
Xenoblade Chronicles is the Best RPG in 20 Years

Alex St-Amour from Link-Cable writes: "I remember it like it was yesterday. A rainy day, I had just finished working at a grocery store for the day and decided to stop by the nearest game store to ‘see what they have’. I didn’t plan to buy anything (heck I could barely afford to considering I worked at a grocery store) but maybe faith intervened that day because I spent what little cash I had and took home one of the best game’s I have ever played and the best RPG to come out since Chrono Trigger. The game? Xenoblade Chronicles."

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Rebel_Scum2864d ago

lol @ comment, dig the Captain Harlock avatar though

Movefasta19932864d ago

And i haven't played it yet...i'll be picking up the nx so hopefully i can play it in some form.And the last story that looks like a good rpg too.

MrBug2864d ago

This game is an overhyped crap from day one.
Just a crappy offline mmo grinder with barely any story in it.
Go play WoW if youre into this crap. Damn, even most free pc mmo's can give this crap a run for its money.

Sirk7x2864d ago (Edited 2864d ago )

Have you played it? I'd go so far as to say Xenoblade Chronicles is one of the best games I've ever played in my life, and I've been at this for over 20 years man.

MrBug2864d ago

Yep, finished it.
Epic 80 hours of pressing the same 4-5 skills in the same order for every battle and enemy in the game. You can play this game blindfolded after awhile. Just rarely theres a need to switch to other character to cast heal whens the dps arent going to your favor and ai too stupid to spam heals nonstop.
Id say thats the must be the most braindead battle system ever, if i havent seen The Last Story first :)
Soo, whats so best about it? It has big open empty spaces with tons of monsters placed almost randomly around them. Lots and lots of running between "zones", Kill X monsters or brind X loot quests. Constant rewards for everything you do to keep you playing: exploration, kills, quests, ingame achievements. They just shower you with them nonstop, you like that dont you?
pssst... youve been playing wrong games for those 20 years if thats what actully tickles you, go play Final Fantasy XIV instead, i heard its even better ;))

Hoffmann2864d ago

Well, his description is pretty spot on. The story was very lackluster and the fighting..fun for some hours but it is getting boring too fast.

_-EDMIX-_2863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )

edit. Sylth01 corrected me, it is Xenoblade Chronicles and not Xenoblade Chronicles X.


Downvotes warranted folks.

Rebel_Scum2864d ago

Nah its a pretty decent game. It has npc characters that for me I was interested in and could remember in each town and had a story I enjoyed for the most part. It was an interesting world to be in and had great music. The battle system was a bit of a fluff but how many jrpg's aren't though?

Name me a Final Fantasy game that you don't button mash in battles.

nitus102863d ago

Believe it or not but many of the Final Fantasy games had an active turn-base option that could be switched back to turn-base during a tough enemy encounter. You never ever "button mashed".

FF12 was a radical departure from random encounters in that you could see the enemy before they attacked you and if you felt they were too strong you could sometimes avoid them. In fact, you could pretty much go anywhere within reason although go into some areas and all it would take is one encounter to instantly wipe out your whole party.

FF12 was the only FF game to actually have your party (3 controllable plus one NPC) fight in the exact same area where you encounter the enemy (ie. no battle arena), not only that you could also position your party on the battlefield.

Another feature (love it or hate it) that FF12 had was the "gambit" system which virtually allowed one to program what each character would do in the field or in battle. This was simplified to the "paradigms" system for FF13 and FF13-2.

If you like button mashing try Tales of Xilla. Even though I liked the game it was the only game I have ever played that gave me RSI. I have never had problems with any other RPG which also includes the Souls games, Bloodborne and The Witcher 3 (Death March difficulty) to name a few and I can play those games for hours without my hands cramping.

MrBug2863d ago

Ahhm, dont mix it up please. Its very hard to call that a jrpg. Its 90% just a standart mmo, compare it to a Ragnarok Online, Wow or Final Fantasy XIV. Ah well, it doesnt even matter what you call it, no big deal...
Theres just nothing really good about. It doesnt do anything new or improves on anything.
The battle system is definetly dumbed down as much as possible to "appeal to a broader audience" or something :) You say any Final Fantasy game is as stupid as that? Cmon, theres tons of spells, items and skill to use. And they do matter. You know theres those epic speedruns of dem old classic snes ff's where they beat those games in mere hours. Its amazing how much stuff you can actually do in battles :)
The game is not even original with all that mmo stuff. Cmon, theres Final Fintasy XII that does pretty much the same thing. But it does the actual jrpg part too, where its all about moving forward and telling the story. Here? It starts out with some decent story but then in just goes full open word, like, heres a shitload of locations, tons of monsters everywhere, do whatever you like, go whereever you want, no more story for next 30 hours, enjoy!

Zeldafan642863d ago

Are you talking about Xenoblade Chronicles X or the original Xenoblade Chronicles? Big difference.

Rebel_Scum2863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )

@nitus10, @MrBug: Never played FFXII but yeah, one out of 13 eh? Fair enough lol. Yeah FF has different spells and the like but in battle you can just hold the attack button and boom that's your battle.

@ZeldaFan64: I'm talking about chronicles dude.

_-EDMIX-_2863d ago

Rebel- Zeldafan is correct, might want to check if you mean Xenoblade Chronicles X or Xenoblade Chronicles as many have made that mistake, including myself.

I thought I would like X more based on driving mechs and junk, turns out I like more of what I saw from the Wii Xenoblade Chronicles. I still have a working Wii and might do a playthrough of it.

_-EDMIX-_2863d ago

@rebel- "Name me a Final Fantasy game that you don't button mash in battles"


That is an extreme exaggeration bud. Too many status effects and strategies to say any FF you can complete that way.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2863d ago
_-EDMIX-_2863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )

edit. Sylth01 corrected me, it is Xenoblade Chronicles and not Xenoblade Chronicles X.


I've heard too many good things about Xenoblade Chronicles and saw the ending a while ago before the Japanese version of X released and I really liked what I saw. I'd say its indeed one of the best, can't say "best" as in the only one though lol.

Sylth012863d ago

The article is about Xenoblade Chronicles, not Xenoblade Chronicles X. No driving around or flying mechs plus a much better story.

equal_youth2863d ago

If the author would have used the term jrpg for it's Headline it wouldn't be such a controversial Statement. But even if he did I would argue that the number one Spot belongs to persona even if it was also grindy as Heck especially at the end.

_-EDMIX-_2863d ago

@Sylth- did not see the missing X, lol I desrve the downvotes, my bad.

I heard lots of good things about that game, I watched the last 20 hours or so at a friends house before they got the import of Xenoblade X, they told me great things about it and its ending was so good, I wish I didn't see it as it sounded like an amazing story.

I'd have to play it, I might actually borrow it from him to check it out, but my back log is something serious right now! Packed with soooooooo much RPGs!

I'd have to play it to really say how I like it, but I'd say just from what I've seen from ending, it has a better Story then what I've seen from Xenoblade X. I personally just want a turned based Xenosaga game.....

Might never happen though.

Zeldafan642863d ago

The story is one of the things that makes the game so great. That along with the incredible soundtrack and cast of characters. Also, this game has some of the best voice acting I've ever heard in a video game. Over hyped? NO!! If anything it's under hyped.

_-EDMIX-_2863d ago

I enjoyed most of what I saw while my friend was completing it. I would play through it if I didn't have so much to finish up on my backlog. Xenoblade Chronicles very much feels like a game, 15 years from now people will recall as a lost gem.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2863d ago
Kreisen2864d ago

Aww hell naw! Maybe it is if you spend the last 20 years on a island with only a Wii and XC.

darkreno2864d ago

No it's not unless you had only Nintendo consoles than I agree.

deafdani2863d ago

I had Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii last gen, and Xenoblade was my favorite game of last gen.

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Xenoblade composer shares a message, says "it's time for a fresh start"

Xenoblade Chronicles composer Kenji Hiramatsu reflects on his work and feels that it's "time for a fresh start."

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autobotdan222d ago

Best JRPG series of the last 5 years imo

repsahj222d ago

I agree 100%. My top JRPG so far, together with Baldurs Gate 3 and FF16.

autobotdan222d ago (Edited 222d ago )

There is no together at the top. There is only one top jrpg series. Xenoblade Chronicles series is alone at the top

raWfodog221d ago (Edited 221d ago )

I like the Xenoblades series but my ‘top’ series would be either the Trails series or Persona series. Just too many good games for me to just pick one series though, so I say play them all lol.

autobotdan221d ago

You are hereby excommunicated the church of Xenoblade Chronocology

CappyBlack221d ago

I'm not huge into JRPGs, but my favorite is easily the Persona series. It's all opinion though. Xenoblade is a great series.

repsahj222d ago

XC4 for Switch 2 for the win!! So excited!

phoenixwing221d ago

Also they might port over xenoblade x to the switch 2


Tetsuya Takahashi Wants The Next Xenoblade To Be Vastly Different From Previous Games

Tetsuya Takahashi has revealed his plan to make the next Xenoblade vastly different from previous games.

GotGame818252d ago (Edited 252d ago )

I liked the Xenoblade X formula. It takes awhile, but opening up Mechs was amazing. Especially once you can fly them, and use them in battle. You have to put some time into the game to do it, but it's worth it!

Also, the graphics were more realistic than the other games. Still looks good today, just a lot more pop-in than is acceptable today, hell even too much for back then. It wasn't game breaking though.

gleepot221d ago

Xenoblade 1-3 and X are so great. That said, I'm ready for them to do a big change up.

Lightning Mr Bubbles586d ago

Me being a Playstation guy and a huge JRPG fan, I can say that the only franchises I actually miss that are on Switch are The Fire Emblem series and The Xenoblade Chronicles series. I've played neither but I've heard good things. I've seen people play Xenoblade Chronicles games on youtube, and it seems like they think it's a big deal so I'm curious.

Rebel_Scum586d ago

As someone who doesnt like jrpg’s that much these days I went into Xenoblade Chronicles blind and had a blast. Reminded me of that golden age of 16-bit and 32-bit jrpgs. If thats the era you liked then it should hit the spot.

jznrpg586d ago

I only have a Switch for the games that don’t come on PlayStation . There aren’t a ton but there are some good ones.

repsahj586d ago (Edited 586d ago )

I agree with top 1, for me xenoblade chronicles 3(and 2) is one of the greatest jrpg to date. It's like the feeling of playing ff7 on ps1 for the first time again. Imagine if XC3 was done with ps5 graphics, that will be magical. I might get the xc remaster before the year ends or after I got the platinum trophy of GoW ragnarok.

jznrpg586d ago

I didn’t care for 2 as much . It’s good but 3 is sooo much better than so is the first one imo .

repsahj586d ago

yeah I agree, but much better than any recent jrpg releases.