
Dying Light Enhanced Edition PS4 vs E3 2014 Graphics Comparison

"Dying Light is one of the best zombie games of recent years. Graphics, gameplay mechanic, a huge city to explore, as well as the lates expansion, offering improvements in graphics and additional area to sightseeing only confirmed the quality of the game. However, going back to the time of the early presentation of the title at E3, we can spot some changes in graphics"

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Zorkaz2898d ago

It's funny how you remember things. I played this like a year ago and honestly remember it more like the E3 version. But I was playing on PC so the graphics might have been better. Maybe not, I honestly don't remember.

ps3rider2898d ago

why e3 for me looked better

ONESHOTV22898d ago (Edited 2898d ago )

it does and their are more zeds on screen but this is the ps4 edition he is comparing so i shouldn't be surprised it doesnt look like the E3 version

OoglyBoogly2898d ago

It's stuff like this as to why I don't understand why Ubisoft, and nearly ONLY Ubisoft, get hate for graphical downgrades when EVERYONE does it!

Even with high profile games people just seem to not give a shit unless it's Ubisoft. Does anyone remember when CDPR revealed The Witcher 3 and said there would be no downgrade? Hell, up until just a couple months before release they were still saying there was downgrade. Game comes out and it was a massive downgrade from what we had been shown. I mean, look:


Now of course there was some disappointment and it did make the news, so to speak, but no one brings it up now when talking about how games get downgraded.

Just seems like a big double standard to me.

sullynathan2898d ago (Edited 2898d ago )

the excuse is that "the witcher 3 was soooo goood so lets ignore the massive downgrade because CDPR can do no wrong"

ONESHOTV22898d ago

i agree but UBI have given us the middle finger too many times this gen. i'm not going to surprised when wild lands and watch dogs 2 gets the massive downgrade

OoglyBoogly2898d ago

Well they have a lot more games released. I don't doubt that the smaller companies out there (like CDPR) probably wouldn't be guilty of this as well if they had tons of games coming out.

Rivitur2898d ago (Edited 2898d ago )

Because even on pc at max settings the games don't come close to looking like the e3 showing. While some of these games kinda come close. And besides it's not only the graphics that ubisoft screws us over in its also the content and reuse of stuff.

And also ubisoft doesn't learn

OoglyBoogly2898d ago

Bullshit. Watch Dogs, minus some depth of field, looks nearly identical to it's E3 showing. Go back and look at the two. The Witcher 3 is FAR more guilty of downgrading it's graphics from it's first E3 reveal.

mahmoods262898d ago

Aside from the massive graphical downgrade, it's because Ubisoft represented Gameplay that wasn't actually in the game. E3 demos are meant to be a slice of gameplay, I haven't had that kind of experience in Watchdogs whether in the open world or in story mode. Witcher 3 devs were open and honest about the downgrades and actually support mods which graphically upgrade the game on their official site. Plus, the game delivered as advertised. They admitted they had to scale the game back in order to make it workable on current gen consoles and showed the current version before release. While Ubisoft just whistled and pretended like nothing happened, pushing their preorders along the way. I think there's a huge difference.

OoglyBoogly2898d ago

Well you could just say that Watch Dogs was scaled back a bit. And CDPR only admitted to the downgrade after they were basically FORCED too by the media. They said there was no downgrade a mere couple months before launch.

So while, yes, Ubisoft has been more guilty of it more often CDPR is far from the good guy here or "better" in this regard.

_-EDMIX-_2898d ago

That's actually 100% incorrect CD projekt Red first denied anything was wrong and later on went on record to discuss the reasons behind the downgrades , Ubisoft did the same thing , both companies openly admitted the issues regarding the downgrade.

look it up.

Stop lying. I'm not even sure why you're trying to falsify something that can be factually looked up.



That does not sound honest and forthcoming to me. Mind you we all discussed this very openly and at length on this entire board when this was first revealed I'm not sure why you're trying to stir up or spin what actually happened.

Look at the dates bud...


Lol did you seriously think we are going to forget enough for you to just a lie about the situation?




Soooooo pretty sure they both were not transparent in both later went on to confirm.

"They admitted they had to scale the game back". 😂 On PC too? Buddy, not even what the team stated.

"If the consoles are not involved there is no Witcher 3 as it is"


"Maybe it was our bad decision to change the rendering system," he mulls, "because the rendering system after VGX was changed."


_-EDMIX-_2898d ago

Agreed. Got it launch day but I would say it was riddled with many bugs features and clearly visible downgrade.

I didn't even buy Assassin's Creed unity and I could tell you that Witcher 3 is in the same ballpark in regards to bugs and issues along with graphical downgrade.

Mind you I don't believe either company did this knowingly or purposely to deceive, I just don't like this double standard of trying to shove another company into the dirt while ignoring another company.

the game that received so many Game of the Year Awards last year also launched with a huge downgrade along with many of the exact same bugs that people were going crazy about with Assassin's Creed unity, all you have to do is Google missing faces Witcher 3 and you'll realize the game was plagued with the same exact issues.

thelwebb1002898d ago

The difference is Ubi's downgrades are like a generational difference. I played The Witcher 3 on XB1 and the game still looks great, especially considering how big the world is. Watch Dogs on XB1 and PS4 literally looks like a PS3 game, there is no reason why Red Dead Redemption should look better than it! That's the difference fool, there is no double standard. Ubisoft is shit and they suck at optimizing their games..PERIOD!

OoglyBoogly2898d ago (Edited 2898d ago )

Dude that's bullshit and you know it. Watch Dogs looks great and it's downgrade was no where near the level that The Witcher 3 was if we're comparing first E3 reveals to final product. WD was missing some depth of field, a little detail here and there, and some scripted sequences. Otherwise it was nearly the same.

TW3 on the other hand was a completely different game E3 vs. final product.

UnHoly_One2898d ago

I'm glad somebody else finally pointed this out, thank you.

Witcher gets a free pass on EVERYTHING, and I have no idea why.

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Dirtnapstor2898d ago

Sorry, but my version on the PS4 doesn't look that muddy... I'm sure they used a bank of high end PCs for the E3 demo, but still, the PS4 version is not as bad as portrayed here.

Tumaras2898d ago

I agree, my tv+ps4 with DL doesn't look anywhere that muddy either. I wonder if some filtering was done or maybe there was an issue in the output in this test. It's not as good as the E3 version, but closer to mid-way between these 2 examples.

Spyroo2898d ago

Exactly, like Wtf I just played it yesterday on my PS4 too and it doesn't look as bad as shown in this video. This guy probably just use the PC version and made settings very low etc

Sunny_D2898d ago

Honestly it doesn't look good at all.

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leahcim528d ago

I am playing the Batman Vita game, it is amazing really.