
Zelda: Breath of the Wild - no towns or traditional partner character

"The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is making big changes to the classic Zelda formula. During today’s Treehouse stream, it was explained how this new game is mixing things up in two areas. First, Breath of the Wild will not have any towns."

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nX2892d ago (Edited 2892d ago )

The game also looks kind of bland, for lack of a better word. Even though I like some of the new gameplay mechanics I'm not sure that this is what I was hoping for during the last 3 years.

LOL_WUT2892d ago

I don't know how anyone can try to defend this. Not only did they delay it but it seems like it'll be pretty barebones. It seems like most of Nintendo's games have gotten less ambitious as of late ;)

pcz2892d ago (Edited 2892d ago )

yeh.. there is no point in making a massive game world if it is devoid of anything interesting.

many people complained that twilight princesses world was far too empty, which was only exasperated by its size.. and this breath of wild is supposed to be 15 times the size. so thats 15 times more barren.

open world games dont need to be empty. GTA proves that.

It seems nintendo are going with the story that hyrule has mysteriously become a wasteland, merely because that is convenient for the technical limitations they would face to create a thriving hyrule at the same scale. so just tell consumers its barren on purpose.

i would also say the game looks stunning in the cutscenes, but almost 'normal' during regular gameplay.

the game isnt even coming out until 2017, right? it will have aged even more by then. i really dont know what nintendo are playing at.

i know people were saying i was being unreasonably negative and pessimistic in the run up to nintendo's e3, but truth be told, i was excited to come home and actually see what nintendo had to show... i thought, it cant really just be zelda. there has to be at least one surprise. ... but no, just bitter disappointment.

one really has to wonder what the hell nintendo fans are suppose to do for the next 6+ months.

there is always the PS4. or XBOX 1.

nintendo are making it too easy for sony and microsoft

miyamoto2891d ago (Edited 2891d ago )

I know it when I see it.
I can tell a game on a shoestring budget miles away.
I know how the traditional Nintendo rolls.
Underpowered Overpriced.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2891d ago
OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2892d ago (Edited 2892d ago )

there are towns according to an article on IGN they just won't say anything though

remixx1162891d ago

I hate when people right articles with objective titles based off of unconfirmed news.

browngamer412891d ago

I swear the hate for Nintendo on this site is unbelievable, Multiple people(myself included) have posted on this very thread proof that this article is a complete lie- yet people choose not to read-or they just don't give a flying f--k cause they want to jump the gun on Nintendo hate. I'm also getting sick of hearing certain people say how "empty" this world is- dafuq? Are we even watching the same stream? Even though we've only seen 1 percent of gameplay the density seems astounding, in fact there seems to be almost too much stuff to see and do, but I'm sure the disagrees will follow and people will say I'm crazy...

Moonman2892d ago (Edited 2892d ago )

These trolls..lol They JUST SAID (Live Treehouse) you will meet new people in TOWNS.....but keep trolling while you don't try and be a gamer and enjoy being a hater.

_-EDMIX-_2891d ago

They better have towns! THANK GOD!

Vegamyster2892d ago (Edited 2891d ago )

They just said in the live stream that there is towns & they're connected to the story.

Edit: For the people disagreeing this is the direct quote from the Stream which was posted at the same time i made my comment:

"Eiji Aonuma has confirmed to IGN that the game will feature various villages scattered throughout the vast land you’re able to explore."

“I can’t share too much about villages because to tell you how the villages work, they’re interconnected to the story and overall world.”


jcnba282892d ago

The article is wrong, see my comment below.

KaladinStormblessed2892d ago

It would be lame if it were true, but it isn't. They said the towns aren't in the demo so they don't spoil the story

jessionpc2891d ago

Like 6 years of development for 1 friggen game, and they don't even deliver towns?

LOL, no WONDER why there is voice acting! There's like, 8 npcs in the game!


You had such a good run Nintendo, but you hit your stride a decade ago, and now it's time the world lets you go. Enjoy being a 3rd party developer, that's where you belong.

gamerb62891d ago

Where do you dumb people come from? There are towns unfortunately for haters like you

Erik73572891d ago

POtentially misleading towns, apparently they are in ruins or something but there are npcs in them...

_-EDMIX-_2891d ago (Edited 2891d ago )

and just like that, Nintendo..."Nintendo' d" a game.

They could have just made a open world Zelda game, towns, dungeons, partners...but then again....this is Nintendo so they must find a way to mess it up.

gamerb62891d ago Show
crazyboom2891d ago

They have said many times that there are towns they just aren't showing them today.

gamerb62891d ago

It's a lie. This is just an e3 demo. It's been confirmed that there are towns etc..

-Foxtrot2891d ago (Edited 2891d ago )


Someone told me when I mentioned how lifeless the world looked in the background that...

"Nintendo have removed the towns and other things so they don't spoil anything"

Hopefully this is actually the case

Like I said what is the point of a huge map if you are not going to fill it full of stuff. I could roam for a minute straight on in a game like Skyrim and I'd either find a dungeon, house, ruined house, enemies, a cave, a castle, a village, a city, a random NPC, a small event or a bloody dragon.

gamerb62891d ago Show
-Foxtrot2891d ago

Someone needs their bean flicked

wonderfulmonkeyman2890d ago (Edited 2890d ago )

This article is a lie, on the part of the towns.

At 5:30, they directly state that they just aren't showing the towns on the E3 demo version of the game, that there are towns in the game, and that there will be plenty of NPC's tied into the story.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2890d ago
Casepbx2892d ago (Edited 2892d ago )

This is a lie. There will be towns/villages they just don't want to talk about them yet.

browngamer412892d ago

Yeah I was pretty sure I heard someone mention that they will be talked about at a later date, not sure where this information is coming from..

browngamer412892d ago

In fact here's what Aonuma said in an IGN interview: “I can't share too much about villages because to tell you how the villages work, they're interconnected to the story and overall world.” sounds like towns exist to me..

Moonman2892d ago (Edited 2892d ago )

best comment...thanks!!! CONFIRMED TRUE. They just confirmed towns and NEW PEOPLE to meet...lol

That-Guy2891d ago

Seriously, why have only 3 other people reported this article? It's a clickbait lie.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2891d ago
Lighter92892d ago

He definitely said that Link doesn't have any helpers this time. Of course, Wolf Link was optional once a day using the amiibo.

wonderfulmonkeyman2892d ago

No, I'm pretty sure they said there would be towns, but they wouldn't be shown on the stream to avoid spoilers.

Also, Rupees return in this game, and where would you spend them if not in a town?

So yeah, towns are there.

LOL_WUT2892d ago

Maybe there is towns who knows. My question is why does it look so lifeless? Also where are all the new games? ;)

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2892d ago

Mario Party on 3DS there a new game

wonderfulmonkeyman2892d ago

The plateau is the beginning area, and is one of the wilder parts of the map, apparently.
There will be towns and stuff, but wilderness is the big theme of this game.

Also, they'll be showing other games in a different stream. Day 1 is Zelda all day, IIRC.

Moonman2892d ago

You sound so foolish....lifeless? REALLY?

rjason122892d ago

Because you only watched 2 seconds of the trailer.

Germany72892d ago

LOL_WUT opinions are always: " ;) "

gamerb62891d ago Show
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2891d ago
LOL_WUT2892d ago

@Monkey and Moon

I saw the trailer, and I saw the gameplay, yet it doesn't look any different than their previous showing. The enemies looked so far and in between. Yes I noticed the plateau he was on when they showed off the map. Other than that it looked pretty solid. The ability to climb stuff is cool the more exploration the better ;)

EddieNX 2892d ago

Do you expect? Chaos on a screen where the entire world is just full of moving things? lol!

Moonman2892d ago

What PS4 or Xbox One game has you so hyped? Because it seems like you are in EVERY Zelda article trolling....

BrandanT2892d ago

They said the enemies don't spawn randomly on the map. They live in colonies.

Moonman2892d ago (Edited 2892d ago )

I read the article..."no towns in the traditional sense"..........well I guess in the untraditional sense....lol. Where is Zelda's castle then? I think we better get a better confirmation....

EDIT....rest easy Zelda fans...we have towns with people to meet confirmed....

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Zelda Could Introduce New Features By Bringing Back A Controversial Character

Screen Rant, "The return of one controversial character could have an incredible effect on The Legend of Zelda, prompting the introduction of new features."

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H999d ago

Honestly I really changed my mind on Fi with the remaster because they didn't make her interrupt your gameplay every 5 seconds, that drastically changed my views on her

Inverno98d ago

Technically she's in ToTK but obviously can't take any other form than the sword she was made into. Also the companion feature has been done plenty of times in Zelda, I don't think it'll add anything new. If anything should be brought back it should be the Minish.


Directionless Modern Zelda Should Return to its 3D Roots

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CrimsonIdol129d ago

Amen! A good, tight, Zelda game with a focus on dungeons and puzzles. Let people have the new style Zelda if you gotta, but let us have the OoT style games too. That's not without precedent either, the handheld 2D Zelda's in the style of A Link to the Past etc have coexisted alongside the 3D Zelda's before

FinalFantasyFanatic129d ago

As much as I like BoTW, TotK, I need my traditional Zelda games as well, I could not endlessly play the open world Zelda games, plus it's harder to keep those fresher than the traditional games.

Eidolon129d ago (Edited 129d ago )

BotW was just as fresh to the franchise as OoT was. TokT was great but the next LoZ would have to move from that formula to be fresh again. There's only so much they can do with the hardware. I think they focused too much on making the world big instead impactful. I felt the world was sort of empty and repetitive in TotK, sure there was a lot to do but no more difference a Ubisoft game..

anast129d ago

I wouldn't worry too much. Nintendo knows what they are doing.

Ristul129d ago

Wind Waker had a perfect balance of open world and a cool, well hand-crafted design. Maybe try to keep the open world but put in effort to make more memorable story driven quests and locations.

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Zelda Fan Brings Godzilla to Life in Tears of the Kingdom

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Knightofelemia167d ago

I like it would also be cool if some created Dragon Caesar in the game I would love to watch the two going at it.