
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered’s PlayStation 4 Release Postponed

The PlayStation 4 release of Quantic Dream’s Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered has been delayed, the French-based developer announced on Twitter.

Quantic Dream ended its tweet by saying “Stay safe,” presumably referring to the recent terror attacks that have unfolded in Nice, France, claiming the lives of at least 84 people — this could potentially explain the reason for the delay.

JKSimmons2880d ago

Shame. But I can see why with the France attacks happening and all... RIP

Summons752880d ago

I was going to say "NOOOOO" but if it's because of the attacks on France than I can understand that 100%.

Scatpants2880d ago

This is my favorite of the Quantic Dream games. I remember playing through it while I was displaced from Hurricane Katrina.

jb2272879d ago

I didn't even realize this was happening? Is it a full remaster or is it the PS2 on PS4 kinda deal that games like The Warriors recently got?

I've never played the game & since Heavy Rain I've always wanted to, great to hear that it's a good game & it's nice that it was able to bring you a little peace during those tough times....I definitely look forward to trying it out.

Scatpants2879d ago

It was weird, and the end kind of goes crazy, but for some reason I enjoyed the gameplay more than the later games where I feel its almost a like game of simon says, walk here, do that etc etc

2880d ago Replies(2)
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Sharingan_no_Kakashi1535d ago

Wow that's unexpected. Wasn't this a ps2 game by quantic dream?

tarekhaig1535d ago

Yes it is also for pc ! an epic game maybe it is a hint for indigo prophecy 2 !!!