
Rise Of The Tomb Raider For PS4 – Scraps Or Bargain?

After much confusion and doubt, Crystal Dynamics has confirmed that Rise of the Tomb Raider will be released for the PlayStation 4 in the upcoming end of the year holiday seaason,

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Mrveryodd2861d ago

Bargin I think , great game PS4 owners will like it I think

nveenio2861d ago

I would say it's a bargain at $20, but not at $30. $30 is the regular Xbox price on Amazon. Regular prices aren't bargains. Discounts and sales are bargains.

Erik73572861d ago (Edited 2861d ago )

I mean to you, or any ps4 owner, it basically is a new game being sold for $30 dollars compared to 60 dollar games.

May I mind you tomb raider was not only rated as a good game but also has better graphics than most games coming out this year....

If you actually cared so much about sales you would be on steam not psn/xbl

DragonKnight2861d ago

"but also has better graphics than most games coming out this year."


mockzer02861d ago

Also, with Amazon prime's new game discount, it's only $24! 😉

MachuchalBrotha3162860d ago

Dude it doesn't matter. It was worth the $60 the first time. Im sure anything below that would be a bargain.

nX2860d ago

After finishing the game once and never touching it again it wasn't even worth $20 for me. Uncharted 2, 3 and 4 showed that what this genre is capable of, the two new Tomb Raider games pale in comparison.

BattleAxe2860d ago

This is a great deal, and one that no PS4 owner should go without picking up.

2860d ago
2860d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2860d ago
RosweeSon2860d ago

I certainly hope so, hopefully they won't try charge full £40+ I'll just wait another month or 2 if so tho I'm in no major rush. Happy to purchase tho loved the first reboot.

2860d ago
GamingIVfun2860d ago

Basically the game sold for $39.99 within a week of release on Xbox One, so $30.00 for the PS4 version would be fair for a year old game.

Tsar4ever012860d ago (Edited 2860d ago )

The most I could hope for in ROTTR, is that Crystal Dynamics let us ps4 gamers have a Definative version with all the dlc included. My biggest worry is will it be just a lazy, half ass, copy paste port of the Xb1, or will they push the extra power of the ps4 to make it the best it can be. Like higher graphic fidelity & 1080p/60 like the first Tomb Raider definitive edition.

otherZinc2860d ago

The PS4 owners are getting the 360 Port, so, it should be $30.

Mrveryodd2860d ago

why would they do that , Ps4 has more power than the xboxone so there is no need to do that at all.

Tsar4ever012860d ago

Is that really true? Or are you just on TROLL Mode?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2860d ago
-Foxtrot2861d ago (Edited 2861d ago )

After Uncharted 4, a game to compare the most to the Tomb Raider sequel, along with all the other games inbetween......scraps, complete scraps

They need to make the PS4 version special. I don't even think all the DLC would be enough

Maybe...just maybe they could include Tomb Raider 1-3, even if it's just one of them

Just saying

Hold_It2861d ago

ROTR is way better than Uncharted 4. Square Enix doesn't owe you a damn thing, nor does any other publisher or developer that decides to make their game a timed exclusive for one platform over the other.

TwoForce2861d ago (Edited 2860d ago )

"ROTR is better than Uncharted 4" ? That's a big NO.

Edit: @Ratchet8 I agree with you about Lara Croft. Also, Aloy from HZD is going to be my favorite character.

ThePope2861d ago

Good luck, I mean I agree with you man, but good luck. Most of the people that will disagree with you never played Tomb Raider. Lol think about that for a minute. UC4 was very good it's just ROTR was better.

nix2861d ago

This is why CoD still sells. Average experience is all these guys live for.

Dark_Knightmare22861d ago (Edited 2861d ago )

Lol hey man that's your minority opinion so I'll respect it but most gamers and the reviews show that the general consensus is the opposite of what you said .
@thepope hey man I played both so that excuse doesn't fly me. Uc 4 in pretty much every way is better and I'll name them. Better story,better characters, better level design, better character development, better voice acting, better game play because of the verticality, better setpieces and it doesnt really factor but I'll bring it up anyway better graphics. With all that said rotr was amazing in its own right and i cant wait to replay it on my ps4 but crystal dynamics just aren't on ND level and it's unfortunate their compared because it keeps some people from enjoying the games.

bangoskank2861d ago

Uncharted 4 is probably the best looking game I've ever played. That said I think Rise of the Tomb Raider had better gameplay and I actually enjoyed playing it more. To be honest I think I may have actually liked Rise of the Tomb Raider's story better as well. Disagrees are inevitable but people who actually played both games would probably agree.

DragonKnight2861d ago

"Square Enix doesn't owe you a damn thing, nor does any other publisher or developer that decides to make their game a timed exclusive for one platform over the other."

If they want money and success they sure as hell owe me a damned good explanation why I'm supposed to buy their year old game they couldn't be arsed to release to everyone a year ago. And $30 is not a damned good reason.

CaptainObvious8782861d ago


Oh! So you've played U4 have you pope?

Don't make me laugh.

Jayszen2861d ago


If your statement is a personal opinion, well and good - you are entitled to it but most will not agree with you. If you really believe what you are saying you really have no idea what you are talking about.

The Tomb Raider franchise has been supported the most by Playstation and PC gamers for the last 20 years. ROTR being made a timed exclusive was out of greed - that of Square Enix, and an unwillingness to invest in new IPs but to instead try and hijack existing ones - by Microsoft. Neither came out with much to show for their behaviour as the game was not supported much by Xbox One gamers and SE has lost the goodwill of Playstation gamers.

OB1Biker2861d ago

'all the downvote. It's okay to step away from your Sony favoritism for once and be honest. UC4 was okay.'

Sorry but I'm going to be honest there.
Who do you think you are? I didn't even bother reading the rest of that comment when you start with such a biased and narrow minded piece you apparently address to anyone who disagree with you.
You like that game better and it's fine. Most gamers apparently like UC4 better and I found that game fantastic. Get over it.

XanderZane2860d ago

Hhmmm.. neither game was WAY better then the other. Uncharted 4 was a better game, especially in the details. Naughty Dog outdid themselves with that. Both games were great games and worth owning and playing a few times.

Why o why2860d ago

19 people haven't played uncharted 4

Way better. . . .luckily for some. . They get to play both on one machine as it's been for the majority of games. . .

darthv722860d ago

So fox... if you need a reason to buy it other than all the good reviews that it received on xb1 then you have no interest to begin with.

Those who said they would wait seem to be interested (or were at the time). Its a good game and if you cant see it then there is nothing that can change that.

2860d ago
Dirtnapstor2860d ago

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
ROTTR was a fantastic game, but UC4 spanks it hands down.

Dixiedevil2860d ago

Was it a great game? Yes. Aside from MCC, it WAS the best exclusive on Xbox but it sure as hell wasn't better than U4.

neutralgamer19922860d ago


Nah it's not. Uncharted 4 sold more in 3 days than tomb raider did to this point

Stop it

Over uncharted 4 reviewed much better too

TwoForce2860d ago

Wow, you are completely way off.

DafunkyRebel2860d ago

way better my ass, I played it on XO and it was a travesty, there are too many collectibles and crap to deal with and story is way too religious for my taste with Jacob being the prophet all along which is extremely predictable

Kingthrash3602860d ago

I've played both.
And hell no.
Don't get me wrong tomb raider is a great game and one of the best games on xbo.
But no. ND made the best game ever especially when you consider how it looks and at 1080p. Let alone the story and action sequences....on top of all the little details the masterfully made stand out...on top of a stellar MP (which tr doesn't have at all)... no uncharted is THE game.
That said I would still buy this for ps4 day 1, no matter the price...I love tomb raider been a fan since day one so I could care less of the price. I needs them trophies...lol
But OT 40$ + all dlc is fair. You can buy it for 30 without dlc so with it 40 + dlc is fine.

Stogz2860d ago

Lol good joke! @ThePope yeah I'm sure we're getting an unbiased opinion from you...

nirwanda2860d ago

I've owned most consoles since my first console a coloco vision, I could list them all but I won't bore you I also worked in an indie games shop.
Anyway my point is uncharted 4 is the best game I've played since ff7/zelda a link to the past.
So even though I haven't played tomb raider yet I'm pretty confident it won't be' way better' than a game that took 20years to best.

2860d ago
rainslacker2860d ago (Edited 2860d ago )

And we don't owe SE our money.

Who holds more power here? The consumer, with their wallets, or SE releasing a year old game for full price?

Great game or not, it's not expected that a game that's a year old be full price. Nintendo games are the only ones which aren't at least 33% off after a year, and a year after UC4 came out, $30 will probably be the price....so comparatively, SE is not really doing us any favors that we should just be happy to pay for.

Cueil2860d ago

I have not played UC4 yet... making my way through the first three games now... but RoTR is one of the best games of the generation... that you're getting it for 30 bucks probably with the phenomenal DLC likely thrown in is fantastic for PS4 only owners

The_Sage2860d ago

I'm guessing you're a little special. When it's time to eat, only use spoons to reduce your risk of injury.

CaptainObvious8782860d ago (Edited 2860d ago )


You're right that the publisher doesn't owe us anything.

But after taking MS's pay cheque and withholding the game from the PS4 for an entire year, they better dam sure release ALL the dlc as well for a reduced price or they dam sure aren't going to get my money.

Tech52860d ago

one opinion vs another.

Germany72860d ago

LOL, "way better", this Tomb Raider is really overrated with boring characters, specially Lara Croft.
Only feminists like this new Lara Croft.

You never played Uncharted 4.

shmowboyfebop2860d ago

Having not played either game, I am way more interested in tomb raider. I turned off the first uncharted after a few hours. Did the same with the second and gave up from there.

I did however enjoy(not a great game) the last generation reboot of tomb raider, and am curious to see if crystal dynamics has grown.

Jon_Targaryen2860d ago (Edited 2860d ago )

How can most of you dudes diss the game if you havent played it yet? There are lots of things ROTR did better for me when comparing it to UC4. Sure UC4 had its awesome set pieces.. But the pacing for me in ROTR was much better, plus some of the plotholes in UC4 did begin to show after a while when you really sat down to think about it...

DialgaMarine2860d ago

@everyone defending your comment, Hold_It probably didn't play UC4, or even ever laid his hands on a single Uncharted. If RotTR is anything like the last one, then it's average at best. The game had shoddy multiplayer, piss poor graphics, and very stale feeling gameplay. It took me over a year after buying it on PS4 to finally go back and finish it. UC4 wasn't the best Uncharted, but it was still pretty damn good, and the multiplayer is awesome.

+ Show (32) more repliesLast reply 2860d ago
jcnba282861d ago

Uncharted 4 wasn't even that good. The story was lacklustre and some parts were so damn boring especially all the climbing. Felt like a mountain climbing simulator at one point because there was just so much of it. The previous games were much more fun to play.

Tomb Raider reboot was fantastic. Cannot wait to play the sequel.

oof462861d ago

whoo boy...(awaits replies)

Hold_It2861d ago (Edited 2861d ago )

Well said.

@All the downvotes

It's okay to step away from your Sony favoritism for once and be honest. UC4 was okay. It's still really linear, and the gunplay in the game is still stiff. The game to me didn't feel much different than the other games in terms of gameplay, character movement, exploration, etc. A lot of parts in the game were really boring, after the action setpieces died down, and the game isn't good at convincing you that you're stepping into the shoes of Nathan Drake, and feeling the thrills that he feels. I get that with Tomb Raider, but not with Uncharted. It takes me away from the immersion when I play an action adventure game, about a treasure hunter/explorer, and the sense of exploration is almost non existent.

I'm also not a fan of the whole feminist themes that Niel Druckman felt were necessary to chuck into the game to show his love for Anita Sarkeesian (if that's even her real name). The ending was way too safe, and for a game that was hyped up to have major changes to the series, and even potential returning character deaths, it didn't deliver on those at all. I'm also not a fan of the plasticy look that they have on the graphics in the game.

Sure UC4 was better than UC3, but UC1 imo is still king of the series. Uncharted to me feels more like a one and done kind of experience, and Tomb Raider is more about the sense of adventure, thrills, exploration, journey, and the stories you get to tell with your friends on how each of your playthroughs was different instead of being confined to an almost similar playthrough every time due to linear level design, and not much variety in gameplay choices and combat system.

ROTR took everything that made the Reboot great, and made it more refined and polished. The gunplay feels better, the sense of character movement is better, the story is way better, the graphics are better, the action set pieces are better, the length of the story is longer, the amount of tombs is better, the amount of end game content is better and improved. The story is more personal, more mystical, and we see Lara becomes more like her character that she was in TR2, than we have in the Reboot. There are a good amount of side quests in the game as well, and for a game I spent $60 on, it was some of the best $60 I've dropped on a game in awhile.

leoms2861d ago

There was no climbing in ROTR? It seems like all the critics out there do not agree with you. Probably because they're not prone to fanboyism.

objdadon2861d ago

Tomb raider was very average compared to the masterpiece that is uncharted 4.

Dark_Knightmare22861d ago

Hey man cool you felt that way don't ever be nervous to share your minority opinion but I and most people just don't agree

DragonKnight2861d ago

Uncharted 4 was the first and only Uncharted game I ever played. To me it felt like Assassin's Creed 4 without the ships but with worse combat than TLOU and I found half the characters to be annoying as hell. I hated both female characters for different reasons, hated the antagonist, Sam was alright, Sully was pretty cool, and Nate was forgettable.

I think people just want to overhype UC4 because it's a Sony first party exclusive from Naughty Dog and you're not allowed to say anything negative about them.

The game sure is frickin' gorgeous though.

Condemnedman2861d ago

"mountain climbing simulator"
spat my coffee out 😂

-Foxtrot2861d ago (Edited 2861d ago )

I'm not going to get into if Uncharted 4 was good or not.

I liked it but did I think it was amazing? No. I've noted my points on here and been downvoted to hell and called worse then shit. For the last Uncharted game they could have done better, I know people don't want to admit it but they could have. I'll say it again and again Sam being his brother was the worst thing to do for the last game, it created plot holes and didn't make sense with past games.


Out of the both at least Uncharted stuck mostly to its roots unlike Tomb Raider which has strayed so far from them it's basically a brand new game. In the end Uncharted was the better of the two because with it's great gameplay the game knew who it was and didn't change into something else to stay relevant.

MagicBeanz2860d ago

lol, thanks for the laugh it was funny watching you try.

IIFloodyII2860d ago


You said all that and didn't actually say anything critical of Uncharted 4, just a bunch of vague nonsense, objectively wrong things (the gunplay feeling stiff and it not feeling different to past games) or stuff TR does just as much, to the point that I actually doubt you've even played Uncharted 4. I would say what's your PSN to see if you've actually played it, but I'll probably just be wasting my time. (my XBL username is the same as my N4G one, if you doubt I've played RoTTR).

As for your feminist bit, you have actually played the TR reboot right, it's far worse than anything Druckmann (someone who can actually write, unlike the people behind the TR reboot) did with Uncharted 4, though Nadine being an untouchable badass was pretty crap, good character, but trying way too hard to make her strong.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2860d ago
stiggs2861d ago

"they need to make the PS4 version special. I don't even think all the DLC would be enough. Maybe...just maybe they could include Tomb Raider 1-3,"

Your comment makes it appear that you have an undeserved sense of entitlement. Why do you feel as if the publisher of ROTR is obligated to compensate PS4 owners? Is your assessment based solely on the fact that the game was initially released on another platform?

Uncharted 4 and Rise of the Tomb raider are BOTH fantastic games. The timing of their release on PS4 should have nothing to do with your estimation of their value in the marketplace.

DragonKnight2861d ago (Edited 2860d ago )

"Why do you feel as if the publisher of ROTR is obligated to compensate PS4 owners? Is your assessment based solely on the fact that the game was initially released on another platform?"

They want PS4 gamers to buy a year old game. They have to give PS4 users a damned good reasons to forget that they weren't good enough to get the game a year ago and $30 is not a damned good reason.

@AndrewLB: The game is a year old period. Doesn't matter if it hasn't been on the PS4 yet, PS4 gamers have known about it for a year, have consumed media about it, and have no reason to support a full priced release for a year old game.

@stiggs: "I'm sorry but it's difficult to believe that statements like these are based on a consumer rights perspective when it is clear that they are based on an emotional reaction to the "competition".

No emotional reaction here. I couldn't care less about Tomb Raider. It is a fact that the PS4 userbase has the right to feel slighted by Square Enix's decision regarding ROTTR. It is also a fact that if SE wishes for the game to do well, they'll have to convince PS4 owners that being forced to wait for a year is going to be worth picking up their game during a packed holiday season.

And even if it was an "emotional reaction to competition" guess what, when it comes to my money it's also my right to have that kind of reaction. Square Enix decided that Microsoft could provide them with more money than 40+ million potential buyers of ROTTR. Square Enix decided that the PS4 fans were not deserving of the game at the same time as the Xbox One fans. So Square Enix now have to prove that they didn't make a mistake and they have to incentivize the purchase of ROTTR to 40+ million potential buyers who had to wait a year. This game is not worth it.

-Foxtrot2861d ago

Lol. How in gods name is that entitlement

They want us to buy a year old game in the Holidays where a shit load of other BRAND NEW games are coming out at the same time....they NEED to give people a reason to get this. It's not being entitled, it's a bloody business point.

I am ready to give them my money but they need to give me a reason to do it. The game and the DLC for me just isn't enough with what I've experienced in the past year and what I will/could experience when the PS4 version could come out.

AndrewLB2860d ago


The game is NOT a year old for PS4 owners. Its a brand new game for them and their platform. And the price will likely be what you'd expect for a new game.

stiggs2860d ago (Edited 2860d ago )


I simply don't understand your perspective. ROTR was released on the XBOX One for $60. If the game is released on the PS4 at the current rate ($30.00 or less) then isn't a 50% price reduction enough of an incentive to purchase it?

Why do you feel that they owe you extra features such as "all of the DLC" and "Tomb Raider 1-3". PS4 owners will be getting a great game that will likely have a higher resolution and better frame rate than the prior incarnation at half of the original price. You can't really expect them to add more than that to the package.

"it's a bloody business point. "

Your reaction, as well as others, has nothing to do with business decisions. It's solely based on your position in regard to the timed-exclusivity of ROTR on XBOX One. If you were forming your opinion from a marketing standpoint then you would take into consideration that the publisher would never release the game with all of the features you suggested on the PS4. A move like that would kill the current market for DLC on other platforms as well as any plans for a future Game-of-the-Year/full featured edition.

You feel that the publishers owe you something for making PS4 players wait a year for the game's release. They don't...and frankly your unrealistic demands and authoritarian attitude are defining traits of entitlement.

jb2272860d ago

I'm not sure that the "entitlement" spiel should even be valid from a consumer perspective. Every single potential consumer on the planet is absolutely entitled to their needs & desires from a product. The entire point of the medium is to sell us on their games, it's not about us feeling lucky enough to roll w/ whatever punches they throw. They need us to be satisfied w/ our purchases & their decisions. When millions of fans who've supported a franchise for 2 decades get left in the cold & locked out of it, Square can either work to make it right and keep that fanbase moving forward or ignore their fans completely and risk losing a large chunk of it. The decision is on them, consumers aren't the bad guy here for feeling slighted w/ the timed exclusivity garbage. It is easily one of the worst practices in the industry. MS' head honcho himself even said as much when Spencer said he "didn't like timed exclusives" & that he "wanted to own games moving forward, no more timed exclusives" (yet we see DR4 this year...that's an entirely different hypocritical story though)

That said, the publisher isn't "obligated" to do anything, but in a free market, if Square wants PS4 owners to pay attention & pick up a game that has been out for a year & can be bought for a tenner on some platforms, they will need to find a suitable method.

I've always been a huge fan of TR, it is easily one of my all time favorite franchises. To me, Uncharted came along & perfected the genre though. The issue is, like it or not Square & MS turned a friendly rivalry into a competition. MS decided that instead of creating their own UC competitor, they'd rather steal one from Sony's platform...Square decided that instead of trusting in their fan base to support their franchise, they'd rather brush them aside & take a quick pay day. No side actually won in this though...fairly obvious that while RotTR did well & some gamers may prefer it, it lost the war to Uncharted in both sales & critical reception, so MS didn't really get their "UC competitor", Square didn't get decent sales, MS fans lost funds that could've been funneled to creating a true exclusive for their platform that they wouldn't have had access to otherwise, and Sony fans of the franchise missed out on the game for an entire year.

Bottom line is, whether or not you see it as "entitlement", we are in a free market & the onus is solely on Square & CD to make the PS4 release desirable, it's not on consumers to suck it up & pay full price for a game that has already been around for a year & most likely spoiled quite a bit for anyone who was interested in it. The vast majority of TR fans on PS4 feel like second class citizens, and understandably so when we've spent our hard earned dollars supporting this franchise for 20 years, helping to make it what it is, only to be locked out of continuing in the story solely because we bought a box that has a long history of always having access to these games anyway.

neutralgamer19922860d ago


Lol so they want us to support them now that Xbox fans didn't?

They want millions of us to pay 60 when last year not that many did?

They want us to pass on brand spanking new games to buy a year old port?

Seriously dude it's called providing extra incentives to customers

Square Enix only got paid 10 million for one year of exclusive time. They even fired the head over at crystal dynamic because of his stupid decision to by pass over 30 million gamers in favor of making it exclusive

I am not buying it even if it's 30. I will happily buy used under 20

GameStop or someone on eBay deserves my money more than square Enix

I hate 3rd party exclusives no matter which console

stiggs2860d ago (Edited 2860d ago )


"Every single potential consumer on the planet is absolutely entitled to their needs & desires from a product."

I agree to an extent but what if those "needs and desires" are unrealistic? I would like to purchase a luxury automobile that has all of the applicable amenities, cutting edge tech and gets 100 MPG...and I want only want to pay $10,000. Am I within my rights as a consumer to make such demands from car makers? Of course I am. But are these demands rational? No, they are not.

Foxtrot's insistence that the publisher include all of the DLC and the three previous Tomb Raider games for $30 is tantamount to my car request. It's unrealistic and rapacious.

Look, I'm certainly in the corner of the consumer. I don't think that anyone should pay more for a service/product than they deem worthy. But I'm also pragmatic. I don't think that they publisher owes PS4 owners anything more than was offered to the Xbox fanbase.

"MS decided that instead of creating their own UC competitor, they'd rather steal one from Sony's platform"

"GameStop or someone on eBay deserves my money more than square Enix " -Neutralgamer1992

"They have to give PS4 users a damned good reasons to forget that they weren't good enough to get the game a year ago" - DragonKnight

I'm sorry but it's difficult to believe that statements like these are based on a consumer rights perspective when it is clear that they are based on an emotional reaction to the "competition".

Bytor2860d ago

They aren't obligated they can sell it for 200 dollars see what that gets them and I bet 60 dollars won't fair much better.

freshslicepizza2860d ago (Edited 2860d ago )

"Bottom line is, whether or not you see it as "entitlement", we are in a free market & the onus is solely on Square & CD to make the PS4 release desirable, it's not on consumers to suck it up & pay full price for a game that has already been around for a year & most likely spoiled quite a bit for anyone who was interested in it. The vast majority of TR fans on PS4 feel like second class citizens, and understandably so when we've spent our hard earned dollars supporting this franchise for 20 years, helping to make it what it is, only to be locked out of continuing in the story solely because we bought a box that has a long history of always having access to these games anyway."

i don't get it, you have been advocating time after time there is no need for an xbox now that microsoft is also releasing their titles on the pc yet you think you are being treated as a second class citizen because it never came out on the ps4 at the same time as the xbox? make up your mind, you either support the pc or you don't.

this is why i will continue to make the argument that the ps4 will keep getting most of its software sales from third party games that are available on the pc. and we all know tomb raider will not be $30 when it comes out on the ps4. mass effect 2 wasn't priced in half when it too came out a year later on the ps3.

rainslacker2860d ago (Edited 2860d ago )

I feel that if the game is priced equitably to how much it is everywhere else, that is fair enough. I'm not asking for anything extra, although it'd be appreciated, just that SE doesn't fleece the customer trying to capitalize on their mistakes by forcing the PS4 players hand to pay full price on launch if they've been waiting this long to play it on their system of choice.

While I understand that money had to go into the port, that same money would have had to go into it if they released at the same time, so it's not fair to pass that onto the consumer, and instead, SE should do the right thing and just price the game fairly. In any case, SE was already compensated for that cost by the check that got written to them by MS, so it's unfair to double dip profits on the consumer. This was SE choice, and it should be on them to live with that choice.

I feel this way, because I think that the vast majority of console gamers only play on one console, and do not play on PC, so it's unfair to those that waited to have to pay full price for a game that is no longer considered to be worth that price anywhere else it was released. Those that want to make it into a "SE betrayed us, they should pay" are a minority in the grand scheme of things, but as a consumer, I do feel it's unfair to the consumer to charge full price due to money hatting. Some will want or expect more to give their support, and that's fine, but I'm more about equal content for equal price being the best one should ask for, otherwise it tends to cascade into this expectation that certain segments are special, and deserve to be compensated for things which they don't actually have a right to demand.

Sadly, given the less than stellar sales of the game, I have a strong feeling that SE will try to make that up by releasing it full price for those who are eager to play it on PS4....which I'd imagine there are quite a few. personally, I'll wait until the inevitable price drop 2-4 weeks after release when it doesn't sell well, as the full price of the game is likely to get it plenty of negative attention for a good number of potential buyers.

From my point of view, the PS4 player picking it up on release for their console, is no different than the X1/PC player picking it up for the first time on theirs. As such, the prices should be the same, because they are the same players that waited a year to play the game....and for the PS4's players part, they didn't have much choice in the matter, which means charging them more is actually just insulting. Adding in DLC won't make it worth the full price...even if the market price is that on other consoles, because to many, much of the DLC isn't worth it to those players, and they may never have picked it up anyways. To me, it'd be better to just release the base game, then offer the DLC season pass at regular price,and let the consumer decide....but that's not really how publishers think.

Just because it's now available on a new platform doesn't mean that it's a new game. Otherwise, we could extend this whole argument that GOTY or Best seller editions of games should also be full price on release.

Aloren2860d ago


"They want PS4 gamers to buy a year old game. They have to give PS4 users a damned good reasons to forget that they weren't good enough to get the game a year ago and $30 is not a damned good reason."

And what "damned good reasons" did Sony give to PS4 users to sell a 5yo God of war 3 remaster for 40 bucks ?

DragonKnight2860d ago

@Aloren: You're kidding right? Another person who seems to think that this is the same thing as a remaster that has actually had work done to improve it. What has improved with ROTTR for the PS4?

Aloren2859d ago

The reason why it was not really improved is precisely because it's a 1yo old game from the current gen, there was not much to improve. No matter how you look at it , GOW3 is still a remaster of a 5 years old game that was 40 bucks and was just an upscale of the original game, don't make it sound like it was an incredible improvement that required an insane amount of work. Same goes with the last of us that came out a year after the original PS3 release, that was just an upscale, and that was 50 bucks. I see no reason why ROTTR, which is an actual game from this gen shouldn't also be 50 on PS4.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2859d ago
ThePope2861d ago

I agree with Hold it. ROTR was better than UC4. Now that doesn't take anything away from UC as it was a great game. But ROTR is better. If you've not played it on X1 or PC you ps4 only guys should get it. Don't let fanboyism stop,you from being a gamer first and playing one of the best games of 2015. It's so good.

To me the biggest difference is you get much deeper into the character of Laura Croft because of the RPG elements and weapon customization. Oh and there's a bow.

Also the story is more Indiana Jone than UC4 which to me is more like National Treasure than IJ. I like IJ better. So,e may not like IJ. That's cool but ROTR is much more IJ.

Dark_Knightmare22861d ago (Edited 2861d ago )

Lol you can't be serious if any game is the national treasure it's tomb raider. Fun entertainment that won't be remembered years and years from now like the Indiana Jones of gaming uc.

Imalwaysright2860d ago


TR1 was released 20 years ago and it still is remembered today. I have no idea of what you're talking about.

rainslacker2860d ago (Edited 2860d ago )

None of those RPG elements or weapon customizations, or even the bow, really have anything to do with the character of Lara, so I don't see how it helps one get much deeper into the character.

The RPG elements made the game play better...not the character. Her character was the same regardless of how you customized the avatar.

The story in both was pretty good, but I personally felt UC4 had more of an impact, and had much better character growth for the principals throughout the game...whereas Lara stayed almost the same from start to finish with the typical dramatic changes due to extreme situations trope that made up the character development in the last game as well. UC4's character development was much more natural, and the character's motivations made a lot more sense.

PistolsAtDawn2861d ago (Edited 2861d ago )

Sorry RotTR was better than UC4...esp in terms of gameplay. UC4 had fantastic storytelling and voice acting, but RotTR KILLED it in Gameplay from every aspect. Not only that, while I enjoyed UC4 overall...the last 25% or so I just wanted it to be over...it seemed like they ran out of ways to make the game fun so they just threw waves enemies at you (which sucks if the combat system and AI aren't very good). RotTR I enjoyed the whole way through.

RotTR is more open world with more exploration, sidequests, skill upgrades, weapon upgrades, and just a flat out better combat system/AI. Don't miss it if you can help it.

It's a damn beautiful game too, I had a screenshot of Lara in front of the pirate ship in the ice cavern as my background until Inside came out.

Dark_Knightmare22861d ago (Edited 2861d ago )

The combat system was better in uc because of the responsive shooting and the verticality of it. I also don't know what difficulty setting you played on but on hard and crushing the a.i. was nowhere near brain dead they did an excellent job of flushing you out with grenades and flanking you so you were constantly on the move. Also your comment about tomb raider having better a.i. is kind of laughable considering it's the only game i know that two people can be standing next to each other and lara shoots one in the head with the bow and the other just stands there twiddling his thumbs like the guy he was just talking to didn't get shot in the head.

2861d ago
Silly gameAr2861d ago (Edited 2861d ago )

What I'm seeing here is Xbox fans saying TR is better,and PS fans are saying that Uncharted is better.

IIFloodyII2860d ago (Edited 2860d ago )

@Silly gameAr

The best (or worst) part is both of them are very different outside of the main characters being treasure hunters and both games being 3rd person. Sure there's clearly some inspiration between them, but they have about as much in common with each other as CoD and Battlefield do.

I like Uncharted 4 more than RoTTR, but that more because Uncharted 4 is more to my taste, and RoTTR had awful writing, which just annoyed me over time. Both play and look great though and I would recommend both.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2860d ago
Captain_Mushroom2861d ago

Suuure... how about all the Uncharted games, if we're talking? Stop being so entitled and frustrated because of the deal. What's done is done. Sony would have done the same, if possible.

Wingsfan242861d ago

Why does ROTR have to be "better" than Uncharted 4? ROTR is a fantastic game in its own right and certainly not a bargain bin game.

-Foxtrot2861d ago

Because they are similar, if you've played a better game, a one RoTR is TRYING to be since the first game in the reboot then why would people be as arsed about Tomb Raider on the PS4, a full year later when they've already played and experienced the thing Tomb Raider is trying to be. Obviously they aren't exactly the same but the action, adventure third person shooter game has already been experienced. If it was like an appetizer BEFORE Uncharted 4 then more people would have gotten it

I want the new game, I'm just not prepared to pay that much for it a year later and when other games are coming out.

XanderZane2860d ago

Wake up, you're dreaming. This is SquareEnix we're talking about. lol!! A lower price should be a given. All the extra DLC would be the icing.

2860d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2859d ago
Herbalistic2861d ago

I'll buy it once its cheap down the road

StifflerK2861d ago

It's a great game, I'd highly recommend it.

Utalkin2me2861d ago

Game is ok, i couldn't even finish it. I would by far suggest everyone just to rent it.

rainslacker2860d ago

While I won't dismiss your personal feelings on it, I feel if someone enjoyed UC4, they will probably enjoy ROTTR. Won't compare the quality of the two(I do that elsewhere), but they share enough similarities that should one take ROTTR as it's own thing, they probably will find it to be a good enough game.

Personally though, I don't feel it will be worth any more at retail than it is on any other system....particularly since SE got compensated extra on the front end before the games release to withhold the game on the PS4, thus should take that paycheck of theirs and release a product at it's appropriate market price.

PhantomTommy2861d ago

Played the 360 version and really enjoyed it despite the poor image quality and frame dips. If the PS4 version can throw in a few nice bonuses, I'll probably pick it up again.

iagainsti1202860d ago

I agree, I really liked the 1st reboot and this one adds a lot of features to the gameplay like crafting and gathering. The 1st has some of this but it has been broadened a lot. I picked it up on PC because i don't have an Xbox one just a PS4. It preforms really well on my laptop (Alienware 17 r3) so i can expect this to get 1080p 60 on PS4 and it would be like playing on a mix of medium and high settings.

Hardiman2861d ago

I will pay half price for the game and all dlc but if it's released at full price I'll pass. I mean by the time it releases it will have been a year so I'll just wait until it's half price. So either way it'll work out.

itsmebryan2861d ago

I will be a year old But, it's new to PS4 owners. It's like saying I won't watch a show I never saw before because it came out a year ago in another country first. It's still new to you. I buy a lot of games late anyway because I have consoles and PC and have a lot of games in backlog. Don't miss out on something you may really like because some else got to play it first.

Speak_da_Truth2861d ago

Your show analogy is very stupid. You release part 1 of a game to everyone and it sell way better on a platform than any other then you hold the sequel from that platform which has your biggest fanbase and release it a year later and hope they'll just accept it at full price?

DragonKnight2861d ago

"But, it's new to PS4 owners."

But it's not a new game. In gaming, a year is an eternity. By that time people could have played the game via friends who own it, or they could have just watched an entire playthrough on youtube, etc... What incentive do PS4 users have to buy an old game they weren't good enough to receive a year ago? And no, the fact that it is new on PS4 is not an incentive if its overall age is a comparative eternity in the industry.

AndrewLB2860d ago Show
Bytor2860d ago

No it's a different story they took money from somebody who wanted to take some joy away from you around Christmas I don't know why but that story sounds so familiar.

rainslacker2860d ago (Edited 2860d ago )

So, the X1 gamer who hasn't played the game should also pay full price too right?

I mean, to that particular X1 gamer, it's new to them, and thus, worth $60......right?

GOTY editions should also be full price, because it's a new game with new content that people haven't played yet.....right?

It's not a matter if it's "new to us". It's a matter of what the fair market value of the game is, and based on the X1 retail pricing, it would appear to be about half the price of it's launch day release.

In any case, who's missing out by waiting for a price drop? We waited this long, what's a few more weeks....which is how long it will take for the game to drop to $40 if it doesn't sell(See X1 pricing).

SE isn't missing out. They got that paycheck from MS long ago. They waited a year to get our money, they can wait another month or two to get half what they want from us since are giving us a game they consider worth half as much everywhere else.

SE is the one who determined the MSRP to be half of the launch day price on other platforms. What makes the PS4 release so special that it's worth full retail price just because it's "new to us"? We're expected to pay full retail price because we were given the honor of waiting a year to play the game? What kind of twisted consumer logic is that?

Funny how consumerism works. What's not funny is how fanboyism allows people to state that policies which are not beneficial to the consumer are perfectly acceptable. This isn't even a fan boy topic IMO, because this isn't a practice which is exclusive to one system, and it will affect the users of other systems. It has in the past. It is now. It will again in the future, and I doubt you'd have a much different view of what you should pay than the people saying it's not worth full price anymore.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2860d ago
milohighclub2861d ago

@hardiman I completely agree, for me it's more of the fact that they took a massive amount of money of Microsoft for the year exclusive to cover losses, if they then think they can then release full price then they can shove it,i'll buy preowned. however if they release at £25/£30 with dlc then I will buy new.

DragonKnight2860d ago

@AndrewLB: Lol at you trying to compare a remaster, something with actual work done to it to improve it, to a timed exclusive. Dat logic tho.

Jon_Targaryen2860d ago

I'll just trade in my Xbox One version for the PS4 version... Problem solved!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2860d ago
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It’ll Be Fine, Right? Five Games With Unfortunate Release Strategies

Mark from WellPlayed writes about five game launches that were impacted by unfortunate scheduling.

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jznrpg369d ago (Edited 369d ago )

Zero Dawn sold really well so I’m not sure this belongs. The second game released next to a big game again and it hurt it some I forget what it was though, oh yeah Elden Ring .
But a good game is a good game to me I don’t care when they release personally but they do have to think about it when you want to get more people to buy it.


The Tomb Raider Survivor Trilogy's Take on Lara Croft Deserved More Recognition

The Survivor Trilogy was a drastic reimagining of Lara Croft and Tomb Raider, and it provokes changes for the character that are truly fantastic.

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isarai482d ago (Edited 482d ago )

Deserves less IMO, i think the 1st in the new trilogy was a perfect 1st step for the new direction. The next 2 games were half steps at best. Not only that, every character in the series including Lara is just annoying and doesn't make sense in terms of motive, like yes they have a motive, but none of it seems proportional to the lengths they are willing to go through for it. The most annoying thing is every one of the games say "become the Tomb Raider" yet 3 games later and we're still not there? No thanks. Then there's the mess of the 3rd game, massive skill tree that serves almost no purpose as there's literally only like 3-4 short encounters in the whole game, and they took till the 3rd game to finally manage some decent puzzles even remotely close to previous games in the series. Nah, the trilogy infuriated me to no end as a long time fan of the series, i hope we get better going forward cause that crap sucked.

Army_of_Darkness481d ago

The first in the trilogy was my favorite. I thought they were going into the right direction with that one until the second one came out and seemed like a graphical downgrade but the gameplay was okay. As for the Third, Graphics were really nice but it was kinda boring me to death with its non-stop platforming and exploring with not enough action! Well, for me anyway...

DeathTouch481d ago

Graphics on the 3rd one were abysmal. It’s more colorful and has more variety, but everything else was a noticeable downgrade.

The more open world with NPC quests was also handled very poorly, to the point I missed Angel of Darkness.

thesoftware730481d ago

I know it is your opinion, but she did progress as a character in each game, she even got more muscular and seasoned.

That is the thing, people first complained that there was not enough platforming and actual tomb raiding in the first and second games. Shadow remedied that and kept the combat elements.

3-4 encounters? huh? did we play the same game? there was plenty of combat and, the skill tree did matter, like being able to hang enemies from trees, set explosives traps on bodies, being able to counter, and that are just a few of the combat skills. The skill tree also had things like being able to hold your breath underwater longer, crafting upgrades, zipline upgrade, and climbing upgrades that all changed how you can approach situations.

Not knocking your opinion, but we definitely had different experiences. I had 98% completion on the shadow.

SoulWarrior481d ago (Edited 481d ago )

Sorry but i'm with him about the low number of encounters, the game throws loads of weapons and skills you're way with a comparatively low amount of places to actually use them, so they felt under utilised.

-Foxtrot482d ago


It was awful, for THREE GAMES it was "become the Tomb Raider" where she went back to square one after each game. Not to mention after a huge reaction of killing someone for the first time she then becomes Rambo straight after and goes on a slaughter spree without a single other reaction. Her development was all over the place.

She was whiney, weak and in later game a little arrogant and selfish

Oh and the voice actress compared to the previous ones was not as good

Lara Croft deserved better and while they are decent games as they are, we deserved actual Tomb Raider games, we could have had better survival games if they just stuck with the original Lara Crofts origin about her plane going down. Surviving 2 weeks in the Himalayas...I'd have liked to seen that, who knows what mystical threat she could have faced in the mountains or underground some secret concealed cave.

Tacoboto481d ago

I thought Shadow of the Tomb Raider had better gameplay than Rise, but it annoyed me the most of the trilogy when I stopped to think about the story.

It's like they deliberately decided to make her unlikeable and did nothing to make the character you're playing as likeable or have even one sign of humility.

SoulWarrior482d ago

2013 I thought was a fine entry, but Rise and especially Shadow were painfully mediocre follow ups imo, I really didn't like how selfish and angry her character was in those two.

Terry_B481d ago

No. Please forget the crap completely.

northpaws481d ago

First one was decent, played through it twice.
Second one was okay, played through it once.
Third one was really bad, tried twice a year apart, still can't get through the first two hours, it is just really bad.

thesoftware730481d ago

Honest question, what did you find bad about it? the opening 2 hrs of Shadow were fantastic imo.

The opening was very similar to the first 2, what did you find really bad?

Not looking for an argument, just an honest question.

Starman69481d ago

3rd one just didn't feel like a tomb raider game. Possibly because the development was passed to another development team. Big mistake! Microsoft killed tomb raider making the first game a timed exclusive. Never recovered after that.

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Get three Tomb Raider games free at Epic Games Store

Starting today, Tomb Raider, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and Rise of the Tomb Raider are free at Epic Games Store. The free game offers run until January 6 at 11 AM Eastern. Once you claim them, they’re yours to keep.

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CrimsonWing69861d ago (Edited 861d ago )

They're all solid games, but nothing quite matched the epicness of the first one for me. I think the 3rd one started off strong but once you got to that Peruvian area it took a massive nose dive for me.

lelo2play861d ago (Edited 861d ago )

You got to be kidding!
The first one was great at the time... but this latest trilogy of Tomb Raider games are also great.

LiViNgLeGaCY861d ago

I think he means the first one in the new trilogy.

CrimsonWing69861d ago

I meant the first of the new trilogy.

Furesis861d ago

yeah i remember liking the first one when it came out, so i tried the second one sometime after release and i just could not get into it, i couldn't finish it. So i might try the 3rd now that i got it for free but ehh. But i do remember enjoying the first one, i wonder if i'd feel the same way if i played it today? Better not taint those memories lol

ANIALATOR136861d ago

I was the same for some reason. Never finished the second one. I got like half way through maybe.

ActualWhiteMan860d ago (Edited 860d ago )

The first one of the latest trilogy is a masterpiece

Fishy Fingers861d ago

I'll take a copy of Shadow... Cheers.

Profchaos861d ago

Great games I've played them all on ps4 but it'll be good to finally try shadow on my rtx card.

Double_O_Revan861d ago

Trying to claim them and the store keeps crashing. lol.

gamefreaks365861d ago

EGS has been having issues all day.

RedDevils861d ago

Weird I don't has that issue.

Double_O_Revan861d ago

I finally got it after a while. But it was real bad for a while.

PeeShuter861d ago (Edited 861d ago )

Claim games by going to the website and login using ur credentials. I did the same as i couldnt use epic launcher. Also try reinstalling Epic Launcher I did it and it worked.

Double_O_Revan861d ago

I always go through the website. It was all just down for a while yesterday it seems.

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