
Adventures of Mana Review | Reviews 2 Go

Reviews 2 Go has just posted their review of the PS Vita's newest Square Enix game. Here are their final thoughts:

"Adventures of Mana is on the PS Vita and is a shining example of 1:1 remakes that Square fans always demand but don’t realize they don't really want. The game looks beautiful and plays great, but translation, confusion, and game-trapping issues that plagued the original game are here and almost require you to prepare yourself to play the game instead of just enjoying it on your own. "

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Elronza2884d ago

I love this game on my Jxd Singularity S192!


Visions of the Mana Series: A Retrospective

Are you excited for the forthcoming Visions of Mana? This retrospective of the Mana series will tell you all about the franchise thus far.


All The Mana Games Ranked

The Mana series has been around for decades and spawned multiple titles in that time. Here's how each title ranks up.

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1743d ago

Cruel Fate Makes for Good Gaming in Final Fantasy Adventure

Final Fantasy Adventure will always be remembered as the game that started the Mana series, a blend of traditional RPG elements and real-time action, with towns to explore, dungeons to conquer, and a variety of useful weapons, but its overriding sense of the melancholy and tragic aspects of honor will always strike a harsh chord with those who enjoy picking up a sword to save a world that they themselves will never be allowed to enjoy.

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Snookies121799d ago (Edited 1799d ago )

"its overriding sense of the melancholy and tragic aspects of honor will always strike a harsh chord with those who enjoy picking up a sword to save a world that they themselves will never be allowed to enjoy."

I really don't understand this line... How do these even correlate at all? It's not like these two aspects contradict one another.

Godmars2901798d ago

PR groups assigned to selling a title often have no idea what the game they're selling is about. Hence the vomited nonsense.