
Scalebound Multipalyer Gameplay

SCALEBOUND E3 GAMEPLAY TRAILER. Check out the first multiplayer co-op gameplay footage from Scalebound, the next great adventure from critically-acclaimed developer, Rare.

DigitalRaptor2913d ago (Edited 2913d ago )

And everything was Windows 10.

Scalebound's concept and scale (pardon the pun) alone is cool. However, its seriously annoying, obnoxious and badly designed protagonist just ruins it for me. Terrible, terrible voice acting as well.

pompombrum2913d ago

And the heapdhones... why, why are they there? That plus the voice actor completely puts me off playing the game.

nX2913d ago (Edited 2913d ago )

I could only play this game muted, it's beyond me how someone can come up with such an annoying character. And that cringy music, they can't be serious.
Reminds me why I always hated Platinum games despite their good gameplay.

AngelicIceDiamond2913d ago (Edited 2913d ago )

I been waiting for a game like this for a while. Protagonist aside I pay attention to the gameplay of things I was already sold last year so this is day one for me.

EDIT: That's right let the saltiness sink in, as far as I'm concerned there won't be any childish chest beating with the newer consoles now.

TXIDarkAvenger2913d ago

Reminded me of Dante from the reboot. So annoying but the game does look amazing so hopefully I can look past that.

Concertoine2913d ago

I was wondering if this might be Kamiya's jab at new Dante. Both characters have basically the same hairstyle, wear a muscle shirt (although this guy wears a jacket) and exude douchery.

I think they could pull it off if they made him ironically douchey and not just annoying.

Genuine-User2913d ago (Edited 2913d ago )

I don't want to be a debbie downer but this game looks terrible, in my opinion.

poppinslops2913d ago

Holy moly - That's what I wanted to see!!!
Platinum have gone hog-wild with this one... the size of that beast, the arena, the flippin' dragon-riding!

Sold, sold, SOLD!!!

DragonDDark2913d ago

That was a cringe fest. Not gonna lie.

ReesesPuffs2913d ago

The main character was driving me crazy. I'd have to play this game muted if I ever bought it.

DigitalRaptor2913d ago (Edited 2913d ago )

Completely cringeworthy.

I'm sorry Kamiya, but for the love of what it's worth, re-design and re-think this protagonist. I find it odd seeing people praising this game after that demonstration, but "opinions" and such. The gameplay I guess looks cool enough, but the attitude and vibe that the main character gives off is just goes right through me.

jb2272913d ago

Haha was it just me or did Kamiya seem more pissed than ever? Not sure if that dude is just perpetually annoyed or if he dislikes his MS partnership in particular (he did have some choice words for them before Gamesom last year) but he just seemed extremely nonplussed.

I know the games are pretty vastly different, but the similarities they share in tone makes me think that Scalebound oughta not try to go up against Horizon at the top of the year because I think Horizon will blow it away in a lot of areas.

Z5012913d ago

Is there a stfu voice option?

Der_Kommandant2913d ago

Can't stand the main character. he's like the more annoying protagonist ever.

noksucow732913d ago

Agreed. Reminds me of how Americans were portrayed in Rumble in the Bronx with Jackie Chan

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Forget about Scalebound and Bayonetta 3, Platinum should be working on a Vanquish sequel

Why this criminally underrated shooter should share the spotlight with Platinum’s finest.

ZeekQuattro844d ago

They should be working to getting games out on a timely matter not adding more games to the pile. I used to be a big fan of Platinum but their game turn out rate is atrocious these days. The games I want are no where to be seen and what is releasing is retro looking games no one asked for. I'm all for retro style games but not at the cost of bigger games sitting on the back burner for years at a time.

MIDGETonSTILTS17843d ago

Obvs…. Vanquish is da bomb 🤙


Scalebound Deserves A Second Chance

PlatinumGames wants to bring Scalebound back, and Microsoft should listen.

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Sciurus_vulgaris844d ago

“Excitement” and “interest” in Scalebound seemed to only occur after it was canceled… However, IO interactive is rumoured to be developing a game involving Dragons for Xbox Studios. So maybe IO Interactive’s title could be branded as Scalebound.

Bathyj843d ago

I agree. The game looked terrible. People only got upset because it's cancellation was a dig at Microsoft but I was with them on this one. Better to cancel a game then release a bad one. Then again someone might have liked it. I don't speak for everyone.

Kados843d ago (Edited 843d ago )

Personally was looking forward to it prior to cancellation. It looked a little rough/janky, but it was still very early in development, so i figured it would improve before launch.

Orpheo843d ago

I think the cancellation was a smart move. The main character looks cool, like Nero from "Devil May Cry 4," but the gameplay looked so boring I was yawning.

843d ago
phoenixwing843d ago

I like platinum as a dev but let's be honest they were doing their low tier work on the game which they're notorious for. They'll either do S tier perfection work or they'll do whatever to just get by for the contract they have. Maybe that's changed but they were doing low tier for microsoft and microsoft called them out on it and cancelled the project. I don't blame microsoft one bit for doing that. It was basically a whatever project for platinum while they worked on the other game at the time, i forget which one it was but it was just miles better.

MadLad843d ago

Microsoft already owns the IP, has the design docs, and has a playable build. Hand the project off to an internal team or another 3rd party.
Why give a second chance to a team that phoned in development and filtered their funds into other projects?

I like Platinum, but their management can be really shady.

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Bringing Scalebound to Xbox Series X Would Remedy One Big Xbox One Gen Mistake

PlatinumGames seems ready to finish Scalebound, and if Microsoft follows through with them, it would be a big boon for the Xbox Series X gen.

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darthv72846d ago

If MS wants to finish it, they dont need PG to do it. They have plenty of other talent now vs before.

846d ago
846d ago Replies(4)
moriarty1889846d ago

Makemit happen MS. You need a game like this as badly as you needed it last gen. Let’s see if they actually care enough to follow through.

846d ago
moriarty1889846d ago

Something other than Halo, Forza or Gears……..that’s what.

TravsVoid846d ago (Edited 846d ago )

You couldn't pay me to ever play another Halo, Forza or Gears. Those games were so uninteresting last gen for me I don't know if I will ever get another Xbox (sold my One X) even though I prefer their controller and console features over my PS5. I actually bought a Xbox One even though I already had a PS4 expecting Scalebound and Sea of Thieves to be amazing and we all know how that turned out.

anast846d ago

This will be the blockbuster they are looking for...

846d ago
Terry_B846d ago

Should have been a launch Title.

846d ago
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