
Fruit Themed RPG Fruit Warriors to be launched in late June

The international mobile and browser game publisher 37Games today is thrilled to announce that its new fruit themed SRPG Fruit Warriors will be launched in late June this year. In the game, players will be assigned to a fruit planet and encounter magical girls who look like various fruits such Bananas, Apples and Strawberries. Players will work with them to fight the evil Devil King and save the world from his tyranny.

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Fruit Themed SRPG Fruit Warriors to Enter Closed Beta on July 28th

37Games will launch the Closed Beta of its latest game "Fruit Warriors", a fruit themed SRPG on July 28th, 2016. Before the closed beta starts, let's take a first look at the various fruit warriors that we will be fight along with.LemonThis warrior is sour in more ways than one. Lemon doesn't play well with others and as such is very defensive in nature. He can turn his thick lemon peel into a helmet to protect himself from attacks, making him hard to be defeat. He also has the skill