
Soul Blade

This is a tale of souls and swords, eternally retold.

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AnubisG2892d ago

I loved Soul Blade on PS1. Not many people know that this is the first game in the Soul Calibour series.

wheresmymonkey2892d ago

Not many or everyone over the age of 10?

AnubisG2892d ago

I think what you wanted to say is everyone under the age of 10 don't know this. But I wager that 99% under age of 20 don't know this game.

NotoriousWhiz2892d ago

I've never heard of this game and I'm almost 30.

KentBenMei2891d ago

Not everyone played every game for every system ever made, pal. I am 29 and didn't know about it until Soulcalibur 3 came out and read something about it.

I_am_Batman2892d ago (Edited 2892d ago )

Yeah it was pretty cool. I got chills watching that opening cinematic again. The good old days.

andrewsquall2892d ago

The best Soul game easily. In fact

1. Soul Blade (great arcade mode with 2 possible endings for most characters, in Edge Master Mode you got to play out the character's story better and experience the interactions with main rivals in the story and collect all their different weapons).
2. Soul Calibur III (SO many features, characters and modes including a strategy game that blended the one on one fighting for encounters perfectly).
3. Soul Calibur II
4. Soul Calibur V
5. Soul Calibur (easily the most overated game of the series, there wasn't even multiple weapons to collect for characters and it started the more mundane version of "Edge Master Mode" from Soul Blade where you just picked any random character from the roster and didn't actually get to play out their story)
6. Soul Calibur IV (the only reason Soul Calibur isn't here is because of the existence of this pile of crap).

liamlangan2891d ago

I'll be going through the whole series by release on the site, but I do agree on your thoughts here, I'd swap SCV and SC around, but that's just my two cents :)

blackblades2891d ago

Soul calibur 2 was my first and it was awesome. Soul calibur 3 was awesome to with great modes to. It went down hill after three. Soul calibur v which should of been soul edge 2 it wasn't that bad but its really lacked because of the modes. I would love a remaster of soul calibur 3 amd right now I'm hungry for a soul calibur game hell I'll take the f2p game on ps4.

KentBenMei2891d ago

SC3 stomps the rest as far as feeling good, mechanically speaking. 4 comes up next in that respect and the rest are sort of clunky. 5 is pure trash.

Orionsangel2892d ago

One of the best gaming soundtracks of the 90's if not all time. This is when developers did things like add three different versions of the soundtrack. It's almost like they were trying to makeup for the limitations of the graphics. Back then they seemed to care more about the soundtrack.

SaiyanFury2891d ago

Agreed 100%. I remember doing high school homework and listening to this game's soundtrack in the background. Whilst a lot of guys were listening to dance music and the like, I was listening to this. Capital flashback, haha.

Perjoss2892d ago

That announcer tho, I loved the way he barely made sense but at the same time some of the coolest dialog. Not strictly speaking about the first game but the series in general.

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These Game Intros will make you miss the 90's

Lets go back in time, when games did not include achievements/trophies and online play. Graphics were so good that gamers couldn't comprehend anything better.
Enjoy the top 5 most iconic Intros from the 90's.

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Scattered Showers: Awesome Video Game Intros

Oprainfall writes: “You’ll have to forgive me for this short introduction of today’s Scattered Showers, I’ve done myself a mischief by fracturing my wrist whilst snowboarding. Far from wanting this to turn into a Cammie Dunaway E3 presentation, I’ll just cut to the chase.

“Some video games have intros, some of those intros are awesome, here are some of those awesome intros (my wrist really hurts).”

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Root4127d ago

You can not beat FF8s intro, it amazed me when I first bought it...and still does today.

I think we've got to give credit to the great soundtrack aswell though

Pozzle4126d ago (Edited 4126d ago )

Seeing the intro being played on a tv in EB Games is the whole reason I bought FFVIII. I had no idea what the game was about, but it looked gorgeous and I knew I wanted it. :D

Root4126d ago (Edited 4126d ago )

The best part about it is that there's no dialogue, it's the music and actions on screen which draw you into it.

and this was a PS1 game

thirtyandnerdy4126d ago

Agreed, FF8's opening is still probably my favorite of all time. Metal Gear Solid 2 has a fantastic opening as well. Also, I randomly listened to the "DK Rap" at work yesterday. It's still bad in the best possible way. Also also-- great list. =)


10 PSOne classics we want remade for PS3: 10-6

PSU - Okay folks, don’t deny it. You’ve been sitting there playing one of your favourite PSOne Classics that you’ve just downloaded from the PlayStation Store, and you’re basking in nostalgia. Those pixelated pleasures are bringing back found memories of the ‘90s, back when Live & Kicking was still the best thing on a Saturday morning and Lara Croft was decorating the bedroom wall of lusty teenagers everywhere. Yet, concurrently, you can’t help but think, “Wouldn’t this game be bloody fantastic if it got a full blown PS3 makeover?” If so, then you’re not alone.

Relientk774566d ago (Edited 4566d ago )

I love Medal of Honor, Legend of Dragoon, and Crash Team Racing.

I put so many hours into CTR its ridiculous. Medal of Honor was basically like the first shooter game I really played it was great. Legend of Dragoon is a fantastic RPG

PCRockStar4566d ago

I rather have the remakes for the PS4. Time to move on from the PS3 in my opinion.

NukaCola4565d ago (Edited 4565d ago )

In case anyone didn't know.

Oddworld Abe's Oddysee is coming to PSN next year in HD! 2.5D keeping the same artstyle but really enhancing the visuals and fluidity. I am more than excited. I hope for Exoddus too as these two games are my personal favorite games ever.

DarkBlood4566d ago

i make it a point to play legend of dragoon and beat it once every year

RedDead4566d ago (Edited 4566d ago )

I can't believe I haven't played this yet actually. Every year I beat either one or two of FF's, chrono trigger, and recently played Xenogears and Suikoden 2 which will add to the list. FF7 was the most recent replay. Back in march or something

laaakokaracha4566d ago

nice choice for thumbnail pic :D

DarkBlood4566d ago

i believe meru being a dragoon that early in the game is a save glitch that you can do

ForROME4566d ago

PARAPPA THE RAPPA? annnnnnnnnnd, NO

fluffydelusions4566d ago (Edited 4566d ago )

Game was great fun back in PS1 days though don't know how it would it translate over to current gen of FPS lovers TBH. Seriously, there was so much more variety back when PS1 was around. Also had a lot of fun with the jet moto series back then as well.

Acquiescence4566d ago

Personally, I'd go with...

Final Fantasy VII - but only if I knew Square could pull it off for certain, which is doubtful, regrettably.
Fear Effect
Rival Schools
The Legend Of Dragoon
The Adventures Of Alundra
Vagrant Story
Ape Escape

Soul Blade, as much as I love it, doesn't really need remaking as we've got Soulcalibur V on the way. I mean, to this day the Soulcalibur series doesn't really do anything that different from what was established at the very beginning.

Parappa The Rapper is perfect; it doesn't need remaking. Just give us Parappa The Rapper 3 instead.

fluffydelusions4566d ago

Resident evil series was also tops back in this era.

Relientk774566d ago

The PlayStation, and PlayStation 2 are my favorite consoles of all time, and I doubt that will ever change

PhantomTommy4565d ago

Rollcage! man that was awsome, a Fear Effect remake would be great too.

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