
Did Early Access Ruin We Happy Few?

Josh Griffiths writes: "There are disadvantages to this model though. The recent early access review of We Happy Few on Steam and the Xbox One demonstrated that. Critics have lambasted Compulsion’s Kickstarted survival game, citing unfair survival elements, missions that are too obtuse, boring gameplay, and the lack of a story mode."

garyanderson2853d ago

Too many cooks may be a funny video, but doesn't make for great game development.


i was a little bit disappointed with it, i'll still get the final product whos to say it wont be better then the early access. i just wont go in to it with the hype i had now though

but also why is the ps4 tagged in this? its not gonna be on ps4 is it?


Here are the new Xbox Game Pass Quests for June 2022

Xbox Game Pass Quests recently reset for the month of June. So if you try to collect as many Microsoft Rewards points as possible, there’s a new set available now.

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Dystopian Games Inspired by Orwell's 1984

BLG writes: "Dystopian games are more relevant than ever in a day and age when the world seems to be getting progressively bleaker with each passing year. But dystopian fiction, in general, isn’t trying to make us depressed by showing us how much worse things could get. Rather, the point is (usually) to serve as a cautionary tale, and there’s perhaps no tale more cautionary than George Orwell’s 1984."

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NecrumOddBoy724d ago

A game that should absolutely be on this list is Disco Elysium. That game is wildly deep in the field of its take on social issues, politics, religion, morality, and the internal struggles of the human psyche.

robtion723d ago

Still haven't finished it but Disco Elysium is really great. I love the dark sense of humour.

robtion723d ago (Edited 723d ago )

I love dystopian settings in general. We happy few is an excellent game. It is basically a mash up of 1984 and the other dystopian classic Brave New World. The drug 'Joy' is essentially 'Soma' from Aldous Huxley's novel.

723d ago
porkChop723d ago

Orwell was surprisingly engrossing. I enjoyed it quite a bit more than I expected. I bought the sequel on Steam but haven't gotten around to playing it yet.

awiseman723d ago (Edited 723d ago )

Don't need a game to experience Orwell. Real life follows it pretty well.


6 Failed Video Games That Wasted Potential

We love good games for many years, and we can ruthlessly criticize the bad ones. But there is more: Failed Video Games That Wasted Potential.

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Orpheo839d ago (Edited 839d ago )

Sad to read that "We Happy Few" is a disappointment. I own it but haven't gotten around to playing it yet. I am a BIG fan of their previous game, "Contrast."

I LOVE "Anthem," but I didn't get into the game until late 2020. I put in over 900 hours into the game. It isn't perfect, but it is a masterpiece. I look forward to the eventual sequel, which I predict 3 / 4 to around the end of the PlayStation 6's lifecycle.