
New God of War Finally Announced, and it Looks Awesome in New Trailer

During its press conference at E3, Sony Interactive Entertainment finally announced the next God of War game, coming exclusively for PS4.

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Majin-vegeta2916d ago

As soon as i heard the orchestra It gave me a feeling GOW was coming.Sony already Killed E3!!!

morganfell2916d ago

With one trailer of how a sequel is done they took E3.

Kingthrash3602916d ago

yeah insta-win
this......this is how you do it.
this is by far a win from sony.
we are on the forth game and its still going.....detroit....dam...clo wning

TheRealHeisenberg2916d ago

I never thought this day would come but I actually agree with you. Can't blame it on the alcohol either.

Gazondaily2916d ago

Massive exaggeration there guys come on lol.

Overall I preferred the format to the Xbox show and this looks good but over-estimate nah?

hulk_bash19872916d ago

Super excited for the future of GOW. One of my favorite game characters and gaming series ever. This game needs to come out now. Lol

morganfell2916d ago

Just go Septic, just go. Everyone here knows your agenda. That gameplay owned and it was the beginning of a conference that not even mystical hardware a year and a half away could touch. Goodbye. Sony completely won E3 hands down, no question, without regard, took the cake, first prize, gold star win.

Kingthrash3602916d ago

septic......lmao....just wow.....anyone who says that this wasnt a domination is clearly lying to themselves

game4funz2916d ago

Relax man. Sonys conference was All games... Seriously like I think only 3 different people talked and that was it... All games.

This was a good conference for gamers you can't deny it.

miyamoto2916d ago

One of the best E3 opening I have ever seen!!!
That is how you do it!

morganfell2916d ago


I have the music from all the GoW games and I really want this. Bear McCreary's work sounds incredible.

xHeavYx2916d ago

Lol, you are not even trying now. Sad as usual.

DragonKnight2916d ago

Look, you guys are fooling yourselves if you think Sony's E3 this year was anything special. Last year, Sony destroyed the internet with their show. The reveals were insane. This year, yeah it was games. None of them indies, no business/PR garbage, no focus on Neo, but it was an hour long filled with maybe 3 games of note and the rest was as thrilling as Dragonball Z filler episodes. You all know it. Stop with the blind love. All of the VR games sucked. Yes, even the RE7 gameplay. What the hell was SE thinking with FFXV VR?

And the Kojima art project? WTF was that? Do any of you know what kind of game he is making at all?

Who's happy that in order to get remaasters of Crash Bandicoot, Sony had to showcase Crash in Skylanders? You know that that means that Crash is gone the way of Spyro the Dragon and officially dead right?

Are any of you happy at Sony having to waste time showing off Call of Duty? or Lego Star Wars?

We saw nothing new of The Last Guardian really, but we did get a release date. Yay?

Horizon is looking good. If you like The Witcher 3 with robot dinosaurs. Which, hey, I like how Horizon is pulling it off despite not really liking The Witcher 3.

Insomniac is making Spiderman. Definitely a multiplat otherwise Sucker Punch should have been the ones to make it. They DO make open world superhero games afterall.

Honestly. Explain to me how Sony's conference blew it out of the water. God of War looks AMAZING, no doubt. But it's just ONE game. Nothing else had near the same hype as last year, and you're all talking about how no other conference compares and Sony won.

Newsflash: E3 this year was awful. It's very clear that these studios are scaling way back on their E3 presentations in favour of their own shows. This is why there is probably going to be another PSX, and you'd better hope that it's not filled with all the business/PR and indie garbage they didn't put in their E3 show, because it looks like it will be. They need to talk about that stuff somewhere, and judging by last year's PSX you can bet it'll be there.

morganfell2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

Wow the burn and soreness is real. A wall of text for which no one cares. I don't recall a lot of bowhuntilng in The Witcher either. It must really hurt to see Sony destroy E3. Go away, everyone else is laughing at you and your opinion.

And no, no no. SpiderMan is a PS4 exclusive:


freshslicepizza2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

well i guess we have just over a year to talk about graphics.

DragonKnight is right, you guys are acting overboard here. the show was pretty good, not great. microsoft's show was worse due to so many leaks and no real investment into new ip's other than sea of thieves. which is why sony continues to get more respect and rightfully so, at least they take more chances even if most of them never amount to franchises.

we are seeing the same things every generation which is why there is so much hype over vr. people want new experiences but all we get are the same old franchises rehashed. with vr most might be new but they are filler games until the userbase warrants bigger investments. thats just how the business goes with peripherals.

and let's be honest here, those who blindly support sony already knew this years e3 was going to sony. just like the games the forums have also become far too predictable.

Realms2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

@ Septic

Sure people are exaggerating right, GOW, Horizon, Days Gone, Spider Man, TLG, games stacked on top of more games but surely the scorpio's power should get every MS fanboy hyped right because they announced so many games for a system that won't be out for another year and half. LOL

AngelicIceDiamond2916d ago

Here we go with one game kills all again, yall do this every single year. One game doesn't end everything like yall would like enough with the hyperbole. But this trailer was extremely impressive it looked like nothing what I was imagining. The tone, the vibe is way different. Imo this is how you introduce sequels this looks almost nothing like the past games and I mean that in the best possible way.

nX2916d ago

^Lmao the Xbot fraction has officially reached a new low, you guys are a sorry bunch spewing your BS in here.

OT: Can't wait to play Kratos again, this is going to be another epic journey.

Ben Dover2916d ago


"Insomniac is making Spiderman. Definitely a multiplat otherwise Sucker Punch should have been the ones to make it. They DO make open world superhero games afterall. "

Nope it's a PS4 exclusive. OUCH! You just got owned to the floor. Someone seems very salty from a conference.

DragonKnight2916d ago

@morganfell and bendover: Both of you say some really stupid things. Guess what, I only own a PS4. What reason would I have to feel "salty" about Sony's conference? It sucked. I expect more from Sony, instead there were maybe 3 games of note.

@morganfell specifically: Oh wow, you sure got me with the bow hunting. Yep. Bow hunting means that Horizon doesn't look heavily inspired by The Witcher 3. Never mind the facial animations, the map, pretty much everything. No, bow hunting is a HUGE distinction.

@bendover specifically: My bad on the exclusivity, but you're still a child.

Sony's conference was immensely underwhelming. Everyone knows it, no one wants to admit it because you all think you lose your Sony cred by criticizing them. The show felt like it was over way too quickly and the majority of the games were boring and you know it.

Compare last year to this year and then try to say with a straight face that Sony "killed it" at E3 this year.

morganfell2916d ago

I have never seen someone so desperate in all my life. Bowhunting is only the tip of the iceberg in what makes these titles different.

You must really be smarting to spend so much time writing about something that doesn't impress you. Actually it impressed you a lot but fanboyism and fear are driving you to the keyboard in a transparent attempt to deny it. Go ahead and disclaim it but everyone, EVERYONE here knows by your actions what is motivating you. Say what you want but your actions define you and make evident everything that is true.

DragonKnight2916d ago

@morganfail: You've been here long enough to know who I am and thus know better than to try accusing me of what you just did. Exactly what am I a fanboy of? Xbox? I've never owned a Microsoft console in my life. Throw out baseless accusations all you want, but if you put on your comment historian hat for a sec and look through my history, then you'll be able to see that you're the blind fanboy.

A game being heavily inspired by another game, which is DEFINITELY the case with Horizon and TW3 and only someone clinically or willfully blind couldn't see it, is not a bad thing. By all accounts (except mine) TW3 is a fantastic game (I disagree), so what is your problem?

Stop being a tool.

freshslicepizza2916d ago

"EVERYONE here knows by your actions what is motivating you."

lol, they are even turning on each other.

Gazondaily2915d ago (Edited 2915d ago )


Dunno what show you guys were watching. God of War was great but what's this forced proclamation of an incredible Sony E3???

And LOL at you guys accusing DragonKnight of being a MS fanboy 😂

Anyway, no point speaking sense here to you lot lol

morganfell2915d ago (Edited 2915d ago )

Try harder Septic. Including commenting on very old articles because you went and looked up my posts. You went and remarked in a days old thread that had nothing to do with you. All because I called you what you were for spewing jealousy in PS articles. You are really are desperate. Sony really stung you and your actions over the past 12 hours show it ha ha. Truly funny watching you squirm. Run along know. There are more great PS articles in which you can go be bitter.

nveenio2915d ago

Yeah, when they started playing, I looked over at my oldest son and said, "They're going to open with God of War." And sure enough, they did. And they just kept it hot the whole way through. It's pretty amazing when Final Fantasy is the worst thing at a conference.

DragonKnight2915d ago

@morganfail: And I'm still here waiting for you to tell me what I'm a fanboy of. Sony's conference was not pure fail, but it was mediocre. I laugh at the fact that when Xbox fans like Septic make opinion pieces saying that MS' conference was mediocre, everyone agrees. When I, a Playstation fan, say that Sony's conference was mediocre, I am called a fanboy while you literally live in denial. And you're not the only one that does this. It is a symptom of the Sony fanbase. You all have lost the ability to think critically, to spot where Sony goes wrong and point it out. That's why Sony is now complacent. They know they don't have to do anything.

Why bother giving features people want when people like you think a single game wins an entire expo?
Why bother with showcasing games actually close to release when you have people like you who think the terrible VR showing is a megaton?

I mean, you probably think that $400 for PSVR is cheap. But that's after being willfully ignorant of the fact that if you want the REAL PSVR experience, you're looking at a minimum cost of $1000 when you have to buy Neo, PSVR, and the accessories for the real experience. Oh that's a deal right? Oculus Rift is a ripoff, but PSVR is a steal right?

Too many of you need to get your collective heads out of Sony's rear end, choke on the methane coming from their flatulence, and realize that Sony is just as fallible as Microsoft and Nintendo. They've been proving it to you this gen over and over.

morganfell2915d ago (Edited 2915d ago )

You dk, are woefully mistaken. You erringly think all the people like me that thought Sony did a great job must have our heads up their rears in blind worship to them. They made some missteps but oerall their presentation was a bomb drop. But I and many people are not cynics who wish to sit around and focus on what they did wrong. Not when the over all effect was a overwhelmingly positive. Look at the reviews on the conference. You are in the minority.

Quite simply you are wrong. Period. Blindly wrong. It never crossed your narrow mind that we actually liked and applaud what they have done. We found the games stunning, their VR focus spot on, their touch of retro just right. Do all of the publications discussing Sony's strong show also have their heads up Sony's rear too? Do not bother answering. The fact you have to resort to such childish and adolescent euphemisms not only demonstrates your lack of maturity but it also reveals your petty anger and desperation.

You act as if we cannot be objective because we think Sony laid the smack down. We can. But since we choose not to agree with your coming here to piss on people celebrating gaming then we are all blind fanboys, right? Your actions in and of themselves scream "Look at me! My opinion matters!" There is a name for such persons.

Really you are the one who is blind, a slave to your own opinion, which doesn't matter in the least. If it doesn't why am I replying? Someone has to swat picnic flies.

DragonKnight2915d ago

@morganfail: I love how when you're proven wrong and get backed into a corner, you completely change your original argument. You are a living, breathing logical fallacy.

morganfell2915d ago

I am not wrong. The trailer alone buried anything anyone else presented. With that opening salvo Sony took E3 and continued to drive home its victory with every following reveal.

I am not wrong. You resorted to adolescent insults. When all else fails, scream and call people names.

I am not wrong. Although Sony made some small errors they do not bear worth mentioning in light of the overwhelming show they presented. Just look at the accolades from sites and publications. Some of us love gaming and spend time actually enjoying our hobby instead of constantly focusing on the negative. A small negative, which without a nationwide or worldwide campaign we cannot alter. It is called focusing one's efforts. Maturity allows this. Excuse me but I am off to discuss and enjoy my hobby. Unlike some, I didn't spend all of this time and money to be angry.

DragonKnight2915d ago

@morganfail: Hahaha, listen to yourself. "I am not wrong" Yeah, you are.

You are wrong. While GoW was amazing, Sony blew their load immediately. GoW was their biggest reveal and they showed it right away. That's poor planning and stunted the rest of the show as nothing, I mean NOTHING, compared to GoW in Sony's show afterwards.

You are wrong. "Burn," "soreness," "desperate," "fanboy (still waiting for you to tell me what I'm a fanboy of)," these are some of the things you've been spouting off. Stones and glass houses bud.

You are wrong. Sony could publish a literal turd. With their logo you and the "press" would proclaim it the most glorious turd in all existence because you've lost the ability to think critically. Sony can do no wrong in your blinded eyes and for proof of this, go to youtube, type in FFVIIR E3 reaction or Shenmue 3 E3 reaction and watch as NOTHING like the videos you will see are also applicable to Sony's E3 this year after GoW. Discuss a hobby all you want, but with such low standards you will be to blame for the continued degradation of that hobby.

Tool on morganfail, tool on.

morganfell2914d ago (Edited 2914d ago )


There is you and a few haters and then there is everyone else that is awarding Sony the best conference. Nothing you can do about that except cry. You can't change the facts.

Plenty of us, the majority thought Sony kept pounding one hit after another. God of War kicked it off AS I STATED IN MY INITIAL POST and they kept up the pace. Days Gone is incredible and you can't change that either. Boo hoo.

My saying you are desperate, when you actions demonstrate exactly that, are common observation. You are the one that felt the need to reduce yourself to 3rd grade name calling. So you get the stone and the glass house all to your self.

Now you wish to reach back to last year and have me perform searches in order to deny that Sony won this year. Ha ha ha how laughable. No. Just no.

That blade of grasp to which you are clinging is beginning to come out at the roots and it is obvious.

Of course now "The Press" is wrong and you are right? The majority are wrong? There is a clinical term for such a viewpoint.

Look, you hated it. Just go cry in the corner. But go cry in the corner. Plenty of us, most, loved the conference and we do not need someone coming into a party of celebration and screaming in the middle of the room for someone to pay attention to them and then calling people infantile names and using your newly discovered vulgar vernacular to attack persons who think nothing of your opinion or your caterwauling.

The majority of us loved the conference, the majority of sites and ":The Press" are giving Sony top dog honors. No amount of attempts to have other people do internet searches to prove your invalid point will change that truth. We received what we wanted, a winning Sony Presser and you were given the booby prize. Too bad, so sad. I feel no pity for you and you cynical attitude. Apparently you couldn't go be angry alone but feel the need to inflict you hateful opinion on people celebrating. As if we care other than to shake out heads.

I actually feel sorry for people like you who apparently do not know how to celebrate gaming. Sony's conference wasn't perfect as I stated, but the small quibbles were nothing compared to the knockout they delivered. I can be objective too. I just don't feel the need to sling mud in the middle of a dance.

+ Show (27) more repliesLast reply 2914d ago
2916d ago Replies(1)
-Foxtrot2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )


Is this a Nordic retelling

His son is alive? Or is that not Kratos


kneon2916d ago

I think it's Kratos but not a retelling. It wouldn't make sense to have a Spartan Rage ability if it were a retelling set in Norse Mythology. Maybe he got fed up with Greece and just started walking north.

sinjonezp2916d ago

It's kratos....notice his reluctance to get close to the boy at the end of the play through ....he has memories

Kingthrash3602916d ago

it maybe kratos left greese....i dunno.....what i do know...gamergazims aplety

ChipChipperson2916d ago

I wonder, if you remember the ending in God of War 3, it was signifying his "freedom" from the Gods, and he gets his "second chance" at life where he makes his way up North, you can almost make out the imprints from the Blades of Chaos on his forearms. Obviously, I'm just speculating, but this definitely really caught my interest now. I'm really curious what the backstory for this will be, is it continuing from 3, is it an "alternate" timeline, etc. I hope we get more info on this really soon.

viperman2402916d ago

It's the kratos we know and love, just look at the thumbnail picture, he has the scar from being stabbed by Zeus.

rainslacker2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

It actually didn't sound like Kratos. Although it's been a while since I heard him, and he was mostly speaking more normally instead of just being pissed off half the time. I thought it was Christopher Judge voicing him, because every time he talked I heard Teal'c from Stargate. Maybe it's just my imagination though, but my friend watching it with me thought the same thing.

I think it's supposed to be the same Kratos in design, and maybe even in story elements, ie...the same guy, but not sure if it's him directly or some reincarnation, or will have some mystical reason why he's now fighting in northern Europe.

Ceaser98573612916d ago

from the game director himself

GOD OF WAR 4 information
Below you can read a recap of what God of War Director Cory Barlog shared:
1.The gameplay is being re-imagined, but the storyline is being continued within Norse Mythology.
2.We play as Kratos for the whole game.
3.The game is set “many years aftr God of War 3
4.It’s a much more intimate and player-controlled experience.
5.The accessibility should be the same as previous game, but the gameplay is totally different.
6.It’s a big game, but it’s not an open world.
7.“More to come” on more characters that will be included in the game.
8.The game will be released “soon,” not this year.
9.Quicktime Events won’t be included in the same way they were in the previous games.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2916d ago
Sunny_D2916d ago

Wow this, Days gone and Spiderman solidified Sony as the winner for me.

solideagle2916d ago

My one of the favourite games of all time is going in new direction, really excited.

Shubhendu_Singh2916d ago

Sony...just amazing job.

I LOVED how they're approaching God of War. Seriously, Amazing job.
They showed terrific Horizon demo, Tons of new IP, also DAYS GONE with gameplay and made me interested again for Detroit.
Sony won E3 again.

magiciandude2916d ago

This game is going to be amazing on the Neo!

Germany72916d ago

Hi magiciandude, i already told that you should use an avatar of an exclusive character of Xbox, but looks like Xbox don't have any exclusives anymore.

We forgive you.

Eiyuuou2916d ago




NecoTehSergal2916d ago

When I heard the orchestra, I was getting 3 vibes, Demon's Souls, Final Fantasy and God of War, was glad to see I hit the mark on my guess by just the chorus alone XD

Darrius Cole2916d ago

Dear Odin,

One of your dumbass children is going to attempt to kill that boy. YOU MUST PREVENT THIS AT ALL COST. It'll probably be Loki; he is always trying to start trouble for the fun of it, but he doesn't want the kind of trouble that Kratos brings. He thinks he does; but believe me, he doesn't and neither do you or your kingdom for that matter. This message is a vital warning. Don't let anybody do any dumb sh## where Kratos is involved. Let Kratos stay in the woods with his son hunting dear and trolls.

victorMaje2916d ago

Wasn't sure at first, but then it became unmistakable, a new GOW was coming & then that trailer, he appeared & I knew, Sony killed it, burned it, maimed, dismembered & buried it!!!

nub_cakes1012916d ago

@septic Sony had a better conference, get over it

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2914d ago
Concertoine2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

Love the nordic take and the game looks beautiful but i'm just not sure if the new camera angle is doing the combat any favors.

Edit: Also the live music is very impressive.

Sunny_D2916d ago

It reminded me of TLOU especially with how Kratos? Ran.

2916d ago Replies(1)
game4funz2916d ago

I actually got a pirates of the Carrigan vibe from it at first lol

Fin_The_Human2916d ago

I got a lot of TLoU vibe from the trailer.

Could be a good thing but seeing Kratos so calm just does not feel right .

Also the new voice actor will take some getting use to.

TFJWM2916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

Calm...I guess you didn't notice how hard it was for him to control his rage

Fin_The_Human2916d ago

Lol I did notice.

Just that the old Kratos took no cr@p from anyone and would scare his foes with just pure anger.

The game will be great regardless.

trouble_bubble2916d ago

It sounds like TC Carson to me, Kratos' usual VA, just trying to sound deeper/older. It's him. David Hayter did the same thing playing Old Snake in MGS4.

Kratos isn't all calm, he nearly loses it after his boy shoots too early. He's not gonna eviscerate him though lol, it's his kid. He gets Spartan rage soon enough on that ice cliff

nub_cakes1012916d ago

I really like that you can adjust the camera this time

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2916d ago
Lightning Mr Bubbles2916d ago

OMG, God of War is finally a true AAA game. Not just a generic hack n slash. I might actually get into the franchise now. Also, it looks like God of War meets The Last of US.

nub_cakes1012916d ago

Agreed, I always thought God of War was strictly 'good', not great. This new one looks freaking amazing

Movefasta19932916d ago (Edited 2916d ago )

It looks incredible, but i don't know why they got rid of the fast,zoomed out hack and slash combo,air combo gameplay.But man it looks...amazing. The gameplay looks like hellblade then old school gow.

Strange_Evil2916d ago

The made the camera movement available which is huge! GOW games are always beautiful but the static camera sometimes made you wish you can move it. I love this new direction! If previous GOW games are to go by, this is gonna be AMAZING

Name Last Name2916d ago

Kratos is too old for that kind of air hack and slash gameplay.

Movefasta19932916d ago

that makes sense,maybe his son will be as wild as his father was with the combos.

WeedyOne2916d ago

Its possible he could get his chain blades sometime later in the game and this is just an intro scene with a camera angle meant to be more cinematic to introduce you to the game.

IIFloodyII2916d ago

Old man Kratos can't do it anymore. I do wonder where the Blades of Chaos are though, they aren't really something you just leave lying around somewhere, maybe he'll get them and be more mobile.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2916d ago
Bathyj2916d ago


Im watching this at work with no sound and I missed the beginning and didn't know what I was watching. I thought that guy looks a bit like Kratos, could it be?

I had no interest in another God of War, now Im tingling. Great new direction, the series desperately needed it to remain relevant. Looks like a winner.

Sunny_D2916d ago

Distant cousin? Alternate timeline?

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Sony's PlayStation 4 is home to a number of great exclusives, here we take a look at the ten best ones available for gamers right now.

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Someone drew Mega Man in the God of War style and it's the Norse reboot you didn't know you needed

Every now and again a video game reboot comes along that completely changes how you feel about its characters, message, and the overall franchise. For many people that was God of War, when creative director Cory Barlog reimagined it in the Norse world. Now this might sound ridiculous, but the next candidate could very well be Megaman. Yes, seriously. Artist Marco Plouffe drew the bright blue hero as if he has been brought up in the harsh world of furs, ale, and gods that are a bit too enthusiastic about killing each other and giving birth to giant serpents.

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Nacho_Z1856d ago

Hats off for the quality of the picture but it's just shaved Kratos with a helmet. Should be blue surely.

Asuka1856d ago (Edited 1856d ago )

His concept is blue in the article. The thumbnail is actually protoman I believe... or judge dredd who knows

yomfweeee1856d ago

No, the thumbnail is Mega Man in GoW. There is also a Mega Man Dark Souls and Mega Man Alien variant.

Asuka1856d ago (Edited 1856d ago )


It's clearly protoman's helmet tho...

CorndogBurglar1856d ago

You are right. The artist's page shows he has a bunch of projects called "Mega Man in...." where he takes characters from Mega Man and fits them in to other franchises.

This project is called Mega Man in God of War, but this is totally Proto Man. It even says it on his page.

devind1856d ago

@yomfweeee The Dark Souls one is not Megaman.

Zeke681856d ago

While this was a great article and concept, I think this "wow let's copy god of war" "wow let's copy battle royal" "let's copy soulsbourne" or whatever is more bad than good for the gaming industry. Why not take, in this example God Of War "style", but put it in let say a middle east setting?
I understand small studios (and ea ms studios) wants to copy everything under the sun, but if you can't come up with your own ideas, why have a studio to begin with?

TLDR; be unique - not a rip off from yesteryear

Zeke681856d ago

Sad to see out 6votes 1 like new, fresh ideas and 5 want another copy and paste game.
No wonder we get a zillion Battle Royal games but not one shooter thinking outside the BR, MT's, multiplayer formula. Why bother do something new and exciting when "the masses" is happy with clone after clone?! I still have hope some unheard of studio is building away on their own unique game like minecraft, pubg, demons souls did back in their beginning. Rather play something new now and then instead of Assassins Creed #57, Need For Speed #326 or battle royal #1057...
Seems I'm in minority here thinking like this. 😩🤔

AK911856d ago

Um no I’m good thanks.

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DrumBeat1878d ago

Look out, Father! Shut it, boy!

He was definitely annoying in combat.