
Nearly an Hour of Genkai Tokki: Seven Pirates Japanese Gameplay Released

Dengeki Online has gone live with a lengthy new introduction to the latest Genkai Tokki title, and we've got it for easy viewing right here.

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A Look Back at Felistella's Games for PlayStation Vita

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "There aren't many developers out there that can really say they got their start on PlayStation handhelds, but Felistella is one such example. Formed from the remnants of Flight-Plan (the company responsible for the Summon Night franchise), the team quickly formed a number of strategic partnerships that would benefit them for years to come. The most fruitful of these (with Compile Heart) gave Felistella plenty of opportunity to work on Vita, making it one of the most experienced developers on the handheld – and a perfect candidate for these articles."

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Naughty PS Vita Exclusive JRPG Genkai Tokki Seven Pirates Gets New Gameplay Trailer

Today Compile Heart released a new gameplay trailer of the upcoming JRPG Genkai Tokki Seven Pirates, releasing in Japan for PS Vita on August 4th.

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Ulf2889d ago (Edited 2889d ago )

...and there it is, folks. The #1 reason Vita died: it's main demographic wasn't old enough to purchase games, or alternately, couldn't purchase games from prison.

Chinkyinc182888d ago

Actually, the perverted genre essentially saved the Vita from being Dead On Arrival and is the only reason Vitas are even relevant today.

FullmetalRoyale2888d ago

While I'm not going to argue whether or not "the perverted genre" essentially saved the Vita from being dead on arrival, those definitely aren't the games I play on my Vita, and I play it very frequently.

spicelicka2887d ago

Wtf man these look like 12 year old girls.


PS Vita Exclusive Genkai Tokki Seven Pirates Gets New Trailer, All About… Breast Fondling

If you’re familiar with the upcoming PS Vita exclusive Genkai Tokki Seven Pirates, you won’t be excessively surprised by the new trailer released today.

If you aren’t, maybe you should consider not watching this at work.

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KentBenMei2908d ago

Hopefully this gets an English release somewhere so I can at least import it since I doubt we will get a U.S release.