
No NX: Why Nintendo's Approach To E3 Was All Wrong

Alex Gibson from WGTC writes "Nintendo have once again, rather bewilderingly, decided that they’re not interested in playing by the rules of the industry with their approach to major gaming events such as E3. Indeed, their remote approach this year was lacklustre and borderline amateur."

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basilboxer2894d ago

Yep, I thought Zelda looked good but Nintendo's overall showing wasnt up to scratch. Showcasing two games was laughable. The NX should be an E3 event... Maybe didnt have to be this year but they should just hold off for next instead of running their own event.

naruga2894d ago (Edited 2894d ago )

still after Zelda, NX is the only console i m thinking to buy .....NO pS4neo ,NO Xone-Scorpio

Erik73572894d ago (Edited 2894d ago )

Yea the wii u is dead....even its crazy exclusive zelda game is being developed and ported for NX as we speak which will be better in someway I assure you. It probably explains the delay for zelda to, to have it ready for NX. It's not just a coincidence that zelda and NX are coming out near the same time frame.

UltimateMaster2893d ago

If Nintendo's "idea" can be so easily copied. What makes them think their competitors won't copy it after it's launch?

indysurfn2893d ago

@PCZ Zelda's demo graphics are not women. And you knwo it will be hard for five year olds. And women are insulted by this.

I know one thing MANY people will get NX if the rumor is true that you will be able to play ds, and 3ds games on a HD or 4K tv! All the people (me included ) that missed the VAST MAJORITY if JRPG's will all the sudden have a FLOOD of them new and OLD! I will be converted from PS4 and xbox one without even knowing it! I will look up and have not played them because I was FORCED to play games like GoldenSun's Brevely, etcv and a hundred others

quantae062892d ago (Edited 2892d ago )

@UltimateMaster Probably because Nintendo doesn't want the PS4 Neo or Xbox Scorpio to launch with NX capabilities, or be advertised with the NX capabilities until the NX releases first.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2892d ago
miyamoto2894d ago (Edited 2894d ago )

Nintendo's seems to favor the word "isolation".
They think they are so hip they are the Apple of video games.

iplay1up22893d ago

I choose Samsung!
Nintendo knows the get copied all of the time. Most of the innovations in gaming came from Nintendo. Don't forget Nintendo hads been innovating gaming for more than a decade before Sony. Sega also shares that with Nintendo.

Whatever NX is, it could be copied, after Wii came out how long was it before Sony and Microsoft had their own versions of motion controls.

By the way Nintendo won 3 E3 awards including best game of the entire show, and that is the Wii U version of Zelda!
the NX will have better graphics. Looks to me like Nintendo is one to watch next year.

Erik73572894d ago (Edited 2894d ago )

Well they didn't plan on delaying NX....

The reason it was not shown was because of the delay. It would of been great if they could of but the time is not right sadly. They should reveal it during the super bowl with a 60 second commercial. Go all out with advertising and reveal and have it 6 months before it comes out. So it has a lot of energy and hype doesn't die down.

pcz2894d ago

women and 5 year old children dont watch superbowl

iplay1up22893d ago

The Super Bowl is in February, NX comes out in march! If they wait till the Super Bowl that would only be about a month before it comes out.

Yukes2894d ago

“The NX’s software output will blow away the Wii U’s software output” - That's like saying Resident Evil 7 will blow away Umbrella Corps. It damn well better do!

I actually quite enjoyed seeing loads of Breath of the Wild, although I watched the videos afterwards to avoid the filler. That said, can't help but think that not showing more of the NX (like, I dunno, it's name!?) at E3, when the eyes of the gaming world are on you, was a big boo-boo.

_-EDMIX-_2894d ago

I believe that quote about the NX software points towards it actually being a hybrid and they're no longer making a dedicated console and all their teams will be developing on a single platform which will be a handheld that came out to a TV wirelessly or wired.

wonderfulmonkeyman2894d ago

I'm still not sold on it being a hybrid.
Breath of the Wild being a launch title for it suggests that it's a home console first and foremost, at the very least.
The tech they'd have to use to make a hand-held hybrid that could handle BotW would be insane [or at least insane when compared to the tech inside the N3DS], and Nintendo's not known, lately, for chasing super specs, which is why I have my doubts that it's a hybrid console at all.

The 10th Rider2894d ago

If it's even remotely a 'hybrid', it will be a home console like the Wii U with the tech of the console inside the gamepad controller. It would be portable, but hardly a put-in-your-pocket and -play-as-you-go handheld. It would be more like something that you pack away in a bad and take to a friend's house to set up at their TV, or on vacation, etc... Something like that would be feasible, but it's doubtful it would replace their handheld market.

We know the NX is more powerful than the Wii U, but it just wouldn't be possible to create something more powerful than the Wii U with the portability of the 3DS in an attractively priced package. IF they did attempt to merge the two, it would likely end up being a less-than-stellar home console packed inside a less-than-stellar handheld.

_-EDMIX-_2894d ago (Edited 2894d ago )

@Wonder- "I'm still not sold on it being a hybrid" YOU CAN AND YOU WILL! (evil bowser laugh)

"Breath of the Wild being a launch title for it suggests that it's a home console first and foremost" Not really. What I've gathered is it can't be "first and foremost" a console as being a portable means it will by default need to be made the way a portable is made, a console is merely a device that can play on TV, but a handheld can be both, thus....it would be handheld MORE by default of what one actually is.

ie PSP 3000.

How do you make a PS4 handheld, yet make it more console? lol

"The tech they'd have to use to make a hand-held hybrid that could handle BotW would be insane" it would be, but it isn't out of the norm for their handhelds to be more powerful then the consoles released prior. Consider 3DS was more powerful then Gamecube, PSP more powerful then PS2.

I don't see it as being impossible. If anything, it could just have a docking station that makes it more powerful for the TV or something, but I see it cheaper to just make it powerful as Wii U as a handheld which actually isn't that powerful in regards to high end phones when you think about it.

"which is why I have my doubts that it's a hybrid console at all."

The stated it would have larger software output then Wii U. Why? Nintendo to my understanding hasn't purchased any new teams as of late, so how could that be? UNLESS they are talking about their portable teams and console teams actually just working on 1 device.

Rumors of NX suggest it doesn't have a disk drive, weird for a console, not weird for a handheld.

It was also stated that NX would replace 3DS and Wii U.

I'm calling its a handheld hybrid! I CAN FEEL IT IN MY BONES!

Also with NX, X in Japan many times means the term "cross" like cross over....like handheld, console "cross over" lol

The 10th Rider2894d ago


You're such an idiot.

They said the NX is NOT replacing the Wii U or 3DS.

Cartridges are, or will be, the direction consoles should be going. Far faster read rates, data can be written to them, smaller boxes = less shipping costs, capable of much larger sizes than even the largest bluray disks, no issues with disk drives burning out, less moving parts, smaller parts...It's a question of when, not if.

The Wii U isn't as powerful as phones? I'd love an example of a phone that can run a game like Breath of the Wild.

It's already known multiple Wii U projects were moved over to NX, that alone means NX is going to have better software output in it's first few years. They can also refocus their handhelds games to smaller games while leaving the larger games for their home console.

indysurfn2893d ago

Nintendo has directly said they are TWO distinct consoles. Why do you continue to believe opinion articles taken from earlier statements? They will be hybrid in that they both can go from one to the easy out of the box. Plus other unannounced abilities.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2893d ago
Zeldafan642894d ago

Honestly I hope they keep the name NX. It's gotten so much attention the last almost year and a half that everyone knows it by now.

_-EDMIX-_2894d ago

lol no. That is very, very unlikely. Most code names are merely that, code.

gamerpop2894d ago

Apparently they are worried that the console will be copied because its so innovative.. As if Sony and Microsoft would suddenly be able to shit out a console in the next 12 months if they demo'd the NX at E3. Load of rubbish!

_-EDMIX-_2894d ago

Lol what's strange is who's to say when the next Playstation or Xbox releases they don't already copy it anyway?

Erik73572894d ago (Edited 2894d ago )

YEa its because of delay and having games ready for it, but it doesn't hurt to reveal it not early, every month counts for these companies and look how wii u turned out for them once they reveal it 1 year + in advance . IT turned out to be the worst selling console and by the time wii u came out sony and microsoft had xbox glass and cross play vita to combat wii u second screen.......

It makes sense to me , personally, to reveal it only 6 or so months in advance before it comes out which is enough time for parents to save up 400 dollars for their kids new console and it was also have tons of hype from nintendo gamers that are adult and wont have a chance to die down in the 6 month time frame if they have Super smash bros Enhanced edition with better graphics and Zelda breath of the wild Enhanced edition, etc.

The Super bowl would be great advertisement, maybe reveal the console a few weeks before it then go all out in advertising for the super bowl because who is watching? EVeryone and that everyone is Americans and its important that it's Americans because they love consoles and the gaming console market is huge in America. At this point everyone will know it and know that a brand new gaming console by Nintendo is coming out in 4-5 months I guess. MORe than enough time for parents to save up their money for their kids. And i'm not insulting any nintendo fans here but majority of Nintendo's market is children accept that fact. Not saying it cant be enjoyed by adults.

Plus with announcement of luigi mansion 2 maybe or some system seller mario game like mario galaxy I think it will make nintendo fans go wild and be more than happy to wait 6 months after they buy NX to get the next mario galaxy for christmas while they have graphical upgraded games like mario kart, brawl, and zelda to keep them busy which for the most part NO one has played because almost NO one bought a wii u!!!!

Dunban672894d ago

I agree that is a bs reason- and Sony or MSFT would not try to IMPLEMENT a feature in their systems just because Nintendo has it- they would only do so if that feature is extremely successful and even then- they may hesitate after their experience with Move and Kinect (temporary success but not something that added value to their ecosystems/brand long term)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2894d ago
masterfox2894d ago

Nintendo was pathetic, seriously who in their correct mind can defend this Nintendo e3 ?, nintendo trying to create so much hype for one damn game and yet is not releasing this year ? Nintendo once again did a fine job this year of being pathetic and sad too.

jcnba282894d ago ShowReplies(3)
wonderfulmonkeyman2894d ago

^.....he says, while ignoring that many games from Sony, Micro, and third parties have been delayed time after time, or are still a year away at least, as well.

Good God, you have no room to be slinging around the words "pathetic and sad" right now.

terallo2894d ago

Well its a good thing Zelda looked so good... They had that going for them I guess.

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Zelda Could Introduce New Features By Bringing Back A Controversial Character

Screen Rant, "The return of one controversial character could have an incredible effect on The Legend of Zelda, prompting the introduction of new features."

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H9119d ago

Honestly I really changed my mind on Fi with the remaster because they didn't make her interrupt your gameplay every 5 seconds, that drastically changed my views on her

Inverno119d ago

Technically she's in ToTK but obviously can't take any other form than the sword she was made into. Also the companion feature has been done plenty of times in Zelda, I don't think it'll add anything new. If anything should be brought back it should be the Minish.


Directionless Modern Zelda Should Return to its 3D Roots

Matt from We Game Daily writes "The Legend of Zelda series has gone in a different direction. One which, try as I have, I just can’t get on board with. Here is why I think Zelda should return to its 3D roots."

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CrimsonIdol150d ago

Amen! A good, tight, Zelda game with a focus on dungeons and puzzles. Let people have the new style Zelda if you gotta, but let us have the OoT style games too. That's not without precedent either, the handheld 2D Zelda's in the style of A Link to the Past etc have coexisted alongside the 3D Zelda's before

FinalFantasyFanatic150d ago

As much as I like BoTW, TotK, I need my traditional Zelda games as well, I could not endlessly play the open world Zelda games, plus it's harder to keep those fresher than the traditional games.

Eidolon149d ago (Edited 149d ago )

BotW was just as fresh to the franchise as OoT was. TokT was great but the next LoZ would have to move from that formula to be fresh again. There's only so much they can do with the hardware. I think they focused too much on making the world big instead impactful. I felt the world was sort of empty and repetitive in TotK, sure there was a lot to do but no more difference a Ubisoft game..

anast149d ago

I wouldn't worry too much. Nintendo knows what they are doing.

Ristul149d ago

Wind Waker had a perfect balance of open world and a cool, well hand-crafted design. Maybe try to keep the open world but put in effort to make more memorable story driven quests and locations.

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Zelda Fan Brings Godzilla to Life in Tears of the Kingdom

A fan of The Legend of Zelda has recreated the iconic Japanese monster Godzilla in Tears of the Kingdom using the game's Zonai devices.

Knightofelemia187d ago

I like it would also be cool if some created Dragon Caesar in the game I would love to watch the two going at it.