
PS4 Slim price listed by CEX as Sony struggles to contain leaked console

From PlayStation Universe: "Sony’s as-yet unannounced PS4 Slim console has appeared on U.K.-based used goods retailer CEX.

The PS4 Slim price is listed at £380 on the company’s official website, which is how much the retailer will be flogging the system come release day. Right now, it doesn’t have any stock available, obviously."

jonnyvito2849d ago

Can't say I'd pay £380. Will be hanging on to see what the price is for PS4 Neo.

naruga2849d ago (Edited 2849d ago )

offcourse such type of product would have the same price as the original , it a canonical PS4 after all ...og pS4 probably will be replaced by slim and Neo will be there to satisfy the most elitist audience...Slim will retain the 350-400 $/Eu price and Neo will be a tad pricier imo...to be honest never expected price cut on PS4 (in comparison to what it offers-has fair price/value analogy) let alone a Slim version

Aenea2849d ago

But 380 pounds is higher than a PS4 now retails for!

And in Euros a 500GB PS4 without any extras goes for around the €330 mark, not €400 and certainly not €450 what this price translates into.

neutralgamer19922849d ago

Admin note: updated this to rumor since the price could be a placeholder by the retailer and not an official price from Sony.

some of you who comment at top should see your comment after some m,ore clarification

i think sony would be stupid to charge that and they know the value of a lower price. i still say in USA ps4 slim will cost $249

Neo $399

KiwiViper852849d ago

The most "elitist" audience would be playing on PC, but if your meaning Elitist console audience, then ye there's Scorpio, so...

I hope the Neo has better specs that the NX... could you imagine?

starchild2848d ago


I agree. I'd say $249 for the Slim and $399 is about right.

I'm really looking forward to the PS4 Neo. I also am interested in the new Sony handheld rumors, although I'm not getting my hopes up too high.

GameNameFame2848d ago


I think elite gamers will own PC and Console both. With Xbox not having exclusives, beats the point of even owning one.

Xbox not having exclusive basically turn it into Steambox and you know how that turned out.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2848d ago
Aenea2849d ago

This is not the actual retail price of the Slim!

Eonjay2849d ago

Without correct pricing it is always recommended going high because if you go to low and the price is higher... that is a far far worse situation.

2849d ago
rainslacker2849d ago

Happens everytime there is some new thing to release. Price is listed high, then is changed on the sites once an official price is announced. Happens so regularly, I'm still surprised that people act like these will be the actual price points.

If it is the price point, then Sony better have done something pretty impressive to make it a higher price.

starchild2848d ago

I agree. This is just a placeholder price. There's no way the slim will cost this much.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2848d ago
medman2849d ago (Edited 2849d ago )

I agree...the slim, of what little we have seen, appears to be a chopped down, or "budget" version of the launch ps4, and the base unit appears to still have a 500gb capacity. It shouldn't cost anywhere near what these rumors are suggesting it may cost, especially considering there will be an xbox one S with 500 gb available for 299 that has a 4k blu ray player and hdr capability, which, apparently, this slim ps4 does not.

I'm console agnostic...I pretty much buy everything. I didn't buy the Xbox One this gen, but certainly not because I don't like Microsoft or want them to fail, I just didn't much like the console from the beginning and there weren't enough exclusive games for it that made me really want it, while my ps3 had been delivering fantastic exclusive after exclusive late last gen while my 360 sat quietly with no real exclusives of value late last gen....and I knew the ps4 would give me those same quality exclusives I loved for my ps3. I will buy the Scorpio, despite the fact I plan to also buy the Neo, NX, and I also game on pc. So I say this with no bias.....if Sony screws up the pricing for this console and the pricing of the Neo, I would see that as a sign they are starting to slip and make some significant mistakes this gen.

When you also consider Sony is increasing the pricing for psplus across the board, that to me indicates they are starting to go in the wrong direction. If you're going to increase pricing, you should demonstrate how that money will benefit subscribers. Personally I've been finding the psplus monthly games offerings lacking for quite a few months now, but to Sony's credit we haven't seen as much down time for the service as of late. If Microsoft were so inclined, they could announce a decrease in the price of xbox live. Cut it by ten dollars. Cut it by 20 dollars. I doubt they would go that far, but any price cut would be seen in such a positive light, and give them more momentum going into 2017 and what's coming with Scorpio. Little gestures matter. Sometimes I think these companies forget that.

mark_parch2849d ago

this must be bullshit that's £130 more than a xbox one s with 2 games. I was expecting around £150-200

XanderZane2849d ago

How much is that in US $$$$? $350?

Aenea2849d ago

Did you know Google can do exchange rate calculations for you?

Anyhoo, it's about $500

XanderZane2849d ago

Yes, but I didn't feel like checking Google and was about to leave my home at the time. I figured someone would have the answer by the time I got back. I was right. Thx.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2848d ago
SniperControl2849d ago

"The PS4 Slim price is listed at £380 on the company’s official website, which is how much the retailer will be flogging the system come release day. Right now, it doesn’t have any stock available, obviously."

lol, £380!, not even brand new PS4's on Amazon go for that price. the New PS4S will be around £180 - £199 when released.

yomfweeee2849d ago

Then go on their site and "sell" 10 of them. Then buy 10 of them for your £199 price, ship them back to CEX for quite a profit.

Aenea2849d ago

That's the thing, he can't buy 10 of them since you can't buy them so easily, and that right there is the reason a seconds hand shop is willing to pay more for one and sell them for a higher price than the actual future retail price...

yomfweeee2849d ago

You can't buy them right now because no one is selling it and it isn't official. Once it becomes official, he can buy 10 of them. Since he already confirmed his trade-in for £304, he can ship the ones he bought. As long as they give you like 30 days to ship back the console you sold to them... it should work right?

Also, don't take this so seriously... cause I was just busting his balls.

showtimefolks2849d ago


This is a place holder price no way Sony will even try to charge that. But the hate on ps4 is at such an absurd level right now that anything Sony related gets hated on. Neo was leaked and Xbox fanboys said Sony is betraying their loyal fans and the moment Scorpio is announce talk changes to neo isn't as powerful as Scorpio

So let people over react we only have few more days before Sony officially unveils what they plan to do with both ps4 slim and neo

MasterCornholio2849d ago

This is probably just a placeholder. 380£ seems a bit much to me.

Aenea2849d ago

It's a used goods store, not a regular retailer, since this version of the PS4 is scarce at the moment it's natural they are worth more to them and their customers...

IamTylerDurden12849d ago

C'mon, this is a nonsense article, common sense will tell u that. Aenea said it better than i ever could, listen to him.

ziggurcat2849d ago

"Aenea said it better than i ever could, listen to him."

her, actually.

Aenea2849d ago (Edited 2849d ago )

LOL! 380 quid? For the cheap looking PS4 Slim? That can't be right!

Wasn't the PS4 at release £349 or something in the neighbourhood? Then the Slim can never ever be more expensive!

Ahh, now I checked up what CEX is, it's a used goods store, more like a pawn shop. Why is this news? It's not a normal retailer, they probably know that these are out in the wild way before release and therefor pay more for one and sell them more for then they normally would!

I just checked the UK prices they use for a regular boxed PS4, that's around £210, so this is just because right now they are worth more 'cos of scarcity...

Liqu1d2849d ago

Click the little cog and then click info.

psplova2849d ago (Edited 2849d ago )

lol. That's over $500 USD!!! I think not.

2848d ago
IamTylerDurden12849d ago

Pretty scary that stuff like this is thrusted to the top. It's literally tricking ppl into thinking this is what the actual price will be when it officially releases.

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ROCKY2810h ago


MeatyUrologist3h ago

So torn on this. Odyssey and Black Flag were two of my favorite games all time, but each game since ACO has gotten progressively worse. As much as I love the setting here, the combat looks kinda terrible. It's like they tried for an arcade ghost of tsushima style and it just isn't working. The baseball bat combat just looks clunky as hell, and sword combat doesn't look much better.

Having one character incapable of climbing walls so he bull rushes through walls and doors instead? I mean hes still a sumarai in AC not an orc or ogre guys. When I saw that you could cut bamboo with weapons I was like that is a really cool effect! Then I saw a character take out half a forest with one swing only to see all the bamboo instantly disappear before it even hit the ground which looked horrible. Hell even the blood effects look terrible. Bright pink cartoony with no visible damage decals or staining on enemies that has been there since the early games really makes the combat look watered down and the weird black and white screen kill visuals are hideous.

The weird armor falling off mechanic seems out of place as well. I dont know who asked for mech style combat where you try to disassemble your enemies piece by piece with highlighted armor components but that cant be something people wanted.

Don't even get me started on the hip hop music being a series that has always prided itself on respecting the history and culture of the locations. This one is going to take some major convincing to sell me.


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