
Cannon Brawl Review | Xbox One UK

Cannon Brawl melds the tactical warfare and destructible terrain of Worms with the twitch reactions required of a Call of Duty style shooter.  There's lots to see and do and Cannon Brawl is certainly a fun action game - especially in multiplayer - but it struggles to deliver on its promise of an engaging battle of wits. Originally a PC title released in 2013, Cannon Brawl is a 2D real-time strategy game that pits players against AI and human opponents, both local and online.  You command your base from a mobile airship that you move around the map, building offensive and defensive units to destroy your opponent's castle while protecting your own. There's a familiar feel - but rather than commanding soldiers, you have direct control over the weapons you deploy Each time you use a weapon or defensive ability, it has a cool down of a couple of seconds.  This forces you to diversify your strategy, deploying a range of attacking and defensive units to ensure success. The more intense the

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Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Details 25th April - 1st May 2017

Neil writes "The month of April is fast ending and May is on the horizon - there's also another Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale to get acquainted with. Want to check out all the deals for Xbox One and Xbox 360 in place between the 25th April and 1st May 2017?"

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2598d ago
2598d ago
2598d ago
2598d ago

Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Details – 8th-14th Nov 2016

Neil writes "Last week's Xbox Live Deals With Gold sale was, quite frankly, a bit rubbish. But we can forget all about that as there's a new sale in town and this one will be running between the 8th-14th November 2016. Surely it's got to bring us a better set of bargains? Well, check out the full listing below."

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DiRtY2766d ago

Devil May Cry Defnitive Edition for 10€ sounds reasonable, doesn't it?
I have never played it.

Can you guys recommend it?

coolbeans2766d ago

I personally haven't gotten very far into it, but I was having a decent time.

-I get a 'They Live' vibe from the whole thing
-Looks smooth at 60 FPS
-Story's kinda weak right now but maybe it picks up later on
-Combat is quite fun

As someone who payed more than 10 euros (equivalent), I'd say it's a fine grab for a weekend or something.

2766d ago Replies(1)

Cannon Brawl Review | TXH

Carlos writes - "Having known nothing of Cannon Brawl before booting up, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Just a few levels in however and that had all changed. I knew what I was facing and it wouldn’t be plain sailing. Cannon Brawl is what I would expect if the classic and wacky Worms games were to be mashed together with the strategy heavy Command & Conquer titles."

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neil3632846d ago

For something that is so similar to Worms, it seems like very strange timing.