilfer2821d ago


If some "creep" is going to be inspired to actually rape someone based on this, they're mentally ill and/or deficient and literally anything could have inspired such a thing. I could spend 3 seconds on any decent porn site and come up with thousands of rape videos and pictures right now, some of them deliberatly made to be as realistic as possible (in between the legally required notifications that everyone is of age/consenting and all where all their information can be found to prove it,) there are clubs for that type of fantasy, there are books, comic and otherwise. You can't just not do something because some nutjobs might be affected because they're *going* to be affected by something eventually anyways.

The Jack Tompsons of the world will fail. They've failed with everything else given enough time because at least semi intelligent and semi rational people took a stand and science backs their conclusion that it's not doing any harm. Deal with them as those issues as they come, don't censor crap because idiots will get loud. that's basically declaring victory while being enslaved to the will of the people you claim to be beating.

Fact is, in moden society there is no incentive for creeps outside the act and in fact it carries a great risk of severe negative consequences, and there is already plenty of opportunity to do that crap already if they actually want to do those things.

It's not pushing it. People don't work like that. If you understand that it's a fantasy and have basic human empathy (meaning, if you're a fully functional human being) then you know it's wrong irl, you know why it's wrong irl, you know there's a very good chance you spend 20 years in prison if you do and you don't do it.

If out society actually encouraged rape and didn't throw people in prison literally for the rest of their lives for doing so, then the game wouldn't be the problem, living in ****ing Somalia would be the problem and it would be a problem with the culture that allows or encourages that crap, not the game.

rainslacker2821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

I don't think you really get the point of how the girls personality, and overall general dumbing down of flirting in general plays out in DOA as a whole, and even more so in DOAX.

They aren't actually saying no. In the context of the game, they want you to like them. They like you. In some cases, they're being coy, other times, they're being nervous. It is in no way uncommon for women to be uncomfortable in those situations when they first happen with a new person that they like.

If this game promoted that you could grab them, hurt them, do with them what you like without consequence beyond their pleas for you to stop, then you'd maybe have a point, but this is just a simplified version of basic interaction between opposite sexes who are attracted to one another.

If anything, the game could just be said to not be very diverse in it's actually implementation of natural human behavior....but saying it's sexual assult, or promoting rape culture is a real stretch.

First, it assumes that they don't want you to actually touch them. Secondly, it ignores the fact that these characters are not the kind of characters who can't take care of themselves, and won't beat the crap out of you should you do something they don't actually like....which is what they do in the game itself if you do something they don't want.

So, the article is out of context, and extrapolates things that aren't true based on false premises, or misunderstood reactions.

Maybe if you have some real relationships one day, and have enough to have a nice diverse selection of female personalities to spend your time with(preferably from different women...although not always a bad thing if it's not), you'll find that this sort of "protest" really isn't that uncommon and is a very common form of foreplay. This game just exaggerates it like it does everything else involving the big tease.

DarXyde2821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )


Assuming you're replying to me...did I not just say that even this sort of thing is somewhat niche in Japan? Certainly, it exists within the culture but, having spent time there, it is actually pretty uncommon for people to find interest in it. Did you know they also have a firm belief that Americans are Aryan and/or all own guns? Far from the truth, especially with the liberal tone and highly-diverse population.

What I'm trying to say is, in both circumstances, the frequency of behaviors or appearances are grossly over-exaggerated.

dj3boud2821d ago (Edited 2821d ago )

This is called fiction, art, fantasy, whatever it is. Similar situations has been depicted in books and movies. Why not ban them then? oh wait, there is something has been going on for decades called artistic freedom and freedom of speech in the entertainment world.

Trash_Report2821d ago

Japan is one of the countries with the lowest Rape Rate in the world. Have it ever occur to you maybe they are doing something right by let men get some steam of off of something harmless and completely fictional?
All this oppressed and double standard moral ideas of the West might be the true reason why countries like America is so messed up.

mkis0072821d ago

Forum pirate

Spot on! Fantasy not equal to reality

2821d ago
2820d ago
Allsystemgamer2820d ago

Then don't ever buy a violent game again because murder is 10000000x worse than rape.

DarXyde2820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )

Forum Pirate,

You may have missed a point I was making. You're right that such a person would be mentally ill, however consider my wording. Notice, I mention that the offenders could have "genuinely thought" it was appropriated. Particularly, it's easier to blame literally anything rather than take responsibility, especially if there's a chance you can get away with it. What'll happen is either they'll blame the game OR their homes could be searched and, bam, a copy of the game. I'm not exactly saying *the game* is to blame. I did say TN is rolling the dice with this one. That applies to the idea that things will get messy because of the interpretation. It aligns with the notion that no bad technology exists, but there are bad uses. I don't think, in the US particularly, that cases of sexual assault have been handled well. In reality, I'm asking everyone planning to play it to game responsibly, not boycott it.

As far as the lawyers are concerned, I'd say we got lucky. Find a more competent lawyer who resides in a more liberal state and you might be surprised. Thompson resides in Florida. Don't forget, Zimmerman and Anthony were acquitted there. As for the science on it, I recall reading empirical studies and finding flaws with the methodology. I'm not saying there's a correlation between aggression and gaming because I have no personal evidence. I will say it needs to be better researched than it is now.

I don't believe there's much incentive for them to commit crimes now. There's not much for them to portray themselves as the victims. A game could make a case: "I was just playing this game where I was allowed to do this to the in game characters. The game rewarded me for it and I guess the line got blurry...", or whatever ridiculous excuse. I wouldn't know the nature of a genuine excuse on this matter though. I'm told that's a good thing.

I think you're trivializing the issue a bit. Would an average person understand the difference? Well, of course, if we use the standard of morality. But you can't really treat those people as the standard when, in reality, mental health isn't exactly taken as seriously as it should be. We don't really have a concrete idea of how common certain behaviors are. But I encourage you to take a look at a Bobo Doll study and a boxing study. They're famous social experiments worth looking at. I think you'll understand my perspective better if you do. And also, remember: the risk of being jailed for that long is only if the justice system does its job. It doesn't exactly have a promising track record, given recent occurrences on the issue.

Lastly, because you mentioned the Somalia bit, I'd like to reiterate that the game is not exactly the problem. I'm fat more concerned about the interpretation. DOAX has always appealed to...a different group of people. The game itself probably won't cause any serious problems, but I stand by what I said in that TN is playing a dangerous game. But to say that games have no bearing on the human psyche is a considerable stretch. It's the reason we like a good story with likable pure interesting characters. It's the reason we often shoot for stunning visuals and now have VR: immersion. We may be able to tell the differences now, but there's always the uncanny valley. Once we cross that point, your guess is as good as mine. I personally believe it could have effects, but in what way, who knows? Perhaps choices of morality will remain ingrained in the real world?

DarXyde2820d ago (Edited 2820d ago )


I'll have to disagree with you on the idea that murder is worse than rape. Whether you're male or female, you're basically forced to endure shame and suffering. You may even blame yourself for what happened.

Murder on the other hand brings an end to any emotion on the matter. Sure, your social circle will be grieving, but they're also not watching you suffering. I believe the common means of reframing matters of death is, "they're in a better place now"?

jambola2820d ago

What about games that let you kill someone who doesn't want to die?

Princess_Pilfer2819d ago


***k the "interpretation." We've already had that fight. It didn't work when people tried to blame GTA for murders, it didn't work when people tried to blame Dark Souls for murders, and numerous studies prove those points handily. It will be no different with anything else people try to blame on videogames.

If you stop it because you're afraid they'll stop it, you've already lost. There is nothing to lose, at *worst* the type of game you're already implying shouldn't be made for fear of a response gets responded too and banned so we're no worse off than we were, at best nobody cares, or (and this is most likely) it takes the exact same course as violent games did and we win that fight. (And lets be honest, banning games doesn't really stop anyone who actually wants it.)

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 2819d ago
camel_toad2821d ago

This guy is just hoping his article will get him some SJW femenazi tail. He probably doesn't believe a word of the ridiculous article he's written.

_-EDMIX-_2821d ago

After reading some comments it's clear that the person writing the articles of fabricating this by huge degree.

this seriously needs to be taken down.

jambola2820d ago

not only that, it will most likely be a huge pat of it,

NBT912819d ago

I was reading a couple of months ago about how porn is expected to be the third biggest industry for VR alongside gaming and sports.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2819d ago
Heyxyz2821d ago

Uhhmm, I don't like to point out the mistakes of others, but... you forgot the "sarcasm" label.

Activemessiah2821d ago

I think they're new to the internet.

FullmetalRoyale2821d ago (Edited 2820d ago )



Frankly, I think it is arrogant to judge an entire culture, simply because I am not into the same things. That being said, there is a clear line as far as human rights goes, but this doesn't cross it, and it's fiction, which makes the whole thing moot.

spicelicka2820d ago

Lol I'm sure all creeps use that as a fallback.

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10 Classic Hot Weather Levels to Warm Your Icy Heart This Winter

A look back at some of gaming's iconic hot weather levels from throughout the years, as well as a couple that you may have forgotten about.

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“Dead or Alive Xtreme 3” just got even sexier thanks to these fanmade nude mods

""Dead or Alive Xtreme 3" is still very much alive even though the game has been out on the market since 2016, and it's mainly thanks to mods. Well, I just found out about some really impressive DOAX3 nude mods that have made the game even sexier." - Robin Ek, TGG.

Simon_the_sorcerer1794d ago

I guess that DOAX3 just got even better then? :P

TGG_overlord1794d ago

Yes, and especially so since the mods work for all formats pretty much (PS4, PSV, PC and Nintendo Switch,

Asuka1794d ago

Wait... This works on other platforms besides PC?! Welp I guess I need to pick it up again for Switch... For research of course.

RedDevils1793d ago (Edited 1793d ago )

So we can research on the go too? I be damn

TGG_overlord1794d ago

I forgot to mention that you can also use the PSVR headset with the mods :3

FunAndGun1793d ago

You really need to get laid...and not digitally.

sushimama1793d ago (Edited 1793d ago )

@ FunAndGun, we know you're a self-loathing member of the LGBTQ community. You of all people should not pass judgement on others, especially with your chosen lifestyle.

TGG_overlord1794d ago

@Asuka "Wait... This works on other platforms besides PC?! Welp I guess I need to pick it up again for Switch... For research of course."

- Yes, that is correct. You could get the mods to work for PS4, PSVITA and Nintendo Switch as well. Hehe, go for it ;)

BadElf1793d ago

Where are you going to buy the Switch copy from? Can I play the game in USA?

Majin-vegeta1793d ago

Doesnt Play asia carry it?

1794d ago Replies(1)
Duke191794d ago

Totally unbiased, butather than digital tits I think it would be even better if they modded it to have Duke Nukem's face over them like in the picture

TGG_overlord1794d ago

lol xD I bet that one could do that if you really wanted too, because someone even managed to mod in a banana :P (nsfw stuff)

Show all comments (41)

Sony's Censorship is Neither Rational Nor Legitimate

VGChartz's Thomas Froehlicher: "When I heard that Sony had banned PQube from publishing Omega Labyrinth Z in the West, I sincerely hoped that it would be an isolated case. However, that hope quickly faded. My alert levels rose further when Marvelous announced that it had to delay Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal to comply with Sony's new censorship policies. Senran Kagura being much bigger than Omega Labyrinth saleswise, it quickly became clear that the issue was of significant importance."

Read Full Story >>
Felix_Argyle_Catbro1822d ago

Of course it isn't. Are you an adult or a child who still doesn't know why censorship is bad?

1822d ago
gangsta_red1822d ago

Lol, I find it strange that you're asking me if I'm an adult because I don't care if Sony censors loli , weeb, cartoon little girls with over sized anatomies getting their towels ripped off by tentacle monsters.

frostypants1821d ago (Edited 1821d ago )

Government censorship is bad. Business censorship is the choice of a private entity. This is so not a big deal. Speak with your wallet if not seeing cartoon boobs bothers you this much. What's the problem? "Childish" is the sense of entitlement (and outrage over not getting your cartoon boobs).

jeki1821d ago (Edited 1821d ago )

It isn't really censorship though. It's a private company making a decision that they feel best serves them. It's freedom.

rainslacker1821d ago


Technically, I guess if we want to look at it on that level, it's not that Sony is doing the censoring. They're just not allowing the game to release on the system in the form the devs make it, and if the devs want to release it on the system, they are the one's that have to censor it. The dev has the choice to not release it on the system if they so choose, or censor it so they can.

But, since it's Sony's policy making that the case, it is like Sony is virtually censoring these products.

Such an explanation is a bit wordy to have to explain every time, and I think the context of "Sony is censoring these games" is suitable given the situation. Pretty much the same as how some movies get changed to be able to release on various levels of broadcast or cable TV....except in this case, the decision is made by the company, and not general FTC mandates on what's acceptable, although some networks do apply their own rules

jeki1819d ago (Edited 1819d ago )


"Such an explanation is a bit wordy to have to explain every time."

There is no need to explain it every time, at least not to me.

It's at the point where people are arguing over word usage. When I think of censorship I think of government prohibition, something terribe. Others think disallowing the n-word on game servers is censorship. One is awful, the other is perfectly fine. One is censorship, the other is not.

I limit the term censorship to situations where someone's right are being trampled. For example, when those guys were banned from Facebook recently their supporters screamed censorship. They don't have a right to, or are even entitled to, a Facebook page, so it was not censorship.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1819d ago
HisokaTheMagician1822d ago

Sony removed part of a game's logo because the W letter looked like boobs. You are actually insane if you defend something like this.

gamer78041822d ago

its switch/nintendo for me next generation for third party games, sony has lost its marbles and gone full sjw, when i saw they even changed the logo and had to change the name of the game because it was so censored and different...

gangsta_red1822d ago

Oh no! A logo!?! Well I'm definitely canceling my Sony subscription now.

gidocem1821d ago

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krauley1821d ago

maybe sony is not as tacky as you are....

jeki1821d ago

No one has to defend it. It's a choice they made and that's that.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1821d ago
Maybay1822d ago

I agree with gangster red. Underage exploitation is inappropriate.

Rachel_Alucard1822d ago

Point me where the censorship was to target underage exploitation.

Chexs19901822d ago

They censored Devil May Cry 5. Please do enlighten me, as to where the underage exploitation is found in that game?

TheGamez1001822d ago (Edited 1822d ago )

Even in games where the women are clearly over 18 are getting censored, its not just these supposed "underage exploitation" you think exists. Censorship removes content which enrages us and affects us, the consumers, and developers to create what they intended. The fanservice games have never crossed the line such as actually showing full nudity. It was completely fine even in games that have shown full nudity and even sex like witcher 3, heavy rain, and gta. The fanservice games are really only bought by such a niche audience and has been like that til now and has been completely fine. Then of course some a**hole brings it up as a policy and ruins it for us then ppl like you agree that its wrong when really it doesn't affect anyone in a bad way at all...
Its crazy ppl think murdering, guns, guts, gore, and torture with REAL-LIKE GRAPHICS are completely "appropriate/fine" but cartoony anime titties are not lol.

dparente741821d ago

wow 39 dislikes... so many in favor pedophilia. sick ....

CrimsonWing691821d ago (Edited 1821d ago )

What the hell are you talking about!? What pedophile game is out on any console or do you usually talk out your ass?

rainslacker1821d ago (Edited 1821d ago )

I think most would agree with that as well.

Now that we established that, perhaps you could talk about the actual topic at hand?

I mean, I've asked the mods if this kind of discussion about underage porn or whatever is even on topic to this subject, since you can count on one hand, maybe one and a half, out of the 50 or so games that have currently been changed or not coming to the system, the number of games which include the "underage porn" that people say is the sole victim of Sony's policy.

I guess the underage porn argument works when you can't think of a better argument though, or you just want to try and shame others because you have nothing better to do. Enjoy that ego boost I guess.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1821d ago
Varodor1822d ago

are you pedo?

gangsta_red1822d ago

I'm a pedo for disagreeing with this article and saying Sony's censorship is legitimate and rational?

Or are you asking me because you're looking for like minded friends with the same interests and hobbies as you?

1821d ago
Varodor1821d ago

@ gangsta_red
No need to go so defensive.
l just ask "are you are pedo?"
How can you blame this on Sony when five COUNTRIES actually didn't even want the game imported?

gangsta_red1821d ago

Maybe your issue is your inability to actually read that's causing the confusion here. I am not blaming Sony at all. This would be the second time I've told you this.

rainslacker1821d ago (Edited 1821d ago )

For the record, even though you aren't asking me, I am against this policy in it's current form.
For the record, no, I'm not a pedo.

That out of the way, I have to ask,

How can you ask if he's a pedo, when what is being censored isn't defined as pedophilia, or even illegal? This same content is releasing on Steam or Switch(of all places), and yet, you don't see law enforcement arresting retailers for selling, placing injunctions of Nintendo for allowing it, game developers and publishers being put in jail for creating it, or the person buying the games being arrested and put on the sex offenders registry for possessing it.

Seriously, the people saying this is about child porn, or some level of child exploitation/porn, are seriously some of the most misinformed, misguided, and ultimately come across as some of the most idiotic on this site....and that's saying a lot.

I actually think Sony's reasoning on this is rational. It's logical in the sense that they don't want to promote this kind of stuff. I don't feel the reasoning to get to that rationale is really substantiated in the grand scheme of things because their rationale, and logic to get to that rationale, is based on a small subset of the larger market, and that subset hasn't had any real negative effect on game sales, nor has having this content been a burden to Sony, or any other console maker/store front who decides it's acceptable on their platform.

I think the policy is legitimate, because Sony can do pretty much whatever they want. It sucks, but it's the way it is, and it's the right of any platform or store front to decide what can be on said hardware/service. Whether we like it or not doesn't change that, and all we can do is express our support or disdain for those decisions, vote with our wallet if we feel it necessary, or leave it be. There may be other courses of action one can take, but outside monetary impact to the platforms in question, they aren't likely to do much in response.

Varodor1821d ago

@ rainslacker
For the record, I did not ask you. Thank

Varodor1821d ago

l know you are sad green troll.
Why pretending you not anti-sony. Your comment history is giving you away.

CrimsonWing691821d ago (Edited 1821d ago )

No, actually it isn’t, especially in M rated games. You’re going to tell me when your competition doesn’t censor games that you do, that it’s rational? Let’s just lens flair butt cracks because god forbid there be any nudity in an R rated game but let’s rip peoples’ heads off and disembowel them because that’s better.

Get out of here if you think that way!

gangsta_red1821d ago (Edited 1821d ago )

You have to look at the actual games that Sony is censoring themselves.

Look at the pic in this article, does that look like it's from a M rated game?

These games that Sony are censoring all seem to be from a very niche genre that portrays it's anime women ambiguous in the age department. Not to mention in stressful situations where you the user sometimes interacts with that stress. Plus an art style that looks like a lot of children cartoons out now.

This is very different from their western game counterparts where the characters are more realistic and no question about their age, so yes, that level of violence and sexualization is 'acceptable' for Sony.

Good for the competition if they don't do it. But Sony does, get the same game on that competing system if you want.


gam3r_4_lif31820d ago

@gangsta its past your bed time let the adults talk

gangsta_red1819d ago

About cartoon bewbs and polygon panty hose in 900p? Yeah, I'll let you *adults* discuss that.

MegaKooter1819d ago

damn, that downvote ratio tho.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1819d ago
HisokaTheMagician1822d ago

I can't wait until Mortal Kombat 12 comes out and it's leaked that Sony asked the game's violence to be toned down, and the people who are sucking Sony's cock finally wake up.

It's only a matter of time. First it's sexual content, then it's violence. What next? Maybe Sony will not allow skeletons in their games like China.

LOGICWINS1822d ago

I'd like this comment 10x if I could. I hope Microsoft takes a jab at Sony with regards to censorship during their E3 conference.

chadwarden1822d ago (Edited 1822d ago )

MS doesn't even have most of these weeb games. The fact MS has been silent about this the whole time(when they are always quick to talk smack on twitter with everything else) shows they don't want any of that smoke either. MS would basically be saying to the world media come play your high school anime tiddies on our platform....yeah not happening

Fonso1281822d ago

MS won’t because they’re a bunch of politically correct pieces of shit just like Sony. Well at least Nintendo isn’t PC like Soynie and Microshaft. Nintendo focuses on making better AAA games than their idiot competitors ever will.

outsider16241822d ago

Didn't Ms refuse Heavy Rain because it had kidnapping or something like that.
They're probably gonna avoid this whole fiasco too.

rainslacker1822d ago

MS will ignore the issue because they know those that complain about it are a small vocal minority. They know that it will have no effect on them in the bigger picture, so they don't highlight their own place in the debate to bring them unwanted attention. You notice how no one is going around being all pissy and offended towards Nintendo about this, because Nintendo isn't taking a stance, they just don't have a censorship policy, and since no one really cares about "anime tiddies", or "underage porn" or whatever else people use to shame people about this, they get no criticism at all for still allowing it.

If either Nintendo or MS made a public statement saying they were OK with these games, the opinion pieces would be on them, and how they are evil, and despite it being a vocal minority with no real influence, they'd have to deal with the social media fallout, which ultimately, is pretty pointless and wouldn't have any great affect on them.

Something Sony should have already known, and the fallout they're getting now is likely to have more affect than the results brought on by those who were offended by these apparent unsuitable things they think need to be censored now because of some random, unspecified reason that kind of came out of nowhere, from people who don't seem to play the kinds of games in question to begin with, or games at all.

1821d ago
1821d ago
1821d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1821d ago
CobraKai1822d ago

Imagine. FINISH HIM. Background darkens. Blinding light. FATALITY.

Seraphim1822d ago

well, Mortal Kombat is why we have the ESRB.

SegaGamer1822d ago

It's a shame Sony ignores the ESRB when it comes to few jiggly boobies.

rainslacker1821d ago

ESRB was an acceptable, and reasonable solution to the issue of violence in games. It also served to be a acceptable and reasonable solution to the issue of more provocative content in games.

Fonso1281822d ago

Sony has the worst fanboys in gaming. Sony pours gasoline on the fire and their dumbass fanboys keep defending it. Soon games like GTA 6 will have its missions and extra content taken out because of these Sony fags.

DarkKaine1822d ago

Remember how we used to have green blood to tone down violence on Nintendo consoles?
It seems the tables have turned! :p
Why is it that the most successful player in a console generation always has to be the biggest killjoy.

gamer78041822d ago

MK already self censored with their character designs, I don't see why we should stop there, tone down the violence altogether.

jeki1821d ago

Who do you want to make those decisions, Sony or some other entity?

JonTheGod1820d ago

The devs and ESRB/PEGI. No-one else should have a say.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1820d ago
GreenFrogWarriorPepe1822d ago

People, let me explain why Sony's censorship is bad, in my opinion.

If they can censor something as harmless as girls' visible legs or game logos that look like boobs, it's obvious that they would not be beyond doing something like going to a horror game studio and saying "your game is too scary, tone it down".

I'm just worried that this will spread from boobs to other things. How could you possibly say that it won't? If I could get a 100% certain answer that no, it never will, then I wouldn't care about this as much.

Teflon021822d ago

Please tell the the "girls visible leg's" isn't the Lulua crap because that one specifically is reaching so damn hard it's actually so annoying because it literally shows how ridiculous ppl can be about censorship and blaming sjw agenda's for every single decision. That one was simply Case Size, in both cases they were clearly trying to get the horse out the picture and PS4's more square case had to cut a bit more of Lulua's Legs unlike the Switches long skinny case.

The other stuff is a bit of a reach too. Look where we are right now. Nintendo cut back on censoring after years upon years doing so. Sony will just give up after a bit. I'm not for or against censoring. I look at the subject at hand. I think some cases were censors that made sense. Some were dumb. Alot of it seems like they're against ridiculousness, which is understandable. I don't think a game like say Senran needs censoring because of it or anything. But I've definitely ran into my fair share of smh moments I wished were non existent in some games. I just think they need to actually have a base for what they deem a problem which is the main issue I have. Then I'd judge if they're doing evil or good. As of now, it doesn't seem to be Sony directly, but more so specific individuals as it's not consistent at all. Nep RPG is a prime example. Vert while being underage as a Highschool senior by the time she became a CPU, her of all ppl getting a censor but not Neps underwear shot while she's been a CPU at like age 13-14 and such. It's just... dumb at this point. It's like no ones actually doing anything specifically and someone plays 5 mins and just says they don't wanna see vert and such lol. I've always thought Neps one downfall is the underage suggestive and fanservice.I think it definitely needed to tone it down from the moment they actually released Neptunia U and had close break on Rom and Ram. While it wasn't extreme for them. It was really bothersome and I immediately went and got everyone unbreakable clothes in the game so I'd never see it again lol. Blanc fixed that thankfully though

rainslacker1822d ago

I think because of the policy, every case of change is attributed to Sony's censorship policy. This is wrong in my opinion, because for most of these games, there has been some level of censorship through the localization process from NISA, Marvelous, and Atlus for well on 10 years now. It even happened before that, but wasn't due as much to vocal outcry, just general beliefs about what was acceptable. These kinds of changes still happen for these games in the Switch ports, or even the PC ones.

I do believe Sony should be called out for things that they are responsible for, but the publishers of the game shouldn't get a free pass on this issue. While it's rare they were ever censored to the extent Sony did, they aren't blameless.

Fonso1281822d ago

For gamers concerned about Sony’s fraudulent hypothetical disingenuous censoring. I got a solution. It’s time to ditch woke Sony and join the PC MASTER RACE!

otakuapologist1822d ago (Edited 1822d ago )

Of course this censorship will spread, it's been spreading for years to the point we can't even engage in normal conversations anymore without triggering a dozen hate speech laws. The billionaire human traffickers who control our politics are using every avenue to spread their grid of control, so they can keep safely raking in more billions from selling humans, harvested organs, and drugs.

The world is burning and will continue to burn, because real investigative journalism has been systematically and discreetly eliminated. Julian Assange is going in jail, newspapers are being shut down, independent news are banned everywhere, search algorithms are manipulated to snuff out dissenting websites, governments decide what social medias can post (Germany and Facebook good example), Youtube, Twitter, Google, Tumblr ban every opinion they don't like, Paypal, Mastercard, and banks deny service based on political opinions.

The only politics that are allowed anymore are the ones that incur massive generations-spanning national debt, because that's how the global central banking cartel makes its profits. And the more our governments are in debt, the less they can resist the bankers' demands. The entire western world is set to collapse.

You may think what I say is unrelated, but it's not. Everything connects to the globalist agenda.

Realms1821d ago

Nah violence isn't a concern but nudity and sexual themes are more likely to get censored in the West just based solely on the culture and what said culture will tolerate, the mainstream media won't tolerate overtly sexual themes in games because many people still believe video games are for children in the West despite this not being the case. Things get censored in different regions of the world for various reasons be it cultural, religious, etc.

jeki1821d ago

I'm far more concerned about The Protecting Children from Abusive Games Act.

Who would you rather have making decisions, Sony or the federal government?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1821d ago
PhoenixUp1822d ago

Why is Sony trying to act like they’re everyone’s parents now?

Blank1822d ago

Oh? They are not? Why do they have an actual committee like staff? https://www.oneangrygamer.n... the ESRB exist for a reason we don't need two separate filters.

ginganinja1821d ago

Every publisher out there has staff that 'censor' what is allowed to be published. Every single game would have been edited to ensure it fits the criteria for the ESRB rating the publisher wants. Devs don't just make whatever game they feel like and just accept the rating the ESRB gives them.

PhoenixUp1822d ago

Cuz they’re not censoring content because they think they know better like a parent

1822d ago
ziggurcat1822d ago


"repeating the same incorrect comment doesn't make it any less incorrect."

it's not an incorrect comment. they aren't doing any of that.

"When you censor something, you're denying someone's right to CHOOSE whether they want to be exposed to that thing or not."


"If the developer made a violent or sexual game, it's MY choice to decide if I want to play such a game or say no."

uh huh... except they're not censoring games that contain sexual content or violence, they're making the dissemination of child pornography, and rape simulators more difficult. the only ones crying about this are those who seem to think those two things are okay. name one main stream game that has been censored by Sony because of its violent and sexual content (devil may cry 5 is invalid as it had nothing to do with Sony unless you want to make the argument that Sony also censored the Xbox One and PC versions as well).

Rachel_Alucard1822d ago


Do your research before you comment. I guarantee the only exposure you've gotten to any of these titles is headlines saying they were censored. You also have no idea what classifies as CP, because fictional video game girls are not CP regardless of their imposed age. Point me where any of the censored games had Rape or CP in them. You won't find either in any of these games. But you'll find underage sex in Life is Strange season 2 without so much as a mention by anyone. It's pure hypocrisy targeting Japanese titles.

ziggurcat1822d ago


One of the images in the article is three underage females with their breasts covered by some mist/cloud. So... whatever game that that image is from.

“fictional video game girls are not CP regardless of their imposed age”

Yes it is.

Rachel_Alucard1822d ago (Edited 1822d ago )


Look up the actual law please instead of relying on some emotional ground. https://puu.sh/DxnTX/cd7c47...

And that pic you pointed out was not even censored by Sony, that's actually how it looked even before the censorship started taking place in fall last year. No nudity was present even in the original design. That game (Mary Skelter 2) has now skipped the PS4 and went to switch in the west to avoid dealing with Sony's dice roll of a policy. Defending this while having no clue about what you're talking about makes you look foolish.

yomfweeee1821d ago


Stop talking about rights. This is a private business. You have no rights other than whether you buy the game or not.

rainslacker1821d ago (Edited 1821d ago )

For the children is just their go-to PR nonsense when they don't want to tell you the real reason. in the case of cross play, assuming you don't read between the lines, it's because they couldn't/wouldn't work with MS to make it happen. With this, it's to avoid saying how they don't like the negative social media attention it brings them when one of these games happens to flare up in the media for a week or so....which is weird, because the last major one I can think of was Criminal Girls, and that was more just some reviewers downrating the game, and the fan boys coming in saying how the Vita was just a kiddie porn simulator, and that was the extent of the games it got.

Sony doesn't need to think of the children. The average age of a console gamer is well over 25 years old. The number of 18 and younger players on consoles across the board doesn't even top the 15% mark as of 2 years ago. While that is a significant number of people under 18, that number drops to less than 6% for players 13 and under. At age 14-18, anything that was already allowed on the system is probably something that most people will be exposed to through typical social interaction on facebook or school. Hell, in many cases they may be already actively searching out that kind of content, or worse.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1821d ago
hellztourguide4201822d ago

Right?! It's like we are asking Sony "make me a burger" and they say "poof! You're a burger!" Sorry, I couldn't help myself. In all seriousness, Fuck censorship.

Realms1821d ago

What? Japanese games have always been censored or changed for the Western audiences this isn't new. Odd that so many people have an issue with this considering the topic but it's not like games are the only ones that suffer from sexual themes getting hit hard and having to alter or change something in order to make them acceptable to widest demographic in the West. Import the games if it matters that much I know it isn't ideal or cost effective but if you want that type of unfiltered entertainment it's going to cost you a premium.

rainslacker1821d ago

The policy is worldwide for Sony, and worse, SIE-America, is the one that gets to decide for the entire world. So, a game in Japan, only ever meant to release in Japan has to abide by the rules of the US Sony.

While you are right that it's far from uncommon that many of these games do get censored in the west, in particular the anime-centric type titles with rather copious fan service, this policy is affecting things that wouldn't have gotten censored, as evidenced by the fact that they're releasing without these changes, or fewer changes on other platforms.

I don't like this policy, because I've been against these changes from publishers in localizations for decades now. All the way back to Working Designs 20-30 years ago, where it wasn't even about this kind of sexual content. I've spoken out against the localization changes for Marvelous, NISA, Atlus, etc. This censorship policy from Sony allows those publishers to pass the buck, and puts all the blame on Sony, even though they still release it with censorship on other platforms.

But more so, I don't think Sony should be mandating the policy in the way it's written, because it's way too broad in interpretation, and doesn't give the publisher or developer enough information to work with on what is acceptable. It means more time spent working with compliance, rather than working with the game.

If this were just about some "kiddie porn" titles, then I'd actually understand that, and I'd actually be hard pressed to argue against it, even though I'd still not really agree personally since the content isn't actually illegal. But it's not just about that, and the number of titles which contain that kind of content statistically insignificant to the actual number of games which have been affected by this policy.

Realms1821d ago

So Sony should cater to a subculture demographic that only makes but a fraction of their business? Instead of protecting their interest and image? People have short term memory I recall Nintendo taking pretty hard stance on these same kind of issues in the past. MS doesn't have to deal with this because those games don't sell well enough to even get ported over. I'm not necessarily defending Sony on this but in my opinion this issue is being blown out of proportion like many other gripes people have had with Sony this generation that really only affect a relatively minor group.

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ziggurcat1822d ago

1. this has been largely applied to fan service "games", which often involves the fetishization/sexualization of underage/teenaged characters (which is child pornography), and rape simulation. that's what people keep forgetting, and it's more egregious defending that nonsense than the alleged censorship of those things. arguing that they're "mature games" isn't a justification for any of that.

2. the devil may cry 5 example is no longer valid as that one, singular instance in the PS4 version was patched out. by Capcom. if Sony was involved in the game's "censorship", it would not have been patched - plain and simple. plus, all of the other scenes in all of the other versions have the same amount of "censorship." are you going to sit there, and argue that Sony forced the other versions to be "censored", too?

3. bringing up RDR2 isn't even close to a valid argument.

4. Sony isn't going to start censoring Mortal Kombat, so calm down.

1822d ago
TeamIcoFan1822d ago

All the people actually whining about rape and pedo games getting censored are probably from Alabama.

Fonso1281822d ago

@TeamIcoFan Alabama Men & Women are actual adults that take responsibility for their actions. They actually care for the children. They’re not a bunch of barbaric baby murdering beta cucks like the californians.

TeamIcoFan1822d ago

Yeah yeah yeah, wake me up when Talibama as a whole grows past wanting to bang their sisters or attempt to elect a pedophile judge to the Senate.

Fonso1281822d ago

@TeamIcoFan You can’t tell I’m wrong. Enjoy the high rape count ,all the diseases ,and high baby murder count in California you faggot.

Eonjay1822d ago (Edited 1822d ago )

That child predator Senator attempt failure really stings doesn't it. There is a reason Alamba is the number one federally dependent and ignorant state at the same time. We keep you useless trash alive so show some damn respect

Oh yes and of course Alabam has lower life expectancy and higher STD rates than California.

Fonso1281821d ago

@Eonjay California has the highest debt in America. You dumb sons of bitches have medievil diseases like that plague. San Francisco has syringe is and shit all over the floor. Oakland has high black on black crime. CA has record high poverty rates and homeless people everywhere. Californian has the most sexual predators. The people running California are a bunch of baby murdering commie sodomites. Alabama is a better state.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1821d ago
dj3boud1822d ago

Haven't you heard about "party clause" in game development? it means "you can't make a game different/better on another platform and have more features than my platform (in this case, PS4). Sony can use this clause whenever they please. that's why all versions of DMC5 got the same treatment. so technically, Sony can forc Capcom's hand, to a degree.

ziggurcat1822d ago

That’s not what the parity clause is about.

DaDrunkenJester1822d ago

Why would there be that extra lense flair in that scene if Sonys policies didnt dictate so? I doubt Capcom made the extra effort to add that lense flair on only one platform on accident. Perhaps after further review Sony okayed the removal, but it still happened and I certainly don't blame Capcom for it because there is no way it was just an accident on one platform.

And what if Witcher 3 came out with these new Sony regulations? There was a lot of sex and nudity. Are you so sure that it wouldn't get censored with their new rules?

ziggurcat1822d ago

It was clearly a bug. I used to work in QA, and it happened all the time. It was probably supposed to be in the other versions as well (the other scene with the same lense flare was in all versions), and chances are it was simply easier to remove it from the PS4 version than have to spend more money having two other teams add it to the Xbox/PC versions. It wasn’t Sony censoring the game, that was all Capcom, but everyone simply ignored that all of the other scenes had the same censoring, and focused on the one instance in the PS4 version, and cried foul.

Imalwaysright1822d ago (Edited 1822d ago )

Let's see if Sony has the guts to censor Cyberpunk wich promises to be one of the biggest upcoming games or if they just enforce their policies on niche games.

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