
G2A Sells $450k Worth Of Game Keys, Game’s Developer Receives nothing

Sites such as G2A.com have been commonly used for a fair while now. Their low prices provide a more appealing method to purchase games from across the years. There’s always bee some curious stares thrown towards G2A.com, mainly with suspicions of wrong doing.

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Ashlen2900d ago

The keys were sold to someone who then resold them. The developers got money. The way this is presented is misleading. These developers are apparently wanting to double bill. They want to sell a key then get paid when it's resold.

In this case I fully support G2A. They haven't done anything wrong.

PixelGateUk2900d ago

The breakdown they supplied kinda says otherwise to be fair

Ashlen2900d ago (Edited 2900d ago )

It's the same as if I buy a bunch of games on bulk or sale and resell them on eBay or Amazon. The developers are not going to get paid for my sale directly. But they still got paid at some point.

Edited to add: The keys came from Humble Bundle. So when they sold them to Humble they got paid. Now when the keys are being resold on G2A, for whatever reason this dev thinks they should be getting paid again.

Lon3wolf2900d ago

Will be interesting to see their response.

rdgneoz32900d ago

The 3rd paragraph mentions: "G2A have blamed TinyBuild’s partners, which include Humble Bundle and BundleStars, claiming they are selling keys directly on the marketplace."

I get games from Humble Bundle all the time, you can pay as much or as little as you want and choose who the money goes to. If I bought games on Humble Bundle and decided to have all the money I spend go to charity, the devs get nothing and I get keys. I can then sell those keys and the devs still get nothing, since they were sold to Humble Bundle in the first place (or if Humble Bundle sold without permission, go blame them).

donthate2900d ago

Well, I think the main issue is that the keys were obtained with stolen credit cards, that subsequently funds was taken back with chargebacks. However, the key's are still active, and sold on G2A i.e. G2A is facilitating illegal business.

callahan092900d ago

I was under the impression that Humble Bundle keys came with the caveat that they can't be resold, so if they are buying keys from Humble Bundle on the cheap and reselling them, doesn't that break the Humble Bundle terms?

UltimateMaster2900d ago (Edited 2900d ago )

It can literally be a key generator as we have seen so many times before.
If that is the case, then yes the developers have not received a dime from it.
If it were already purchased from another seller, that has to be determined whether or not that seller did pay the developers.
It's something that I don't like when dealing with all of these third party key reseller, we don't know if they are legit or if they are screwing people and developers out of their money.
Again, 450k is not a small number by any means. The use of stolen credit cards means that either Visa or Mastercard, refuses to pay the illegal transaction and the developers looses their keys.
It is a scam, and developers are loosing money over this. If you were to use a fraudulent credit card on Steam, PSN or Xbox Live, you would get your account banned.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2900d ago
Lon3wolf2900d ago

Exactly I am not seeing where G2A are doing anything wrong, the devs must get paid for the keys somewhere down the line, they don't just give them away and then say ok pay us later.

PixelGateUk2900d ago

I've reached out to TinyBuild with these kind of questions. They're a bit bust at the moment with their site being taken down so hopefully we'll a answer within the next day or so

wannabe gamer2900d ago

the devs arent getting money cause the original buyer of the keys does a chargeback and still gets all the keys, they then resell them to G2A and make pure profit. G2A gets a HUGE deal cause the person that sold them knows they are essentially stolen and wants to get rid of them quick AND they didnt pay for them so any money made is all profit for them. so at this point G2A is reselling stolen property and making a HUGE profit since they got them mega cheap . the problem is that G2A has been doing this for sooooo many years that they have to know what they are doing. so while they arent stealing the keys themselves they are knowingly selling stolen property and the devs dont see a single cent of from any of this. while the thieves and G2A make tons of money

Dabigsiebowski2900d ago

Whoa hold on...Are you saying that G2A was selling ligate keys? That's a first, usually these orders are fulfilled with a stolen credit cards and then bought out by G2A for a dirt cheap price. I don't know how anyone honestly finds G2A respectable and I will never ever buy a game from them. Saving a couple dollars on a key that goes to criminals pockets on not devs it pretty messed up. Spin it however you like but this is nothing new in the realm of G2A.

PixelGateUk2900d ago

No one is claiming it's new info

conanlifts2900d ago (Edited 2900d ago )

I resell the humble bundle keys if i don't want them. I don't see a problem with it.
Technically though i think it's against the humble bundle terms of service.

FlameBaitGod2900d ago

This article is so dumb, they want to pay developers twice for the key lol. Yeah i'm going to buy a broken house to the bank, fix it, sell it for profit and i'm going to give a % to the bank ... LOL retarded.

Christopher2900d ago

You should actually read the article. The developer isn't getting paid due to the use of stolen credit cards and chargebacks by people who reverse the payments once they find that the credit card was stolen and had illegal charges made on them.

Christopher2900d ago (Edited 2900d ago )

***The developers got money. ***

Read the article. They didn't because it's fueled by an economy of people who buy using stolen credit cards. That results in a massive amount of chargebacks to the original seller (steam or otherwise) which means that the money does not go to the developer. The person who bought it with the stolen credit card(s) then sells it for money on G2A and makes money off of a valid key that gave zero money to the developer.

The problem is that CC theft and use is so prevalent and isn't handled as well as it should that it allows this to happen and G2A openly facilitates this structure by having zero questions about where a person gets their keys.

It's also facilitated by Steam and Humble Bundle in that they offer a system of game keys that are given out freely at the point of sale but can result in them losing absolutely nothing while the developer loses a whole sale when a chargeback occurs.

Essentially, and especially for Indie developers, this means a system that is against them on all sides. And small studios with their own stores who suddenly get a rash of chargebacks from stolen CC will result in them having their stores closed down due to that while much larger online retail sources like Steam, EA, and Ubisoft are protected by that with larger purchase portals that they pay extra for such things.

This is why there are Consoles. This is why UPlay and Origin exist.

Gh05t2900d ago

This pertains to every third party seller though. Does GameStop know if the game being sold to them is illegally obtained? Not to mention it should be on the bundle sites that are getting fraud end to come up with a better system for keys if this continues to happen, otherwise these developers are playing the odds. They shouldn't be stolen from but knowing it happens and participating anyways is a calculated risk so to complain about it later is ridiculous. Look at any retailer, shrinkage is a part of the budget. It happens, it sucks but it's factored into the cost of doing business. And if Humble bundle or others can't control the shrinkage STOP USING THEM TO SELL YOUR GAMES. Problem solved.

Christopher2900d ago

***Does GameStop know if the game being sold to them is illegally obtained?***

One credit card can buy hundreds if not thousands of game keys in a very small amount of time and is impossible to track.

One credit card can buy a handful of games that won't suspiciously look like someone just bought a ton of games to resell to GameStop for store credit, not actual cash.

Sorry, but they are not the same.

*** They shouldn't be stolen from but knowing it happens and participating anyways is a calculated risk so to complain about it later is ridiculous. ***

100% wrong and just whitewashing the issue to being of no concern. Again, read the article and you will see that this issue isn't just Humble Bundle items but also Steam where people 'gift' codes they own to people using the same techniques.

IceKoldKilla2900d ago

Read the article. The person even updated here so clarify what many of you thought.

wannabe gamer2900d ago (Edited 2900d ago )

creating a marketplace for said fraud and letting it operate then feigning ignorance is a load of crap. no one believes that bs. receiving stolen property is a crime and they have been doing this for so long that they know what is going on behind the scenes yet they choose to ignore it cause they are making so much money in the process.
you supporting them is no different that going to a local pawn shop full of your neighbors stolen items and then saying that it isnt the pawn shops fault that they have been receiving stolen items for the last 5 years and "didnt know"

atticus142900d ago (Edited 2900d ago )

G2A is as shady as it gets. It's the primary place that encourages those who do credit fraud of some sort, to buy a bunch of games, sell them on G2A as fast as you can before the charge-back happens. G2A doesn't do anything to try to stop this, because they just want to collect their fees. The chargeback only hits the devs and they lost many keys in the process, of course they could deactivate the ones that got stolen, but that is a PR nightmare for anyone, especially an Indie Dev.

This is like ebay with no paypal safety net/money back guarantees. How much do they value the safety of buying from them you ask? Well, you are SOL unless you pay an additional insurance fee and maybe even still SOL if they decide to screw you anyway. They also basically try to trick you into buying that insurance and have a convoluted way of unsubscribing from it.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2900d ago
Lon3wolf2900d ago

Do the devs give the keys away or something as that's only way they wouldn't be paid, unless the keys are stolen.

wannabe gamer2900d ago

the keys are stolen thats the whole point, they are bought wit ha credit card and then a chargeback is done so they get their miney back and keep the keys so the devs dont get paid. g2a then buys the stolen keys from the person that bought them with the chargeback or a stolen card. so the thieve gets paid for something he stole. g2a gets keys really cheap and acts like they are ignorant to how they got this amazing deal

Lon3wolf2900d ago (Edited 2900d ago )

That wasn't in the article yesterday, hence the update on the article. Why I asked 17 hrs ago.

DarkOcelet2900d ago

The devs receive nothing because those game keys were already bought a first time and they got their cut the first time. So they shouldn't expect to get paid a second time if those game keys went to sale.

PixelGateUk2900d ago

From what i understand, it seems to be concerns stemming around stolen keys or keys bought with stolen card details etc. It's all a bit murky at the moment, still wait for them to reply to get a clearer idea

rdgneoz32900d ago

Unless their servers were hacked, the keys were stolen. If they were bought with stolen cards, that's another issue and headaches for a lot of people. One of their partners is Humble Bundle, which sells keys at time for as little or as much as you want, and you can choose to have the money you spend go to a charity and not the devs. They're a digital eBay, instead of going after them they should be going after their partners giving away keys for free / selling their keys without splitting the profits or the ones buying stuff with stolen cards.

ThePope2900d ago

Good for them I mean its places like G2A that makes all these games that we love! give them the money! Oh wait! They make nothing that we love to play.

yarbie10002900d ago

They make it much easier on my wallet to buy the games I love. Been using them for yrs and not had one bad experience. Great prices for games & XBL/PSN subscriptions. I can see where some people might be a bit salty for overpaying for everything :)

Christopher2900d ago

Poor logic.

It's good for me, so it must be good in general!

You can go to the guy on the corner and get a rip of the latest album for a $1, that doesn't mean it's good for the economy. Because it isn't. This is why people came up with DRM, consoles, online authentication, and more. By supporting methods that allow the circumvention of the standard retailer process and encourage illegal activities, you are actually encouraging them to create systems that we complain about all the time here while being ignorant of your own actions that have led to it.

wannabe gamer2900d ago (Edited 2900d ago )

yea why bother wondering why you are getting stuff so cheap..... i mean benefits you so no need to research how g2a gets keys so cheap..... its not like the writing has been on the wall all these years screaming "we sell stolen stuff" so you buy your clothing from a child labor sweatshop in bangladesh too cause its cheap and you dont see the kids being beaten?

AwesomeKiddo2900d ago ShowReplies(1)
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Cheat Provider To Pay Call Of Duty Creator Activision Nearly $15M In Damages

Cheat software provider EngineOwning will pay Call of Duty creator Activision nearly $15 million in damages and legal fees.

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Jin_Sakai1h ago

Cheat providers for competitive games should be illegal.


PlayStation Has Bend Studio in “Evolving, Multi-Genre” Category for In-Development Project

While Sony hasn’t revealed what some of its first-party studios like Housemarque is cooking currently, the company has revealed what focus they’re aiming for at the very least.

senorfartcushion6h ago

If it's live service it's a "no" from me. I'll take a Days Gone sequel though...

Cacabunga6h ago

It’s confirmed Bend Studio next game is gaas… what a shame!

And why Returnal thumbnail?

Crows904h ago

That's what I was thinking....

outsider16243h ago

Well this sucks. I just completed Days Gone last week and going through new game plus...and my God..i just love this game.

Days gone 2 would have improved a lot of features over it. God damn it Sony!!!

Tacoboto2h ago


Because the real headline in the article is:

"PlayStation Lists Housemarque in “Single-Player, Narrative-Driven Focus”; Bend Studio in “Evolving, Multi-Genre” Categories for In-Development Projects"

Kind of an odd way to have posted the article here with that title and description.

cthulhucultist6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

According to this article


"In today's Business Segment Meeting 2024 for its Game & Network Services Segment, Sony confirmed the names of the seven studios focusing on single-player games with a narrative focus - Asobi, Insomniac Games, Santa Monica Studio, Sucker Punch, Naughty Dog, Firesprite and Housemarque, and the nine working on pure live service games or hybrid titles - Bungie, San Diego Studio, Firewalk, Haven and Neon Koi for pure live service games and Guerrilla Games, Polyphony, Media Molecule and Bend Studio. "


it seems that Bend was placed in the live service game category

Psychonaut856h ago

Glad Housemarque isn’t doing live service. And Guerrilla is doing a hybrid title? Wonder what that’s gunna look like. Makes me nervous

-Foxtrot5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Seven for single player but nine for GaaS

Come on Sony…sigh

You don’t need 9 GaaS titles. It’s over saturation and competing for players time with your own studios

cthulhucultist5h ago

I am also curious about that one. Guerrilla is a top tier developer, and I like their single player games.

I really hope they dont ruin this

RpgSama5h ago

Bend, Media Molecule, Polyphony and Guerrilla on "Hybrid" titles? I wonder what they call Hybrid, PvP? PvE? Single player AND multiplayer? Hopefully we will know soon.

The_Hooligan4h ago

@Psychonaut85 and cthulhucultist

I think the rumors said they were working on Horizon multiplayer game.

Cacabunga4h ago

I will boycott every single one of the gaas games.. i do not want that shit. If i want to replay them in a few years there is no way because the servers will be down. Forget it, even if it’s GT and Killzone

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4h ago
-Foxtrot5h ago

The funny thing is the cancelled sequel to Days Gone sounded like they were pitching this online co-op focused game which just didn’t sound appealing to me at all

I loved the first game despite its flaws but the sequel needed work yet they wanted to jump to online and co-op…that’s a massive red flag. Sort your main issues first before trying to do more complicated things.


If Helldivers 2 is anything to go by, and I think it is, then GaaS can clearly work if they aren’t designed to milk the community slowly with diminishing quality of follow up content.

Cacabunga22m ago(Edited 22m ago)

Replayability zero! In a few years it is worth nothing you cant even play it.. you can boot it, thats it

S2Killinit5h ago

I’ll play anything they make that is a GOOD game. I play single player games mainly but I am not opposed to any genre as long as it is good.

shinoff218326m ago

Single player days gone sequel would be ideal.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 22m ago
CrimsonWing695h ago

I’m not going to war with people who like GaaS. Lord knows everyone went apesh*t for Helldivers 2, but I will never buy a GaaS game and while PS5 is my system of choice I will not support Sony games that go in this direction.

I hate it, I don’t care how much Helldivers 2 was “GaaS done right,” and if the argument is these are the only way for the industry to make profit then all I have to say is something has gone terribly terribly wrong.

On the flip side I guess I’ll start saving more money if it’s mostly going to be GaaS games.

Crows904h ago

There's nothing inherently wrong with a multiplayer only game....but for fucks sake don't make me have to pay more. If they got those shitty mtx out then it would be fine. Release big dlcs every year or so...but instead these gaas oriented constipated individuals had to push monetization where it is easiest...online multiplayer games were the target.

CrimsonWing693h ago(Edited 3h ago)

MP only games are fine, GaaS is my issue.

You literally have to ask yourself why choose the GaaS model over a traditional game model, even if the game is MP only? There’s literally only one reason GaaS exists and the same reason it’s being chosen over traditionally made games.

MP only games are fine and in the past they existed without being GaaS. Again, my only issue is with the GaaS model and no matter how “good” it is, it still only exists to generate recurring revenue through battle passes, microtransactions, and hoping to string you along for an eventual “finished” product at some point before they shut the servers down and make it completely unplayable.

-Foxtrot3h ago

Yeah it's sad that one GaaS game comes out that isn't built as bad as the others and suddenly everyone is fine and dandy with them.

Helldivers 2 is still a GaaS game, there's no beating around the bush.

There's still a ton of people playing but from my friend circle and people at work, they've all went back to other games like Call of Duty, Rainbow Six Siege or Apex for example. The sparkle it had wore off pretty quickly.

Sony will bring all these GaaS titles out and all it will do is split the audience of their other released GaaS titles. Sooner or later they'll be competing against one another. It's insane thinking.

shinoff218322m ago

Yea I'm not with the gaas games either. Don't want any part of that stuff. The way people went for helldivers 2 I didn't understand myself but that's probably cause I'm strictly single player.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 22m ago
jznrpg4h ago

Bend has said they are making a multiplayer game for a while now. What that entails we have no idea yet

Demetrius4h ago

Online only title already been confirmed, sad to say but I'm not keeping in tune with this, idk why most devs hype up live service games after seeing the amount of failures past online titles caused for others smh DOA

ZwVw3h ago

Stop hosing Bend around and have them make a new Syphon Filter (or Days Gone 2) entry already.

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Avowed Moved to Unreal Engine 5.3

With Support from The Coalition

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ThinkThink1d 22h ago

That's great news. Hopefully the Coalition can smooth some of those edges from the last Avowed reveal.

phoenixwing1d 19h ago (Edited 1d 19h ago )

Well I'm annoyed. Especially at all the ppl who said the graphics sucked. It's your fault they probably shifted the game to unreal so it could look more fancy for you. I was ok with it and hoping to actually play it sometime soon. Now it's like 99% chance it's delayed.
Edit: effing graphics whores

Obscure_Observer1d 10h ago

"Well I'm annoyed. Especially at all the ppl who said the graphics sucked. It's your fault they probably shifted the game to unreal so it could look more fancy for you."

What the hell are you talking about dude? Avowed was already in development using the UE5. The Coalition is just helping Obsidian in the transition to its latest version (5.3)

MrBaskerville1d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

Probably not even that big of a difference. Coalition might only have helped because they got a deadline to meet.

Unreal isn't nearly as bad as Unity when you update a project. Though it obviously depends on the project. But unity generally gets an aneyurism if you threaten to update, where Ue is usually less stingy.

Reaper22_1d 9h ago

In excited for Avowed and Gears 6.

Fishy Fingers1d 10h ago

It already was Unreal 5, its just moving to the latest build.

CantThinkOfAUsername1d 2h ago

Latest build is 5.4 and it's better than previous iterations, particularly in animation and performance.

Lightning771d 19h ago

Apparently the latest build looks way better graphically. This rumor from Jez Cordin (who's credible) pretty much confirms it.

Interested in seeing more on Avowed in a few weeks.

Notellin1d 10h ago

UE 5.3 has been out since September of last year. I can't believe this is news or that anyone is hyping this up.

MrNinosan1d 10h ago

As Hellblade failed to set the world on fire, just like Halo Infinite and Starfield before it, it's time to look forward to the next Game of the Decade candidate.
Of course it needs to be hyped up ahead of time 😏

Notellin1d 2h ago

I didn't mean the game itself. I can't believe there is a news article about an Unreal Engine update that launched a year ago.

Reading comprehension is tough for fanboys on N4G.

got_dam18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

@MrNinosan I just want to see what Obsidian can do with a real budget and development time. They have a made a some memorable games with massive time constraints an lackluster funding.

--Onilink--16h ago

Many games stick to a specific version of the Engine they had already been using to avoid delays, problems with migrations to newer stuff etc.
The version being released in September isnt really relevant, just that they decided to make the jump to it at some point in development, which is arguably good news since we know with each iteration, performance has been getting much better

MrNinosan12h ago

I actually look forward to Avowed, and hope that's the game that finally make my purchase of Series X in 2020 worth it.
The game I actually bought Series X for was Starfield, but sadly it didn't do it for me.

Avowed however has the potential to be incredible.

ThinkThink5h ago

MrNinosan, what is the last game that set the world on fire? Red Dead? GTA likely. Not every game has to set the world on fire. Those games that you mentioned fall into the 80's meta critic, and a lot of people enjoy them. And yes, I'm excited to see some of these 2024 games at the june conference.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5h ago
truthBombs1d 9h ago

I liked the games unique artstyle when It was revealed. I hope they're not making the migration based on criticism. It's only a rumor anyways

MrBaskerville1d 9h ago

I imagine the art style will stay the same. But there'll probably be some visual upgrades here and there.

anast1d 9h ago

This was the only game I was jealous of, but It's a wait and see game now. Plus, I can wait until they release it on PSN.

Miraak82 1d 7h ago

Right!!! Obsidian is like only XB GS that I wanna play there games . Pillars of Eternity is one of my fav game franchises and I'd love to step back into the world of Eora . Their world building and rpg systems are one of the best , I hope XB higher ups don't get in the way of them. If they released it on ps I would definitely buy it day 1

anast1d 5h ago

I bought both Pillars for PC and Console. Good games.

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